
Philipp Scheidemann

Philipp Scheidemann

Philipp ScheidemannAKA Scheidemann Scheidemann

Born: 26-Jul-1865
Birthplace: Kassel, Germany
Died: 29-Nov-1939
Location of death: Copenhagen, Denmark
Cause of death: unspecified

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Head of State

Nationality: Germany
Executive summary: German Chancellor, 1919

    High School: Kassel, Germany

    German Mayor Kassel, Germany (1920-25)
    Chancellor of Germany (13-Feb-1919 to 20-Jun-1919)
    Member of German Parliament (1903-)
    Social Democratic Party of Germany
    Assassination Attempt 14-Jun-1922 (prussic acid)

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