
Occupation: Inventor

  • ️Wed Dec 17 2008
Occupation: Inventor


Some inventors are listed instead as Scientists.

NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
Edward G. Acheson Inventor 9-Mar-1856 6-Jul-1931 Discovered silicon carbide
Robert Adler Physicist 4-Dec-1913 15-Feb-2007 Invented wireless remote control
Howard Aiken Physicist 8-Mar-1900 14-Mar-1973 Designer of early computers
Charles Alderton Inventor 21-Jun-1857 29-May-1941 Invented Dr Pepper
Ernst F. W. Alexanderson Inventor 25-Jan-1878 14-May-1975 Developed radio and television at GE and RCA
David Alter Inventor 3-Dec-1807 18-Sep-1881 Almost discovered spectroscopy
Luis W. Alvarez Physicist 13-Jun-1911 1-Sep-1988 Particle accelerator, extinction of dinosaurs
Mary Anderson Inventor 19-Feb-1866 27-Jun-1953 Inventor of the windshield wiper
Nicolas Appert Inventor 17-Nov-1749 3-Jun-1841 Food preservation
Archimedes Mathematician c. 290 BC 211 BC Greatest of the ancient mathematicians
Edwin H. Armstrong Inventor 18-Dec-1890 31-Jan-1954 Inventor of FM radio
John Atanasoff Inventor 4-Oct-1903 15-Jun-1995 Atanasoff-Berry Computer
Charles Babbage Mathematician 26-Dec-1791 18-Oct-1871 Inventor of the Difference Engine
Ralph Baer Inventor 8-Mar-1922   Inventor of the home video game console
John Logie Baird Inventor 13-Aug-1888 14-Jun-1946 Television
Paul Baran Engineer 29-Apr-1926 26-Mar-2011 Packet-sharing in computer communications
John Bardeen Physicist 23-May-1908 30-Jan-1991 Co-Inventor of the transistor
Emile Baudot Inventor 11-Sep-1845 28-Mar-1903 Baudot Code
Arnold Beckman Inventor 10-Apr-1900 18-May-2004 Philanthropist who invented pH meter
Alexander Graham Bell Inventor 3-Mar-1847 2-Aug-1922 Inventor of the telephone
Vincent Bendix Inventor 12-Aug-1881 27-Mar-1945 Founder of Bendix Corporation
Karl Benz Inventor 25-Nov-1844 4-Apr-1929 Invented the automobile
Hans Berger Physicist 21-May-1873 1-Jun-1941 Electroencephalogram
Henry Bessemer Inventor 19-Jan-1813 15-Mar-1898 Bessemer process to manufacture steel
Forrest Bird Inventor 9-Jun-1921   Bird Universal Medical Respirator
Clarence Birdseye Scientist 9-Dec-1886 7-Oct-1956 Frozen and dried food, wrapped in cellophane
László Bíró Inventor 29-Sep-1899 24-Oct-1985 Ballpoint pen
George Blaisdell Inventor 5-Jun-1895 3-Oct-1978 Zippo cigarette lighter
Samuel Blanc Inventor 13-Feb-1883 20-Dec-1964 Founder of Roto-Rooter
Alan Blumlein Inventor 29-Jun-1903 7-Jun-1942 Stereophonic recording
Nils Bohlin Engineer 17-Jul-1920 26-Sep-2002 Three-point safety belt
J. Armand Bombardier Business 16-Apr-1907 18-Feb-1964 Founder of Bombardier
Robert Bosch Business 23-Sep-1861 9-Mar-1942 Founder of Bosch GmbH
Amar Bose Inventor 2-Nov-1929   Inventor of Bose speakers
Paul Boucherot Engineer 3-Oct-1869 7-Aug-1943 Ocean thermal energy conversion
Matthew Boulton Business 3-Sep-1728 17-Aug-1809 Financed the early steam engine
Willard S. Boyle Physicist 19-Aug-1924 7-May-2011 Digital photography
Louis Braille Inventor 4-Jan-1809 6-Jan-1852 Reading system for the blind
Joseph Bramah Inventor 13-Apr-1748 9-Dec-1814 Inventor of the hydraulic press
George Brayton Inventor 3-Oct-1830 17-Dec-1892 Brayton cycle engine
R. Hanbury Brown Astronomer 31-Aug-1916 16-Jan-2002 Optical intensity interferometer
John Browning Inventor 23-Jan-1855 26-Nov-1926 Best gun designer of all time
Filippo Brunelleschi Architect 1377 15-Apr-1446 Florentine Renaissance architect
Charles F. Brush Inventor 17-Mar-1849 15-Jun-1929 Street lights
Don Buchla Inventor Apr-1937   Modular synthesizer designer
David Buick Engineer 17-Sep-1854 6-Mar-1929 Designed the first Buick motorcars
Gerald Bull Inventor 8-Mar-1928 22-Mar-1990 Supergun builder
Vannevar Bush Scientist 11-Mar-1890 30-Jun-1974 Pre-internet visionary
Chester Carlson Inventor 8-Feb-1906 19-Sep-1968 Invented Xerography
Willis Carrier Inventor 26-Nov-1876 7-Oct-1950 Created the first air conditioning
Edmund Cartwright Inventor 24-Apr-1743 30-Oct-1823 Invented the power loom
George Washington Carver Botanist c. 1860 5-Jan-1943 Crop rotation and peanut butter
George Cayley Inventor 27-Dec-1773 8-Dec-1854 Father of aeronautics
Josephine Cochrane Inventor 8-Mar-1839 3-Aug-1913 Invented the dishwasher
Christopher Cockerell Inventor 4-Jun-1910 1-Jun-1999 Hovercraft
Samuel T. Cohen Physicist 25-Jan-1921 28-Nov-2010 Neutron bomb
Samuel C. Collins Chemist 28-Dec-1898 19-Jun-1984 Collins-type cryocooler
Samuel Colt Inventor 19-Jul-1814 10-Jan-1862 Invented the revolver
Harry Coover Chemist 6-Mar-1919 19-Mar-2011 Invented Super Glue
George Henry Corliss Inventor 2-Jun-1817 21-Feb-1888 Corliss valve and steam engines
Frederick G. Cottrell Inventor 10-Jan-1877 16-Nov-1948 Smokestack filters to fight pollution
Jacques Cousteau Activist 11-Jun-1910 25-Jun-1997 Oceanographer, environmentalist
Seymour Cray Inventor 28-Sep-1925 5-Oct-1996 Inventor of Cray supercomputers
Samuel Crompton Inventor 3-Dec-1753 26-Jun-1827 Invented the spinning mule
Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot Inventor 26-Sep-1725 2-Oct-1804 Steam-powered automobile
Jan Czochralski Scientist 23-Oct-1885 22-Apr-1953 Czochralski Process
Leonardo Da Vinci Artist 15-Apr-1452 2-May-1519 Mona Lisa, The Last Supper
Louis Daguerre Inventor 18-Nov-1787 10-Jul-1851 Invented Daguerreotype photography
Gottlieb Daimler Engineer 17-Mar-1834 6-Mar-1900 Invented the motorcycle
Gustaf Dalén Inventor 30-Nov-1869 9-Dec-1937 Automatic sun valve
Humphry Davy Chemist 17-Dec-1778 29-May-1829 Leading early 19th century chemist
Mark Dean Engineer 2-Mar-1957   Computer architecture
Michael DeBakey Doctor 7-Sep-1908 11-Jul-2008 Father of cardiovascular surgery
John Deere Business 7-Feb-1804 17-May-1886 Invented the self-scouring plow
Charles J. Van Depoele Inventor 27-Apr-1846 18-Mar-1892 Trolley car pioneer
Robert H. Dicke Physicist 6-May-1916 4-Mar-1997 Dicke radiometer
William K. L. Dickson Inventor 3-Aug-1860 28-Sep-1935 Motion picture camera
Walter Diemer Business 8-Jan-1905 8-Jan-1998 Invented bubble gum
Rudolf Diesel Inventor 18-Mar-1858 30-Sep-1913 Inventor of the diesel engine
Ray Milton Dolby Inventor 18-Jan-1933   Inventor of Dolby stereo
Herbert Dow Business 26-Feb-1866 15-Oct-1930 Founder of Dow Chemical
Henry Dreyfuss Inventor 2-Mar-1904 5-Oct-1972 Product designer, human factors engineer
William Duddell Physicist 1872 4-Nov-1917 Electronic music
Allen B. DuMont Inventor 29-Jan-1901 14-Nov-1965 TV picture tube and TV network
August Dvorak Inventor 5-May-1894 10-Oct-1975 Dvorak Simplified Keyboard
James Dyson Inventor 2-May-1947   Dyson vacuum cleaner
George Eastman Inventor 12-Jul-1854 14-Mar-1932 Inventor of the Kodak camera
Roger Easton Inventor 30-Apr-1921   Global Positioning System
John Presper Eckert Computer Programmer 9-Apr-1919 3-Jun-1995 ENIAC, BINAC, and UNIVAC I computers
Thomas Edison Inventor 11-Feb-1847 18-Oct-1931 Invented the light bulb
William L. Emmet Engineer 10-Jul-1859 26-Sep-1941 All-electric warships
Doug Engelbart Computer Programmer 30-Jan-1925   Pioneer of human-computer interaction
John Ericsson Inventor 31-Jul-1803 8-Mar-1889 Built the ironclad USS Monitor
Moses Farmer Inventor 9-Feb-1820 25-May-1893 Invented the fire alarm, electric trolley
Philo Farnsworth Inventor 19-Aug-1906 11-Mar-1971 Inventor of electronic television
Leo Fender Inventor 10-Aug-1909 21-Mar-1991 Electric guitarmaker
Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti Business 9-Apr-1864 13-Jan-1930 England's electrical grid
George Ferris Engineer 14-Feb-1859 22-Nov-1896 Ferris Wheel
George Finch Chemist 4-Aug-1888 22-Nov-1970 Oxygen for mountain climbing
John Ambrose Fleming Engineer 29-Nov-1849 19-Apr-1945 Invented the vacuum tube
Lee De Forest Inventor 26-Aug-1873 30-Jun-1961 Inventor of the Audion vacuum tube
Benjamin Franklin Diplomat 17-Jan-1706 17-Apr-1790 American founding father
Art Fry Chemist 19-Aug-1931   Post-It notes
R. Buckminster Fuller Architect 12-Jul-1895 1-Jul-1983 Futurist, invented the geodesic dome
Robert Fulton Inventor 14-Nov-1765 24-Feb-1815 Inventor of the submarine and steamboat
Galileo Galilei Astronomer 15-Feb-1564 8-Jan-1642 Copernican observational astronomer
John C. Garand Inventor 1-Jan-1888 16-Feb-1974 M-1 semiautomatic rifle
Richard Jordan Gatling Inventor 12-Sep-1818 26-Feb-1903 Inventor of the Gatling Gun
Heinrich Geissler Inventor 26-May-1815 24-Jan-1879 Geissler tube
Ivan Getting Inventor 18-Jan-1912 11-Oct-2003 Global Positioning System
John H. Gibbon, Jr. Doctor 29-Sep-1903 5-Feb-1973 Open-heart surgery
King Gillette Inventor 5-Jan-1855 9-Jul-1932 Safety razor
Donald A. Glaser Physicist 21-Sep-1926   Inventor of the bubble chamber
Charles Goodyear Inventor 29-Dec-1800 1-Jul-1860 Invented rubber vulcanization process
John Gorrie Inventor 3-Oct-1803 29-Jun-1855 Invented air conditioning
Robert Gottschalk Inventor 12-Mar-1918 3-Jun-1982 Wide-screen motion picture technology
Gordon Gould Physicist 17-Jul-1920 16-Sep-2005 Invented the laser, arguably
Bette Nesmith Graham Inventor 23-Mar-1924 12-May-1980 Correction fluid
Joseph Mortimer Granville Doctor 1833 1900 Electric vibrator
Billy Gray Actor 13-Jan-1938   Father Knows Best
Wilson Greatbatch Inventor 6-Sep-1919 27-Sep-2011 Implantable pacemaker
Johannes Gutenberg Inventor 1398 3-Feb-1468 Inventor of movable type
Samuel Guthrie Doctor 1782 19-Oct-1848 Discovered chloroform
Gary Gygax Inventor 27-Jul-1938 4-Mar-2008 Co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons
David Hahn Inventor 30-Oct-1976   Do-it-yourself nuclear reactor
H. Tracy Hall Chemist 20-Oct-1919 25-Jul-2008 Synthetic diamonds
Erle P. Halliburton Business 22-Sep-1891 13-Oct-1957 Founder of Halliburton
Andrew Smith Hallidie Inventor 16-Mar-1836 24-Apr-1900 Designed the first cable car system
Laurens Hammond Inventor 11-Jan-1895 3-Jul-1973 Hammond Organ
Joseph Aloysius Hansom Architect 26-Oct-1803 29-Jun-1882 Invented the Hansom Cab
Robert Hare Chemist 17-Jan-1781 15-May-1858 Hydrostatic blow-pipe and spiritoscope
George Russell Harrison Physicist 14-Jul-1898 27-Jul-1979 Echelle spectrograph
John Harrison Inventor Mar-1693 24-Mar-1776 Inventor of a marine clock
E. Newton Harvey Zoologist 25-Nov-1887 21-Jul-1959 Light-emitting organisms
Jeff Hawkins Inventor 1-Jun-1957   Inventor of the Palm Pilot and Treo
Morton Heilig Inventor 22-Dec-1926 14-May-1997 Early virtual reality pioneer
Martin Hellman Inventor 2-Oct-1945   Public key cryptographer
Jaroslav Heyrovsky Chemist 20-Dec-1890 27-Mar-1967 Polarography
Rowland Hill Inventor 3-Dec-1795 27-Aug-1879 Invented the postage stamp
Stanley Hiller, Jr. Inventor 15-Nov-1924 20-Apr-2006 Helicopter designer
Charles Hires Business 19-Aug-1851 31-Jul-1937 Root beer
Chuck Hoberman Inventor 1956   Creator of unfolding structures
Herman Hollerith Inventor 29-Feb-1860 17-Nov-1929 Invented the punchcard
Alexander Lyman Holley Business 20-Jul-1832 29-Jan-1882 Designed steel foundries
Nick Holonyak Physicist 3-Nov-1928   Light-emitting diodes
Gottlob Honold Engineer 26-Aug-1876 17-Mar-1923 Invented the spark plug
Leroy Hood Biologist 10-Oct-1938   Systems biology and Human Genome Project
Grace Murray Hopper Computer Programmer 9-Dec-1906 1-Jan-1992 Computer programming pioneer
Godfrey N. Hounsfield Engineer 28-Aug-1919 12-Aug-2004 Computerized axial tomography (CAT scans)
Edwin J. Houston Inventor 9-Jul-1847 1-Mar-1914 Thomson-Houston Electric Company
Elias Howe Inventor 9-Jul-1819 3-Oct-1867 Inventor of the sewing machine
David Hughes Inventor 16-May-1831 22-Jan-1900 Inventor of the microphone
Jon M. Huntsman Business 21-Jun-1937   Founder of Huntsman Corporation
Jamie Hyneman TV Personality 25-Sep-1956   Mustachioed host of MythBusters
Frederic Eugene Ives Inventor 17-Feb-1856 27-May-1937 Halftone process
Herbert E. Ives Physicist 21-Jul-1882 13-Nov-1953 Facsimile machine
Joseph-Marie Jacquard Inventor 7-Jul-1752 7-Aug-1834 Jacquard loom
Theo Jansen Sculptor 14-Mar-1948   Evolves walking beach sculptures
Robert Jarvik Doctor 11-May-1946   Co-Inventor, Jarvik-7 artificial heart
Lonnie Johnson Inventor 6-Oct-1949   Revolutionized the squirt gun industry
Martin L. Kaiser Inventor c. 1935   Electronic surveillance consultant
Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov Inventor 10-Nov-1919   Inventor of Kalashnikov rifle
Salar Kamangar Business c. 1977   CEO of YouTube
Dean Kamen Inventor 5-Apr-1951   Segway pedestrian vehicle
Theophilus Van Kannel Inventor 1841 24-Dec-1919 Revolving door
Cresson H. Kearny Inventor 7-Jan-1914 18-Dec-2003 Patriot, inventor, survivalist idol
John Harvey Kellogg Doctor 26-Feb-1852 14-Dec-1943 Battle Creek Sanitarium
Will Keith Kellogg Business 7-Apr-1860 6-Oct-1951 Corn flakes and Rice Krispies
Dick Kelty Inventor 13-Sep-1919 12-Jan-2004 Invented the modern backpack
Charles F. Kettering Engineer 29-Aug-1876 25-Nov-1958 Invented the electric starter
Jack S. Kilby Inventor 8-Nov-1923 20-Jun-2005 Electrical engineering pioneer
Willem Johan Kolff Scientist 14-Feb-1911 11-Feb-2009 Artificial kidney, artificial heart
Paul Kollsman Inventor 22-Feb-1900 17-Mar-1982 Barometric altimeter
Ray Kurzweil Inventor 12-Feb-1948   Age of Spiritual Machines
Ken Kutaragi Inventor 8-Aug-1950   Father of the PlayStation
René Laënnec Doctor 17-Feb-1781 13-Aug-1826 Stethoscope
Hedy Lamarr Actor 9-Nov-1913 19-Jan-2000 Actress, invented frequency hopping
Edwin H. Land Inventor 7-May-1909 1-Mar-1991 Polaroid Land Camera
Norm Larsen Inventor 1923 Dec-1970 WD-40
William P. Lear Inventor 26-Jun-1902 14-May-1978 Lear Jet, Inc.
Morris E. Leeds Business 6-Mar-1869 8-Feb-1952 Leeds & Northrup Co.
Jerome H. Lemelson Inventor 18-Jul-1923 1-Oct-1997 Inventor with a very good lawyer
Étienne Lenoir Inventor 12-Jan-1822 4-Aug-1900 Internal-combustion engine
Donald James Leslie Inventor 13-Apr-1911 2-Sep-2004 Invented the Leslie Speaker
Fred Leuchter, Jr. Inventor 1943   Execution technologist, hero to neo-Nazis
Karl von Linde Engineer 11-Jun-1842 16-Nov-1934 Inventor of refrigeration
Alfred Lee Loomis Physicist 4-Nov-1887 1-Aug-1975 Millionaire scientist
Georg Luger Inventor 6-Mar-1849 22-Dec-1923 Invented the Luger pistol
Auguste Lumière Inventor 19-Oct-1862 10-Apr-1954 Co-Inventor of motion pictures
Louis Lumière Inventor 5-Oct-1864 6-Jun-1948 Inventor of motion pictures
Charles Macintosh Chemist 29-Dec-1766 25-Jul-1843 Invented the raincoat
Theodore Maiman Physicist 11-Jul-1927 5-May-2007 Built the first working laser
George William Manby Inventor 28-Nov-1765 18-Nov-1854 Invented the fire extinguisher
Robert W. Mann Inventor 1924 16-Jun-2006 Prosthetic devices
Steve Mann Inventor 1962   Wearable computing guru
Guglielmo Marconi Scientist 25-Apr-1874 20-Jul-1937 Inventor of radio
William Moulton Marston Inventor 9-May-1893 2-May-1947 Invented polygraph, Wonder Woman
John L. Mason Inventor 1832 26-Feb-1902 Invented the screw-neck jar
Konosuke Matsushita Business 27-Nov-1894 27-Apr-1989 Founder of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.
John William Mauchly Physicist 30-Aug-1907 8-Jan-1980 ENIAC, BINAC, and UNIVAC I computers
Sir Hiram Maxim Inventor 5-Feb-1840 24-Nov-1916 Maxim machine gun
Brian Maxwell Inventor 14-Mar-1953 19-Mar-2004 Inventor of the PowerBar
John Loudon McAdam Inventor 21-Sep-1756 26-Nov-1836 Macadam method of roads
Cyrus McCormick Inventor 15-Feb-1809 13-May-1884 Invented grain harvester
Carver A. Mead Engineer 1-May-1934   Microelectronics
Ottmar Mergenthaler Inventor 11-May-1854 28-Oct-1899 Automated typesetting
Bob Metcalfe Business 1946   Co-Inventor of Ethernet
Albert A. Michelson Physicist 19-Dec-1852 9-May-1931 Measured the speed of light
Thomas Midgley Chemist 18-May-1889 2-Nov-1944 Ethyl gasoline, Freon
Henri Moissan Chemist 28-Sep-1852 20-Feb-1907 Isolated fluorine
Paul Moller Inventor 1937   The Skycar
Robert Moog Inventor 23-May-1934 21-Aug-2005 Invented the synthesizer
William Moon Inventor 18-Dec-1818 9-Oct-1894 Moon Code (similar to Braille)
Gordon Moore Business 3-Jan-1929   Co-founder of Intel, laid down Moore's Law
Samuel F. B. Morse Inventor 27-Apr-1791 2-Apr-1872 Telegraph inventor and publicist
Thomas Newcomen Inventor 28-Feb-1663 5-Aug-1729 Atmospheric steam engine
Nicéphore Niépce Chemist 7-Mar-1765 5-Jul-1833 Inventor of photography
Alfred Nobel Inventor 21-Oct-1833 10-Dec-1896 Dynamite inventor, established Nobel Prize
Robert Noyce Inventor 12-Dec-1927 3-Jun-1990 Co-Inventor, integrated circuit
Elisha Otis Inventor 3-Aug-1811 8-Apr-1861 Invented the safety elevator
Nikolaus Otto Engineer 14-Jun-1832 26-Jan-1891 Four-stroke internal-combustion engine
William Oughtred Mathematician 5-Mar-1574 30-Jun-1660 Inventor of the slide rule
Denis Papin Inventor 22-Aug-1647 c. 1712 Steam engine innovator
Les Paul Guitarist 9-Jun-1915 13-Aug-2009 Electric guitar/multitrack recording pioneer
Mark Pauline Performance Artist 14-Dec-1953   Survival Research Labs
John S. Pemberton Inventor 8-Jul-1831 16-Aug-1888 Creator of Coca-Cola
John Pethica Physicist 1953   Atomic force microscopy
Jean Piccard Aviator 28-Jan-1884 28-Jan-1963 Extreme balloonist
Clifford A. Pickover Mathematician 15-Aug-1957   Mathematician and prolific author
Sir Isaac Pitman Inventor 4-Jan-1813 12-Jan-1897 Stenographic Soundhand
James Plimpton Inventor 14-Apr-1828 1911 Four-wheeled roller skates
Roy Plunkett Chemist 26-Jun-1910 12-May-1994 Accidentally discovered Teflon
Ron Popeil Business 3-May-1935   Ginsu knives, Mr. Microphone
Samuel J. Popeil Inventor 22-Jan-1915 17-Jul-1984 Veg-O-Matic
Francis A. Pratt Business 15-Feb-1827 10-Feb-1902 Co-Founder of Pratt & Whitney
Fritz Pregl Chemist 3-Sep-1869 13-Dec-1930 Microanalysis of organic compounds
George Pullman Business 3-Mar-1831 19-Oct-1897 Inventor of the Pullman Sleeping Car
Jef Raskin Computer Programmer 9-Mar-1943 26-Feb-2005 Designed Macintosh human interface
Jesse W. Reno Inventor 4-Aug-1861 2-Jun-1947 Invented the escalator
Theodore W. Richards Chemist 31-Jan-1868 2-Apr-1928 Atomic weights
Ed Roberts Inventor 13-Sep-1941 1-Apr-2010 Inventor of the Altair computer
Erno Rubik Inventor 13-Jul-1944   Rubik's Cube
Jonas Salk Scientist 28-Oct-1914 23-Jun-1995 Discoverer of the first polio vaccine
Adam Savage TV Personality 15-Jul-1967   Goateed host of MythBusters
Arthur L. Schawlow Physicist 5-May-1921 28-Apr-1999 Laser spectroscopy
Jacob Schick Inventor 16-Sep-1877 3-Jul-1937 Electric razor
Tom Scholz Songwriter 10-Mar-1947   Founder and songwriter behind Boston
Walter Schottky Physicist 23-Jul-1886 4-Mar-1976 Solid-state physics and electronics
Raymond Scott Musician 10-Sep-1908 8-Feb-1994 Powerhouse, invented the sequencer
Alois Senefelder Inventor 6-Nov-1771 26-Feb-1834 Inventor of lithography
Claude Shannon Scientist 30-Apr-1916 24-Feb-2001 Pioneer in information theory
Henry Sherwin Business 27-Sep-1842 26-Jun-1916 Founder of Sherwin-Williams
Isaac Shoenberg Engineer 1-Mar-1880 25-Jan-1963 405-line format television
Christopher Sholes Inventor 14-Feb-1819 17-Feb-1890 Typewriter inventor, QWERTY keyboard
Henry Shrapnel Inventor 3-Jun-1761 13-Mar-1842 Explosive artillery shell
Alan Shugart Inventor 27-Sep-1930 12-Dec-2006 SCSI interface
Loyd Sigmon Radio Personality 6-May-1909 2-Jun-2004 SigAlert inventor
Igor Sikorsky Business 25-May-1889 26-Oct-1972 Helicopter magnate
Spencer Silver Chemist 6-Feb-1941   Post-It notes
Luther Simjian Inventor 28-Jan-1905 23-Oct-1997 Invented automated teller machine
Clive Sinclair Business 30-Jul-1940   Sinclair ZX80
Isaac Merritt Singer Business 26-Oct-1811 23-Jul-1875 Built a better sewing machine
George E. Smith Scientist 10-May-1930   Digital photography
Patrick Soon-Shiong Business 1952   Founder, Abraxis BioScience
James Murray Spangler Inventor 20-Nov-1848 22-Jan-1915 Invented the upright vacuum cleaner
Percy Spencer Scientist 19-Jul-1894 8-Sep-1970 Invented the microwave oven
Elmer Sperry Inventor 12-Oct-1860 10-Jun-1930 Gyroscopic compass
Lawrence B. Sperry Inventor 22-Dec-1892 13-Dec-1923 Invented the autopilot
Frank J. Sprague Inventor 25-Jul-1857 25-Oct-1934 Streetcars and express elevators
George Stephen Business c. 1921 11-Feb-1993 Weber kettle grill
Bert Sutherland Engineer 1936   Scientist at Sun Microsystems
Ivan Sutherland Engineer 16-May-1938   Father of computer graphics
Michio Suzuki Business 10-Feb-1887 1982 Founder of Suzuki Motor Co.
The Svedberg Chemist 30-Aug-1884 25-Feb-1971 Inventor of the ultracentrifuge
Timothy Swager Chemist 1-Jul-1961   Chemist at MIT
Sir Joseph Wilson Swan Physicist 31-Oct-1828 27-May-1914 Light bulb, photographic printing
Ambrose Swasey Business 19-Dec-1846 15-Jun-1937 Warner and Swasey Company and Observatory
William Henry Fox Talbot Inventor 11-Feb-1800 17-Sep-1877 Calotype method of photography
Nikola Tesla Inventor 10-Jul-1856 7-Jan-1943 Invented alternating current
Elihu Thomson Inventor 29-Mar-1853 13-Mar-1937 Electric welding and A/C motors
Kiichiro Toyoda Business 11-Jun-1894 27-Mar-1952 Founder of Toyota Motor Corporation
Sakichi Toyoda Inventor 14-Feb-1867 30-Oct-1930 Founder of Toyota Industries Corp.
Edward Troughton Inventor Oct-1753 12-Jun-1835 Early scientific instruments
Earl Tupper Business 28-Jul-1907 5-Oct-1983 Inventor of Tupperware
Murray Turoff Scientist 13-Feb-1936   Computer conferencing and instant messaging
Merle Tuve Physicist 27-Jun-1901 20-May-1982 Proximity fuse
Lew Urry Chemist 29-Jan-1927 19-Oct-2004 Inventor of alkaline battery
Gunther von Hagens Artist 10-Jan-1945   Popularized cadaver art
John Walker Chemist 29-May-1781 1-May-1859 Invented the friction match
Fred Waring Conductor 9-Jun-1900 29-Jul-1984 Innovative bandleader and musician
John Warnock Computer Programmer 6-Oct-1940   Co-Founder of Adobe
Lewis Waterman Inventor 20-Nov-1836 1-May-1901 Fountain pen
Thomas A. Watson Engineer 18-Jan-1854 13-Dec-1934 Assistant to Alexander Graham Bell
Robert Watson-Watt Physicist 13-Apr-1892 5-Dec-1973 Radar
James Watt Inventor 19-Jan-1736 19-Aug-1819 Invented modern steam engine
Daniel B. Wesson Business 18-May-1825 4-Aug-1906 Repeating pistol
George Westinghouse Inventor 6-Oct-1846 12-Mar-1914 Air brake and A/C power
Eli Whitney Inventor 8-Dec-1765 8-Jan-1825 Inventor of the cotton gin
Otto Wichterle Chemist 27-Oct-1913 18-Aug-1998 Invented soft contact lenses
Paul Winchell Actor 21-Dec-1922 24-Jun-2005 Ventriloquist and inventor
Jerry M. Woodall Inventor c. 1938   Inventor of the red LED
Orville Wright Aviator 19-Aug-1871 30-Jan-1948 Co-Inventor of the airplane
Wilbur Wright Aviator 16-Apr-1867 30-May-1912 Co-Inventor of the airplane
Linus Yale, Jr. Inventor 14-Apr-1821 24-Dec-1868 Pin tumbler locks
Frits Zernike Physicist 16-Jul-1888 10-Mar-1966 Phase-contrast microscope
Richard Zsigmondy Chemist 1-Apr-1865 23-Sep-1929 Ultramicroscope
Edward G. Zubler Inventor 12-Mar-1925 20-Mar-2004 Inventor of the halogen lamp
Konrad Zuse Engineer 22-Jun-1910 18-Dec-1995 Built first Turing-complete computer
Vladimir Zworykin Inventor 30-Jul-1889 29-Jul-1982 Patented color televison

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