2011 Election Results

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Aberdeen Central

Lewis Macdonald - Scottish Labour - 9441 votes

Mike Phillips - Scottish National Front - 201 votes

Kevin Stewart - Scottish National Party - 10058 votes

Sheila Thomson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2349 votes

Sandy Wallace - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3100 votes

MSP elected

Kevin Stewart - 617 majority

Aberdeen Donside

Brian Adam - Scottish National Party - 14790 votes

Barney Crockett - Scottish Labour - 7615 votes

David Henderson - Independent - 371 votes

Millie McLeod - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1606 votes

Ross Thomson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2166 votes

Christopher Willett - Scottish National Front - 213 votes

MSP elected

Brian Adam - 7175 majority

Aberdeen South and North Kincardine

Marie Boulton - Independent - 1816 votes

John Sleigh - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 4994 votes

Maureen Watt - Scottish National Party - 11947 votes

Stewart Whyte - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4058 votes

Ross Willett - Scottish National Front - 214 votes

Greg Williams - Scottish Labour - 5624 votes

MSP elected

Maureen Watt - 6323 majority

Aberdeenshire East

Geordie Burnett Stuart - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4211 votes

Alison McInnes - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 4238 votes

Alex Salmond - Scottish National Party - 19533 votes

Peter Smyth - Scottish Labour - 2304 votes

MSP elected

Alex Salmond - 15295 majority

Aberdeenshire West

Nanette Milne - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 6027 votes

Jean Morrison - Scottish Labour - 2349 votes

Dennis Robertson - Scottish National Party - 12186 votes

Mike Rumbles - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 8074 votes

MSP elected

Dennis Robertson - 4112 majority

Airdrie and Shotts

Robert Crozier - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1396 votes

John Love - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 531 votes

Alex Neil - Scottish National Party - 11984 votes

Karen Whitefield - Scottish Labour - 9983 votes

MSP elected

Alex Neil - 2001 majority

Almond Valley

Angela Constance - Scottish National Party - 16704 votes

Lawrence Fitzpatrick - Scottish Labour - 11162 votes

Andrew Hardie - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1886 votes

Neil McIvor - Scottish National Front - 329 votes

Emma Sykes - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 656 votes

MSP elected

Angela Constance - 5542 majority

Angus North and Mearns

Nigel Don - Scottish National Party - 13660 votes

Alex Johnstone - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 6374 votes

Kevin Hutchens - Scottish Labour - 3160 votes

Sanjay Samani - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1726 votes

MSP elected

Nigel Don - 7286 majority

Angus South

Hughie Campbell Adamson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5581 votes

William Campbell - Scottish Labour - 3703 votes

Graeme Dey - Scottish National Party - 16164 votes

David Fairweather - Angus Independents Representatives (AIR) - 1321 votes

Clive Sneddon - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 874 votes

MSP elected

Graeme Dey - 10583 majority

Argyll and Bute

George Doyle - Independent - 542 votes

Alison Hay - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 3220 votes

Jamie McGrigor - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4847 votes

Mick Rice - Scottish Labour - 4041 votes

Michael Russell - Scottish National Party - 13390 votes

George White - Liberal Party in Scotland - 436 votes

MSP elected

Michael Russell - 8543 majority


Chic Brodie - Scottish National Party - 11884 votes

Gordon McKenzie - Scottish Labour - 7779 votes

John Scott - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 12997 votes

Eileen Taylor - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 713 votes

MSP elected

John Scott - 1113 majority


Banffshire and Buchan Coast

Alan Duffill - Scottish Labour - 2642 votes

Galen Milne - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 958 votes

Stewart Stevenson - Scottish National Party - 16812 votes

Michael Watt - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4592 votes

MSP elected

Stewart Stevenson - 12220 majority


Caithness, Sutherland and Ross

Rob Gibson - Scottish National Party - 13843 votes

John MacKay - Scottish Labour - 5438 votes

Edward Mountain - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2934 votes

Robbie Rowantree - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 6385 votes

MSP elected

Rob Gibson - 7458 majority

Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley

Andrew Chamberlain - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 624 votes

Adam Ingram - Scottish National Party - 13250 votes

Peter Kennerley - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4160 votes

Richard Leonard - Scottish Labour - 10669 votes

MSP elected

Adam Ingram - 2581 majority

Clackmannanshire and Dunblane

Tim Brett - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1018 votes

Keith Brown - Scottish National Party - 13253 votes

Callum Campbell - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3501 votes

Richard Simpson - Scottish Labour - 9644 votes

MSP elected

Keith Brown - 3609 majority

Clydebank and Milngavie

John Duncan - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1769 votes

Des McNulty - Scottish Labour - 11564 votes

Gil Paterson - Scottish National Party - 12278 votes

Alice Struthers - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2758 votes

MSP elected

Gil Paterson - 714 majority


Aileen Campbell - Scottish National Party - 14931 votes

Karen Gillon - Scottish Labour - 10715 votes

Colin McGavigan - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4291 votes

MSP elected

Aileen Campbell - 4216 majority

Coatbridge and Chryston

Rod Ackland - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 381 votes

Jason Lingiah - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1317 votes

Elaine Smith - Scottish Labour - 12161 votes

John Wilson - Scottish National Party - 9420 votes

MSP elected

Elaine Smith - 2741 majority


Ian Chisholm - Scottish National Party - 10679 votes

Belinda Don - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1792 votes

Helen Eadie - Scottish Labour - 11926 votes

Mike Heenan - Land Party - 276 votes

Keith Legg - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 997 votes

MSP elected

Helen Eadie - 1247 majority

Cumbernauld and Kilsyth

James Boswell - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1156 votes

Cathie Craigie - Scottish Labour - 10136 votes

Jamie Hepburn - Scottish National Party - 13595 votes

Martin Oliver - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 367 votes

MSP elected

Jamie Hepburn - 3459 majority

Cunninghame North

Kenneth Gibson - Scottish National Party - 15539 votes

Maurice Golden - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 9422 votes

Mallika Punukollu - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 543 votes

Allan Wilson - Scottish Labour - 9422 votes

MSP elected

Kenneth Gibson - 6117 majority

Cunninghame South

Margaret Burgess - Scottish National Party - 10993 votes

Alistair Haw - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1871 votes

Ruby Kirkwood - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 547 votes

Irene Oldfather - Scottish Labour - 8645 votes

MSP elected

Margaret Burgess - 2348 majority



Jackie Baillie - Scottish Labour - 12562 votes

George Rice - Independent - 770 votes

Iain Robertson - Scottish National Party - 10923 votes

Graham Smith - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3395 votes

Helen Watt - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 858 votes

MSP elected

Jackie Baillie - 1639 majority


Richard Brodie - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1419 votes

Gill Dykes - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 9468 votes

Elaine Murray - Scottish Labour - 12624 votes

Aileen Orr - Scottish National Party - 8384 votes

MSP elected

Elaine Murray - 3156 majority

Dundee City East

Mohammed Asif - Scottish Labour - 5862 votes

Brian Docherty - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2550 votes

Allan Petrie - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 800 votes

Shona Robison - Scottish National Party - 16541 votes

MSP elected

Shona Robison - 10679 majority

Dundee City West

Alison Burns - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1063 votes

Joe FitzPatrick - Scottish National Party - 14089 votes

Richard McCready - Scottish Labour - 7684 votes

Colin Stewart - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1625 votes

MSP elected

Joe FitzPatrick - 6405 majority


James Reekie - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2093 votes

Alex Rowley - Scottish Labour - 10420 votes

Jim Tolson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 5776 votes

Bill Walker - Scottish National Party - 11010 votes

MSP elected

Bill Walker - 590 majority


East Kilbride

Linda Fabiani - Scottish National Party - 14359 votes

Douglas Herbison - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 468 votes

John Houston - Independent - 414 votes

Andy Kerr - Scottish Labour - 12410 votes

Graham Simpson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2260 votes

MSP elected

Linda Fabiani - 1949 majority

East Lothian

David Berry - Scottish National Party - 12385 votes

Derek Brownlee - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5344 votes

Iain Gray - Scottish Labour - 12536 votes

Ettie Spencer - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1912 votes

MSP elected

Iain Gray - 151 majority


Jackson Carlaw - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 10650 votes

Gordon Cochrane - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 3603 votes

Stewart Maxwell - Scottish National Party - 7777 votes

Ken Macintosh - Scottish Labour - 12662 votes

MSP elected

Ken Macintosh - 2012 majority

Edinburgh Central

Marco Biagi - Scottish National Party - 9480 votes

Sarah Boyack - Scottish Labour - 9243 votes

Alex Cole-Hamilton - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 5937 votes

Iain McGill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4354 votes

MSP elected

Marco Biagi - 237 majority

Edinburgh Eastern

Ewan Aitken - Scottish Labour - 12319 votes

Cameron Buchanan - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2630 votes

Kenny MacAskill - Scottish National Party - 14552 votes

Martin Veart - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1227 votes

MSP elected

Kenny MacAskill - 2233 majority

Edinburgh Northern and Leith

Malcolm Chisholm - Scottish Labour - 12858 votes

Dan Farthing - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2836 votes

Sheila Low - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2928 votes

Shirley-Anne Somerville - Scottish National Party - 12263 votes

MSP elected

Malcolm Chisholm - 595 majority

Edinburgh Pentlands

Simon Clark - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1420 votes

Ricky Henderson - Scottish Labour - 7993 votes

Gordon MacDonald - Scottish National Party - 11197 votes

David McLetchie - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 9439 votes

MSP elected

Gordon MacDonald - 1758 majority

Edinburgh Southern

Gavin Brown - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 6298 votes

Jim Eadie - Scottish National Party - 9947 votes

Paul Godzik - Scottish Labour - 9254 votes

Mike Pringle - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 8297 votes

MSP elected

Jim Eadie - 693 majority

Edinburgh Western

Lesley Hinds - Scottish Labour - 7164 votes

Gordon Lindhurst - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5047 votes

Colin Keir - Scottish National Party - 11965 votes

Margaret Smith - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 9276 votes

MSP elected

Colin Keir - 2689 majority

Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire

John Lamont - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 12933 votes

Jesse Rae - Independent - 308 votes

Euan Robson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 4990 votes

Rab Stewart - Scottish Labour - 2986 votes

Paul Wheelhouse - Scottish National Party - 7599 votes

MSP elected

John Lamont - 5334 majority


Falkirk East

Ross Laird - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 727 votes

Angus MacDonald - Scottish National Party - 14302 votes

Lynn Munro - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2372 votes

Cathy Peattie - Scottish Labour - 10767 votes

MSP elected

Angus MacDonald - 3535 majority

Falkirk West

Callum Chomczuk - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 644 votes

Allan Finnie - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2086 votes

Dennis Goldie - Scottish Labour - 9862 votes

Michael Matheson - Scottish National Party - 15607 votes

MSP elected

Michael Matheson - 5745 majority


Galloway and West Dumfries

Alex Fergusson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 11071 votes

Aileen McLeod - Scottish National Party - 10209 votes

Joe Rosiejak - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 763 votes

Willie Scobie - Scottish Labour - 7954 votes

MSP elected

Alex Fergusson - 862 majority

Glasgow Anniesland

Bill Butler - Scottish Labour - 10322 votes

Bill Kidd - Scottish National Party - 10329 votes

Marc Livingstone - Communist Party of Britain - 256 votes

Paul McGarry - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1000 votes

Matthew Smith - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2011 votes

MSP elected

Bill Kidd - 7 majority

Glasgow Cathcart

Eileen Baxendale - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1118 votes

James Dornan - Scottish National Party - 11918 votes

Charlie Gordon - Scottish Labour - 10326 votes

John McKee - Independent - 450 votes

Richard Sullivan - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2410 votes

MSP elected

James Dornan - 1592 majority

Glasgow Kelvin

Ruth Davidson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1845 votes

Natalie McKee - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1900 votes

Pauline McNeill - Scottish Labour - 9758 votes

Tom Muirhead - Independent - 405 votes

Sandra White - Scottish National Party - 10640 votes

MSP elected

Sandra White - 882 majority

Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn

Sophie Bridger - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 833 votes

Bob Doris - Scottish National Party - 8592 votes

Patricia Ferguson - Scottish Labour - 9884 votes

Stephanie Murray - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1222 votes

MSP elected

Patricia Ferguson - 1252 majority

Glasgow Pollok

Johann Lamont - Scottish Labour - 10875 votes

Andrew Morrison - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1298 votes

Isabel Nelson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 490 votes

Chris Stephens - Scottish National Party - 10252 votes

MSP elected

Johann Lamont - 623 majority

Glasgow Provan

Majid Hussain - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 777 votes

Paul Martin - Scottish Labour - 10037 votes

Anne McLaughlin - Scottish National Party - 7958 votes

Michael O'Donnell - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 413 votes

MSP elected

Paul Martin - 2079 majority

Glasgow Shettleston

Ruaraidh Dobson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 371 votes

John Mason - Scottish National Party - 10128 votes

Frank McAveety - Scottish Labour - 9542 votes

David Wilson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1163 votes

MSP elected

John Mason - 586 majority

Glasgow Southside

Stephen Curran - Scottish Labour - 7957 votes

Kenneth Elder - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 612 votes

David Meikle - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1733 votes

Nicola Sturgeon - Scottish National Party - 12306 votes

MSP elected

Nicola Sturgeon - 4349 majority

Greenock and Inverclyde

Graeme Brooks - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2011 votes

Ross Finnie - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1934 votes

Stuart McMillan - Scottish National Party - 11876 votes

Duncan McNeil - Scottish Labour - 12387 votes

MSP elected

Duncan McNeil - 511 majority


Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse

Ewan Hoyle - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 616 votes

Tom McCabe - Scottish Labour - 9989 votes

Christina McKelvie - Scottish National Party - 12202 votes

Margaret Mitchell - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2547 votes

MSP elected

Christina McKelvie - 2213 majority


Inverness and Nairn

Donald Boyd - Scottish Christian Party - 646 votes

Ross Durance - UK Independence Party - 530 votes

Fergus Ewing - Scottish National Party - 16870 votes

Christine Jardine - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 3763 votes

Mary Scanlon - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3797 votes

David Stewart - Scottish Labour - 7125 votes

MSP elected

Fergus Ewing - 9745 majority


Kilmarnock and Irvine valley

Willie Coffey - Scottish National Party - 16964 votes

Grant Fergusson - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3309 votes

Matt McLaughlin - Scottish Labour - 10971 votes

Robbie Simpson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 614 votes

MSP elected

Willie Coffey - 5993 majority


Marilyn Livingstone - Scottish Labour - 12397 votes

John Mainland - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 820 votes

Ian McFarlane - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2007 votes

David Torrance - Scottish National Party - 12579 votes

MSP elected

David Torrance - 182 majority



Mike Coyle - Scottish National Front - 558 votes

Christopher Donnelly - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2646 votes

Fiona Hyslop - Scottish National Party - 17027 votes

Jennifer Lang - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1015 votes

Mary Mulligan - Scottish Labour - 12936 votes

MSP elected

Fiona Hyslop - 4091 majority


Mid Fife and Glenrothes

Claire Baker - Scottish Labour - 9573 votes

Callum Leslie - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 630 votes

Tricia Marwick - Scottish National Party - 13761 votes

Jim Parker - All Scotland Pensioners Party - 673 votes

Allan Smith - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1676 votes

MSP elected

Tricia Marwick - 4188 majority

Midlothian North and Musselburgh

Colin Beattie - Scottish National Party - 14079 votes

Scott Douglas - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2541 votes

Bernard Harkins - Scottish Labour - 11083 votes

Alan Hay - Independent - 861 votes

Ian Younger - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1254 votes

MSP elected

Colin Beattie - 2996 majority

Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale

Peter Duncan - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 3743 votes

Christine Grahame - Scottish National Party - 13855 votes

Ian Miller - Scottish Labour - 5312 votes

Jeremy Purvis - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 8931 votes

MSP elected

Christine Grahame - 4924 majority


Donald Gatt - UK Independence Party - 999 votes

Kieron Green - Scottish Labour - 3580 votes

Richard Lochhead - Scottish National Party - 16817 votes

Jamie Paterson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1327 votes

Douglas Ross - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5873 votes

MSP elected

Richard Lochhead - 10944 majority

Motherwell and Wishaw

Clare Adamson - Scottish National Party - 10126 votes

Bob Burgess - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 1753 votes

Beverley Hope - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 367 votes

John Pentland - Scottish Labour - 10713 votes

Tom Selfridge - Scottish Christian Party - 547 votes

John Swinburne - All Scotland Pensioners Party - 945 votes

MSP elected

John Pentland - 587 majority


Na h-Eileanan an Iar

Alasdair Allan - Scottish National Party - 8496 votes

Donald Crichton - Scottish Labour - 3724 votes

Charlie McGrigor - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 563 votes

Peter Morrison - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 228 votes

MSP elected

Alasdair Allan - 4772 majority

North East Fife

Miles Briggs - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5618 votes

Roderick Campbell - Scottish National Party - 11029 votes

Colin Davidson - Scottish Labour - 3613 votes

Mike Scott-Hayward - UK Independence Party - 979 votes

Iain Smith - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 8437 votes

MSP elected

Roderick Campbell - 2592 majority



Jamie Halcro Johnston - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 686 votes

Donna Heddle - Scottish National Party - 2044 votes

Liam McArthur - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2912 votes

William Sharkey - Scottish Labour - 458 votes

James Stockan - Independent - 2052 votes

MSP elected

Liam McArthur - 860 majority



George Adam - Scottish National Party - 10913 votes

Eileen McCartin - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1783 votes

Gordon McCaskill - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2229 votes

Evan Williams - Scottish Labour - 10665 votes

MSP elected

George Adam - 248 majority

Perthshire North

Pete Cheema - Scottish Labour - 2672 votes

Victor Clements - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1196 votes

Murdo Fraser - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 7866 votes

John Swinney - Scottish National Party - 18219 votes

MSP elected

John Swinney - 10353 majority

Perthshire South and Kinross-shire

Roseanna Cunningham - Scottish National Party - 16073 votes

Tricia Duncan - Scottish Labour - 3980 votes

Willie Robertson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2256 votes

Liz Smith - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 8907 votes

MSP elected

Roseanna Cunningham - 7166 majority


Renfrewshire North and West

Stuart Clark - Scottish Labour - 9946 votes

Annabel Goldie - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 5489 votes

Derek Mackay - Scottish National Party - 11510 votes

Andrew Page - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 550 votes

MSP elected

Derek Mackay - 1564 majority

Renfrewshire South

Gordon Anderson - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 702 votes

Alistair Campbell - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2917 votes

Andrew Doig - Scottish National Party - 10356 votes

Hugh Henry - Scottish Labour - 12933 votes

MSP elected

Hugh Henry - 2577 majority


Caroline Johnstone - Independent - 633 votes

James Kelly - Scottish Labour - 12489 votes

Jim McGuigan - Scottish National Party - 10710 votes

Martyn McIntyre - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2096 votes

Lisa Strachan - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1174 votes

MSP elected

James Kelly - 1779 majority


Shetland Islands

Sandy Cross - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 330 votes

Billy Fox - Independent - 2845 votes

Jamie Kerr - Scottish Labour - 620 votes

Tavish Scott - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 4462 votes

Jean Urquhart - Scottish National Party - 1134 votes

MSP elected

Tavish Scott - 1617 majority

Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch

Ronnie Campbell - Independent - 490 votes

Kerensa Carr - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2834 votes

Alan MacRae - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 9742 votes

Linda Stewart - Scottish Labour - 4112 votes

Dave Thompson - Scottish National Party - 14737 votes

MSP elected

Dave Thompson - 4995 majority


Neil Benny - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4610 votes

Jack Black - Independent - 454 votes

Bruce Crawford - Scottish National Party - 14859 votes

John Hendry - Scottish Labour - 9188 votes

Graham Reed - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 1296 votes

MSP elected

Bruce Crawford - 5671 majority

Strathkelvin and Bearsden

Stephanie Fraser - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 4438 votes

Gordon Macdonald - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 2600 votes

Fiona McLeod - Scottish National Party - 14258 votes

Jean Turner - Independent - 6742 votes

David Whitton - Scottish Labour - 12456 votes

MSP elected

Fiona McLeod - 1802 majority


Uddingston and Bellshill

Mark Brown - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - 2117 votes

Richard Lyle - Scottish National Party - 10817 votes

Fraser Macgregor - Scottish Liberal Democrats - 530 votes

Michael McMahon - Scottish Labour - 11531 votes

MSP elected

Michael McMahon - 714 majority