
Olympedia – Olena Hrushyna

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  3. Olena Hrushyna

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameOlena Eduardivna•Hrushyna (-Honcharova-)
Used nameOlena•Hrushyna
Original nameОлена Едуардівна•Грушина (-Гончарова)
Born8 January 1975 in Odesa, Odesa (UKR)
Measurements168 cm / 52 kg
AffiliationsUkraina Odesa/ZS Odesa
NOC Ukraine


Olena Hrushyna, who started skating at age four, was first partnered with Ruslan Honcharov in 1990, and they remained together until their retirement after the 2006 Olympics. They made their international championship début in 1994, and married the following year. Over the years, the competed in 11 World Championships, with their best finish coming in 2005, with a bronze medal. In the Europeans, they medalled three times (2004-2006), placing second in 2005 and 2006. They crowned their career in their final competition at the Torino Olympics, winning the bronze. Other prizes won include four Ukrainian titles, the 2001 Winter University Games, and four ISU Grand Prix wins.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1998 Winter Olympics Figure Skating (Skating) UKR Olena Hrushyna
Ice Dancing, Mixed (Olympic) Ruslan Honcharov 15
2002 Winter Olympics Figure Skating (Skating) UKR Olena Hrushyna
Ice Dancing, Mixed (Olympic) Ruslan Honcharov 9
2006 Winter Olympics Figure Skating (Skating) UKR Olena Hrushyna
Ice Dancing, Mixed (Olympic) Ruslan Honcharov 3 Bronze

Olympic family relations

Special Notes