
Igor Stravinsky

Igor Stravinsky

Igor StravinskyAKA Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky

Born: 17-Jun-1882
Birthplace: Oranienbaum, Russia
Died: 6-Apr-1971
Location of death: New York City
Cause of death: Tuberculosis
Remains: Buried, Cimitero di San Michele, Venice, Italy

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Composer

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: The Rite of Spring

Wife: Katerina Nossenko (his cousin, m. 23-Jan-1906)
Wife: Vera de Bosset
Mistress: Coco Chanel (fashion designer)

    Appendectomy France (1934), prophylactic
    Naturalized French Citizen (10-Jun-1934)
    Surgery prostate (1953)
    Stroke 1956
    L�onie Sonning Music Prize 1959
    Hollywood Walk of Fame 6340 Hollywood Blvd.
    Kentucky Colonel
    Traveled to the USSR Sep-1962
    French Ancestry
    Russian Ancestry

Appears on postage stamps:
USA, Scott #1845 (2 cents, issued 18-Nov-1982)

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