
Definition (English) – OSHWA

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The open-source hardware statement of principles and definition were developed by members of the OSHWA board and working group along with others. These documents were originally edited on the wiki at freedomdefined.org, which you can visit to see endorsements of the definition and to add your own.

Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Statement of Principles 1.0

Open source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design. The hardware’s source, the design from which it is made, is available in the preferred format for making modifications to it. Ideally, open source hardware uses readily-available components and materials, standard processes, open infrastructure, unrestricted content, and open-source design tools to maximize the ability of individuals to make and use hardware. Open source hardware gives people the freedom to control their technology while sharing knowledge and encouraging commerce through the open exchange of designs.

Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Definition 1.0

The Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Definition 1.0 is based on the Open Source Definition for Open Source Software. That definition was created by Bruce Perens and the Debian developers as the Debian Free Software Guidelines.

Open Source Hardware (OSHW) is a term for tangible artifacts — machines, devices, or other physical things — whose design has been released to the public in such a way that anyone can make, modify, distribute, and use those things. This definition is intended to help provide guidelines for the development and evaluation of licenses for Open Source Hardware.

Hardware is different from software in that physical resources must always be committed for the creation of physical goods. Accordingly, persons or companies producing items (“products”) under an OSHW license have an obligation to make it clear that such products are not manufactured, sold, warrantied, or otherwise sanctioned by the original designer and also not to make use of any trademarks owned by the original designer.

The distribution terms of Open Source Hardware must comply with the following criteria:

1. Documentation
The hardware must be released with documentation including design files, and must allow modification and distribution of the design files. Where documentation is not furnished with the physical product, there must be a well-publicized means of obtaining this documentation for no more than a reasonable reproduction cost, preferably downloading via the Internet without charge. The documentation must include design files in the preferred format for making changes, for example the native file format of a CAD program. Deliberately obfuscated design files are not allowed. Intermediate forms analogous to compiled computer code — such as printer-ready copper artwork from a CAD program — are not allowed as substitutes. The license may require that the design files are provided in fully-documented, open format(s).

2. Scope
The documentation for the hardware must clearly specify what portion of the design, if not all, is being released under the license.

3. Necessary Software
If the licensed design requires software, embedded or otherwise, to operate properly and fulfill its essential functions, then the license may require that one of the following conditions are met:
a) The interfaces are sufficiently documented such that it could reasonably be considered straightforward to write open source software that allows the device to operate properly and fulfill its essential functions. For example, this may include the use of detailed signal timing diagrams or pseudocode to clearly illustrate the interface in operation.
b) The necessary software is released under an OSI-approved open source license.

4. Derived Works
The license shall allow modifications and derived works, and shall allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original work. The license shall allow for the manufacture, sale, distribution, and use of products created from the design files, the design files themselves, and derivatives thereof.

5. Free redistribution
The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the project documentation. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale. The license shall not require any royalty or fee related to the sale of derived works.

6. Attribution
The license may require derived documents, and copyright notices associated with devices, to provide attribution to the licensors when distributing design files, manufactured products, and/or derivatives thereof. The license may require that this information be accessible to the end-user using the device normally, but shall not specify a specific format of display. The license may require derived works to carry a different name or version number from the original design.

7. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.

8. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the work (including manufactured hardware) in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it must not restrict the hardware from being used in a business, or from being used in nuclear research.

9. Distribution of License
The rights granted by the license must apply to all to whom the work is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties.

10. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product
The rights granted by the license must not depend on the licensed work being part of a particular product. If a portion is extracted from a work and used or distributed within the terms of the license, all parties to whom that work is redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted for the original work.

11. License Must Not Restrict Other Hardware or Software
The license must not place restrictions on other items that are aggregated with the licensed work but not derivative of it. For example, the license must not insist that all other hardware sold with the licensed item be open source, nor that only open source software be used external to the device.

12. License Must Be Technology-Neutral
No provision of the license may be predicated on any individual technology, specific part or component, material, or style of interface or use thereof.

The signatories of this Open Source Hardware definition recognize that the open source movement represents only one way of sharing information. We encourage and support all forms of openness and collaboration, whether or not they fit this definition.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


If you would like to add your endorsement, email us at info@oshwa.org!

Initial list from freedomdefined.org

Aaron Clarke,aaronclarke.comEmbeddedCoding.com

Aaron harper, Lobo Savvy TechnologiesAhead Research Corporation

Abhimanyu Singh Udawat, Explore Labs

Achim Haug, AirGradient

Adam Cooper, CETIS

Adam Mayer, Makerbot Industries

Adam N. Ward, Wardy’s Projects

Adam Wolf, Wayne and Layne

Addie Wagenknecht and Stefan Hechenberger, Nortd LabsEyebeamLasersaur

Adviye Ayça Ünlüer, Yildiz Technical University

Ahmet Alpat, Arduino TürkiyeElektrik, Elektronik, Enerji

AJ Quick, A Quick CNC

Akiba, FreakLabs

Alan Pack, Photo Booth King

Albert Monés, replicat.es

Alberto Fabiano, Garoa Hacker Clube

Alexander Olikevich, OpenFabLab

Alexander Ruiz, Ingenio Sólido S.A.S

Alexis Sánchez, PingüinoVE

Alicia Gibb, OSHWA (when signed, Bug Labs)

Alok Prasad

Amanda Wozniak, Ninja Networks

Amon Millner, Scratch & MITOlin CollegeModkit

Anand Tamboli, Knewron

André Menks, Multilógica-shop

Andreas Olofsson, Parallella

Andrés Delgado, Apertura Radical

Andrew Back, Open Source Hardware User Group

Andrew Katz, Moorcrofts LLP

Andrew Meyer

Andrew Newman, Research Institute for Arts and Technology

Andrew Plumb, ClothBot Designs

Andrew Sliwinski, OmniCorpDetroit

Andrew Stone, Toasted Circuits

Andrew Wenzlaff, Contain Rain

Andy Gelme, Connected Community HackerSpace, Melbourne, Australia and Geekscape Pty. Ltd

Andy Wickert, Northern Widget LLC

Anil Kumar Pugalia, Pugs’ Passion

Anool Mahidharia, WyoLum

Anthony Clay, ZarthCode LLC

Arno Eikhof, UVC Ingenieure

Arthur Wolf, Smoothie

Ashok Saraf

Asim Baig, Tinkeract

Ayah Bdeir, littleBits.ccEyebeamCreative Commons

Balestrino Salvatore, OSHW.IT

Bastian Bittorf, bittorf wireless ))

Ben Leduc-Mills, Craft Technology Lab

Ben Lipkowitz, SKDBreprap

Benjamin Gaulon, Recyclism

Benjamin Gray, phenoptix

Bergmann Markus, morethanfunctional

Bernard Pratz, hackable:Devices

Bernt Weber, Splashelec

Bertrand Le Roy, Nwazet

Bhagyashri Sharangpani, Bhasha Technologies

Bill Shaw, Inanimate Reason

Bo Morgan

Bob Jacobsen, JMRI

Bob Waldron, MakerPlane

Boseji, Electronics For BharatA.D.H.A.R Labs

Brandon Stafford, Rascal Micro

Brett Hagman, Rogue RoboticsWiring

Brian Collins, Hacromatic

Brian Rayburn

Brian Harling, Modtronics Australia

Briana Mansion, Tenderoo

Briana Mansion, SKDBHumanity+

Bunnie, bunniestudios

Cade Klock

Caleb Cover

Camilo Parra, Otto DIY

Carmen Gonzalez, Open Solar Circuits, DreamAddictive

Carmen Trudell, Fluxxlab

Carol Willing

Carson Reynolds, University of Tokyo

Case Engelen, Titoma Design Ltd.


Catarina Mota, openMaterials

Cathal Garvey, Indie Biotech

Cécile Montagne, open-devices

Cesar Harada, Protei, sailing drones

Charles Collis, AdCiv.org

Charles Pax, Pax Instruments

Charles Edward Pax, Makerbot Industries

Charles Yarnold

Chris Anderson, 3D Robotics/DIY Drones

Chris Jefferies, Tinaja Labs

Chris Harris, Agency1

Chris Mark, Fellers Tree Services

Chris Novello, illucia instruments

Chris Osterwood, Capable Robot

Chris Walker, NetduinoSecret Labs

Christian Siefkes, keimform.de

Christopher Lee, Australian Robotics

Constantin Craciun, Harkopen.com – open source hardware community

Dali Ben Aleya, EC-O: Provide recovered materials based DIY solutions

Dan Clark, GroundZero Labs

Daniel Andarde, Daniel Andrade – art.electronics.tech

Daniel Garcia, Protostack

Daniel Harrigan

Daniel Reetz, DIY Book Scanner

Daniel Yucra, SomosLibres.org Perú

Darsh Shah, Blog

Dave Borghuis, TkkrLab hackerspace

Dave Hrynkiw, Solarbotics Ltd.HVW Technologies

David, Elecrow

David A. Mellis, Arduino

David Ankers & James Cotton, The OpenPilot Foundation

David Carrier, Parallax Inc.

David Cuartielles, ArduinoOSHW_Spanish

David Gascón, LibeliumCooking-Hacks

David L. Jones, EEVblog

David Lang, OpenROV

David Reyes Samblás Martínez, Tuxbrain

David Siren Eisner, InMojo

Deepak Pareek, HnyB Inc.

Deepak Shrivastava

Demetris Rouslan Zavorotnitsienko, GizmoForYou

Diego Spinola, Hackeneering

Dilshan R Jayakody, Dilshan R Jayakody’s Web Log

Dimitri Albino, smARtMAKER

D’sun Labs, http://dsunlabs.com/

Dumitru Stama, dicsEE

Dustyn Roberts, dustynrobots

Dominic Muren, The Humblefactory

Ed Minchau, Magical Robotics

Emanuele Bonanni aka EmanueleEMC, Elettronica Open Source

Emil Varughese, Edwin Robotics

Emre Gökçe Çimen, Eg-ar Design

Eric Anderson, Carnegie Mellon University

Eric Boyd, sensebridge

Eric Carlson, Kaleidoscope Systems

Eric Herman, FreeSA

Eric Michaud, i11 Industries

Eric Pan, Seeed Studio

Eric Thompson, Low Voltage Labs

Ethan Zonca, ProtoFusion

Fabien Royer, Nwazet

Faisal Omar Aljabri, faisalomar

Federico Lucifredi, SUSE Linux

Francisco Cordova, e-Terminal Foundation

Francisco Malpartida, electroFUN

Frank Piller, rwth-aachen university

Freddy Deniau

Frédéric Jourdan, Snootlab

Gabriella Levine, ProteiITP

Gareth Coleman, layer zero labs

Geoffrey L. Barrows, Centeye, Inc.Embedded Eye

George Hadley, NBitWonder

Gilles Reyna

Giovanni Lostumbo, GNUBioPhotoVoltaic

Glyn Hudson, Trystan Lea and Suneil Tagore, OpenEnergyMonitor

Graham Bicknell

Greg Grossmeier, Open Evangelist

Greg Krsak

Gregor Gross, alpha-board Elektronik-Design und Fertigungsservice Berlin

Gregory Gage, Backyard Brains

Guo haoyun, bjmakerspace.com

Gustav Karlsson, Karlsson Robotics

Hal Gottfried, KC Open Hardware Society

Hannah Perner-Wilson, PluseaHow To Get What You Want

Hans Scharler, ioBridgeThingSpeak

Hao Zhang, BJMakerspace

Hélio Pereira

Helio Ribeiro da Silva Filho

Henrik Denhart, Denhart

Hong Phuc Dang, FOSSASIA

Ian Daniher, Nonolith Labs

Ian Lee, Software & Sawdust

Ivan Jorge Boesing, FIRST Brazil

J. Simmons, Mach 30: Foundation for Space Development

Jaco du Plessis, hbnet Private Internet Services

Jakub Kákona, MLABUST

James Adams, MakeNub

James Grahame, Reflex AudioMeeBlip

James Ronald, Michigan Robot Club

Jarryd Bekker, Lattra

Jasmin Skenderi, alpha-board Elektronik-Design und Fertigungsservice Berlin

Jason Huggins, Bitbeam

Jason Prince, Umorpha Systems

Jason Veneman, Intelligenate

Jatinderjit Singh, Embisys


Jean Demartini, DEMTECH – Sophia-Antipolis – France

Jean-Marc Giacalone, eMAKERshop

Jeff Karney, JK Devices

Jeff Keyzer, MightyOhm Engineering

Jeff Moe, Aleph Objects, Inc.

Jeff Saltzman, Jeff’s Arduino Blog

Jeffrey Antony, Jeffrey’s Personal Website

Jennifer He, Shenzhen Makerfabs Corp

Jeremy Blum, JeremyBlum.comCornell University Creative Machines Lab

Jeremy Saglimbeni, thecustomgeek.com


Jim Barkley, The MITRE Corporation

Jimmie P. Rodgers, JimmiePRodgers.com


Joan Espinoza, PingüinoVE

Joel Murphy, Rachel’s ElectronicsParsons D+T

John Wilbanks, Creative Commons

John Lejeune, h:D

John M. De Cristofaro

John Tarbox, BitsConnect.com

Johnny Russell, UltiMachine

Jon Kuniholm, The Open Prosthetics Project

Jon Masters, www.jonmasters.org

Jonathan Dahan, Island Labs

Jonathan Minchin, cross-innovation

Jonathan Oxer, Freetronics

Jorel Lalicki, LIB3 Inc.- Open Source Hardware for Experimenters

Jorge Alberto Silva, CDIR ITESCO

Jose M. de la Fuente, n00b0tmm8

Josef Pruša, josefprusa.cz, RepRap developer

Joseph Di Carlo

Joseph Gray, 911 Media Arts Center, SeattleprojBox

Joseph H Althaus

Joseph Flynt, 3D Insider

Josh Boughey, The Stribe Project

Joshua D. Johnson,Protobot Industries, physical prototyper/inventor

Juan Gonzalez-Gomez, Iearobotics.com, Researcher on robotics

Juergen Neumann, OHANDA – Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance

Julien Rouviere, OpenSCB

Julio Carrillo, University of Los Andes-Venezuela, Revolution of Making

Keith Braafladt

Ken Burns, AkroSense

Kenneth Liu, Arduino in Taiwan

Kevin Townsend, www.microBuilder.eu

Koichi Takagi, Nagoya City University

Kshitiz Khanal, Open Knowledge Nepal

Kurt Andro, www.ideenzumnulltarif.de

Kyle Wiens, iFixit

Lawrence “Lemming” Dixon, HSBNE.org, Hackerspace Brisbane

Leah Buechley, MIT Media Lab, High-Low Tech

Lenore Edman, Evil Mad Science

Leslie Garcia, DreamAddictive, Astrovandalistas

Lex Blagus, OpDehy

Limor Fried, Adafruit Industries

Louis Montagne, Bearstech

Lubos Medovarsky, Accelera Networks

Luigi Carnevale, Droids

Luis Felipe R. Murillo, Journal of Open Hardware

Maik Kroka, Dischereit SMT Assembly

Marcin Jakubowski, Open Source Ecology

Marcus A. Link, Manupool – A Product Development Community

Mario Behling,MBM

Mario Raul Perez,MacroPLC

Mario Vernari, Highfieldtales

Mark Carew, OpenBuilds

Mark Khusid, EE, MK Dynamics

Mark McComb, hacktronics

Marty Schrader, Parsec Technologies, Inc.

Massimo Banzi, Arduino

Mathilde Berchon, MakingSociety

Mats Engstrom, SmallRoomLabs

Mats Undén

Matt Westervelt, Metrix Create:Space

Matthew Beckler, Wayne and Layne

Matthew Slater, Community Forge

Matthieu Quadrini, OpenSCB

Martin Häuer, Open Source Ecology Germany e.V.

Michael Eber, Makertronic

Michael James, OSHJunkies

Michael Krumpus, nootropic design

Michael McPherson

Michael Ossmann, Great Scott Gadgets

Michael Ruppe

Miguel Xochicale, air4children

Mike Provenzano, Progunn Industries

Mitch Altman, Cornfield Electronics

Mitch Patterson(mitpatterson), Mitch’s Tech Blog

Mohamed, aSensarRepRap-India

Mohammed Ibrahim Mirza Beig, wired2tech.org

MOKO Technology

Morgaine Dinova, Morgaine Dinova on freedomdefined.org, lecturer and consultant

Moritz von Buttlar, Opensource-Solar

Morten I. Larsen

Naoufel Razouane, Tunisia-DIY

Nathan Seidle, SparkFun Electronics

Nicholas C Lewis, A RepRap Breeding Program

Nicolas Lassabe, Artilect FabLab Toulouse

Nicolas Saugnier, XD Team blog

Nicolas Stalder, Solokeys

Nis Sarup

Noah Shibley, Nomi Design

Noel Bautista, Maker Dude

Nuri Erginer, gnexlab

Oldrich Horacek, HW Kitchen

Ondrej Zizka

Outdesign Co.

Paolo Patierno, DevExperience

Partha Pratim Ray, Sikkim University

Patrick Korkuch

Patrick Lloyd

Patrick Wilkie, COSMIC Medical

Paul Armstrong

Paul Badger, Modern Device

Pavol Rusnak, hackerspace brmlab

Pete Brown, 10rem.net

Pete Prodoehl, RasterWeb!

Peter Kirn, Create Digital MusicMeeBlip

Phillip Torrone, MAKE magazineAdafruit Industries

Pierce Nichols, Logos Electromechanical LLC

Pierre Padilla H., Biomakers Lab

Pierrick Boissard, I-Grebot robotics association

Pip Jones, Deepend

Prashant Khandelwal, midnightprogrammer.net

R. Scott Plunkett, The OpenQi Project

Raf Wawer, Ancient Crafts and Arts Society

Rafael Barmak, OVNI Lab

Raghavan Nagabhirava

Ramón Martínez, Tenderoo Mobile Payment

Raphaël Rousseau, Atelier Laser

Raúl Oviedo, Ingenieria Electronica

Ravichandra Seveelavanan, LZRDM

Rebika Rai, Sikkim University

Red Byer, Red’s Toyland

Ricardo Mayorga, telsisconelectronica.com

Richard Anderson, Fair Use Building and Research Labs

Richard Arnett, ChromatograDIY

Robert Fitzsimons, Part Fusion Electronics

Robit Technology, Parts of Electronics and Robotics

Rod Read, Windswept and Interesting Limited

Rodolfo Cossovich, Multiplo

Ron K. Jeffries, Jeffries Research

Ronen Kadushin, Open Design

Roy Mohan Shearer, Openthing

Ryan Pulkrabek, Opennautics

Sachin, DigiBay

Samuel Sayer, The MITRE Corporation

Samuel Vale, Holoscópio Tecnologia

Sascha Meinrath, Open Technology Initiative

SASIKUMAR K, [sasi1212@live.in]

Scot Kornak, BusBoard Prototype Systems Ltd.

Sefa Soysal, Robolink Technology

Shannon Morrisey

Shigeru Kobayashi, IAMASFunnelGainer

Simone Marzulli, Onioncoding

Stacy L. Devino, Does it Pew?aka childofthehorn

Sterling Pickens, linuxsociety

Steve Dickie, ArduinoEducation.com

Steve Gifford, Chips To Bits

Steve Hoefer, Grathio Labs

Stewart Dickson, Makerspace-Urbana

Suniel Kumar G, POSHLabs-People’s Open Source Hardware Labs

Tassos Natsakis, KU Leuven

Taylor Alexander, Flutter Wireless

Terry King, YourDuino.com

Thalis Antunes, FACIT

Theodore Ullrich, Tomorrow Lab™

Thomas Gokey, artist

Thomas McGahee

Tim Lossen, Evercube

Tom Igoe, ArduinoITP, NYU

Tomasz Mloduchowski, XLogicBlattaria, Ltd.

Toni Klopfenstein, ToniCorinne.com

Troy Dowling, TroyDowling.org

Tsvetan Usunov, Olimex.com

Tully Gehan, Samurai Circuits

Tuomo Tammenpää, OHANDA – Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance

Tushar Makwana, Explore Labs

Twinklekumar Patel

Usman Haque, Pachube

Victor Aprea, Wicked Device

Victor Christiansenn, SecPoint

Victor Perin, Nerd Hi-Tech

Viento, Floating City Copenhagen

Vlad Trifa, Web of ThingsETH Zurich

Will Cleaver, OS Economy – Science & Art

Will Pickering, FunGizmos

William Morris, I Heart RoboticsI Heart Engineering

William Zain, MoBooth

Wim Vandeputte, kd85

Windell Oskay, Evil Mad Science

Yannick Avelino, Electrolab

Yoonseo Kang, Open Tech Forever

Xavier Leonard, X.L

Zach Fredin, Neurotinker

Zhang Dong, HOMEMODE