
Rasmus B. Anderson

Rasmus B. Anderson

Rasmus B. AndersonAKA Rasmus Björn Anderson

Born: 12-Jan-1846
Birthplace: Albion, WI
Died: 2-Mar-1936
Location of death: Madison, WI
Cause of death: Pneumonia

Gender: Male
Religion: Lutheran
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Scholar, Diplomat

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: America Not Discovered by Columbus

Father: Björn Anderson Kvelve (b. 3-Jun-1801, d. 10-Aug-1850 cholera)
Mother: Abel Catherine von Krogh (b. 8-Oct-1809, d. 31-Oct-1885)
Sister: Dina ("Mrs. T. A. Torgerson")
Brother: Bruun (d. 6-Aug-1850 cholera)
Sister: Elizabeth (b. 1837)
Brother: Andrew (b. 1832)
Sister: Cecilia
Sister: Martha
Brother: Abel (Lutheran minister)
Brother: Bruun (this is a second Bruun, merchant)
Brother: A. C. Aroundson (physician)
Wife: Bertha Karina Olson (m. 21-Jul-1868, d. Mar-1922)
Daughter: Hanna Burena Anderson (d., one year old)
Daughter: Charletta Vedel
Son: George Krogh Anderson
Son: Hjalmar Odin Anderson
Son: Rolf Bull Anderson (d. 1935)

    University: Luther College (1866)
    Teacher: Albion Academy, Albion, WI
    Professor: Scandinavian Language and Literature, University of Wisconsin at Madison (1867-83)

    US Ambassador to Denmark 1885-89
    Norwegian Ancestry
    Risk Factors: Vegetarian

Author of books:
America Not Discovered by Columbus (1874)
Norse Mythology (1875)
Viking Tales of the North (1877)
The Younger Edda (1880)
Life Story of Rasmus B. Anderson (1915, with Albert O. Barton)

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