
National Science Board

Aberle, Dr. Sophie†
Special Research Director
The University of New Mexico 1950 - 1958 Abbott, Dr. Mark
Dean and Professor
College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University 2006 - 2012 Adams, Dr. Roger†
Research Professor
Department of Chemistry and Chemical
University of Illinois 1954 - 1960 Adkisson, Dr. Perry L.
Chancellor Emeritus and Regents
Texas A&M University 1985 - 1996 Anderson, Dr. Annelise G.
Senior Research Fellow
The Hoover Institution
Stanford University 1984 - 1990 Anderson, Dr. John L.
Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering
Illinois Institute of Technology
2014 - 2020 Armstrong, Dr. John A.
Vice President for Science & Technology (retired)
IBM 1996 - 2002 Arvizu, Dr. Dan E.
PreCourt Energy Scholar Stanford University;
Director Emeritus, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
2004 - 2016 Atkinson, Dr. Richard C.
National Science Foundation 1977 - 1980 Baker, Dr. Warren J.†
California Polytechnic State University 1985 - 1994 Baker, Dr. William O.†
Vice President - Research
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
Murray Hill, New Jersey 1960 - 1966 Ball, Dr. Deborah L.
William H. Payne Collegiate Professor of Education and Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
University of Michigan 2012 - 2018
2018 – 2024 Barish, Dr. Barry C.
Linde Professor of Physics, Emeritus
Professor, High - Energy Physics, Emeritus
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California 2002 - 2008 Barnard, Dr. Chester I.†
The Rockefeller Foundation 1950 - 1956 Barnes, Dr. Robert P.†
Professor of Chemistry
Howard University 1950 - 1958 Bassler, Dr. Bonnie
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and the Squibb Professor of Molecular Biology
Princeton University 2010 - 2016 Beck, Dr. Jay V.†
Professor Emeritus of Microbiology
Brigham Young University 1982 - 1986 Beering, Dr. Steven C.†
Executive Chair, Universities Research Association Board of Trustees
Vice Chair, Fermi Research Alliance Board of Directors
Chair, National Science Board, 2006 - 2010
President Emeritus, Purdue University
Trustee of the University of Pittsburgh 2004 - 2010 Bement, Dr. Arden L., Jr.
Vice President
Science and Technology
TRW, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio and 1988 - 1992 Turner Professor of Materials Engineering
Purdue University 1993 - 1994 Benbow, Dr. Camilla P.
Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development Peabody College
Vanderbilt University 2006 - 2012 Bing, Dr. R. H.†
Rudolph E. Langer Professor of Mathematics
The University of Wisconsin 1968 - 1974 Bienenstock, Arthur
Professor Emeritus of Photon Science
Stanford University 2016 - 2022 Bisplinghoff, Dr. Raymond L.†
Vice President for Research and Development
Tyco Laboratories, Inc.
Exeter, New Hampshire 1976 - 1982 Black, Dr. Craig C.†
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History 1985 - 1990 Bloch, Mr. Erich†
National Science Foundation 1984 - 1990 Bowen, Dr. Ray M.
President Emeritus
Texas A&M University
Visiting Distinguished Professor,
Rice University 2002 - 2014 Branscomb, Dr. Lewis M.†
Vice President and Chief Scientist
International Business Machines Corporation
Armonk, New York 1978 - 1984 Bromley, Dr. D. Allan†
Director, Wright Nuclear Structure
Yale University 1988 - 1989 Bronk, Dr. Detlev W.†
The Rockefeller University 1950 - 1964 Brooks, Jr., Dr. Frederick P.†
Kenan Professor of Computer Science
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill 1987 - 1992 Brooks, Dr. Harvey†
Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics and
Dean of Engineering and Applied Physics
Harvard University 1962 - 1974 Bruer, Dr. John T.
The James S. McDonnell Foundation 2006 - 2012 Bunting, Dr. Mary I.†
Radcliffe College 1965 - 1970 Burke, Dr. Bernard F.
William A.M. Burden Professor
of Astrophysics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1990 - 1996 Campbell, Dr. W. Glenn †
The Hoover Institution
Stanford University 1972 - 1978
1990 - 1994 Carter, Dr. Herbert E.
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs,
University of Illinois and 1964 - 1970 Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Programs
University of Arizona 1970 - 1976 Cerf, Dr. Vinton G.
Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist
Google 2012 - 2018 Chandler, Dr. Vicki L.
Dean of Faculty
Minerva Schools at KGI
2014 - 2020
2018 - 2024 Charpie, Dr. Robert A.
Cabot Corp.
Boston, Massachusetts 1970 - 1976 Clement, Dr. Rufus E.†
Atlanta University 1960 - 1967 Clough, Dr. G. Wayne
Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution
President Emeritus
Georgia Institute of Technology 2004 - 2010 Cobb, Dr. Jewel Plummer†
Dean and Professor of Biology
Douglass College
Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey 1974 - 1980

Colwell, Dr. Rita R.
Vice President for Academy Affairs and Director
Maryland Biotechnology Institute
University of Maryland

1998 - 2004

National Science Foundation

1984 - 1990 Conant, Dr. James B.†
Harvard University 1950 - 1953 Condic, Maureen L.
Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy
University of Utah, School of Medicine 2018 - 2024 Cooke, Dr. Lloyd M.†
Vice Chair
Economic Development Council of
New York City, Inc. 1970 - 1982

Córdova, Dr. France
President Emerita
Purdue University

2008 - 2014

National Science Foundation

2014 - 2020 Cori, Dr. Gerty T.†
Professor, Biological Chemistry
School of Medicine
Washington University 1950 - 1957 Cota-Robles, Dr. Eugene H.
Crown College and Professor of Biology
University of California, Santa Cruz 1979 - 1984 Cotton, Dr. F. Albert †
W.T. Doherty-Welch Foundation
Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Director,
Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding
Texas A&M University 1986 - 1998 David, Dr. Ruth A.
President and CEO
Analytic Services, Inc. (Retired) 2012 - 2018 Davis, Dr. John W. †
West Virginia State College 1950 - 1956 Day, Dr. Thomas B.†
San Diego State University 1985 - 1996 Dicke, Dr. Robert H. †
Albert Einstein Professor of Science
Department of Physics
Princeton University 1970 - 1976 Doan, Mr. Herbert D. †
Doan Associates
Midland, Michigan 1976 - 1982 Dollard, Mr. Charles †
Carnegie Corporation of New York 1950 - 1958 Droegemeier, Dr. Kelvin K.
Vice President for Research
Regents' Professor of Meteorology
Weathernews Chair Emeritus
University of Oklahoma, Norman 2004 - 2016 Drucker, Dr. Daniel C. †
Graduate Research Professor
University of Florida, Gainesville 1988 - 1994 DuBridge, Dr. Lee A.†
California Institute of Technology 1950 - 1954
1958 - 1964 Duderstadt, Dr. James J.†
University of Michigan 1985 - 1996 Elvehjem, Dr. Conrad A.†
The University of Wisconsin 1960 - 1962 Etter, Dr. Delores M.
Office of Naval Research, Distinguished Professor of S & T, U.S. Naval Academy 2002 - 2005 Eyring, Dr. Henry†
Dean, Graduate School
University of Utah 1962 - 1968 Fedoroff, Dr. Nina V.
Willaman Professor of Life Sciences and Evan Pugh Professor
Huck Institute of Life Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania 2000 - 2006 Ferguson, Dr. Pamela A.†
Professor of Mathematics and
Former President, Grinnell College
Grinnell, Iowa 1998 - 2004 Flawn, Dr. Peter T.†
President Emeritus
University of Texas at Austin, and
Vice Chairman, Rust Group, Inc.
Austin, Texas 1980 - 1986 Ford, Dr. Kenneth M.
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
Pensacola, Florida 2002 - 2008 Fowler, Dr. William A.†
Institute Professor of Physics
California Institute of Technology 1968 - 1974 Fox, Dr. Marye Anne†
M. June and J. Virgil Waggoner
Regents Chair in Chemistry
University of Texas at Austin 1990 - 1996 Fred, Dr. Edwin B.†
The University of Wisconsin 1950 - 1956 Friedl, Dr. Ernestine†
Dean of Arts and Sciences, Trinity College
and James B. Duke Professor of Anthropology
Duke University 1979 - 1984 Fuchs, W. Kent
University of Florida
2016 - 2022 Fung, Dr. Inez
Professor of Atmospheric Science
University of California, Berkeley
2012 - 2018 Gaillard, Dr. Mary K.
Professor of Physics
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
University of California, Berkeley 1996 - 2002 Galloway, Dr. Patricia D.†
Pegasus Global Holding, Inc.
Cle Elum, WA 2006 - 2012 Garimella, Suresh V.
University of Arizona 2018 - 2024 Gates, Dr. David M.
Professor of Botany and Director,
Biological Station
University of Michigan 1970 - 1976 Gilkeson, Mr. Robert F.†
Chairman of the Executive Committee
Philadelphia Electric Company 1982 - 1988 Glennan, Dr. T. Keith†
Case Institute of Technology 1956 - 1958 Goldsmith, Dr. Julian R. †
Associate Dean
Division of Physical Sciences and
Charles E. Merrian Distinguished
Services Professor
The University of Chicago 1964 - 1970 Good, Dr. Mary L.†
Senior Vice President, Technology
Allied-Signal, Inc.
Murray Hill, New Jersey 1980 - 1991 Gould, Dr. Laurence M.†
Carleton College 1953 - 1962 Greenberg, Mr. Sanford D.
Chairman and CEO of TEI
Industries, Inc.
Washington, D.C. 1994 - 2000 Greenwood, Dr. M.R.C.
University of California, Santa Cruz 1996 - 2002 Griffiths, Dr. José-Marie
Vice President for Academic Affairs and University Professor
Bryant University 2006 - 2012 Griffiths, Dr. Phillip A.
Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, New Jersey 1990 - 1996 Gross, Dr. Paul M.†
Vice President
Duke University 1950 - 1962 Groves, Dr. Robert M.
Provost and Executive Vice President
Gerard J. Campbell, S.J. Professor in the Math and Statistics Department
Professor in the Sociology Department
Georgetown University 2014 - 2020 Gulari, Dr. Esin
Dean of Engineering and Science
Clemson University 2008 - 2014 Hackerman, Dr. Norman C.†
Rice University 1968 - 1980 Hagerty, Dr. William W.†
Drexel Institute of Technology 1964 - 1970 Hahn, Mr. T. Marshall, Jr.
Chairman & CEO
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Portland, Oregon 1972 - 1978 Hancock, Dr. John C.
Executive Vice President
United Telecommunications, Inc.
Kansas City, Missouri 1986 - 1992 Handler, Dr. Philip†
James B. Duke Professor and Chairman,
Department of Biochemistry,
Duke University, and
President, National Academy of Sciences 1962 - 1969
1969 - 1974 Hardin, Dr. Clifford M.
University of Nebraska 1966 - 1970 Harrison, Dr. Anna J. †
William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Chemistry
Mount Holyoke College 1972 - 1978 Hastings, Dr. Daniel E.
Dean for Undergraduate Education
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts 2002 - 2008 Haworth, Dr. Leland J.†
National Science Foundation 1963 - 1969 Heffner, Dr. Hubert†
Department of Applied Physics
Stanford University 1972 - 1975 Hesburgh, The Very Rev. Theodore M., C.S.C.
University of Notre Dame 1954 - 1966 Hess, Dr. Charles E.†
Dean, College of Agriculture and Environmental
Sciences 1982 - 1988 Director, International Programs
University of California, Davis 1992 - 1998 Hess, Dr. Karl
Swanlund Chair
Advanced Study Professor Emeritus
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois 2006 - 2008 Heyns, Dr. Roger W. †
University of California at Berkeley, and
American Council on Education 1967 - 1976 Hoffmann, Elizabeth *
Executive Vice President
Iowa State University 2002 - 2008 Hogness, Dr. John R. †
Association for Academic Health Centers
Washington, D.C. 1976 - 1982 Holderman, Dr. James B.
University of South Carolina 1986 - 1991 Hopcroft, Dr. John E.
Joseph Silbert Dean of Engineering
Cornell University 1992 - 1998 Hosler, Dr. Charles L.
Senior Vice President for Research,
Dean of Graduate School, and
Professor of Meterology Emeritus
Pennsylvania State University 1985 - 1994 Houston, Dr. William V.†
Honorary Chancellor
William Marsh Rice University 1954 - 1966 Hubbard, Dr. William N., Jr.
The Upjohn Company
Kalamazoo, Michigan 1974 - 1980 Hueg, Dr. William F., Jr.
Professor of Agronomy and Deputy
Vice President and Dean,
Institute of Agriculture, Forestry,
and Home Economics
University of Minnesota 1976 - 1982 Humphrey, Dr. George D.†
University of Wyoming 1950 - 1962 Hyman, Dr. Orren W.†
Dean of Medical School and Vice President
University of Tennessee 1950 - 1956 Jackson, Dr. James†
Daniel Katz Distinguished University Professor of Psychology;
Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies;
Research Professor, Research Center for Group Dynamic, Institute for Social Research;
University of Michigan 2014 - 2020 Jaskolski, Dr. Stanley V.
Eaton Corporation Vice President and Chief Technology Officer (Retired) 1996 - 2002 Jones, Dr. Anita K.,
Quarles Professor of Engineering and Applied Science
Department of Computer Science
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 1998 - 2004 Jones, Dr. Charles F.†
Humble Oil & Refining Company
Houston, Texas 1966 - 1972 Jones, Dr. Thomas F., Jr.†
University of South Carolina 1966 - 1972 Kasha, Dr. Michael
Distinguished Professor of Physical Chemistry
Institute of Molecular Biophysics
Florida State University 1979 - 1984 Kelly, Dr. Eamon†
Tulane University 1996 - 2002 Knapp, Dr. Edward A.†
National Science Foundation 1982 - 1984 Koshland, Dr. Marian E. †
Professor of Bacteriology and Immunology
University of California Berkeley 1976 - 1982 Lane, Dr. Neal F.
National Science Foundation 1993 - 1998 Langford, Dr. George M.
Department of Biological Science
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 1998 - 2004 Lanzerotti, Dr. Louis J.
Distinguished Research Professor of Physics
Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, New Jersey 2004 - 2010 Lax, Dr. Peter D.
Professor of Mathematics and Director
Courant Mathematics and Computing Laboratory
New York University 1980 - 1986 Leath, Steven
Iowa State University and Auburn University 2018 - 2024 Lepage, Dr. G. Peter
Goldwin Smith Professor of Physics
Cornell University
2012–2018 Leshner, Dr. Alan I.
Chief Executive Officer and Executive Publisher of Science (retired)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2004 - 2016 Lindstedt-Siva, Dr. K. June
Manager, Environmental Sciences
Atlantic Richfield Company
Los Angeles, California 1984 - 1990 Lineberger, W. Carl
Fellow of JILA and E. U. Condon Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
University of Colorado
2016 - 2022 Loeb, Dr. Robert F.†
Bard Professor of Medicine
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Columbia University 1950 - 1964 Lubchenco, Dr. Jane
Wayne and Gladys Valley Professor
of Marine Biology
Distinguished Professor of Zoology
Oregon State University 1996 - 2006 Mac Lane, Dr. Saunders†
Max Mason Distinguished Service
Professor of Mathematics
University of Chicago 1974 - 1980 Macelwane, The Rev. James B., S.J.†
Dean, Institute of Technology
St. Louis University 1954 - 1956 Malcom, Dr. Shirley S.
Head, Directorate for Education and Human
Resources Programs
American Association for the
Advancement of Science 1993 - 1998 March, Dr. James G.†
David Jacks Professor of Higher Education,
Political Science and Sociology
School of Education
Stanford University 1968 - 1974 Massey, Dr. Walter E.
Director, Argonne National Laboratory, and
Vice President for Research
The University of Chicago
1979 - 1984 Mayo, Dr. Stephen L.
Bren Professor of Biology and Chemistry and William K. Bowes Jr.
Leadership Chair in the Division of Biology and Biological Engineering
California Institute of Technology 2012 - 2018 Director
National Science Foundation 1991 - 1993 McBride, Dr. Katharine E.†
Bryn Mawr College 1962 - 1968 McCann, Dr. Kevin†
The Defiance College 1958 - 1964 McElroy, Dr. William D.†
National Science Foundation 1969 - 1972 McLaughlin, Dr. Donald H.†
Homestake Mining Company
San Francisco, California 1950 - 1960 McShane, Dr. Edward J.†
Professor of Mathematics
University of Virginia 1956 - 1968 Meckling, Mr. William H.†
The Graduate School of Management
The University of Rochester 1972 - 1978 Menger, Dr. Eve L.
Director, Characterization Science
and Service, Corning, Inc. (Retired)
Corning, New York 1994 - 2000 Merck, Mr. George W.†
Chairman of the Board
Merck & Company, Inc.
New Jersey 1951 - 1957 Middlebush, Dr. Frederick A.†
University of Missouri 1950 - 1962 Miller, Dr. Joseph A., Jr.
Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Corning, Inc.
Corning, NY 1998 - 2004 Miller, Dr. William F.†
President and Chief Executive Officer
SRI International
Menlo Park, California 1982 - 1988 Mitchell-Kernan, Dr. Claudia I.
Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs and
Dean, Graduate Division
University of California
Los Angeles 1994 - 2000 Moore, Dr. John H.
Associate Director and Senior Fellow
The Hoover Institution
Stanford University 1982 - 1985 Moran, Emilio F.
John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor of Global Change Science
Michigan State University 2016 - 2022 Moreland, Dr. Edward L.†
Executive Vice President
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950 - 1951 Morison, Dr. Robert S.†
Professor of Biology and Director
Division of Biological Sciences
Cornell University 1963 - 1972 Morris, Dr. Joseph C.†
Vice President
Tulane University 1950 - 1966 Morse, Dr. H. Marston†
Professor of Mathematics
The Institute for Advanced Study 1950 - 1954 Murray, Dr. Grover E.†
President and University Professot
Texas Tech University and Texas School of Medicine 1968 - 1980 Nabrit, Dr. Samuel M. †
Texas Southern University 1956 - 1959 Natalicio, Dr. Diana S.†
The University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso, Texas 1994 - 2006 Neal, Dr. Homer A.
State University of New York at Stony Brook 1980 - 1986 Nierenberg, Dr. William A.†
Scripps Institution of Oceanography 1972 - 1978 University of California
San Diego 1982 - 1988 Nordtvedt, Dr. Kenneth L., Jr.
Professor of Physics
Montana State University 1987 - 1990 Oaxaca, Mr. Jaime
Vice Chairman
Coronado Communications Corporation
Rancho Palos Verdes, California 1990 - 1996 O'Brien, Dr. Morrough P. †
College of Engineering
University of California
Berkeley 1958 - 1960 O'Neal, Dr. Russell D.†
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
KMS Industries, Inc.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 1972 - 1978 Osborn, Dr. Mary Jane†
Professor and Head
Department of Microbiology
University of Connecticut Health Center
Farmington 1980 - 1986 Peterson, Dr. G. P. "Bud"
Professor of Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 2008 - 2020 Pettit, Dr. Joseph M.†
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 1977 - 1982 Picker, Dr. Harvey†
Chairman of the Board
Picker Corporation
White Plains, New York 1965 - 1970 Piore, Dr. E. R.†
Vice President and Chief Scientist
International Business Machines Corporation
Armonk, New York 1961 - 1972 Potter, Dr. Audrey A.†
Dean of Engineering
Purdue University 1950 - 1958 Powell, Dr. James L.
President, Reed College 1986 - 1992 CEO, The Franklin Institute and 1992 - 1995 President & Director
Los Angeles Museum of Natural History 1995 - 1998 Press, Dr. Frank†
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1970 - 1976 Ragone, Dr. David V.
Case Western Reserve University 1979 - 1984 Ramo, Dr. Simon†
TRW, Inc.
Redondo Beach, California 1984 - 1986 Randall, Dr. Douglas D.
Professor Emeritus and Thomas Jefferson Fellow
and Director Emeritus Interdisciplinary Plant Group
University of Missouri-Columbia 2002 - 2014 Rasmussen, Dr. Norman C. †
McAfee Professor of Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1982 - 1988 Raven, Dr. Peter H.
Missouri Botanical Garden 1990 - 1994 Reed, Dan
Presidential Professor (Emeritus)
University of Utah 2018 - 2024 Rees, Dr. Mina S.†
The Graduate School and University Center
The City University of New York 1964 - 1970 Reilly, Mr. Arthur K.
Retired Senior Director
Strategic Technology Policy
Cisco Systems, Inc. 2008 - 2012 Reyniers, Dr. James A.†
LOBUND Institute
University of Notre Dame 1950 - 1954 Reynolds, Dr. Joseph M.†
Boyd Professor of Physics and Vice President for Instruction and Research
Louisiana State University 1966 - 1978 Rhodes, Dr. Frank H. T.†
Cornell University 1987 - 1998 Rice, Dr. Donald B.
The Rand Corporation
Santa Monica, California 1974 - 1986 Rice, Dr. Stuart A.
Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service
Professor of Chemistry
The James Franck Institute
University of Chicago 1980 - 1986 Rich, Dr. Alexander†
Sedgwick Professor of Biophysics
Department of Biology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1976 - 1982 Richardson, Dr. Robert.
Vice Provost for Research
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University 1998 - 2004 Richmond, Dr. Geraldine L.
Presidential Chair in Science and Professor of Chemistry
University of Oregon 2012 - 2021 Ross, Dr. Ian M.
President Emeritus
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Holmdel, New Jersey 1991 - 1998 Rossmann, Dr. Michael G.†
Hanley Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana 2000 - 2006 Rubey, Dr. William W.†
Professor of Biology and Geophysics
University of California
Los Angeles 1960 - 1966 Rubin, Dr. Vera C.†
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
Carnegie Institution of Washington 1996 - 2002 Russell, Dr. Jane A. †
Associate Professor of Biochemistry
Emory University 1958 - 1964 Salpeter, Dr. Edwin E. †
J. G. White Professor of Physical Sciences
Cornell University 1979 - 1984 Sargent, Anneila I.
Ira S. Bowen Professor Emerita of Astronomy
California Institute of Technology
2010 - 2022 Savitz, Dr. Maxine
General Manager
Honeywell and Technology Partnerships (Retired) 1998 - 2004 Schmitt, Dr. Roland W.†
Senior Vice President and Chief Scientist
General Electric Company
Schenectady, NY, and 1982 - 1988 President
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1988 - 1994 Schneiderman, Dr. Howard A.†
Senior Vice President of Research
and Development
Monsanto Company
St. Louis, Missouri 1986 - 1990 Seaborg, Dr. Glenn T. †
University of California
Berkeley 1960 - 1961 Sears, Dr. Paul B.†
Conservation Program
Yale University 1958 - 1964 Sequeira, Dr. Luis†
J.C. Walker Professor Emeitus
Department of Bacteriology and Plant Pathology
University of Wisconsin 1998 - 2004 Shen, Dr. Benjamin S.†
Reese W. Flower Professor of
University of Pennsylvania 1990 - 1994 Shields, Dr. L. Donald
California State University at Fullerton 1974 - 1980 Simberloff, Dr. Daniel
Nancy Gore Hunger Professor of Environmental Science
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee 2000 - 2006 Simmons, Dr. Howard E. Jr.†
Vice President Emeritus for
Central Research and Development
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. 1990 - 1996 Slaughter, Dr. John B.
National Science Foundation 1980 - 1982 Slichter, Dr. Charles P.†
Professor of Physics
Center for Advanced Study
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1975 - 1984 Smith, Dr. Frederick E.†
Professor of Environmental Studies
in Resources and Ecology
Graduate School of Design
Harvard University 1968 - 1974 Snyder, Mr. John I., Jr.†
Chairman of the Board and President
U.S. Industries, Inc.
New York, New York 1964 - 1965 Solow, Dr. Robert M.†
Institute Professor Emeritus
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts 1994 - 2000 Souvaine, Dr. Diane L.
Professor of Computer Science and Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
Tufts University
Medford, Massachusetts 2008 - 2020 Spilhaus, Dr. Athelstan F. †
Professor of Physics
University of Minnesota and
The Franklin Institute 1966 - 1972 Stakman, Dr. E. C.†
Division of Plant Pathology and Botany
University of Minnesota 1950 - 1954 Stancell, Dr. Arnold F.
Former Vice-President Mobil Oil,
Emeritus Professor of Chemical Engineering and Turner Chair,
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 2011 - 2014 Steele, Dr. Claude M.
School of Education
Stanford University 2011 - 2014 Stern, Alan
Associate Vice President and Special Assistant to the President
Southwest Research Institute 2018 - 2024 Stevenson, Dr. Earl P.†
President and Chairman of the Board
Arthur D. Little, Inc.
Cambridge, Massachusetts 1951 - 1956 Stever, Dr. H. Guyford†
Carnegie Mellon University 1970 - 1972 Director
National Science Foundation 1972 - 1976 Stratton, Dr. Julius A.†
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1956 - 1962
1964 - 1967 Strauss, Dr. Jon C. *
Interim Dean of Engineering
Texas Tech University 2004 - 2010 Sullivan, Dr. Kathryn D. *
Battelle Center for Mathematics and Science Education Policy
John Glenn School of Public Affairs
Ohio State University 2004 - 2010 Sullivan, Mr. Richard H.†
Association of American Colleges 1966 - 1972 Suzuki, Dr. Bob H.
California State Polytechnic University
Pomona 1996 - 2002 Tapia, Dr. Richard
Noah Harding Professor of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Rice University 1996 - 2002 Tatum, Dr. Edward L.†
Professor of Microbiology and Biochemistry
The Rockefeller University 1956 - 1968 Taylor, Dr. Thomas N. †
Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Curator of Paleobotany in the Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center
The University of Kansas 2006 - 2012 Thieme, Dr. F. P.†
Executive Vice President
University of Washington and 1964 - 1970 President
University of Colorado 1970 - 1976 Thompson, Dr. Richard F.
Keck Professor of Psychology and Biological Sciences
University of Southern California 2006 - 2012 Tien, Dr. Chang-Lin†
NEC Distinguished Professor of Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
(Resigned before Completion of Term) 1998 - 2004 Tyler, Dr. Ralph W.†
Center for Advanced Study in the
Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University 1962 - 1968 Vasquez, Dr. Jo Anne†
Vice President and Program Director
Arizona Transition Years Teacher & Curriculum Initiatives
Helios Education Foundation
Phoenix, Arizona 2002 - 2008 Volwiler, Dr. Ernest H.†
President and Chairman of the Board
Abbott Laboratories
North Chicago, Illinois 1958 - 1964 Walker, Dr. Eric A.†
The Pennsylvania State University 1960 - 1966 Washington, Dr. Warren M.
Senior Scientist and Section Head
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, Colorado 1994 - 2006 Waterman, Dr. Alan T.†
National Science Foundation 1951 - 1963 Weaver, Dr. Warren†
Vice President for the Natural
Medical Sciences
The Rockefeller Foundation 1956 - 1960 Whitaker, Dr. Douglas M.†
Vice President for Administration
The Rockefeller University 1954 - 1960 White, Jr., Dr. John A.
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 1994 - 2006 Willard, Stephen H.
Biotechnology Executive and Lawyer 2018 - 2024 Willey, Dr. Malcolm M.†
Vice President
Academic Administration
University of Minnesota 1960 - 1964 Wilson, Mr. Charles E.†
General Electric Company
Schenectady, New York 1950 - 1951 Wrighton, Dr. Mark S.
Washington University
Saint Louis, Missouri 2000 - 2006 Yancey, The Rev. Patrick H., S.J.†
Department of Biology
Spring Hill College 1950 - 1954 Zare, Dr. Richard N.
Marguerite Blake Wilbur
Professor of Chemistry
Stanford University 1992 - 1998 Zimmer, Dr. Robert J.†
University of Chicago 2010 - 2016 Zuber, Dr. Maria T.
Vice President for Research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Chicago 2012 - 2021 Zumberge, Dr. James H.†
Southern Methodist University 1974 - 1980