
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society


Founded in 1886 at Cornell University.

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Founding Date:

NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
Roger Adams Chemist 2-Jan-1889 6-Jul-1971 Organic chemist at Illinois
Howard Aiken Physicist 8-Mar-1900 14-Mar-1973 Designer of early computers
Luis W. Alvarez Physicist 13-Jun-1911 1-Sep-1988 Particle accelerator, extinction of dinosaurs
Carl David Anderson Physicist 3-Sep-1905 11-Jan-1991 Discovered the positron, mu-meson
Isaac Asimov Author 2-Jan-1920 6-Apr-1992 Foundation
Norman Augustine Business 27-Jul-1935   CEO of Martin Marietta, 1987-97
Julius Axelrod Chemist 30-May-1912 29-Dec-2004 Research of neurotransmitters
Horace W. Babcock Astronomer 13-Sep-1912 29-Aug-2003 Adaptive optics and the Babcock Model
Leo Baekeland Scientist 14-Nov-1863 23-Feb-1944 Father of plastics
Bill Bass Scientist 30-Aug-1928   Human decomposition
Doug Bereuter Politician 6-Oct-1939   Congressman from Nebraska, 1979-2004
Frederick M. Bernthal Administrator 10-Jan-1943   President, Universities Research Association
Norman Borlaug Scientist 25-Mar-1914 12-Sep-2009 Engineered disease-resistant wheat
Gregory Breit Physicist 14-Jul-1899 11-Sep-1981 Proton-proton dispersion
Wallace R. Brode Chemist 12-Jun-1900 10-Aug-1974 Absorption spectra of dyes
Dirk Brouwer Astronomer 1-Sep-1902 31-Jan-1966 Celestial mechanics
John S. Chen Business 1-Jul-1955   CEO of Sybase
Thomas W. Cole, Jr. Educator c. 1941   President of Clark Atlanta, 1989-2002
William D. Coolidge Physicist 23-Oct-1873 4-Feb-1975 Tungsten filaments and Coolidge tubes
Leon N. Cooper Physicist 28-Feb-1930   BCS Theory of Superconductivity
France A. Córdova Educator 5-Aug-1947   President, Purdue University
Frederick G. Cottrell Inventor 10-Jan-1877 16-Nov-1948 Smokestack filters to fight pollution
George A. Cowan Physicist 15-Feb-1920 20-Apr-2012 Founder, Santa Fe Institute
Robert F. Curl, Jr. Chemist 23-Aug-1933   Co-Discovered fullerines
Brady J. Deaton Educator c. 1944   President, University of Missouri
Michael DeBakey Doctor 7-Sep-1908 11-Jul-2008 Father of cardiovascular surgery
Johann Deisenhofer Chemist 30-Sep-1943   Proteins of photosynthesis
Nicholas M. Donofrio Business 7-Sep-1945   EVP at IBM
Gerald M. Edelman Scientist 1-Jul-1929 17-May-2014 Chemical structure of antibodies
Doug Engelbart Computer Programmer 30-Jan-1925 2-Jul-2013 Pioneer of human-computer interaction
Thomas E. Everhart Physicist 15-Feb-1932   President of CalTech, 1987-97
Marye Anne Fox Educator 9-Dec-1947   Chancellor, UC San Diego
Joseph S. Francisco Chemist 1955   Atmospheric chemist
Richard Freeman Economist 29-Jun-1943   Labor economist
Edward A. Frieman Physicist 19-Jan-1926 11-Apr-2013 Director of Scripps, 1986-96
John W. Gardner Administrator 8-Oct-1912 16-Feb-2002 Founder of Common Cause
Owen K. Garriott Astronaut 22-Nov-1930   Skylab, Spacelab astronaut
Murray Gell-Mann Physicist 15-Sep-1929   Quarks and strangeness
Sheldon Glashow Physicist 5-Dec-1932   Electroweak Theory
Robert Goddard Scientist 5-Oct-1882 10-Aug-1945 Father of modern rocketry
Richard J. Goldstein Engineer c. 1936   Fluid mechanics
Mary L. Good Educator 20-Jun-1931   Donaghey Professor, U. Arkansas
Stephen Jay Gould Biologist 10-Sep-1941 20-May-2002 Evolutionary scientist
Patrick W. Gross Business 15-May-1944   Co-Founder, American Management Systems
Frederick A. Halsey Engineer 12-Jul-1856 20-Oct-1935 Kept America safe from the metric system
Theodor W. Hänsch Physicist 30-Oct-1941   Quantum optics
Martin Hellman Inventor 2-Oct-1945   Public key cryptographer
Richard Herman Educator c. 1941   Chancellor, UI Urbana-Champaign
Melville J. Herskovits Anthropologist 10-Sep-1895 25-Feb-1963 The Myth of the Negro Past
James Hillier Physicist 22-Aug-1915 15-Jan-2007 Electron microscope
Robert Hofstadter Physicist 5-Feb-1915 17-Nov-1990 Size, shape, and structure of neutrons and protons
Grace Murray Hopper Computer Programmer 9-Dec-1906 1-Jan-1992 Computer programming pioneer
Shirley A. Jackson Physicist 5-Aug-1946   NRC Chairman, 1995-99
Irwin M. Jacobs Business 18-Oct-1933   Co-Founder of Qualcomm
William M. Jardine Educator 16-Jan-1879 17-Jan-1955 US Secretary of Agriculture, 1925-29
Kelly Johnson Engineer 27-Feb-1910 21-Dec-1990 Lockheed Skunk Works plane designer
Percy Julian Chemist 11-Apr-1899 19-Apr-1975 Physostigmine and cortisone
Joseph M. Juran Scientist 24-Dec-1904 28-Feb-2008 The Pareto Principle
Donald E. Knuth Computer Programmer 10-Jan-1938   The Art of Computer Programming
William I. Koch Business 3-May-1940   Koch Industries
Robert H. Krieble Philanthropist 1916 8-May-1997 Loctite Corporation
Bill Kurtis Journalist 21-Sep-1940   Shoulder-shrugging host of American Justice
Robert B. Leighton Astronomer 10-Sep-1919 9-Mar-1997 Leighton dishes
Arnold J. Levine Biologist 1939   Cancer researcher
William Lipscomb Chemist 9-Dec-1919 14-Apr-2011 Chemical bonding
Salvador Luria Biologist 13-Aug-1912 6-Feb-1991 Natural selection in bacteria
Benoit Mandelbrot Mathematician 20-Nov-1924 14-Oct-2010 Fractal mathematician
William E. Mayberry Business 22-Aug-1929   Former President, Mayo Foundation
John McCarthy Computer Programmer 4-Sep-1927 24-Oct-2011 Created LISP programming language
Barbara McClintock Scientist 16-Jun-1902 2-Sep-1992 Discovered transposable genes
Edwin M. McMillan Physicist 18-Sep-1907 7-Sep-1991 Discovered neptunium and plutonium
James R. Mellor Business 3-May-1930   CEO of General Dynamics, 1994-97
Bruce Merrifield Chemist 15-Jul-1921 14-May-2006 Synthesized polypeptides
Thomas Midgley Chemist 18-May-1889 2-Nov-1944 Ethyl gasoline, Freon
Ei-ichi Negishi Chemist 14-Jul-1935   Palladium-catalyzed cross couplings
Arun Netravali Business 26-May-1946   Chief Scientist at Lucent, 2002-03
Jane Margaret O'Brien Educator c. 1953   President, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Gilbert S. Omenn Business 30-Aug-1941   Professor, University of Michigan
William D. Phillips Physicist 5-Nov-1948   Trapped atoms with laser light
James D. Plummer Educator 3-Dec-1944   Dean of Stanford's Engineering School
Franklyn G. Prendergast Doctor 7-Mar-1945   Mayo Clinic
Frederick Reines Physicist 16-Mar-1918 26-Aug-1998 Co-Discover of the neutrino
Albert Sabin Biologist 26-Aug-1906 3-Mar-1993 Developed oral polio vaccine
Jack Schmitt Astronaut 3-Jul-1935   12th Man on the Moon
Rusty Schweickart Astronaut 25-Oct-1935   Apollo 9 Lunar Module pilot
David Scott Astronaut 6-Jun-1932   Commander, Apollo 15
Glenn Seaborg Physicist 19-Apr-1912 25-Feb-1999 Co-Discoverer of Plutonium
Claude Shannon Scientist 30-Apr-1916 24-Feb-2001 Pioneer in information theory
Judith Shapiro Educator 24-Jan-1942   President, Barnard College
Harlow Shapley Astronomer 2-Nov-1885 20-Oct-1972 Organizer of Heaven
Robert N. Shelton Educator 1948   President, University of Arizona
Richard E. Smalley Chemist 6-Jun-1943 28-Oct-2005 Co-Discovered fullerines
George E. Smith Scientist 10-May-1930   Digital photography
Theobald Smith Scientist 31-Jul-1859 10-Dec-1934 Infectious and parasitic diseases
Alfred Sommer Doctor 1942   SPH Dean at Johns Hopkins, 1990-2005
Gene Spafford Computer Programmer c. 1957   Spaf
Philip Sporn Engineer 25-Nov-1896 23-Jan-1978 American Electric Power Company
William H. Stein Chemist 25-Jun-1911 2-Feb-1980 Amino-acid analyzer
James B. Sumner Chemist 19-Nov-1887 12-Aug-1955 Crystallized enzymes
Earl W. Sutherland, Jr. Scientist 19-Nov-1915 9-Mar-1974 Hormones mechanisms (cyclic AMP)
Henry Taube Chemist 30-Nov-1915 16-Nov-2005 Mechanisms of electron transfer
Charles H. Townes Physicist 28-Jul-1915 27-Jan-2015 Invention of the maser and laser
James Van Allen Astronomer 7-Sep-1914 9-Aug-2006 Discovered the Van Allen Belt
George Wald Biologist 18-Nov-1906 12-Apr-1997 Physiology of the retina
George H. Whipple Scientist 28-Aug-1878 2-Feb-1976 Bile, hemoglobin, and the liver
John A. White Business c. 1940   Chancellor, University of Arkansas
Robert Woodrow Wilson Astronomer 10-Jan-1936   Detected primordial radiation
Joe B. Wyatt Educator c. 1935   Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, 1982-2000
Ahmed H. Zewail Chemist 26-Feb-1946   Femtochemistry

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