
Masters of Horror (2005)

  • ️Tue Oct 25 2005
Reviews unserer Community

Note Autor Aufrufe Datum
6 McHolsten (Season 1) 3.502 09.03.2006
8 EvilD (Jenifer) 3.422 25.11.2005
8 Creepshow (Imprint) 3.177 27.04.2006
6 Moonshade (Season 1) 3.154 17.07.2006
7 Urs Ranzig (Masters of Horror ( Season 2 )) 3.140 28.02.2007
4 Jayson (Dario Argento: Jenifer & Pelts) 2.348 17.02.2008
7 filmhund (Pelts von D.Argento) 1.892 29.03.2007
3 Mac Ready (Jenifer / Deer Woman) 1.743 03.04.2006
6 Vince (Season 01) 1.712 18.04.2007
9 c.funke (Pelts) 1.478 16.01.2008
9 Bartos Bandalee (Cigarette burns - uncut - 9 Punkte) 1.399 28.04.2010
10 HappyPhantom (Staffel 2 - The Washingtonians) 1.369 24.02.2008
StS (2.1: the Damned Thing - 7/10) 1.330 05.03.2007
6 Mr. Hankey (Season 1) 1.326 08.07.2006
7 ageless_nameless (Masters of Horror Staffel 1) 1.321 25.02.2007
6 Tal der Tränen ((Imprint)) 1.310 26.11.2006
6 McHolsten (Season 2 - Episode 1+2) 1.273 30.10.2006
7 caranhir (Masters of Horror / Haeckel's Tale) 1.269 28.10.2008
8 Edward Lionheart (cigarette burns) 1.230 15.10.2006
9 c.funke (Season 1) 1.184 26.09.2006
7 UKF2 (Staffel 2) 1.070 02.04.2008
Lei Li (PRO - LIFE (Staffel 2)) 1.056 11.06.2007
holgocop (Staffel 2 (part 1)) 1.013 10.12.2008
StS (2.6: Pelts - 6/10) 982 23.03.2007
7 Nr1Sunny 979 04.06.2006
9 c.funke (Imprint) 977 08.12.2011
-Eduard- (Sounds like) 971 02.02.2010
7 UKF2 970 22.06.2006
StS (1.13: Imprint - 9/10) 948 20.02.2007
7 MrV 946 25.04.2006
9 c.funke (The Damned Thing - Masters of Horror Season 2) 943 18.03.2008
7 Soddork (Pelts) 927 21.01.2008
Lei Li (PELTS (Staffel 2)) 926 11.06.2007
8 Funeralthirst (Jenifer (Dario Argento)) 882 05.04.2009
holgocop (Staffel 2 (part 2)) 881 05.02.2009
9 c.funke (Haeckel's Tale) 846 08.12.2011
5 Kizu (Chocolate / Cigarette Burns) 808 14.08.2006
7 ageless_nameless (Staffel 1, Episode "Dreams in the Witch-House") 801 03.12.2007
9 c.funke (Cigarette Burns - Uncut - Black Edition) 800 25.05.2012
holgocop (Staffel 2 - We all scream for ice cream) 780 07.04.2009
9 c.funke (Pelts (uncut) - Black Edition) 762 08.03.2012
7 ageless_nameless (Staffel 2, Episode "Valerie on the Stairs") 756 27.10.2009
8 Edward Lionheart (jenifer) 755 02.06.2007
Realjackass (We all scream for Ice Cream - Staffel 2) 743 29.03.2010
3 Kröt (Jenifer) 739 28.09.2007
StS (1.9: the Fair-Haired Child - 9/10) 738 20.02.2007
7 ageless_nameless (Staffel 1, Episode "Chocolate") 737 01.12.2007
StS (2.2: Family - 5/10) 730 13.04.2007
9 c.funke (Masters of Horror - The Black Cat) 729 03.03.2008
StS (1.1: Incident on and Off a Mountain Road - 7/10) 727 19.02.2007
9 c.funke (Masters of Horror - Right to Die) 723 23.04.2008
9 c.funke (Masters of Horror - The Washingtonians) 710 22.04.2008
StS (1.4: Jenifer - 4/10) 703 19.02.2007
5 Kizu (Deer Woman / Jenifer) 700 14.08.2006
StS (1.2: Dreams in the Witch-House - 5/10) 694 19.02.2007
StS (1.6: Homecoming - 2/10) 689 19.02.2007
StS (1.10: Sick Girl - 9/10) 687 20.02.2007
StS (1.3: Dance of the Dead - 6/10) 684 19.02.2007
StS (1.8: Cigarette Burns - 7/10) 679 20.02.2007
9 Bartos Bandalee (Homecoming) 632 16.07.2008
6 Leimbacher-Mario (Pro-Life (5/10)) 627 01.11.2017
Realjackass (The Black Cat - Staffel 2) 613 29.03.2010
9 Bartos Bandalee (Pelts, 2.Staffel) 607 04.04.2009
StS (1.11: Pick me up - 4/10) 602 20.02.2007
Realjackass (Valerie on the Stairs - Staffel 2) 598 03.04.2010
StS (1.12: Haeckel´s Tale - 6/10) 595 20.02.2007
9 Bartos Bandalee (Imprint) 595 26.06.2008
6 Vince (Season 02) 579 24.06.2018
StS (1.5: Chocolate - 5/10) 570 19.02.2007
StS (1.7: Deer Woman - 4/10) 549 20.02.2007
9 Bartos Bandalee (Pro-Life, 2. Staffel) 538 06.04.2009
9 Bartos Bandalee (Haeckle´s Tale) 537 01.07.2008
Realjackass (Pelts - Staffel 2) 534 28.03.2010
9 Bartos Bandalee (Incident On And Off a Mountain Road) 533 01.07.2008
9 Bartos Bandalee (The Black Cat, 2. Staffel) 528 16.04.2009
6 Leimbacher-Mario (Imprint) 522 20.03.2016
9 Bartos Bandalee (Dreams in a Witch House) 517 19.07.2008
9 Bartos Bandalee (Jenifer) 508 11.07.2008
Realjackass (The V Word - Staffel 2) 477 28.03.2010
9 Bartos Bandalee (The Washingtonians, 2. Staffel 8/10) 459 28.04.2009
Realjackass (Sounds Like - Staffel 2) 438 28.03.2010
Scarecrow22 (The Washingtonians / 2. Staffel) 417 16.07.2016
Review von Frank Trebbin

Sterne und Härtegrad Kritik Datum
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