OFTC - NickServ/CertFP
- Automatically Identifying Using SSL + CertFP
Automatically Identifying Using SSL + CertFP
This page describes how to use SSL with a certificate fingerprint to automatically identify your registered nickname with NickServ on connect. You must have an IRC client that supports SSL with a client certificate.
Creating a Self-signed Certificate
First you need generate a self-signed certificate. We will be using OpenSSL which should be available on most Linux and BSD distributions. There are ports for other platforms including Windows.
Generate the Key and Certificate
We need to generate our certificate and key. We’ll use the openssl command with the ‘req’ option.
% openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout nick.key -x509 -days 3650 -out nick.cer
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'nick.key'
Country Name (2 letter code) [US]:YOURCOUNTRYCODE
State or Province Name (full name) [Texas]:YOURSTATE
Locality Name (eg, city) [San Antonio]:YOURCITY
Organization Name (eg, company) [Stealth3]:YOURTEXTHERE
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [ISP]:IRC
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:YOUR NAME
The fields you are asked to fill out here do not matter for connecting to OFTC so fill them out however you wish. (You can use other key sizes or types like ed25519 if you want, but the fingerprint digest algorithm used below needs to be SHA-1.) You now have two files, the key in nick.key and the certificate in nick.cer. Remember to protect your key using chmod.
% chmod 400 nick.key
If you are curious, you can have a closer look at your cert. We are mainly interested in the certificate fingerprint (CertFP). (This is not a required step, there are other ways to get the fingerprint.)
% openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -SHA1 -text < nick.cer
We now combine certificate and key to a single file nick.pem (Remember to also protect this file because it now includes your private key!):
% cat nick.cer nick.key > nick.pem
% chmod 400 nick.pem
Connecting to OFTC with your Cert
Unlisted Clients
If you are using a client that is not listed here feel free to submit a step-by-step howto about it, and we will include it. Either grab a staff member from #oftc or send a mail to our support address support@oftc.net with the information needed. Thank you.
Soju does not use self-generated certificates. Instead, it generates and installs its own for you.
To generate a certificate from within soju, message BouncerServ:
/msg BouncerServ certfp generate -network [Network name]
Then all that is left to do is to reconnect:
/msg BouncerServ network update [Network name]
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
Move the certificates you created some where safe, for example ~/.irssi/certs.
% mkdir ~/.irssi/certs
% mv nick.{key,cer,pem} ~/.irssi/certs
Now remove the current server and re-add it with the SSL flag, using your newly generated certificate. Note that we use the SSL port 6697 to connect.
/server remove irc.oftc.net
/network add OFTC
/server add -auto -ssl -ssl_cert ~/.irssi/certs/nick.pem -ssl_verify -network OFTC irc.oftc.net 6697
Next we need to disconnect and connect back to the server. (A /reconnect does not read the new settings we added.)
/disconnect OFTC
/connect OFTC
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
XChat 2.8
XChat supports SSLv3 only, which is not a modern crypto standard anymore. To connect to OFTC, XChat must be patched. A suggested alternative client is HexChat.
This is known to work with XChat 2.8.x. It does NOT work with prior versions!
Copy the nick.pem file to your .xchat2 directory. The filename must be
. In our case this should be OFTC.pem. On Windows, the
directory is something like C:\Documents and Settings(user)\Application
Data\X-Chat 2.
% cp nick.pem ~/.xchat2/OFTC.pem
Now start up XChat.
We need to tell XChat to connect via SSL to OFTC.
- Go to XChat menu and select Network list/.
- Find OFTC in the list of networks and select edit.
- Check mark ‘Use SSL for all the servers on this network’ and ‘Accept invalid SSL certificate’.
- Click ‘Close’ and then click ‘Connect’.
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
Hexchat equals XChat very much. The expected cert path is different, though. The client certificate must be named after the entry in the HexChat network list. In Debian GNU/Linux the preconfigured entry is named “OFTC” (see first screenshot).
- mkdir -p ~/.config/hexchat/certs/
- cat nick.cer nick.key > ~/.config/hexchat/certs/OFTC.pem
- chmod 400 ~/.config/hexchat/certs/OFTC.pem
In the second screenshot you can see the selected SSL options. “Accept invalid SSL certificate” will omit the check of the server certificate (optional).
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
- Go to “Settings -> Configure KvIRC”
- Go to “Connection->advanced”
- On the Tab “SSL” check ‘Use ssl certificate’ and ‘Use SSL private key’ and point both to the nick.pem file you created.
- Change your connection settings and enable the ssl option. Also make sure it is set to connect to port 6697.
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
- Go Main Options Menu -> Connect -> Options
- Click on the SSL button
- Click on the empty box below ‘Private Key File’, navigate to where you placed your nick.pem file and select it.
- Do the same for ‘Certificate Chain File’
- Make sure to connect to the network over SSL. The command is ‘/server irc.oftc.net +6697’ - note the plus sign before the port number. This is what sets mIRC to connect over SSL. To save this server with the SSL settings, you can simply add the plus sign before the port number in mIRC’s server manager.
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
- Convert the key to pkcs12: openssl pkcs12 -export -out nick.pfx -in nick.pem
- Go to the Certificate Manager. You should find that in the Preferences, Advanced Options, Encryption. Select ‘View Certificates’ and there you can import the nick.pfx you just generated
- Now connect to OFTC using SSL and Chat**Zilla asks if you want to use the certificate for authentication. Say yes. (Note that you will have to confirm sending the certificate once for every server you connect to. As irc.oftc.net is a rotation it might ask you later again, don’t be surprised).
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
- Follow the instructions found on https://wiki.znc.in/Cert
- This should not be confused with https://wiki.znc.in/Certauth which is used to authenticate your remote client to your instance of znc. You’re trying to authenticate your znc instance with OFTC.
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
Quassel settings are stored in ~/.config/quassel-irc.org/ so we can make the certs in ~/.config/quassel-irc.org/certs/ .
In the “Settings -> Configure Quassel “ menu, the “Identities” section, “Advanced” tab contains the interface to indicate the certificate.
- Load the key (~/.config/quassel-irc.org/certs/mynick.key)
- Load the certificate (~/.config/quassel-irc.org/certs/mynick.pem)
- Click OK and re-connect to the network.
You (obviously) need to be using an SSL port for this to work. http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/projects/1/wiki#IRC-Configuration has some detail on server settings interface.
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
Move the certificate you created:
% mv nick.pem ~/.ssl/
% mv nick.key ~/.ssl/
In older version of emacs (23, 24, 25) you could set up the “tls-program” variable with either one of this two options:
(setq tls-program '("openssl s_client -connect %h:%p -tls1 -ign_eof -cert ~/priv/nick.pem"))
(setq tls-program '("gnutls-cli --priority secure256 --x509certfile ~/.ssl/nick.pem --x509keyfile ~/.ssl/nick.key -p %p %h"))
On Emacs 26/27 onwards disregard all of the above and just use the snippet of code for your respective Emacs version found at the EmacsWiki.
Then call “M-x erc-tls” and connect to irc.oftc.net, port 6697.
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
Move the certificates you created somewhere safe, for example ~/.config/weechat/certs.
% mkdir ~/.config/weechat/certs
% mv nick.{key,cer,pem} ~/.config/weechat/certs
Now disconnect and remove the current server. Re-add it with the TLS flag, using your newly generated certificate. Note that we use the SSL/TLS port 6697 to connect.
/disconnect OFTC
/server del OFTC
/server add OFTC irc.oftc.net/6697 -tls -tls_verify -autoconnect
/set irc.server.OFTC.tls_cert %h/certs/nick.pem
Exit WeeChat and connect back to the OFTC server.
/connect OFTC
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
Convert the key to pkcs12:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out nick.p12 -in nick.pem -name "nick CertFP"
Go to the Certificate Manager. You should find that in Edit, Preferences, Advanced, Certificates. Select ‘View Certificates’ and there you can import the nick.p12 you just generated.
Now connect to OFTC using SSL and Thunderbirds asks, if you want to use the certificate for authentication. Say yes. (Note that you will have to confirm sending the certificate once for every server you connect to. As irc.oftc.net is a rotation it might ask you later again, don’t be surprised.)
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
Step 1 is to create a cert in the options dialog:
Step 2 is to use the client certificate for OFTC setup in your server list:
To continue please scroll down to read how to add your certificates fingerprint to NickServ.
Add your Certificate Fingerprint to your Nick in NickServ
If you did everything right you are now using SSL to connect and should see lines similar to the following in your server window. This will most likely be above the motd so you may have to scroll up a bit to see it.
11:09 !larich.oftc.net *** Connected securely via TLSv1 AES256-SHA-256
11:09 !larich.oftc.net *** Your client certificate fingerprint is: C77106576ABF7F9F90CCA0F63874A60F2E40A64B
This tells us that we are now connected via SSL and that our certificate is working.
To allow NickServ to identify you based on this certificate you need to associate the certificate fingerprint with your nick. To do this issue the command cert add to Nickserv (try /msg nickserv help cert). Please note you must be identified for this command to work (/msg nickserv identify).
/msg nickserv cert add
11:14 -NickServ(services@services.oftc.net)- CERT list entry C77106576ABF7F9F90CCA0F63874A60F2E40A64B added.
Nickserv will message back saying that the CertFP was added. Now the only thing left to do is reconnect to the server to test it out.
11:15 -!- Irssi: Disconnecting from server irc.oftc.net: [Reconnecting]
11:15 -!- Irssi: Connecting to irc.oftc.net [IP ADDRESS] port 6697
11:15 !larich.oftc.net *** Connected securely via TLSv1 AES256-SHA-256
11:15 !larich.oftc.net *** Your client certificate fingerprint is: C77106576ABF7F9F90CCA0F63874A60F2E40A64B
11:15 -NickServ(services@services.oftc.net)- You are connected using SSL and have provided a matching client certificate
11:15 -NickServ(services@services.oftc.net)- for nickname jmoocows. You have been automatically identified.
11:15 -!- Mode change [+R] for user jmoocows
Congratulations! You now have automatic identification via SSL and certificate fingerprints!
You may ask yourself what this gets you now. Well, the answer is simple - you can drop any nickserv identify script you have run in the past. As you are identified with your certificate fingerprint you don’t need them anymore. And by using SSL, your connection to the irc server is now encrypted.
The servers also use encryption for the server<->server traffic, so if you and those you chat with both use ssl encrypted connections - then the whole traffic between you and them is encrypted.
Ask on #oftc or mail support@oftc.net .
If you find that irssi does not auto-join channels on connect which want you to be identified before you are joining, add -autosendcmd “wait -oftc 2000” to your irssi network settings. This makes irssi wait 2 seconds before any further action, giving services time to identify you.
% /network add -autosendcmd "wait -oftc 2000" OFTC
(In case you are wondering “/network add” is irssi’s way of modifying existing networks. /network was called /ircnet in older irssi versions.)
Expired SSL certificates
Client certificates need to be valid. This ensures that user certificates remain reasonably cryptographically strong. If you encounter problems connecting with SSL, ensure that your system’s real-time clock is set properly, that your certificate issue date is in the past and that your certificate has not expired.
Renew expired certifcates
If your certificate expired, you can simply create a new certificate and then tell Nickserv about it. If you want, you can also simply extend the validity.
% openssl x509 -x509toreq -in nick.cer -signkey nick.key -out nick.csr
% openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in nick.csr -signkey nick.key -out nick.cer
This will first generate a CSR and then use that to reissue the certificate with the same data, and another 10 years of lifetime.
You should now tell Nickserv about the new certificate fingerprint.
Note that some dislike this way, as it reuses the same private key.
Last time I tried ssl connection to an IRC network I experienced a huge lag, is that still to be expected?
No. In the early days of supporting ssl connections there were a few problems, as always when you implement new features. Nowadays, ssl support is very stable and reliable. You wont see any difference to a connection without ssl (except having an encrypted connection, of course). All the network operators and lots of other people are using SSL connections to OFTC as their only way to access the network.