Millions Against Monsanto - Organic Consumers
- ️Tue May 21 2024
- About
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- News
- Farm Map
- Campaigns
- Stop GMO Wheat
- Millions Against Monsanto
- The Truth About Glyphosate
- The Truth About Synthetic Food
- Regenerate The Farm Bill
- The Truth About Avocados
- Planting Peace
- Regenerative Agriculture
- Stop Toxic Sludge
- Stop Weaponizing Pathogens
- Save the Bees
- The Myth of Natural
- Save Organic Standards
- Dump Dirty Dairy
- Boycott Big Meat
- Appetite for a Change
- Breaking the Chains
- Care What You Wear
- Coming Clean
- Cook Organic Not the Planet
- Healthy Raw Milk
- Mad Cow / Mad Deer Disease
- #Resist and #Regenerate
- COVID-19
- Campaign Materials
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- Projects
- Newsletter
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- About
- Blog
- News
- Farm Map
- Campaigns
- Stop GMO Wheat
- Millions Against Monsanto
- The Truth About Glyphosate
- The Truth About Synthetic Food
- Regenerate The Farm Bill
- The Truth About Avocados
- Planting Peace
- Regenerative Agriculture
- Stop Toxic Sludge
- Stop Weaponizing Pathogens
- Save the Bees
- The Myth of Natural
- Save Organic Standards
- Dump Dirty Dairy
- Boycott Big Meat
- Appetite for a Change
- Breaking the Chains
- Care What You Wear
- Coming Clean
- Cook Organic Not the Planet
- Healthy Raw Milk
- Mad Cow / Mad Deer Disease
- #Resist and #Regenerate
- COVID-19
- Campaign Materials
- Take Action
- Projects
- Newsletter
- Donate
Millions Against Monsanto
The Millions Against Monsanto Campaign was started by OCA in the mid-1990s to fight back against Monsanto and the other biotech bullies responsible for poisoning the world’s food and the environment.
For more than two decades, Monsanto and corporate agribusiness have exercised near-dictatorial control over American agriculture, including the development of genetically modified seeds. Finally, public opinion around the biotech industry’s contamination of the world’s food supply and destruction of the environment has reached the tipping point.

Most Recent Headlines
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Featured Videos:
Monsanto Weed Killer Is Killing Humans
Organic Agriculture Brings Peace in the Philippines

In This Issue:
- Stop Bayer’s Sneak Attack!
- Glyphosate Poses Widespread Risks To Female Fertility and Reproductive Health
- The Truth About Bread — Why Your Ancestors Could Digest It (And Why You Might Not)
- “Chaos and Panic” as U.S. Slashes Funds for Small Farmers and Food Assistance
- A Cookbook From the Host of ‘Outdoor Chef Life’ Entices Us To Fish, Forage, and Feast
- Urgent: Support OCA’s Fight Against Bayer’s Sneak Attack on Pesticide Warnings
- Ultra-Processed Babies: Are Toddler Snacks One of the Great Food Scandals of Our Time?
- Buy Fair Trade & Organic Avocados
- Kennedy Gives Food Company CEOs an Ultimatum
- Unshrunk: A Story of Psychiatric Treatment Resistance
- Other Essential Reading and Videos for the Week
- Get Roundup Weedkiller Out of Schools
- Monsanto Makes Us Sick leaflet
- Monsanto Makes Us Sick poster
- Millions Against Monsanto leaflet
- What Are GMOs? leaflet
- Truth-in-Labeling petition
- Glyphosate One-Page Information Sheet
- Monsanto Tribunal leaflet
- Monsanto Tribunal poster
- Monsanto Tribunal leaflet – Spanish
- DARK Act leaflet
- Spanish DARK Act leaflet
- DARK Act talking points
- Oh No! Is It GMO? labels
- Traitor Brands boycott guide
- Traitor Boycott guide poster
- LEGAL ANALYSIS OF H.R. 1599: An Act to Preempt State GMO Disclosure Laws
- Ban Roundup Petition
Recommended Resources:
- Too Big to Feed: IPES Report
- Spinning Science & Silencing Scientists: A Case Study in How the Chemical Industry Attempts to Influence Science – Minority Staff Report
- From Canada to Mexico, Activists Speak out Against Monsanto
- Report: Kids on the Frontline (Pesticide Action Network)
- Report: Corporate Agribusiness and the Fouling of America’s Waterways (Environment America)
- Beyond GM: Our Food, Our Future
- Buycott App: Demand GMO Labeling Campaign
- GM Watch
- Institute for Responsible Technology
- Food Democracy Now!
- The Cornucopia Institute
- Center for Food Safety
- Association Between Urinary Glyphosate Exposure and Bone Mineral Density in Adults
- Pre-Conceptional Exposure to Glyphosate Affects the Maternal Hepatic and Ovarian Proteome
- The Politics of Glyphosate Regulation: Lessons From Sri Lanka’s Short-Lived Ban
- Toxicity Assessment and Dna Repair Kinetics in HEK293 Cells Exposed to Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Glyphosate (Roundup® Control Max)
- Low-Dose Glyphosate Exposure Alters Gut Microbiota Composition and Modulates Gut Homeostasis
- Glyphosate Exposure and Urinary Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in the Agricultural Health Study
- Association of Lifetime Exposure to Glyphosate and Aminomethylphosphonic Acid (AMPA) with Liver Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome at Young Adulthood: Findings from the CHAMACOS Study
- Exposure to Glyphosate in the United States: Data From the 2013-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- The Significance of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate for Predicting Mortality in Glyphosate Herbicide-Intoxicated Patients: A Single-Center, Retrospective Observational Study
- Glyphosate, Roundup and the Failures of Regulatory Assessment
- Toxic Effects of Glyphosate on the Nervous System: A Systematic Review
- Glyphosate vs. Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Exposure: A Review on Their Toxicity
- Pleiotropic Outcomes of Glyphosate Exposure: From Organ Damage to Effects on Inflammation, Cancer, Reproduction and Development
- Glyphosate Use, Toxicity and Occurrence in Food
- The Impact and Toxicity of Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Based Herbicides on Health and Immunity
Videos Library:
Monsanto Weed Killer Is Killing Humans
Organic Agriculture Brings Peace in the Philippines
Monsanto Knowingly Sold Human Carcinogen To Consumers
André Leu, IFOAM President: We must join forces
#VetoDARKact Rally at the White House July 15, 2016
Our Food Our Future Video Appeal
Alexis Baden-Mayer Discussing Zika, Agricultural Chemicals and Microcephaly
#TelSwaraj – Satyagraha for Gandhi’s Ghani
Industrial Vs Sustainable Agriculture
A GMO Thanksgiving With Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Staff
Power Through People – GMO
Neil Young + Promise Of The Real – A Rock Star Bucks A Coffee Shop (Official Music Video)
Dr Ritterman speaks about the ways Monsanto Makes Us Sick
Dr Shealy speaks about the ways Monsanto Makes Us Sick
We Are All Seeds – A New Year Message from Dr. Vandana Shiva for 2015
Daniel Bissonnette, at March against Monsanto, Vancouver
Is What You Ate For Breakfast Killing The Planet? Marjory Wildcraft Interviews Ronnie Cummings