MSP salaries

The Scottish Parliament is responsible for the payment of salaries for MSPs and members of the Scottish Government.

These arrangements are made under the Scottish Parliament Salaries Scheme. They apply from 1 April 2024.

Office holder
 Annual salary  Annual salary (including MSP salary)   
 MSP  £72,196  £72,196
 MSP (dual mandate)  £24,066  £24,066
 First Minister  £104,584  £176,780
 Cabinet Secretary  £54,256  £126,452
 Minister  £33,989  £106,185
 Presiding Officer  £54,256  £126,452
 Deputy Presiding Officer  £33,989  £106,185
 Lord Advocate  £70,881  £143,077
 Solicitor General for Scotland  £51,257  £123,453

Details of MSP and Officeholder salaries from previous years