Dear Minnesota NRA Member:

Please vote Erik Paulsen for U.S. House of Representatives in Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District on or before Tuesday, November 8th. Early voting is underway, and absentee-by-mail ballots must be received on or before Election Day. For more information on voting call the Minnesota Elections Division at 1-877-600-VOTE or view the website at         

Erik Paulsen, “A” Rated and NRA-PVF Endorsed

The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has endorsed Erik Paulsen for U.S. House of Representatives in Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District. Erik is committed to protecting your gun rights! 

  • Supports Right-to-Carry: Erik voted for Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation, which would ensure that law-abiding Americans with the legal right to carry concealed would be able to carry their firearm for self-defense in any other state.
  • Opposes Gun Control: Erik opposes the Obama/Bloomberg/Clinton agenda of banning guns, ammunition, magazines, and creating a so-called “universal” background check system that would criminalize the private transfer of firearms which, according to the Justice Department, is only enforceable through federal gun registration. 
  • Opposes Operation Choke Point: Erik voted for legislation that prohibits the Obama Administration from executing an abusive practice in which the Department of Justice intimidates banks into refusing or severing financial services to legally operated ammunition and firearms dealers. 
  • Supports America’s Hunting Heritage: Erik voted for the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreation Enhancement Act, which would benefit sportsman in Minnesota and throughout the country.
  • Opposes Ammo Ban: Erik signed a letter to the Obama administration opposing its flagrant attempt to ban commonly used ammunition for the most popular rifle in America.
  • Opposes a Federal Gun Database: Erik voted to prevent ATF from circumventing the will of Congress by centralizing records of thousands of Americans’ long gun purchases.

In contrast, his opponent, Terri Bonoff, has received a “D” rating from NRA-PVF. He opposes your Second Amendment rights and supports the Obama/Bloomberg/Clinton gun control agenda. 

Erik Paulsen is the only candidate in this race who has stood strong against the Obama/Clinton/Bloomberg gun control agenda. That’s why it’s critically important for you to vote Erik Paulsen for U.S. House of Representatives in Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District on or before Tuesday, November 8th! 

P.S. Please don’t forget to vote Donald Trump for President!