Hans Tausen
Born: 1494
Birthplace: Birkende, Island of Fyn, Denmark
Died: 11-Nov-1561
Location of death: Ribe, Denmark
Cause of death: unspecified
Gender: Male
Religion: Protestant
Race or Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Religion
Nationality: Denmark
Executive summary: Danish Protestant reformer
The protagonist of the Danish Reformation, born at Birkende in Funen in 1494. The quick-witted peasant lad ran away from the plough at an early age, finally settling down as a friar in the Johannite cloister of Antvorskov near Slagelse. After studying at Rostock and teaching there for a time and also at Copenhagen, he was again sent abroad by his prior, visiting, among other places, the newly founded University of Leyden and making the acquaintance of the Dutch humanists. He was already a good linguist, understanding both Latin and Hebrew. Subsequently he translated the books of Moses from the original. In May 1523 Tausen went to Wittenberg, where he studied for a year and a half, when he was recalled to Antvorskov. In consequence of his professed attachment to the doctrines of Martin Luther he was first imprisoned in the dungeons of Antvorskov and from there transferred, in the spring of 1525, to the Grey Friars' cloister at Viborg in Jutland, where he preached from his prison to the people assembled outside, until his prior, whom he won over to his views, permitted him to use the pulpit of the priory church. At Viborg the seed sown by Tausen fell upon good soil. Several young men in the town had studied at Wittenberg, and the burghers, in their Lutheran zeal, had already expelled their youthful Bishop J�rgen Friis. Tausen's preaching was so revolutionary that he no longer felt safe among the Franciscans, so he boldly discarded his monastic habit and placed himself under the protection of the burgesses of Viborg. At first he preached in the parish church of St. John, but this soon growing too small for him he addressed the people in the marketplace from the church tower. When the Franciscans refused to allow him to preach in their large church, the mob broke in by force. A compromise was at last arranged, whereby the friars were to preach in the forenoon and Tausen in the afternoon. The bishop, very naturally averse to these high-handed proceedings, sent armed men to the church to arrest Tausen, but the burghers, who had brought their weapons with them, drove back "the bishop's swains." In October 1526 King Frederick I, during his visit to Aalborg, took Hans Tausen under his protection, appointed him one of his chaplains, and charged him to continue for a time "to preach the holy Gospel" to the citizens of Viborg, who were to be responsible for his safety, thus identifying himself with the new doctrines in direct contravention of the plain letter of his coronation oath. Tausen found a diligent fellow-worker in J�rgen Viberg, better known as Sadolin, whose sister, Dorothea, he married, to the great scandal of the Catholics. He was indeed the first Danish priest who took unto himself a wife. He was also the first of the reformers who used Danish instead of Latin in the church services, the "Even song" he introduced at Viborg being of great beauty. Tausen was certainly the most practically gifted of all the new native teachers. But he was stronger as a preacher and an agitator than as a writer, the pamphlets which he now issued from the press of his colleague the ex-priest Hans Vingaard, who settled down at Viborg as a printer, being little more than adaptations of Luther's opuscula. He continued to preach in the Grey Friars' church, while Sadolin, whom he had "consecrated" a priest, officiated at the church of the Dominicans, who had already fled from the town. The stouter-hearted Franciscans only yielded to violence persistently applied by the soldiers whom their opponents quartered upon them. In 1529 Tausen's "mission" at Viborg came to an end. King Frederick now recommended him to Copenhagen to preach at the church of St. Nicholas, but here he found an able and intrepid opponent in Bishop R�nne. Serious disturbances thereupon ensued; and the Protestants, getting the worst of the argument, silenced their gainsayers by insulting the bishops and priests in the streets and profaning and devastating the Catholic churches. A Herredag, or Assembly of Nobles, was held at Copenhagen on the 2nd of July 1530, ostensibly to mediate between the two conflicting confessions, but the king, from policy, and the nobility, from covetousness of the estates of the prelates, made no attempt to prevent the excesses of the Protestant rabble, openly encouraged by Tausen. On the other hand, the preachers failed to obtain the repeal of the Odense recess of 1527 which had subjected them to the spiritual jurisdiction of the prelates. On the death of King Frederick, Tausen, at the instance of R�nne, was, at the Herredag of 1533, convicted of blasphemy and condemned to expulsion from the diocese of Sjaelland, whereupon the mob rose in arms against the bishop, who would have been murdered but for the courageous intervention of Tausen, who conducted him home in safety. The noble-minded R�nne thereupon, from gratitude, permitted Tausen to preach in all his churches on condition that he moderated his tone. On the final triumph of the Reformation Tausen was appointed bishop of Ribe (1542), an office he held with great zeal and fidelity for twenty years.
Ran Away From Home
Blasphemy convicted 1533
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