
Nuremberg Trials


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Nuremberg Trials


NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
Francis Biddle Government 9-May-1886 4-Oct-1968 US Attorney General, 1941-45
Martin Bormann Government 17-Jun-1900 2-May-1945 Adolf Hitler's adjutant
Thomas J. Dodd Politician 15-May-1907 24-May-1971 US Senator from Connecticut, 1958-71
Karl Doenitz Military 16-Sep-1891 2-Dec-1980 U-Boat admiral
Hans Frank Military 23-May-1900 16-Oct-1946 Nazi King of Poland
Wilhelm Frick Government 12-Mar-1877 16-Oct-1946 Authored the Nuremberg Laws
Hans Fritzsche Government 21-Apr-1900 27-Sep-1953 Reich minister of radio propaganda
Walther Funk Government 18-Aug-1890 31-May-1960 Reich economic minister
Hermann Goering Military 12-Jan-1893 15-Oct-1946 Founder of the Gestapo
Franz Halder Military 30-Jun-1884 2-Apr-1972 Nazi general
Rudolf Hess Government 26-Apr-1894 17-Jul-1987 Deputy Fuhrer flew unauthorized to Scotland
Robert H. Jackson Judge 13-Feb-1892 9-Oct-1954 US Supreme Court Justice, 1941-54
Alfred Jodl Military 10-May-1890 16-Oct-1946 Signed Germany's unconditional WWII surrender
Ernst Kaltenbrunner Military 4-Oct-1903 16-Oct-1946 Commanded the Reich Central Security Office
Wilhelm Keitel Military 22-Sep-1882 16-Oct-1946 Just following orders
Alfried Krupp Business 13-Aug-1907 30-Jul-1967 Nazi munitions maker, convicted war criminal
Gustav Krupp Business 7-Aug-1870 16-Jan-1950 Industrialist, Nazi war criminal
Hans Heinrich Lammers Government 27-May-1879 4-Jan-1962 Chief of the Reich Chancellery
Robert Ley Military 15-Feb-1890 25-Oct-1945 Nazi union buster, slave master
Friedrich Paulus Military 23-Sep-1890 1-Feb-1957 Surrendered to Russians at Stalingrad
Erich Raeder Military 24-Apr-1876 6-Nov-1960 Reich Admiral
Alfred Rosenberg Politician 12-Jan-1893 16-Oct-1946 Nazi Minister for Occupied Territories
Fritz Sauckel Military 27-Oct-1894 16-Oct-1946 Reich slavemaster
Hjalmar Schacht Government 22-Jan-1877 3-Jun-1970 Reich Minister of Economics
Arthur Seyss-Inquart Government 22-Jul-1892 16-Oct-1946 Reich Commissar of Austria, Netherlands
Albert Speer Architect 19-Mar-1905 1-Sep-1981 Hitler's architect
Julius Streicher Journalist 12-Feb-1885 16-Oct-1946 Editor of Der Stuermer 1923-45
Werner von Blomberg Military 2-Sep-1878 22-Mar-1946 Nazi general, married a whore
Walther von Brauchitsch Military 4-Oct-1881 18-Oct-1948 Nazi general, failed to capture Moscow
Lutz Schwerin von Krosigk Head of State 22-Aug-1887 4-Mar-1977 German Chancellor, 1945
Erich von Manstein Military 24-Nov-1887 10-Jun-1973 Nazi general
Konstantin von Neurath Diplomat 2-Feb-1873 15-Aug-1956 Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs
Franz von Papen Diplomat 29-Oct-1879 2-May-1969 Nazi ambassador
Joachim von Ribbentrop Diplomat 30-Apr-1893 16-Oct-1946 Reich Foreign Minister
Gerd von Rundstedt Military 12-Dec-1875 24-Feb-1953 German Field Marshall
Baldur von Schirach Government 9-Mar-1907 8-Aug-1974 Hitler-Jugend, Gauleiter of Vienna
Francis Parker Yockey Author 18-Sep-1917 16-Jun-1960 Imperium

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