
Zvi Griliches

Zvi Griliches

Born: 12-Sep-1930
Birthplace: Kaunas, Lithuania
Died: 4-Nov-1999
Location of death: Cambridge, MA
Cause of death: Cancer - Pancreatic

Gender: Male
Religion: Jewish
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Economist

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Technology, Education, and Productivity

Military service: Israeli Army (1947-48)

The parents of Zvi Griliches (pronounced GRILL-i-cus) were worked to death in Nazi prison camps, and he and his sister narrowly escaped a similar fate. He taught himself English and came to America virtually penniless, where he became one of the nation's premier economists of the 20th century. His areas of expertise were the diffusion of technological change, the impact of education and inflation on economic growth, productivity measurement, benefits of research and development, and methods for isolating the sources of economic growth. His thesis, Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change, is considered a landmark in understanding the impact of economic incentives and technological change.

Father: Efim Ilyich Griliches (tobacco factory worker, b. 1896, d. 1945)
Mother: Clara Ziv Griliches (d. 1945)
Sister: Ellen Griliches (b. 8-Jul-1933, d. 4-Jun-1996)
Wife: Diane Asseo Griliches (m. 26-Apr-1953, two children)
Daughter: Eve Griliches (b. 1957)
Son: Marc Griliches (b. 1960)

    University: Hebrew University (attended, 1950-51)
    University: BS Agricultural Economics, University of California at Berkeley (1953)
    University: MS Economics, University of California at Berkeley (1954)
    University: MA Econometrics, University of Chicago (1954)
    University: PhD Economics, University of Chicago (1957)
    Teacher: Economics, University of Chicago (1957-64)
    Professor: Economics, University of Chicago (1964-69)
    Professor: Economics, Harvard University (1969-99)

    John Bates Clark Medal 1965
    American Academy of Arts and Sciences
    American Agricultural Economics Association
    American Association for the Advancement of Science
    American Economic Association President (1993)
    Brookings Institution
    Econometric Society
    National Academy of Sciences 1975
    National Bureau of Economic Research
    National Science Foundation
    Ford Foundation Conssultant
    RAND Corporation Consultant
    World Bank Consultant
    Federal Reserve Consultant
    Naturalized US Citizen 1951
    Lithuanian Ancestry

Author of books:
Handbook of Econometrics (1983)
R & D, Patents, and Productivity (1984)
Technology, Education, and Productivity (1988)
Output Measurement in the Service Sectors (1992)
Practicing Econometrics: Essays in Method and Application (1998)

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