
History of Baker County, Oregon

Published by the Baker County Historical Society ~ 1986
(Used with permission)

Baker County, in far Northeast Oregon, was molded by a violent geologic past into a unique land of mountain valleys separated by ancient, scenic, and gold-bearing ranges. It is a land of gold, cattle, timber, power generation, adventure, and tourism.

     It is a land bordered on the east by the Snake River, which plunges into the Hell's Canyon; on the north-northeast by the Wallowa Mountains; on the north-northwest and west by the Blue Mountains, and on the southwest and south by the Malheur Mountains.

     Significantly, a rough geographic pass slants across the county, and, thus, the county lies astride the Old Oregon Trail and the modern highways, railroad, pipe lines, and communication lines which connect the Northwest to Mid-America through that pass.

     It is the purpose of this book to make a lasting historic record of Baker County; to interpret the controlling geology and geography; to interpret Baker County's place in Oregon's past and present; to recognize its industry; and to present a record of its people.

     Northeast Oregon is considered Oregon's oldest land. It may be understood best against preliminary analysis which will promote understanding of the human history and transportation as presented later, the discovery of gold, the buildings constructed of volcanic tuff, the life style and the industry of today.

     The account is written by remarkably competent people who have lived and worked in the area of which they write. Please see at end of each section.

     This writer will insert interpretative or coordinative notes as appropriate to join the various sections.  

     J. R. Evans, General Historian ( you will find his initials J.R.E following several passages in the book)

Town Index

General Information

School Districts

 There are many more pages to be add from this great publication of the Historical Society,  We thank them for allowing us to put this information on our pages.

Baker  County


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