
Econometric Society


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Econometric Society


"The most prestigious learned society in the field of economics", founded 1930 in Cleveland, Ohio by Irving Fisher, Ragnar Frisch, and others.

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Founding Date:

NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
George A. Akerlof Economist 17-Jun-1940   Asymmetric markets
Maurice Allais Economist 31-May-1911 9-Oct-2010 Monopoly pricing and the Allais effect
Kenneth J. Arrow Economist 23-Aug-1921   Social Choice and Individual Values
Robert J. Aumann Economist 8-Jun-1930   Game theorist
Gary S. Becker Economist 2-Dec-1930 3-May-2014 Human Capital
Ben Bernanke Economist 13-Dec-1953   Federal Reserve Chairman, 2006-14
Alan S. Blinder Economist 14-Oct-1945   Vice Chairman, Federal Reserve
Dennis W. Carlton Economist c. 1950   Economics Professor, University of Chicago
Gerard Debreu Economist 4-Jul-1921 31-Dec-2004 Supply and demand theorist
Peter Diamond Economist 29-Apr-1940   Diamond paradox in economics
Robert F. Engle III Economist 10-Nov-1942   Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
Martin Feldstein Economist 25-Nov-1939   Reagan economist
Franklin M. Fisher Economist 13-Dec-1934   Economist at MIT
Irving Fisher Economist 27-Feb-1867 29-Apr-1947 The Theory of Interest
Milton Friedman Economist 31-Jul-1912 16-Nov-2006 1976 Nobel Prize for Economics
Clive W.J. Granger Economist 4-Sep-1934 27-May-2009 Granger causality
Zvi Griliches Economist 12-Sep-1930 4-Nov-1999 Technology, Education, and Productivity
Sanford J. Grossman Business 21-Jul-1953   CEO of Quantitative Financial Strategies
Trygve Haavelmo Economist 13-Dec-1911 28-Jul-1999 Economic forecasting
John C. Harsanyi Economist 29-May-1920 9-Aug-2000 Game theory
Jerry A. Hausman Economist 5-May-1946   Hausman Specification Test
James J. Heckman Economist 19-Apr-1944   Statistical analysis of individual and household behavior
Hendrik S. Houthakker Economist 31-Dec-1924 15-Apr-2008 Council of Economic Advisers, 1969-71
Leonid Hurwicz Economist 21-Aug-1917 24-Jun-2008 Mechanism design theory
Donald P. Jacobs Economist 22-Jun-1927   Dean of the Kellogg School, 1975-2001
Dale W. Jorgenson Economist 7-May-1933   Economist at Harvard
Paul L. Joskow Economist c. 1946   Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Daniel Kahneman Psychologist 5-Mar-1934   The psychology of economics
Leonid Vitalyevich Kantorovich Mathematician 19-Jan-1912 7-Apr-1986 Linear programming
John Maynard Keynes Economist 5-Jun-1883 21-Apr-1946 Father of Keynesian economics
Paul Krugman Columnist 28-Feb-1953   New York Times columnist/economist
Finn E. Kydland Economist Dec-1943   Dynamic macroeconomics
Edward Lazear Economist 1948   Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors
Wassily Leontief Economist 5-Aug-1906 5-Feb-1999 Structure of the American Economy
Abba Lerner Economist 28-Oct-1903 27-Oct-1982 The Economics of Control
Richard C. Levin Educator 7-Apr-1947   President of Yale University
Steven Levitt Economist 1968   Freakonomics
Robert Lucas Economist 15-Sep-1937   Theory of rational expectations
Benoit Mandelbrot Mathematician 20-Nov-1924 14-Oct-2010 Fractal mathematician
Eric Maskin Economist 12-Dec-1950   Mechanism design theory
Robert C. Merton Economist 31-Jul-1944   Risk management and options
Merton H. Miller Economist 16-May-1923 3-Jun-2000 Modigliani-Miller theorem
James A. Mirrlees Economist 5-Jul-1936   Asymmetric information in economics
Franco Modigliani Economist 18-Jun-1918 25-Sep-2003 Life-cycle theory
Dale Mortensen Economist 2-Feb-1939 9-Jan-2014 Job creation and destruction
Roger B. Myerson Economist 29-Mar-1951   Mechanism design theory
Gunnar Myrdal Economist 6-Dec-1898 17-May-1987 Monetary Equilibrium
John Nash Mathematician 13-Jun-1928 23-May-2015 Schizophrenic game theorist
Joseph P. Newhouse Economist 24-Feb-1942   Rand economist, Harvard professor
�ystein Ore Mathematician 7-Oct-1899 13-Aug-1968 Ring theorist
Edmund S. Phelps Economist 26-Jul-1933   Golden Rules of Economic Growth
Christopher Pissarides Economist c. 1948   Job creation and destruction
Charles Plosser Economist 19-Sep-1948   President and CEO, Philadelphia Fed
Edward C. Prescott Economist 26-Dec-1940   Dynamic macroeconomics
Kenneth S. Rogoff Economist 22-Mar-1953   Harvard economist
Harvey S. Rosen Economist 29-Mar-1949   Council of Economic Advisers, 2003-05
Stephen A. Ross Economist c. 1943   Professor of Financial Economics, MIT
Jeffrey Sachs Economist 5-Nov-1954   The End of Poverty
Paul Samuelson Economist 15-May-1915 13-Dec-2009 Theory of revealed preference
Thomas J. Sargent Economist 19-Jul-1943   Rational expectations theory
Richard L. Schmalensee Economist 1944   Council of Economic Advisers, 1989-91
Joseph Schumpeter Economist 8-Feb-1883 8-Jan-1950 Creative Destruction
Amartya Sen Economist 3-Nov-1933   Poverty and Famines
John Shoven Economist 1947   Stanford economist
Christopher A. Sims Economist 21-Oct-1942   Statistical theory of time series
Robert M. Solow Economist 23-Aug-1924   Theory of economic growth
Hugo F. Sonnenschein Economist 1941   President, University of Chicago, 1993-2000
A. Michael Spence Economist 7-Nov-1943   Asymmetric markets
Joseph Stiglitz Economist 9-Feb-1943   Ex-Chief Economist of the World Bank
Lawrence H. Summers Economist 30-Nov-1954   US Treasury Secretary, 1999-2001
John B. Taylor Economist 8-Dec-1946   Council of Economic Advisers, 1989-91
William Vickrey Economist 21-Jun-1914 11-Oct-1996 Asymmetric information in economics
Oliver E. Williamson Economist 27-Sep-1932   Transaction cost economics
Sewall Wright Biologist 21-Dec-1889 3-Mar-1988 Mathematics of evolution

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