
Ways to Give

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to Give

You can donate in several ways:

  • Via telephone or email, by contacting Erin Lee Silber, Senior Development Officer, at 416-977-6000 ext. 2040 or erins@ocadu.ca.
  • By cheque, made payable to "OCAD University". Please note your preferred area of support on the memo line, and address your cheque to:

    OCAD University
    c/o Advancement Department
    Coordinator, Donor Services
    100 McCaul St.

    OCAD University Canadian Charitable Registration Number: 10779 7250 RR0001 Name: Ontario College of Art & Design University Universite de L'Ecole d'art et de design de L'Ontario
    HST Number: 107797250
    Toronto, ON M5T 1W1

  • Give Online now via the OCAD U giving page, for immediate impact with a one-time or monthly gift.