
Murray Turoff

Murray Turoff

Born: 13-Feb-1936
Birthplace: San Francisco, CA

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Scientist, Inventor

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Computer conferencing and instant messaging

Computer scientist Murray Turoff developed the Emergency Management Information System and Reference Index (EMISARI), the electronic information and communication system that guided the US government's response to emergencies through much of the 1970s and '80s. The EMISARI network, established in 1971, included what many consider the first instant messaging system, and Turoff was an early theorist of computer-mediated communications and proponent of "computer conferencing" -- a term he may have coined. Turoff worked on 1960s-era computerized nuclear war games for US defense, and developed the Policy Delphi technique, a modification of the Delphi Method for use in policy analysis and decision-making. Turoff and his wife and frequent collaborator, Dr. Starr Roxanne Hiltz, are both professors at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Wife: Starr Roxanne Hiltz (sociologist)

    High School: George Washington High School, San Francisco, CA (1953)
    University: BA Mathematics and Physics, University of California at Berkeley (1958)
    University: PhD Physics, Brandeis University (1965)
    Professor: Information Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology

    EFF Pioneer Award 1994
    American Association for the Advancement of Science
    American Chemical Society
    American Library Association
    American Management Association
    American Rock Garden Society
    Association for Computing Machinery
    Institute of Management Sciences
    National Research Council
    Phi Beta Kappa Society
    RAND Corporation

Author of books:
The Delphi Method (1975, with Harold A. Linstone)
The Network Nation (1992, with Roxanne Hiltz)

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