
Allen Tate

Allen Tate

Allen TateAKA John Orley Allen Tate

Born: 19-Nov-1899
Birthplace: WInchester, KY
Died: 9-Feb-1979
Location of death: Nashville, TN
Cause of death: unspecified

Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Poet, Author, Critic

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Mr. Pope and Other Poems

Father: John Orley Tate (businessman)
Mother: Eleanor Parke Custis Varnell
Wife: Caroline Gordon (m. 1925, div. 1959, one daughter)
Daughter: Nancy (b. 1925)
Wife: Isabella Gardner (m. 1959, div.)
Wife: Helen Heinz (m. 1966, three sons)

    University: Cincinnati Conservatory of Music (studied 1916-17)
    University: Vanderbilt University (1923)
    Professor: Southwestern College, Memphis, TN (1934-)
    Professor: Woman's College, University of North Carolina
    Professor: Princeton University
    Professor: University of Minnesota (1951-68)

    The Sewanee Review Editor (1944-46)
    Bollingen Prize in Poetry 1957
    Guggenheim Fellowship 1928
    Converted to Catholicism 1950
    Risk Factors: Tuberculosis

Author of books:
Mr. Pope and Other Poems (1928, poetry)
Stonewall Jackson: The Good Soldier (1928, biography)
Jefferson Davis: His Rise and Fall (1929, biography)
I'll Take My Stand (1930, poetry)
Poems: 1928-1931 (1932, poetry)
The Mediterranean and Other Poems (1936, poetry)
Selected Poem (1937, poetry)
The Fathers (1938, novel)
On the Limits of Poetry: Selected Essays, 1928-1948 (1948, essays)
Poems, 1922-1947 (1948, poetry)
The Forlorn Demon: Didactic and Critical Essays (1953, essays)
The Swimmers and Other Selected Poems (1971, poetry)
Collected Poems (1977, poetry)
Essays of Four Decades (1969, essays)

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