
Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Academy of Sciences


Founded 1724 as St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Became USSR Academy of Sciences in 1925, re-named Russian Academy of Sciences in 1991, after the collapse of the USSR.

Founding Date:

NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
Alexei A. Abrikosov Physicist 25-Jun-1928   Particle physicist, explored superconductivity
Zhores I. Alferov Scientist 15-Mar-1930   Developed solar cells for the Sputnik program
Hannes Alfvén Physicist 30-May-1908 2-Apr-1995 Renegade Swedish astrophysicist
Francis W. Aston Chemist 1-Sep-1877 20-Nov-1945 Invented the mass spectograph
Sergei Averintsev Author 10-Dec-1937 21-Feb-2004 Myth of the Peoples of the World
Nikolay G. Basov Physicist 14-Dec-1922 1-Jul-2001 Invention of the maser and laser
Boris Berezovsky Business 23-Jan-1946 23-Mar-2013 Russian oligarch, Putin critic
Paul Berg Chemist 30-Jun-1926   Pioneer in recombinant DNA
Sune K. Bergström Scientist 10-Jan-1916 15-Aug-2004 Prostaglandins
Max Born Physicist 11-Dec-1882 5-Jan-1970 Pioneer of quantum mechanics
Walter Bradford Cannon Scientist 19-Oct-1871 1-Oct-1945 Fight or flight response
Pavel A. Cherenkov Physicist 15-Jul-1904 6-Jan-1990 Cherenkov radiation
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Physicist 1-Apr-1933   Trapped atoms with laser light
Paul J. Crutzen Physicist 3-Dec-1933   Ozone depletion
Peter Debye Physicist 24-Mar-1884 2-Nov-1966 Studied molecular structure, dipoles
Paul Dirac Physicist 8-Aug-1902 20-Oct-1984 The Principles of Quantum Mechanics
Richard R. Ernst Chemist 14-Aug-1933   NMR spectroscopy
Leo Esaki Physicist 12-Mar-1925   Electron tunneling
Hans von Euler-Chelpin Chemist 15-Feb-1873 7-Nov-1964 Enzymes of sugar fermentation
Ilya M. Frank Physicist 23-Oct-1908 22-Jun-1990 Cherenkov radiation
Andre Geim Physicist Oct-1958   Super-thin carbon physics
Israel Gelfand Mathematician 2-Sep-1913 5-Oct-2009 Banach algebras, Lie groups
Murray Gell-Mann Physicist 15-Sep-1929   Quarks and strangeness
Vitaly L. Ginzburg Physicist 4-Oct-1916 8-Nov-2009 Type-II superconductors
Sheldon Glashow Physicist 5-Dec-1932   Electroweak Theory
Charles Édouard Guillaume Physicist 15-Feb-1861 13-Jun-1938 Invented alloys Invar and Elinvar
Jacques-Salomon Hadamard Mathematician 8-Dec-1865 17-Oct-1963 Prime number theorem
Alan J. Heeger Physicist 22-Jan-1936   Metallic polymers
Gustav Hertz Physicist 22-Jul-1887 30-Oct-1975 Franck-Hertz experiment
George W. Hill Astronomer 3-Mar-1838 16-Apr-1914 A New Theorie of Jupiter and Saturn
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Chemist 12-May-1910 29-Jul-1994 Determined structure of Vitamin B12
Jules A. Hoffmann Biologist 2-Aug-1941   Innate immunity
Roald Hoffmann Chemist 18-Jul-1937   Woodward-Hoffmann reaction
Nick Holonyak Physicist 3-Nov-1928   Light-emitting diodes
Leonid Vitalyevich Kantorovich Mathematician 19-Jan-1912 7-Apr-1986 Linear programming
Pyotr Kapitsa Physicist 8-Jul-1894 8-Apr-1984 Discovered superfluidity
Donald E. Knuth Computer Programmer 10-Jan-1938   The Art of Computer Programming
Lev Landau Physicist 22-Jan-1908 1-Apr-1968 Superfluidity of helium
Max von Laue Physicist 9-Oct-1879 23-Apr-1960 X-ray crystallography
Alexander Lebedev Business 16-Dec-1959   Russian oligarch, ex-KGB
David M. Lee Physicist 20-Jan-1931   Superfluidity of helium-3
Anthony J. Leggett Physicist 26-Mar-1938   Particle physicist, explored superfluidity
Jean-Marie Lehn Chemist 30-Sep-1939   Synthesis of molecules
Lynn Margulis Biologist 5-Mar-1935 22-Nov-2011 Origin of eukaryotic organelles
Dale Mortensen Economist 2-Feb-1939 9-Jan-2014 Job creation and destruction
Hermann J. Muller Scientist 21-Dec-1890 5-Apr-1967 Genetic effects of radiation
Giulio Natta Chemist 26-Feb-1903 2-May-1979 Ziegler-Natta catalysts for polymerization
Louis Néel Physicist 22-Nov-1904 17-Nov-2000 Magnetic properties of solids
Wilhelm Ostwald Chemist 2-Sep-1853 4-Apr-1932 Ostwald's Law of Dilution and Conductivity
Linus Pauling Chemist 28-Feb-1901 19-Aug-1994 Scientist and peacenik
John C. Polanyi Chemist 23-Jan-1929   Infrared chemiluminescence
Cecil Powell Physicist 5-Dec-1903 9-Aug-1969 Discovered the pi-meson
Vladimir Prelog Chemist 23-Jul-1906 7-Jan-1998 Stereochemistry of enzyme-catalysts
Ilya Prigogine Chemist 25-Jan-1917 28-May-2003 Theory of dissipative structures
Yevgeny Primakov Head of State 29-Oct-1929 26-Jun-2015 Prime Minister of Russia, 1998-99
Aleksandr M. Prokhorov Physicist 11-Jul-1916 8-Jan-2002 Invention of the maser and laser
C. N. R. Rao Chemist 30-Jun-1934   Chemistry of superconductivity
Frederick Reines Physicist 16-Mar-1918 26-Aug-1998 Co-Discover of the neutrino
Carlo Rubbia Physicist 31-Mar-1934   Co-Discovered W and Z particles
Martin Ryle Astronomer 27-Sep-1918 14-Oct-1984 Radio astronomer
Andrei Sakharov Physicist 21-May-1921 14-Dec-1989 Developed the Soviet hydrogen bomb
Robert Schrieffer Physicist 31-May-1931   BCS Theory of Superconductivity
Nikolay Semyonov Chemist 15-Apr-1896 25-Sep-1986 Combustion, explosions, and chemical kinetics
Iosif S. Shklovskii Astronomer 1-Jul-1916 3-Mar-1985 Synchrotron radiation of the Crab Nebula
Mikhail Sholokhov Author 24-May-1905 21-Feb-1984 The Silent Don
Frederick Soddy Chemist 2-Sep-1877 22-Sep-1956 Isotopes
Arnold Sommerfeld Physicist 5-Dec-1868 26-Apr-1951 Fine-structure constant
Roger W. Sperry Scientist 20-Aug-1913 17-Apr-1994 "Split brain" hemispheric neurophysiology
Rashid Sunyaev Astronomer 1-Mar-1943   Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
Igor Y. Tamm Physicist 8-Jul-1895 12-Apr-1971 Cherenkov radiation
Stephen Timoshenko Engineer 23-Dec-1878 29-May-1972 Mechanical engineering professor at Stanford
Samuel C. C. Ting Physicist 27-Jan-1936   Co-Discoverer of J/psi meson
Charles H. Townes Physicist 28-Jul-1915 27-Jan-2015 Invention of the maser and laser
Georgy Voronoy Mathematician 28-Apr-1868 20-Nov-1908 Voronoi diagram
Ahmed H. Zewail Chemist 26-Feb-1946   Femtochemistry

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