
Louise Imogen Guiney

Louise Imogen Guiney

Louise Imogen GuineyBorn: 7-Jan-1861
Birthplace: Roxbury, MA
Died: 2-Nov-1920
Location of death: Chipping Campden, Gloucester, England
Cause of death: unspecified

Gender: Female
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Poet, Author

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: A Roadside Harp

Her father's letters are the subject of Commanding Boston's Irish Ninth: The Civil War Letters of Colonel Patrick R. Guiney, Ninth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (1997, edited by Christian G. Samito.)

Father: Patrick Robert Guiney (regiment commander, b. 15-Jan-1835, d. 21-Mar-1877)
Mother: Jeannette Margaret Doyle

    High School: Elmhurst, Providence, RI (convent school)

    Irish Ancestry

Author of books:
Songs at the Start (1884, poetry)
Goose-Quill Papers (1885, essays)
The White Sail and Other Poems (1887, poetry)
Brownies and Bogles (1888, poetry)
Monsieur Henri: A Foot-Note to French History (1892, essays)
A Roadside Harp (1893, poetry)
A Little English Gallery (1895, essays)
Robert Louis Stevenson (1895, biography, with Alice Brown)
Lovers' Saint Ruth's and Three Other Tales (1895, short stories)
Nine Sonnets Written at Oxford (1895, poetry)
Patrins (1897, essays)
England and Yesterday (1898, poetry)
The Martyrs' Idyl and Shorter Poems (1899, poetry)
Robert Emmet (1904)
The Princess of the Tower (1906, poetry)
Blessed Edmund Campion (1908)
Happy Ending (1909, poetry, her collected verse)
Letters (1926, letters)
Recusant Poets (1939, ed., with Geoffrey Bliss)

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