Asteroid Namesake
- ️Wed Dec 17 2008
Asteroid Namesake
Name | Occupation | Birth | Death | Known for |
Buzz Aldrin | Astronaut | 20-Jan-1930 | Second man on the Moon | |
Zhores I. Alferov | Scientist | 15-Mar-1930 | Developed solar cells for the Sputnik program | |
Hannes Alfvén | Physicist | 30-May-1908 | 2-Apr-1995 | Renegade Swedish astrophysicist |
Roald Amundsen | Explorer | 16-Jul-1872 | 18-Jun-1928 | First to reach South Pole |
Anaximander | Philosopher | c. 609 BC | c. 546 BC | First to develop a cosmology |
Aristarchus of Samos | Astronomer | c. 310 BC | c. 230 BC | First heliocentrist |
Aristotle | Philosopher | 384 BC | 322 BC | Politics |
Lance Armstrong | Cyclist | 18-Sep-1971 | 7-time Tour De France winner | |
Louis Armstrong | Jazz Musician | 4-Aug-1901 | 6-Jul-1971 | Jazz trumpeter |
Neil Armstrong | Astronaut | 5-Aug-1930 | First man on the Moon | |
Svante Arrhenius | Chemist | 19-Feb-1859 | 2-Oct-1927 | Explored electrolytic conductivity |
Atahualpa | Royalty | c. 1502 | 29-Aug-1533 | Incan king ransomed, killed by Pizarro |
John Atanasoff | Inventor | 4-Oct-1903 | 15-Jun-1995 | Atanasoff-Berry Computer |
Walter Baade | Astronomer | 24-Mar-1893 | 25-Jun-1960 | German-American observational astronomer |
Harold D. Babcock | Astronomer | 24-Jan-1882 | 8-Apr-1968 | Solar radiation |
Horace W. Babcock | Astronomer | 13-Sep-1912 | 29-Aug-2003 | Adaptive optics and the Babcock Model |
Emile Baudot | Inventor | 11-Sep-1845 | 28-Mar-1903 | Baudot Code |
Henri Becquerel | Physicist | 15-Dec-1852 | 25-Aug-1908 | Discoverer of radioactivity |
Ingmar Bergman | Film Director | 14-Jul-1918 | 30-Jul-2007 | Scenes from a Marriage |
Ludwig Biermann | Astronomer | 13-Mar-1907 | 12-Jan-1986 | Solar winds |
Hiram Bingham | Politician | 19-Nov-1875 | 6-Jun-1956 | US Senator, discovered Machu Picchu |
Adriaan Blaauw | Astronomer | 12-Apr-1914 | 1-Dec-2010 | Evolving galaxies |
Niels Bohr | Physicist | 7-Oct-1885 | 18-Nov-1962 | Father of Quantum Theory |
Bart Jan Bok | Astronomer | 28-Apr-1906 | 5-Aug-1983 | Bok globules |
Alec Boksenberg | Astronomer | 18-Mar-1936 | Image Photon Counting System | |
John G. Bolton | Astronomer | 5-Jun-1922 | 6-Jul-1993 | First Director of Parkes Observatory |
Ira S. Bowen | Astronomer | 21-Dec-1898 | 6-Feb-1973 | Debunked nebulium |
Tycho Brahe | Astronomer | 14-Dec-1546 | 24-Oct-1601 | Copper-nosed Danish astronomer |
Dirk Brouwer | Astronomer | 1-Sep-1902 | 31-Jan-1966 | Celestial mechanics |
Ernest W. Brown | Astronomer | 29-Nov-1866 | 22-Jul-1938 | Tables of the Motion of the Moon |
Catherine Wolfe Bruce | Philanthropist | 22-Jan-1816 | 13-Mar-1900 | Underwriter of astronomy |
E. Margaret Burbidge | Astronomer | 12-Aug-1919 | Synthesis of the elements in stars | |
Geoffrey Burbidge | Astronomer | 24-Sep-1925 | 26-Jan-2010 | Quasi-steady state cosmology |
James Cagney | Actor | 17-Jul-1899 | 30-Mar-1986 | New York tough guy |
William W. Campbell | Astronomer | 11-Apr-1862 | 14-Jun-1938 | Stellar Motions |
Albert Camus | Novelist | 7-Nov-1913 | 4-Jan-1960 | French author and Nobel laureate |
Johnny Carson | Talk Show Host | 23-Oct-1925 | 23-Jan-2005 | Longtime host of Tonight Show |
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar | Astronomer | 19-Oct-1910 | 21-Aug-1995 | Evolutionary stages of stars |
Graham Chapman | Comic | 8-Jan-1941 | 4-Oct-1989 | Monty Python's King Arthur |
Carl Charlier | Astronomer | 1-Apr-1862 | 5-Nov-1934 | Motion and the Distribution of the Stars |
Eric Clapton | Guitarist | 30-Mar-1945 | Slowhand | |
Arthur C. Clarke | Novelist | 16-Dec-1917 | 19-Mar-2008 | 2001: A Space Odyssey |
Claudius | Royalty | 1-Aug-10 BC | 13-Oct-54 AD | Roman Emperor, 41-54 AD |
John Cleese | Comic | 27-Oct-1939 | Monty Python | |
Cleopatra | Royalty | 69 BC | 30-Aug-30 BC | Queen of Egypt |
Michael Collins | Astronaut | 31-Oct-1930 | Apollo 11 command module pilot | |
Sean Connery | Actor | 25-Aug-1930 | James Bond | |
Jacques Cousteau | Activist | 11-Jun-1910 | 25-Jun-1997 | Oceanographer, environmentalist |
Thomas George Cowling | Mathematician | 17-Jun-1906 | 16-Jun-1990 | Cowling model |
Walter Cronkite | Journalist | 4-Nov-1916 | 17-Jul-2009 | America's most trusted newscaster |
Paul J. Crutzen | Physicist | 3-Dec-1933 | Ozone depletion | |
Marie Curie | Chemist | 7-Nov-1867 | 4-Jul-1934 | Early nuclear chemist |
Pierre Curie | Physicist | 15-May-1859 | 19-Apr-1906 | Early investigator of radiation |
Louis Daguerre | Inventor | 18-Nov-1787 | 10-Jul-1851 | Invented Daguerreotype photography |
Dante | Poet | 1265 | 14-Sep-1321 | La Divina Commedia |
Paul Davies | Physicist | 22-Apr-1946 | The Mind of God | |
Willem de Sitter | Astronomer | 6-May-1872 | 19-Nov-1934 | Expanding space |
Peter Debye | Physicist | 24-Mar-1884 | 2-Nov-1966 | Studied molecular structure, dipoles |
Henri Alexandre Deslandres | Astronomer | 24-Jul-1853 | 15-Jan-1948 | Spectroheliograph |
Rudolf Diesel | Inventor | 18-Mar-1858 | 30-Sep-1913 | Inventor of the diesel engine |
Christian Doppler | Physicist | 29-Nov-1803 | 17-Mar-1853 | Discovered the Doppler Effect |
Kirk Douglas | Actor | 9-Dec-1916 | Spartacus | |
Dr. Drew | Radio Personality | 4-Sep-1958 | Loveline | |
Frank W. Dyson | Astronomer | 8-Jan-1868 | 25-May-1939 | Six pips on the BBC |
Arthur Eddington | Astronomer | 28-Dec-1882 | 22-Nov-1944 | Eddington luminosity |
Albert Einstein | Physicist | 14-Mar-1879 | 18-Apr-1955 | Theory of relativity |
Johann Franz Encke | Astronomer | 23-Sep-1791 | 26-Aug-1865 | Investigated comets and asteroids |
Enya | Musician | 17-May-1961 | Orinoco Flow | |
Euclid | Mathematician | c. 365 BC | c. 275 BC | Father of geometry |
Leonhard Euler | Mathematician | 15-Apr-1707 | 18-Sep-1783 | The Elements of Euclid |
Michael Faraday | Physicist | 22-Sep-1791 | 25-Aug-1867 | Discovered electrical induction |
Enrico Fermi | Physicist | 29-Sep-1901 | 29-Nov-1954 | First controlled nuclear chain reaction |
Richard Feynman | Physicist | 11-May-1918 | 15-Feb-1988 | Surely he's joking |
Leonardo Fibonacci | Mathematician | c. 1175 | 1250 | Liber Abacis |
Larry Fine | Actor | 5-Oct-1902 | 24-Jan-1975 | Larry on The Three Stooges |
Alexander Fleming | Scientist | 6-Aug-1881 | 11-Mar-1955 | Discovered penicillin |
Jodie Foster | Actor | 19-Nov-1962 | The Silence of the Lambs | |
Léon Foucault | Physicist | 19-Sep-1819 | 11-Feb-1868 | Measured the speed of light |
Alfred Fowler | Astronomer | 22-Mar-1868 | 24-Jun-1940 | Celestial spectroscopy |
William A. Fowler | Astronomer | 9-Aug-1911 | 14-Mar-1995 | Element generation within stars |
Benjamin Franklin | Diplomat | 17-Jan-1706 | 17-Apr-1790 | American founding father |
Sigmund Freud | Psychiatrist | 6-May-1856 | 23-Sep-1939 | Die Traumdeutung |
Yuri Gagarin | Astronaut | 9-Mar-1934 | 27-Mar-1968 | First person to orbit earth |
Jerry Garcia | Musician | 1-Aug-1942 | 9-Aug-1995 | Grateful Dead |
Giuseppe Garibaldi | Military | 4-Jul-1807 | 2-Jun-1882 | Privateer, Italian hero |
Lou Gehrig | Baseball | 19-Jun-1903 | 2-Jun-1941 | Played 2,130 consecutive games |
George Gershwin | Songwriter | 26-Sep-1898 | 11-Jul-1937 | Rhapsody In Blue |
Riccardo Giacconi | Astronomer | 6-Oct-1931 | Discovered cosmic X-ray sources | |
Terry Gilliam | Film Director | 22-Nov-1940 | Monty Python alumnus, Brazil | |
Maxim Gorky | Playwright | 28-Mar-1868 | 17-Jun-1936 | The Lower Depths |
Stephen Jay Gould | Biologist | 10-Sep-1941 | 20-May-2002 | Evolutionary scientist |
Cary Grant | Actor | 18-Jan-1904 | 29-Nov-1986 | North by Northwest |
Jesse L. Greenstein | Astronomer | 15-Oct-1909 | 21-Oct-2002 | Co-Discoverer of quasars |
J. B. S. Haldane | Biologist | 5-Nov-1892 | 1-Dec-1964 | Haldane's principle |
George Ellery Hale | Astronomer | 29-Jun-1868 | 21-Feb-1938 | Palomar Observatory founder, astronomer |
George Harrison | Musician | 25-Feb-1943 | 29-Nov-2001 | Beatle |
Martin Harwit | Astronomer | 9-Mar-1931 | Helium-cooled rockets and infrared spectroscopy | |
Herbert A. Hauptman | Mathematician | 14-Feb-1917 | 23-Oct-2011 | X-ray diffraction studies |
Stephen Hawking | Physicist | 8-Jan-1942 | Wheelchair-bound physicist | |
Chushiro Hayashi | Astronomer | 25-Jul-1920 | 28-Feb-2010 | Big Bang astrophysicist |
Otto Heckmann | Astronomer | 23-Jun-1901 | 13-May-1983 | Investigated cosmic expansion |
Werner Heisenberg | Physicist | 5-Dec-1901 | 1-Feb-1976 | Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle |
Audrey Hepburn | Actor | 4-May-1929 | 20-Jan-1993 | My Fair Lady |
George Herbig | Astronomer | 2-Jan-1920 | Herbig-Haro objects | |
Herodotus | Historian | c. 484 BC | c, 425 BC | The Histories |
Caroline Herschel | Astronomer | 16-Mar-1750 | 9-Jan-1848 | Astronomer, sister of William |
John Herschel | Astronomer | 7-Mar-1792 | 11-May-1871 | Discovered many moons of Saturn |
Ejnar Hertzsprung | Astronomer | 8-Oct-1873 | 21-Oct-1967 | Hertzsprung-Russell diagram |
Gerhard Herzberg | Physicist | 25-Dec-1904 | 3-Mar-1999 | Molecular spectroscopy |
Thor Heyerdahl | Explorer | 6-Oct-1914 | 18-Apr-2002 | Kon-Tiki |
Miguel Hidalgo | Religion | 8-May-1753 | 30-Jul-1811 | Father of Mexican independence |
George W. Hill | Astronomer | 3-Mar-1838 | 16-Apr-1914 | A New Theorie of Jupiter and Saturn |
Edmund Hillary | Explorer | 20-Jul-1919 | 11-Jan-2008 | First to summit Mt. Everest |
Hipparchus | Astronomer | c. 190 BC | c. 120 BC | Cataloguer of stars, trigonometrist |
Alfred Hitchcock | Film Director | 13-Aug-1899 | 29-Apr-1980 | Master of Suspense |
Thomas Hobbes | Philosopher | 5-Apr-1588 | 4-Dec-1679 | Leviathan |
Buddy Holly | Musician | 7-Sep-1936 | 3-Feb-1959 | Buddy Holly and The Crickets |
Gerardus 't Hooft | Physicist | 5-Jul-1946 | Quantum physicist | |
Jack Horkheimer | Astronomer | 11-Jun-1938 | 20-Aug-2010 | Naked-eye astronomer |
Curly Howard | Actor | 22-Oct-1903 | 18-Jan-1952 | Highest pitched Stooge |
Moe Howard | Actor | 19-Jun-1897 | 4-May-1975 | Boss Stooge |
Shemp Howard | Actor | 4-Mar-1895 | 22-Nov-1955 | Stooge who replaced Curly |
Fred Hoyle | Astronomer | 24-Jun-1915 | 20-Aug-2001 | Opposed the Big Bang but named it |
Tsien Hsue-shen | Scientist | 11-Dec-1911 | 31-Oct-2009 | Founder of Chinese space program |
William Huggins | Astronomer | 7-Feb-1824 | 12-May-1910 | Spectrographic astronomy pioneer |
David Hume | Philosopher | 7-May-1711 | 25-Aug-1776 | Empiricist nonpareil |
Christiaan Huygens | Physicist | 14-Apr-1629 | 8-Jul-1695 | Wave theory of light |
Eric Idle | Comic | 29-Mar-1943 | Monty Python | |
Karl Jaspers | Philosopher | 23-Feb-1883 | 26-Feb-1969 | Existential thinker |
Terry Jones | Comic | 1-Feb-1942 | Monty Python | |
Charles K. Kao | Scientist | 4-Nov-1933 | Fiber optics | |
Pyotr Kapitsa | Physicist | 8-Jul-1894 | 8-Apr-1984 | Discovered superfluidity |
Jacobus C. Kapteyn | Astronomer | 19-Jan-1851 | 18-Jun-1922 | Star streaming |
Danny Kaye | Actor | 18-Jan-1913 | 3-Mar-1987 | The Secret Life of Walter Mitty |
James E. Keeler | Astronomer | 10-Sep-1857 | 12-Aug-1900 | Composition of Saturn's rings |
Grace Kelly | Royalty | 12-Nov-1929 | 14-Sep-1982 | American-born Princess of Monaco |
Johannes Kepler | Astronomer | 27-Dec-1571 | 15-Nov-1630 | Laws of Planetary Motion |
Donald E. Knuth | Computer Programmer | 10-Jan-1938 | The Art of Computer Programming | |
Vladimir Komarov | Astronaut | 16-Mar-1927 | 24-Apr-1967 | Pilot of Soyuz 1 plunged to his death |
Robert P. Kraft | Astronomer | 16-Jun-1927 | Lick Observatory | |
Herbert Kroemer | Physicist | 25-Aug-1928 | Pioneer in laser technology | |
Stanley Kubrick | Film Director | 26-Jul-1928 | 7-Mar-1999 | 2001: A Space Odyssey |
Pierre-Simon Laplace | Mathematician | 23-Mar-1749 | 5-Mar-1827 | Traité du Mécanique Céleste |
Max von Laue | Physicist | 9-Oct-1879 | 23-Apr-1960 | X-ray crystallography |
Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier | Chemist | 26-Aug-1743 | 8-May-1794 | Father of modern chemistry |
David Lean | Film Director | 25-Mar-1908 | 16-Apr-1991 | Lawrence of Arabia |
Henrietta Swan Leavitt | Astronomer | 4-Jul-1868 | 12-Dec-1921 | Cepheid variable |
Tsung-Dao Lee | Physicist | 25-Nov-1926 | Violations of parity law | |
Anton van Leeuwenhoek | Scientist | 24-Oct-1632 | 26-Aug-1723 | Master of the Microscope |
John Lennon | Musician | 9-Oct-1940 | 8-Dec-1980 | Beatle |
Tea Leoni | Actor | 25-Feb-1966 | Nora Wilde on The Naked Truth | |
Armin O. Leuschner | Astronomer | 16-Jan-1868 | 22-Apr-1953 | Astronomer at Berkeley |
Jerry Lewis | Comic | 16-Mar-1926 | Muscular Dystrophy Association | |
James Lick | Business | 25-Aug-1796 | 1-Oct-1876 | Lick Observatory |
Bertil Lindblad | Astronomer | 26-Nov-1895 | 25-Jun-1965 | Spiral structure of the galaxy |
Astrid Lindgren | Author | 14-Nov-1907 | 28-Jan-2002 | Pippi Longstocking |
Yang Liwei | Astronaut | 21-Jun-1965 | First manned Chinese spaceflight | |
John Locke | Philosopher | 29-Aug-1632 | 28-Oct-1704 | An Essay Concerning Human Understanding |
Bernard Lovell | Astronomer | 31-Aug-1913 | 6-Aug-2012 | Radio astronomer at Jodrell Bank |
Frank J. Low | Astronomer | 23-Nov-1933 | 11-Jun-2009 | Infrared astronomy |
Auguste Lumière | Inventor | 19-Oct-1862 | 10-Apr-1954 | Co-Inventor of motion pictures |
Louis Lumière | Inventor | 5-Oct-1864 | 6-Jun-1948 | Inventor of motion pictures |
Martin Luther | Religion | 10-Nov-1483 | 18-Feb-1546 | Created Protestant movement |
Willem J. Luyten | Astronomer | 7-Mar-1899 | 21-Nov-1994 | Stellar mortician |
Donald Lynden-Bell | Astronomer | 5-Apr-1935 | Astrophysicist at Cambridge | |
Bernard Lyot | Astronomer | 27-Feb-1897 | 2-Apr-1952 | Sandstorms on Mars |
Ernst Mach | Physicist | 18-Feb-1838 | 19-Feb-1916 | Optical and sensory perceptualist |
Ferdinand Magellan | Explorer | 1480 | 27-Apr-1521 | Circumnavigated the globe |
Christa McAuliffe | Astronaut | 2-Sep-1948 | 28-Jan-1986 | First teacher in space |
Paul McCartney | Musician | 18-Jun-1942 | Beatle | |
William D. McElroy | Biologist | 22-Jan-1917 | 17-Feb-1999 | Bioluminescence |
Gregor Mendel | Scientist | 22-Jul-1822 | 6-Jan-1884 | Discovered the laws of inheritance |
Gerard Mercator | Cartographer | 5-Mar-1512 | 2-Dec-1594 | The Mercator Projection |
Paul W. Merrill | Astronomer | 15-Aug-1887 | 19-Jul-1961 | S-process of nucleosynthesis |
Charles Messier | Astronomer | 26-Jun-1730 | 12-Apr-1817 | Cataloguer of M objects |
E. Arthur Milne | Mathematician | 14-Feb-1896 | 21-Sep-1950 | Kinematic relativity |
Hermann Minkowski | Mathematician | 22-Jun-1864 | 12-Jan-1909 | Minkowski space |
Rudolph Minkowski | Astronomer | 28-May-1895 | 4-Jan-1976 | Galaxies in collision |
Marcel Minnaert | Astronomer | 12-Feb-1893 | 26-Oct-1970 | Solar spectrophotometry |
August Möbius | Astronomer | 17-Nov-1790 | 26-Sep-1868 | Möbius strip |
Mario J. Molina | Chemist | 19-Mar-1943 | Ozone depletion | |
Charlotte E. Moore | Astronomer | 24-Sep-1898 | 3-Mar-1990 | Technetium in the Sun |
Gordon Moore | Business | 3-Jan-1929 | Co-founder of Intel, laid down Moore's Law | |
Patrick Moore | TV Personality | 4-Mar-1923 | BBC's The Sky At Night | |
William W. Morgan | Astronomer | 3-Jan-1906 | 21-Jun-1994 | Spiral arms of the Milky Way Galaxy |
John Muir | Activist | 21-Apr-1838 | 24-Dec-1914 | Patron saint of Yosemite National Park |
Fridtjof Nansen | Explorer | 10-Oct-1861 | 13-May-1930 | Polar explorer, Nobel Prize recipient |
Isaac Newton | Physicist | 4-Jan-1643 | 31-Mar-1727 | Father of the clockwork universe |
Nichelle Nichols | Actor | 28-Dec-1932 | Lt. Uhura on Star Trek | |
Seth Barnes Nicholson | Astronomer | 12-Nov-1891 | 2-Jul-1963 | Four satellites of Jupiter |
Friedrich Nietzsche | Philosopher | 15-Oct-1844 | 25-Aug-1900 | God is dead |
Leonard Nimoy | Actor | 26-Mar-1931 | Commander Spock on Star Trek | |
Alfred Nobel | Inventor | 21-Oct-1833 | 10-Dec-1896 | Dynamite inventor, established Nobel Prize |
Tenzing Norgay | Explorer | 15-May-1914 | 9-May-1986 | With Edmund Hilllary on Everest |
Daniel O'Connell | Politician | 6-Aug-1775 | 15-May-1847 | Irish hero, called The Liberator |
Sean O'Keefe | Administrator | 27-Jan-1956 | NASA Administrator, 2001-05 | |
Wilhelm Olbers | Astronomer | 11-Oct-1758 | 2-Mar-1840 | Studied asteroids, comets |
Jan Hendrik Oort | Astronomer | 28-Apr-1900 | 5-Nov-1992 | Theory of the origin of comets |
Ernst J. Öpik | Astronomer | 23-Oct-1893 | 10-Sep-1985 | Andromeda Nebula |
Donald E. Osterbrock | Astronomer | 13-Jul-1924 | 11-Jan-2007 | Director of Lick Observatory, 1973-81 |
Jesse Owens | Track and Field | 12-Sep-1913 | 31-Mar-1980 | Four track and field medals in 1936 Olympics |
Bohdan Paczynski | Astronomer | 8-Feb-1940 | 19-Apr-2007 | Gravitational microlensing |
Michael Palin | Comic | 5-May-1943 | Monty Python | |
Eugene Parker | Astronomer | 10-Jun-1927 | Solar winds | |
Anna Pavlova | Dancer | 12-Feb-1881 | 22-Jan-1931 | Early 20th century Russian ballerina |
P. James E. Peebles | Astronomer | 25-Apr-1935 | Galaxy formation | |
Pelé | Soccer | 23-Oct-1940 | Brazil's greatest soccer player | |
John S. Plaskett | Astronomer | 17-Nov-1865 | 17-Oct-1941 | Plaskett's star |
Plato | Philosopher | c. 427 BC | c. 347 BC | The Republic |
Pocahontas | Royalty | c. 1595 | 21-Mar-1617 | Native American princess |
Elvis Presley | Singer | 8-Jan-1935 | 16-Aug-1977 | Rock and roll icon |
Richard Preston | Author | 5-Aug-1954 | The Hot Zone | |
Pythagoras | Mathematician | c. 580 BC | c. 500 BC | Pythagorean Theorem |
Srinivasa Ramanujan | Mathematician | 22-Dec-1887 | 26-Apr-1920 | Self-educated mathematician |
James Randi | Magician | 7-Aug-1928 | The Amazing Randi | |
John Rawls | Philosopher | 21-Feb-1921 | 24-Nov-2002 | A Theory of Justice |
Martin Rees | Astronomer | 23-Jun-1942 | President of the Royal Society | |
Augusto Righi | Physicist | 27-Aug-1850 | 8-Jun-1920 | Electromagnetic waves |
Gene Roddenberry | Screenwriter | 19-Aug-1921 | 24-Oct-1991 | Creator of Star Trek |
Fred Rogers | TV Personality | 20-Mar-1928 | 27-Feb-2003 | Mister Rogers |
Carlo Rubbia | Physicist | 31-Mar-1934 | Co-Discovered W and Z particles | |
Henry Norris Russell | Astronomer | 25-Oct-1877 | 18-Feb-1957 | Giant stars and dwarfs |
Meg Ryan | Actor | 19-Nov-1961 | Sleepless In Seattle | |
Carl Sagan | Astronomer | 9-Nov-1934 | 20-Dec-1996 | Popular astronomer, host of Cosmos |
Andrei Sakharov | Physicist | 21-May-1921 | 14-Dec-1989 | Developed the Soviet hydrogen bomb |
Edwin E. Salpeter | Astronomer | 3-Dec-1924 | 26-Nov-2008 | Quantitative electron microscopic autoradiography |
Allan R. Sandage | Astronomer | 18-Jun-1926 | 13-Nov-2010 | Quasars and Hubble-Sandage variable stars |
Carlos Santana | Musician | 20-Jul-1947 | House is dark, pots are cold | |
Wallace Sargent | Astronomer | 15-Feb-1935 | Astrophysicist at CalTech | |
Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli | Astronomer | 14-Mar-1835 | 4-Jul-1910 | Discovered canals on Mars |
Frank Schlesinger | Astronomer | 11-May-1871 | 10-Jul-1943 | Stellar parallaxes |
Maarten Schmidt | Astronomer | 28-Dec-1929 | Co-Discoverer of quasars | |
Arthur Schopenhauer | Philosopher | 22-Feb-1788 | 21-Sep-1860 | Philosopher of Pessimism |
Erwin Schrödinger | Physicist | 12-Aug-1887 | 4-Jan-1961 | Schrödinger's wave equation |
Karl Schwarzschild | Astronomer | 9-Oct-1873 | 11-May-1916 | Black holes, Schwarzschild radius |
Martin Schwarzschild | Astronomer | 31-May-1912 | 10-Apr-1997 | Structure and Evolution of the Stars |
Aleksandr Scriabin | Composer | 25-Dec-1871 | 14-Apr-1915 | Prometheus: The Poem of Fire |
Frederick Hanley Seares | Astronomer | 17-May-1873 | 20-Jul-1964 | Astronomer at Mt. Wilson Observatory |
Sir Run Run Shaw | Film/TV Producer | 23-Nov-1907 | Kung fu movie mogul | |
Iosif S. Shklovskii | Astronomer | 1-Jul-1916 | 3-Mar-1985 | Synchrotron radiation of the Crab Nebula |
Frans Eemil Sillanpää | Author | 16-Sep-1888 | 3-Jun-1964 | The Loveliness and Wretchedness of Human Life |
Frank Sinatra | Singer | 12-Dec-1915 | 14-May-1998 | It's Frank's world, we just live in it |
V. M. Slipher | Astronomer | 11-Nov-1875 | 8-Nov-1969 | Interstellar dust |
Louis Slotin | Physicist | 1-Dec-1910 | 30-May-1946 | Died tickling the dragon's tail |
Socrates | Philosopher | 469 BC | 399 BC | Developer of the Socratic Method |
Harold Spencer Jones | Astronomer | 29-Mar-1890 | 3-Nov-1960 | 10th Royal Astronomer of England |
Lyman Spitzer, Jr. | Astronomer | 26-Jun-1914 | 31-Mar-1997 | Father of space telescopes |
William Spoelhof | Educator | 8-Dec-1909 | 3-Dec-2008 | President of Calvin College, 1951-76 |
Bruce Springsteen | Musician | 23-Sep-1949 | The Boss | |
Ringo Starr | Drummer | 7-Jul-1940 | Beatle | |
Joel Stebbins | Astronomer | 30-Jul-1878 | 16-Mar-1966 | Photoelectric photometry |
Jon Stewart | Comic | 28-Nov-1962 | Anchor of The Daily Show | |
Bengt Strömgren | Astronomer | 21-Jan-1908 | 4-Jul-1987 | Hydrogen stars |
Otto Struve | Astronomer | 12-Aug-1897 | 6-Apr-1963 | Hydrogen in the interstellar medium |
Chiune Sugihara | Diplomat | 1-Jan-1900 | 31-Jul-1986 | Helped Jews escape Lithuania |
Rashid Sunyaev | Astronomer | 1-Mar-1943 | Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect | |
Ambrose Swasey | Business | 19-Dec-1846 | 15-Jun-1937 | Warner and Swasey Company and Observatory |
Tacitus | Historian | 56 AD | c. 120 AD | Historiae, Annals |
George Takei | Actor | 20-Apr-1937 | Sulu on Star Trek | |
Joseph H. Taylor, Jr. | Astronomer | 24-Mar-1941 | Co-Discovered first binary pulsar | |
Nikolai Timofeev-Ressovsky | Biologist | 20-Sep-1900 | 28-Mar-1981 | Russian geneticist |
Clyde W. Tombaugh | Astronomer | 4-Feb-1906 | 17-Jan-1997 | Discovered Pluto |
Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky | Scientist | 17-Sep-1857 | 19-Sep-1935 | Astronautics and rocket dynamics pioneer |
Daniel C. Tsui | Physicist | 28-Feb-1939 | Fractional quantum Hall effect | |
Herbert Hall Turner | Astronomer | 13-Aug-1861 | 20-Aug-1930 | Stellar positions |
Neil deGrasse Tyson | Astronomer | 5-Oct-1958 | Astrophysicist | |
Harold C. Urey | Chemist | 29-Apr-1893 | 5-Jan-1981 | Discovered Deuterium |
Simon van der Meer | Physicist | 24-Nov-1925 | 4-Mar-2011 | Co-Discovered W and Z particles |
Vangelis | Musician | 29-Mar-1943 | New Age instrumentalist | |
Martinus J.G. Veltman | Physicist | 27-Jun-1931 | Quantum physicist | |
Artturi Virtanen | Chemist | 15-Jan-1895 | 11-Nov-1973 | AIV method of fodder preservation |
James Craig Watson | Astronomer | 28-Jan-1838 | 23-Nov-1880 | Claimed to discover the planet Vulcan |
Alfred Wegener | Scientist | 1-Nov-1880 | Nov-1930 | Continental drift |
Ai Weiwei | Artist | 18-May-1957 | Chinese contemporary artist | |
Fred Whipple | Astronomer | 5-Nov-1906 | 30-Aug-2004 | Comet Guy |
Otto Wichterle | Chemist | 27-Oct-1913 | 18-Aug-1998 | Invented soft contact lenses |
Brian Wilson | Singer/Songwriter | 20-Jun-1942 | Troubled Beach Boy | |
Xerxes the Great | Royalty | 519 BC | 465 BC | King of Persia, attempted to invade Greece |
Frank Zappa | Composer | 21-Dec-1940 | 4-Dec-1993 | Joe's Garage |
Georgi Zhukov | Military | 1-Dec-1896 | 18-Jun-1974 | Soviet commander during WWII |
Fritz Zwicky | Astronomer | 14-Feb-1898 | 8-Feb-1974 | Astrophysicist at CalTech |
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