
About NOVA

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About NOVA Content

NOVA is the most popular primetime science series on American television, demystifying the scientific and technological concepts that shape and define our lives, our planet, and our universe. The PBS series is also one of the most widely distributed science programs in the world, and is a multimedia, multiplatform brand reaching more than 55 million Americans every year on TV and across digital platforms. NOVA’s important and inspiring stories of human ingenuity, exploration, and the quest for knowledge are regularly recognized with the industry’s most prestigious awards. In addition, science educators across the country rely on NOVA for resources used in the classroom as well as in museums, libraries, and after-school programs. With this broad reach comes great responsibility. In an environment steeped in misinformation, disinformation, and a resulting distrust of the media, our work telling accurate, engaging science stories that serve the widest possible audience has never been more important.

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National Corporate funding for NOVA is provided by Carlisle Companies. Major funding for NOVA is provided by the NOVA Science Trust, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and PBS viewers.