Andrew Dominik | NZ On Screen
Born in Wellington as Andrew Webb and raised mainly in Australia, Andrew Dominik made an early mark directing music videos (including four for Straitjacket Fits). He won acclaim for three dramas about violent males: Chopper, starring Eric Bana, and Brad Pitt films The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (which made it onto many best of 2007 lists) and Killing Them Softly. After directing Grammy-nominated Nick Cave documentary One More Time with Feeling, he worked on serial killer series Mindhunter. Next on his list: passion project Blonde, with Ana de Armas (Knives Out) as Marilyn Monroe.
Plot is not really interesting to me other than that it gives you a reason to sit down and watch the people. Andrew Dominik, in an 11 October 2012 Flicks interview