
Olympedia – Individual, Men

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  2. Games
  3. 1924 Winter Olympics
  4. Nordic Combined
  5. Individual, Men
Date2 – 4 February 1924
LocationStade Olympique, Chamonix / Stade Olympique, Chamonix
Participants30 from 9 countries
FormatNormal hill ski jumping and 18 kilometres skiing; placements determined by points table.

The 18 km cross country part of Nordic Combined was integrated in the “normal“ 18 km race, and put all the four Norwegians in front of their opponents with a decisive margin. Thorleif Haug and Johan Grøttumsbraaten took the gold and silver in the cross country event and was also entered for Nordic Combined, and Thoralf Strømstad and Harald Økern had times in the 18 km race that would have placed them as 5th and 11th among the specialists. The ski jumping part of the event was held on the same day as the main ski jumping event, and Haug astonished the audience again by winning the jumping event as well, aided by his superb style. He was followed by his countrymen Strømstad and Økern, which had longer jumps than Haug in both rounds, Økern’s 47 meter in 2nd round being the longest in the competition. It ended as in the 50 km with a clean sweep for the Norwegian quartet. The best non-Norwegian, the Swede Axel-Herman Nilsson, was a distant 5th, and the great Haug had won 3 gold of 3 possible so far in skiing.

PosCompetitorNOCPointsCross Country Skiing, 18 kmSki Jumping, Normal Hill
1Thorleif HaugNOR18.9061-14:31 (1)17.812 (1)Gold
2Thoralf StrømstadNOR18.2191-17:03 (3)17.687 (2)Silver
3Johan GrøttumsbraatenNOR17.8541-15:51 (2)16.333 (8)Bronze
4Harald ØkernNOR17.2601-20:30 (4)17.395 (3)
5Axel-Herman NilssonSWE14.0631-31:17 (6)16.500 (7)
6Josef AdolfTCH13.7711-25:29 (5)12.916 (18)1
7Vinzenz BuchbergerTCH13.6251-32:32 (7)16.250 (9)
8Menotti JakobssonSWE12.8231-37:10 (15)16.895 (4)
9Verner EklöfFIN12.5831-34:11 (11)14.916 (11)
10Kléber BalmatFRA12.3331-33:49 (=9)14.291 (13)
=11Sigurd OverbyUSA12.2191-34:56 (12)14.562 (12)
=11Peter SchmidSUI12.2191-33:34 (=9)14.062 (14)
13Josef BímTCH12.0831-33:08 (8)13.416 (15)
14Alexandre Girard-BilleSUI11.6041-41:43 (17)16.708 (5)
15Hans EidenbenzSUI11.4791-39:51 (16)15.583 (10)2
16Sulo JääskeläinenFIN11.3651-42:30 (19)16.604 (6)
17Xavier AffentrangerSUI11.1881-36:36 (14)13.375 (16)
18Gilbert RavanelFRA11.0631-35:33 (13)12.625 (19)
19Andrzej Krzeptowski IPOL9.5311-43:02 (20)13.312 (17)
20Adrien VandelleFRA8.1671-43:58 (=21)10.958 (22)
21Anders HaugenUSA5.7501-55:04 (=25)11.500 (21)
22John CarletonUSA5.1041-45:49 (23)5.833 (24)
23Ragnar OmtvedtUSA0.0002-05:03 (=25)0.000 (25)
DNFFranciszek BujakPOL1-42:13 (18)– (DNS)
DNFNils LindhSWE1-43:58 (=21)– (DNS)
DNFIstván DévánHUN1-50:20 (24)– (DNS)
DNFAladár HáberlHUN– (DNS)11.542 (20)
DNFBéla SzepesHUN– (DNF)10.478 (23)
DNFOtakar NěmeckýTCH– (DNF)
DNFMartial PayotFRA– (DNF)
DNSTuure NieminenFIN– (DNS)
DNSArmas PalmrosFIN– (DNS)
DNSAlex KeillerGBR– (DNS)
DNSChris MackintoshGBR– (DNS)
DNSPio ImbodenITA– (DNS)
DNSHenryk MückenbrunnPOL– (DNS)
DNSEbbe SchumanSWE– (DNS)