Who Accredits Patriot Bible University
Accrediting Commission International (ACI) has made an on-site visit and awarded Patriot Bible University with full accreditation as of October 2008.
Patriot Bible University is authorized by the State of Colorado Commission for Higher Education to grant religious degrees at the Associate, Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral levels.
About ACI Accreditation
is an international accrediting commission which holds as its primary
objective the encouragement and maintenance of sound scholarship and
the highest academic achievement in the areas of private education.
Quality education is the goal always.
ACI’s accreditation purpose is the preparation of quality
education in private schools, colleges, and theological seminaries.
Presently, ACI accredits over 300 schools.
ACI is quality, non-governmental accreditation. An accrediting organization is a “watchman on the wall”.
Student Benefits of Non-governmental Accreditation
A. Students can be sure the curriculum is doctrinally pure and has not been influenced by secular or non-Christian theology. Nor is the curriculum influenced by political policy. It is no secret that the U.S. Department of Education has forced the Godhead out of non-private education.
B. Curriculum writers are free to present the course knowledge in a way that the Holy Spirit has influenced them to believe is best for the student. Busy-work is not required of the student, only teaching that is relevant and edifying.
C. College directors are able to make financial decisions deemed to be in the student’s best interest and not competing, outside meddling interests. These decisions have a bottom-line impact on student tuition, fees, and book costs. Be Aware: Higher cost does not guarantee higher quality.
D. The student will receive a Biblically conservative religious education at an affordable cost equipping him or her for ministry.
What Does Accreditation Give Students and Graduates?
A degree covers the major taken with that degree. A student must understand that credits taken in one type of program may, or may not, transfer to another educational program. This is the sole determination of the receiving institution and not a function of the accreditation agency.
The job market is highly competitive. Training is specialized in most fields. A graduate in one field may have difficulty in being hired in a field they are not certified for.
ACI accreditation is not to be confused with regional accreditation
which is governed by the U.S. Department of Education. A school or
employer which requires a regionally accredited degree will likely not
accept a non-governmentally accredited degree. Patriot Bible University
nor ACI are responsible for a student's employability.
Student Advisory:
1. PBU's accreditation may or may not allow you to receive transfer credits to a secular school. If you are seeking a secular education degree, you would be best served to attend a secular institution. We grant Bible and religious degrees. If you hope to apply your Bible degree towards a secular degree at some time later on, the PBU courses and degrees are not likely to be fully applicable.
If you are going to seek employment with a particular church denomination or wish to transfer to a certain Christian college or university, you might confer with them first. Please consider what YOUR educational goals are.
2. A Patriot Bible University degree is recognized by many churches and ministry organizations. It will demonstrate to employers a higher level of study through the attainment of a degree. We have trained thousands of students during the last 30 years.
3. PBU's accreditation with this agency is a religious non-governmental accreditation, rather than secular - voluntary, rather than mandatory. The laws of Colorado give us the authority to grant religious degrees. The authority to grant degrees comes from the individual State, not the school's accrediting agency.
4. ACI monitors educational and religious standards for PBU, and their accreditation is accepted by many religious organizations. However, this accreditation would not be accepted by some secular organizations, as ACI is not recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as one of the seven official regional accrediting agencies.
This non-recognition may have some implications that include, but are not limited to:
1. Patriot Bible University is not eligible to participate in the Federal Student Loan/Financial Aid program.
2. Patriot Bible University is not authorized to accept the GI Bill.
3. Patriot Bible University is unable to guarantee acceptance of its
degrees in other postsecondary institutions, except those also
accredited by ACI
4. Corporations are not required to recognize degrees from Patriot Bible University.
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