Occupation: Columnist
- ️Wed Dec 17 2008
Occupation: Columnist
Name | Occupation | Birth | Death | Known for |
Ahmad Abbas | Novelist | 7-Jun-1914 | 1-Jun-1987 | The Last Page |
Cecil Adams | Columnist | ? | The Straight Dope | |
Franklin Pierce Adams | Columnist | 15-Nov-1881 | 23-Mar-1960 | New York columnist, The Conning Tower |
George Ade | Author | 9-Feb-1866 | 16-May-1944 | Fables in Slang |
Larry Adler | Musician | 10-Feb-1914 | 6-Aug-2001 | Mouth organ virtuoso |
Mitch Albom | Novelist | 23-May-1958 | Tuesdays with Morrie | |
Jonathan Alter | Columnist | 6-Oct-1957 | Newsweek Senior Editor | |
Eric Alterman | Columnist | 14-Jan-1960 | The Nation columnist | |
Jack Anderson | Columnist | 19-Oct-1922 | 17-Dec-2005 | Uncovered CIA plot to kill Fidel Castro |
Army Archerd | Columnist | 13-Jan-1922 | 8-Sep-2009 | Variety's gossip columnist |
Gustavo Arellano | Journalist | 3-Feb-1979 | �Ask a Mexican! | |
Bill Arp | Columnist | 15-Jun-1826 | 24-Aug-1903 | Columnist for Atlanta Constitution |
Ken Auletta | Columnist | 23-Apr-1942 | Media Columnist | |
Jed Babbin | Columnist | c. 1948 | Human Events | |
Russell Baker | Author | 14-Aug-1925 | Growing Up | |
Fred Barnes | TV Personality | c. 1943 | Fox News regular | |
Rona Barrett | Columnist | 8-Oct-1936 | Entertainment gossip columnist | |
Alex Barris | TV Personality | 16-Sep-1922 | 15-Jan-2004 | Canadian TV star from the '50s and '60s |
Dave Barry | Columnist | 3-Jul-1947 | Dave Barry's Guide to Life | |
Bruce Bartlett | Government | 11-Oct-1951 | Conservative pundit | |
Peter Beinart | Columnist | 1971 | Washington Post columnist | |
John Berlau | Columnist | c. 1972 | Competitive Enterprise Institute | |
Stanley Bing | Columnist | 20-May-1951 | Columnist for Fortune | |
Jeffrey H. Birnbaum | Columnist | c. 1955 | K Street Confidential | |
Mark Bittman | Chef | c. 1950 | The Minimalist | |
Tony Blankley | Pundit | 21-Jan-1948 | 7-Jan-2012 | McLaughlin Group pundit |
Charles M. Blow | Columnist | ? | New York Times Op-Ed columnist | |
Erma Bombeck | Columnist | 21-Feb-1927 | 22-Apr-1996 | The Grass is Always Greener |
Max Boot | Columnist | 1969 | Conservative pundit | |
Tom Braden | Columnist | 22-Feb-1917 | 3-Apr-2009 | Crossfire, Eight Is Enough |
Barbara Taylor Bradford | Novelist | 5-May-1933 | Emma Harte saga | |
Tom Brazaitis | Columnist | 8-Aug-1940 | 30-Mar-2005 | Cleveland Plain Dealer columnist |
Andrew Breitbart | Columnist | 1-Feb-1969 | 1-Mar-2012 | Washington Times columnist |
Jimmy Breslin | Columnist | 17-Oct-1930 | The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight | |
Susie Bright | Columnist | 25-Mar-1958 | Sexpert, porn critic | |
David Broder | Journalist | 11-Sep-1929 | 9-Mar-2011 | Washington Post reporter |
Charlie Brooker | TV Personality | 3-Mar-1971 | British satirist, Screenwipe | |
David Brooks | Columnist | 11-Aug-1961 | Shields and Brooks | |
Ron Brownstein | Columnist | 6-Apr-1958 | The Los Angeles Times | |
Tammy Bruce | Radio Personality | 19-Aug-1962 | Right-wing radio pundit, columnist | |
Pat Buchanan | Columnist | 2-Nov-1938 | Crossfire | |
Art Buchwald | Columnist | 20-Oct-1925 | 17-Jan-2007 | Syndicated columnist and humorist |
William F. Buckley | Columnist | 24-Nov-1925 | 27-Feb-2008 | National Review |
Stu Bykofsky | Columnist | c. 1941 | Philadelphia Daily News | |
Herb Caen | Columnist | 3-Apr-1916 | 1-Feb-1997 | Long running San Francisco columnist |
Margaret Carlson | Columnist | c. 1944 | Time columnist | |
Tucker Carlson | Pundit | 16-May-1969 | Conservative pundit on Fox News | |
Howie Carr | Columnist | 17-Jan-1952 | Boston Herald columnist, talk-radio host | |
Jonathan Chait | Journalist | 1972 | Senior Editor, The New Republic | |
Alexander Cockburn | Columnist | 6-Jun-1941 | 20-Jul-2012 | The Nation, CounterPunch |
Claudia Cohen | Columnist | 16-Dec-1950 | 15-Jun-2007 | Gossip columnist |
Richard Cohen | Columnist | 1941 | Washington Post columnist | |
Charles Cook | Publisher | ? | Cook Political Report | |
David Corn | Columnist | Feb-1959 | Washington editor of The Nation | |
Jay Cost | Columnist | 1978 | Spoiled Rotten | |
Craig Crawford | Columnist | 1956 | Congressional Quarterly columnist | |
Stanley Crouch | Columnist | 14-Dec-1945 | Jazz critic | |
Ross Douthat | Columnist | 28-Nov-1979 | New York Times columnist | |
Maureen Dowd | Columnist | 14-Jan-1952 | New York Times columnist | |
Pete du Pont | Politician | 22-Jan-1935 | Governor of Delaware, 1977-85 | |
John Dvorak | Columnist | 1952 | Crusty Geek PC Magazine Columnist | |
Bruce Eckel | Computer Programmer | 8-Jul-1957 | Thinking in Java | |
Barbara Ehrenreich | Author | 26-Aug-1941 | Nickel and Dimed | |
Larry Elder | Radio Personality | 27-Apr-1952 | Republitarian radio talk show host | |
Bonnie Erbe | TV Personality | ? | Host of To the Contrary | |
Susan Estrich | Pundit | 16-Dec-1952 | Fox News liberal | |
Rowland Evans | Columnist | 28-Apr-1921 | 23-Mar-2001 | Evans and Novak |
Bruce Fein | Government | c. 1947 | Former Reagan lawyer | |
Rebecca Latimer Felton | Politician | 10-Jun-1835 | 24-Jan-1930 | First female in the US Senate |
Andrew Ferguson | Journalist | ? | Senior Editor, The Weekly Standard | |
Garance Franke-Ruta | Columnist | c. 1975 | Senior Editor, The American Prospect | |
Dan Frisa | Politician | 27-Apr-1955 | Congressman from New York, 1995-97 | |
Dan Froomkin | Columnist | c. 1963 | Huffington Post writer and media critic | |
David Frum | Pundit | 30-Jun-1960 | Coined "Axis of Evil" | |
John Fund | Columnist | c. 1956 | The Wall Street Journal | |
Frank Gaffney | Columnist | 5-Apr-1953 | Prominent neocon | |
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | Author | 16-Sep-1950 | The Signifying Monkey | |
Bill Geist | Columnist | 10-May-1945 | 60 Minutes II | |
David Gergen | Columnist | 9-May-1942 | Advisor to Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Clinton | |
Jack Germond | Columnist | 30-Jan-1928 | Fat Man in a Middle Seat | |
Bill Gertz | Journalist | 21-Mar-1952 | Washington Times reporter, Fox News analyst | |
Georgie Anne Geyer | Journalist | 2-Apr-1935 | Foreign correspondent turned columnist | |
Paul Gigot | Columnist | 1955 | Wall Street Journal columnist | |
Malcolm Gladwell | Columnist | 3-Sep-1963 | The Tipping Point | |
James Glassman | Publisher | 1-Jan-1947 | Roll Call editor | |
Jonah Goldberg | Columnist | 21-Mar-1969 | National Review Online | |
Victoria Gotti | Relative | 27-Nov-1962 | Growing Up Gotti | |
Sheilah Graham | Columnist | 15-Sep-1904 | 17-Nov-1988 | Beloved Infidel |
Jeff Greenfield | Pundit | 10-Jun-1943 | ABC, CNN talking head | |
Meg Greenfield | Journalist | 27-Dec-1930 | 13-May-1999 | The Washington Post |
Lloyd Grove | Columnist | c. 1954 | Gossip columnist | |
Rebecca Hagelin | Columnist | c. 1961 | Heritage Foundation spokesperson | |
David Harsanyi | Columnist | ? | Nanny State | |
Steve Hartman | Columnist | 14-Apr-1963 | 60 Minutes II | |
Paul Harvey | Radio Personality | 4-Sep-1918 | 28-Feb-2009 | The Paul Harvey Show |
Bob Herbert | Columnist | 7-Mar-1945 | Former New York Times columnist | |
Hugh Hewitt | Radio Personality | 22-Feb-1956 | Conservative talk radio show | |
Carl Hiaasen | Author | 12-Mar-1953 | Team Rodent: How Disneyland Devours the World | |
Fred Hiatt | Columnist | 30-Apr-1955 | Washington Post Editorial Page Editor | |
Jim Hightower | Radio Personality | 11-Jan-1943 | Texan, radio voice, author | |
Perez Hilton | Columnist | 23-Mar-1978 | Gossip columnist | |
Michael Hiltzik | Columnist | 9-Nov-1952 | Los Angeles Times columnist | |
James Hirsen | Columnist | c. 1950 | The Left Coast Report | |
Amy Holmes | Columnist | 1973 | BET host, conservative commentator | |
Hedda Hopper | Actor | 2-May-1885 | 1-Feb-1966 | Queen of the Quickies |
Arianna Huffington | Columnist | 15-Jul-1950 | The Huffington Post | |
David Ignatius | Columnist | 1950 | Washington Post op-ed columnist | |
Molly Ivins | Columnist | 30-Aug-1944 | 31-Jan-2007 | Loudmouthed Texas dame |
Jeff Jacoby | Columnist | 10-Feb-1959 | Boston Globe columnist | |
Holman Jenkins | Columnist | c. 1960 | Wall Street Journal | |
Robert Kagan | Government | 26-Sep-1958 | Influential neocon, cofounded PNAC | |
Fred Kaplan | Columnist | ? | Slate columnist | |
Amos Kenan | Author | 2-May-1927 | 4-Aug-2009 | The Road to Ein Harod |
Dorothy Kilgallen | Columnist | 3-Jul-1913 | 8-Nov-1965 | What's My Line? |
James J. Kilpatrick | Columnist | 1-Nov-1920 | 15-Aug-2010 | Conservative columnist, Point-Counterpoint |
Colbert King | Columnist | 20-Sep-1939 | Washington Post columnist | |
Michael Kinsley | Pundit | 9-Mar-1951 | Founding editor of Slate | |
Mort Kondracke | Columnist | 28-Apr-1939 | Tolerated by Fox, McLaughlin | |
Charles Krauthammer | Columnist | 13-Mar-1950 | Washington Post columnist | |
Bill Kristol | Columnist | 23-Dec-1952 | Editor of The Weekly Standard | |
Irving Kristol | Columnist | 22-Jan-1920 | 18-Sep-2009 | Influential neocon |
Paul Krugman | Columnist | 28-Feb-1953 | New York Times columnist/economist | |
Lawrence Kudlow | Economist | 20-Aug-1947 | Kudlow & Cramer | |
Jeffrey T. Kuhner | Radio Personality | 1-Sep-1969 | Conservative pundit | |
Irv Kupcinet | Columnist | 31-Jul-1912 | 10-Nov-2003 | Kup's Column |
Howard Kurtz | Journalist | 1-Aug-1953 | Media critic | |
Donald Lambro | Journalist | 14-Jul-1940 | Washington Times | |
Ann Landers | Columnist | 4-Jul-1918 | 22-Jun-2002 | Syndicated advice columnist |
Michael Lewis | Author | 15-Oct-1960 | Liar's Poker | |
Tod Lindberg | Columnist | 1960 | Policy Review editor | |
Kathryn Jean Lopez | Columnist | 22-Mar-1976 | National Review Online editor | |
Jim Louderback | Columnist | c. 1961 | Former PC Magazine editor-in-chief | |
Regina Lynn | Columnist | ? | Wired News sex columnist | |
Heather Mac Donald | Columnist | c. 1956 | Neoconservative bombthrower | |
Andrew H. Malcolm | Columnist | 22-Jun-1943 | Los Angeles Times editorial board | |
Michelle Malkin | Columnist | 20-Oct-1970 | Syndicated conservative columnist | |
Julianne Malveaux | Columnist | c. 1953 | Pundit | |
Ruth A. Marcus | Columnist | c. 1960 | Washington Post columnist | |
Rachel Marsden | Pundit | 2-Dec-1974 | Conservative pundit | |
Judith Martin | Columnist | 13-Sep-1938 | Miss Manners | |
Chris Matthews | Talk Show Host | 17-Dec-1945 | Hardball with Chris Matthews | |
Clifford D. May | Activist | c. 1951 | Foundation for the Defense of Democracies | |
William McGurn | Government | 4-Dec-1958 | Chief speechwriter for Bush, 2005-08 | |
Ilana Mercer | Columnist | ? | WorldNetDaily columnist | |
Matthew Miller | Columnist | c. 1962 | The Two Percent Solution | |
Dick Morris | Government | 28-Nov-1948 | Fox News lapdog, former Clinton advisor | |
Walter Mossberg | Columnist | 27-Mar-1947 | Technology columnist, Wall Street Journal | |
Joel Mowbray | Columnist | ? | Dangerous Diplomacy | |
Deroy Murdock | Columnist | 1963 | Conservative pundit | |
Michael Musto | Columnist | 3-Dec-1955 | Village Voice gossip columnist | |
Nicholas Negroponte | Educator | 1943 | Founder, MIT Media Lab | |
George Neumayr | Columnist | c. 1972 | Editor, Catholic World Report | |
Joe Nocera | Columnist | 6-May-1952 | Business columnist, NYT | |
Jay Nordlinger | Columnist | 1963 | Senior Editor, National Review | |
Grover Norquist | Activist | 19-Oct-1956 | Washington lobbyist, anti-tax crusader | |
Robert Novak | Columnist | 26-Feb-1931 | 18-Aug-2009 | Conservative ideologue, outed Valerie Plame |
Bill Nye | Columnist | 25-Aug-1850 | 22-Feb-1896 | Bill Nye and Boomerang |
Kate O'Beirne | Columnist | c. 1949 | Conservative pundit | |
Tom Oliphant | Columnist | c. 1945 | Boston Globe columnist | |
Norman Ornstein | Author | 14-Oct-1948 | American Enterprise Institute | |
Clarence Page | Columnist | 2-Jun-1947 | Newspaper columnist, talking head | |
Kathleen Parker | Columnist | c. 1954 | Washington Post columnist | |
Louella Parsons | Columnist | 6-Aug-1881 | 9-Dec-1972 | Hollywood queen of gossip |
Sara Payson Willis Parton | Columnist | 9-Jul-1811 | 10-Oct-1872 | Columnist Fanny Fern |
Westbrook Pegler | Columnist | 2-Aug-1894 | 24-Jun-1969 | Ultraconservative newspaper columnist |
Ralph Peters | Columnist | 1952 | New York Post columnist | |
Kevin Phillips | Pundit | 30-Nov-1940 | Political commentator | |
Jim Pinkerton | Pundit | 11-Mar-1958 | Fox News Watch | |
John Podhoretz | Columnist | 18-Apr-1961 | Conservative columnist | |
Ramesh Ponnuru | Columnist | 16-Aug-1974 | Senior Editor, National Review | |
Sylvia Porter | Columnist | 18-Jun-1913 | 5-Jun-1991 | Financial columnist |
Emily Post | Columnist | 27-Oct-1873 | 25-Sep-1960 | Etiquette |
Michael Potemra | Columnist | ? | Deputy Managing Editor, National Review | |
Dennis Prager | Radio Personality | 2-Aug-1948 | Conservative Jewish radio host | |
Bill Press | Pundit | 1940 | Liberal commentator | |
Wes Pruden | Columnist | ? | Washington Times editor-in-chief | |
Anna Quindlen | Columnist | 8-Jul-1953 | NYT columnist, later novelist | |
Ted Rall | Cartoonist | 26-Aug-1963 | Godless heathen cartoonist | |
William Raspberry | Columnist | 12-Oct-1935 | 17-Jul-2012 | The Washington Post |
Frank Rich | Columnist | 2-Jun-1949 | New York magazine | |
Paul Craig Roberts | Economist | 1939 | The Supply-Side Revolution | |
Eugene H. Robinson | Journalist | 12-Mar-1954 | Associate Editor, Washington Post | |
Richard Roeper | Columnist | 17-Oct-1959 | Siskel's replacement | |
Will Rogers | Comic | 04-Nov-1879 | 15-Aug-1935 | American Cowboy, Entertainer, Humorist |
Andy Rooney | Journalist | 14-Jan-1919 | 4-Nov-2011 | 60 Minutes' resident crank |
Elmo Roper | Business | 31-Jul-1900 | 30-Apr-1971 | American pollster |
Abe Rosenthal | Journalist | 2-May-1922 | 10-May-2006 | NY Times Executive Editor, 1977-86 |
Ilene Rosenzweig | Columnist | ? | Swell designer | |
Stuart Rothenberg | Publisher | c. 1948 | Rothenberg Political Report | |
Carl Rowan | Columnist | 11-Aug-1925 | 23-Sep-2000 | Chicago Sun-Times columnist |
Mike Royko | Columnist | 19-Sep-1932 | 29-Apr-1997 | Syndicated Chicago columnist |
Tim Rutten | Columnist | ? | Los Angeles Times columnist | |
William Safire | Columnist | 17-Dec-1929 | 27-Sep-2009 | NYT columnist, language maven |
Robert J. Samuelson | Columnist | 23-Dec-1945 | Newsweek columnist | |
Dan Savage | Columnist | 7-Oct-1964 | Weekly sex columnist | |
Rowan Scarborough | Journalist | ? | Rumsfeld's War | |
Sydney Schanberg | Journalist | 17-Jan-1934 | The Death and Life of Dith Pran | |
Robert Scheer | Columnist | 4-Apr-1936 | Former L.A. Times columnist | |
Debbie Schlussel | Radio Personality | 9-Apr-1969 | Conservative pundit | |
Bill Schneider | Pundit | 8-Oct-1944 | CNN senior political analyst | |
Mark Shields | Columnist | 25-May-1937 | Shields and Brooks | |
Amity Shlaes | Columnist | 1960 | The Forgotten Man | |
Hugh Sidey | Journalist | 3-Sep-1927 | 21-Nov-2005 | Time magazine |
Michael Smerconish | Radio Personality | 15-Mar-1962 | Philadelphia talk radio host | |
Liz Smith | Columnist | 2-Feb-1923 | Gossip Columnist | |
Lawrence Solomon | Activist | 1948 | The Deniers | |
Norman Solomon | Critic | 1952 | Media critic | |
Joel Stein | Columnist | 23-Jul-1971 | LA Times columnist | |
A. B. Stoddard | Columnist | c. 1967 | Columnist for The Hill | |
Mike Straka | Columnist | 10-Oct-1969 | Grrr! columnist for Fox News | |
Tristan Taormino | Columnist | 9-May-1971 | Anal sex authority | |
James Taranto | Columnist | 1966 | Wall Street Journal | |
Stuart Taylor, Jr. | Journalist | c. 1948 | National Journal columnist | |
Marc A. Thiessen | Columnist | c. 1967 | White House speechwriter, 2004-09 | |
Cal Thomas | Columnist | 2-Dec-1942 | Fox News Watch | |
Emmett Tyrrell | Columnist | 1943 | Publisher, The American Spectator | |
Harlan Ullman | Columnist | 15-Mar-1941 | Shock and Awe | |
Abigail Van Buren | Columnist | 4-Jul-1918 | Dear Abby emeritus | |
Amy Vanderbilt | Columnist | 22-Jul-1908 | 27-Dec-1974 | Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Book of Etiquette |
Vaughn Ververs | Journalist | 10-Jan-1969 | Editor of The Hotline 2002-05 | |
Marilyn vos Savant | Columnist | 11-Aug-1946 | IQ 228, writes for Parade | |
Jude Wanniski | Columnist | 17-Jun-1936 | 29-Aug-2005 | Supply-side theorist |
Artemus Ward | Columnist | 23-Apr-1834 | 6-Mar-1867 | Humorist |
Keith Waterhouse | Novelist | 6-Feb-1929 | 4-Sep-2009 | Billy Liar |
Ben Wattenberg | Pundit | 26-Aug-1933 | Think Tank moderator | |
Auberon Waugh | Columnist | 17-Nov-1939 | 16-Jan-2001 | Columnist for Private Eye |
Gene Weingarten | Columnist | 2-Oct-1951 | Below the Beltway | |
David Wessel | Journalist | c. 1953 | Wall Street Journal | |
Paul Weyrich | Columnist | 7-Oct-1942 | 18-Dec-2008 | Conservative activist |
E. B. White | Author | 11-Jul-1899 | 01-Oct-1985 | Charlotte's Web |
James Wieghart | Journalist | 16-Aug-1933 | 21-Feb-2010 | Editor, NY Daily News, 1982-84 |
George Will | Columnist | 4-May-1941 | Conservative pundit, baseball lover | |
Armstrong Williams | Columnist | 5-Feb-1959 | Black conservative pundit on the take | |
Jules Witcover | Columnist | 16-Jul-1927 | Longtime Baltimore Sun columnist | |
Byron York | Columnist | c. 1956 | Former National Review columnist |
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