
Department of Energy (DOE) OpenNet documents


Welcome to the Department of Energy OpenNet System

The OpenNet database provides easy, timely access to approximately 512,000 bibliographic references and over 130,000 with attached full-text, including information declassified in response to Freedom of Information Act requests. In addition to these documents, OpenNet references older document collections from several DOE sources. This database is updated regularly as more information becomes available. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at opennet@osti.gov.


Atomic Energy Commission Division of Construction Photos (1950-1958)

AEC Construction

Photo Credit: U.S. Department of Energy

In 1946, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) inherited from the Manhattan Engineer District a vast complex of government-owned laboratories, manufacturing plants, and community facilities that had been built during World War II. By the early 1950s, a new Cold War reality prompted a vast expansion of AEC facilities for producing special nuclear materials and weapons. These photographs document the dramatic expansion of the Atomic Energy Commission throughout the 1950s. See Construction Photographs.

Previous Spotlight

Dr. Edward Teller's Remarks on Secrecy

Edward Teller's Remark on Secrecy

Dr. Edward Teller initially gained fame as a major contributor to the Manhattan Project and eventually became colloquially known as the father of the hydrogen bomb. A talented scientist, Dr. Teller helped co-found Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which has a mission of strengthening national security by developing and applying world-class science, technology and engineering, and is principally sponsored by the United States Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration. Dr. Teller prepared some remarks on secrecy in preparation for a meeting in 1989 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. See Remarks.