Country Rankings 2024 - Country comparisons, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Flags, Maps, Political System
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NOTE: The rankings in this category, "NON-CIA RANKS", are not derived from the current world fact book. Consequently some are not based on current data. In certain cases current data is not available. For example, the World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems was last produced in 2000, and the WHO no longer produces such a ranking table, because of the complexity of the task. Most country rankings in the main categories, Population, Geography, Economy, Transportation| Communications, Military, Government are derived from the current CIA world factbook.
(see also main POPULATION and ECONOMY categories below):
- Population Projections by country, 1950, 2000, 2016, 2025, 2050
- Total World Population Projections by year, 1950 through 2050
- Population Projections by country, 1980 through 2010
- Top 10 GDP Countries 2000-2050
- Human Development Index 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005
- Adherents of Major Religions, from 1900 to 2025
- Muslim Population Projections, from 1950 to 2050
- Physicians per 1000 population 1960-2007 - OECD
- Carbon Footprints - Carbon Dioxide Emissions 1990-2004
- Carbon Footprints Per Capita 1980-2005 Country Rankings
- Carbon Intensity of Economy by Country 1980-2005
- Arms Deliveries to the World, by Major Suppliers, 1999-2006
- World Cup Football Champions 1930-2006
- There are several time series in USA Census Statistical Tables
- There are several time series in China Statistical Tables
(see also main POPULATION category below):
- Beer Consumption by Country 2008
- Cannabis/Marijuana Prevalence (Issued 2017)
- Cigarette Prices (Issued 2017)
- Circumcised Men (%), by Country
- Death Rates of Young People (Issued 2011)
- Diabetes Prevalence 2010
- Global Gender Gap Index 2008
- Global Hunger Index by country 1990-2008
- Global Wellbeing Index 2010
- Happiness Index 2017
- Happiness Index 2018
- HDI - Human Development Index 1975-2005
- Health Performance Rank By Country(UN 1997/1999)
- Healthy Life Expectancy (UN 1997/1999)
- Human Capital Index 2018
- Obesity Prevalence 2010
- Opiate Drug Consumption
- Physicians per 1000 population 1960-2007 - OECD
- Preventable Deaths for selected countries (Issued 2008)
- Quality of Death (2010)
- Refugees, asylees, internally displaced persons, by country - 2007
- Road Traffic Deaths Index 2009
- Total Health Expenditure as % of GDP (2000-2005)
- WHO ranking of the world's health systems (2000)
<= The most visited,
most quoted, and most linked country rankings page
(see also main GEOGRAPHY and ECONOMY categories below):
- Aquaculture by country FAO 2011
- Climate Risk Index 2019
- Greenest Countries - Most Livable Places 2008
- Environmental Performance Index 2008
- Most Polluted Cities in the World 2004
- Urban Air Pollution by Country (2005 map)
- Carbon Footprints - Carbon Dioxide Emissions 1990-2004
- Carbon Footprints Per Capita 1980-2005 Country Rankings
- Carbon Intensity of Economy by Country 1980-2005
- Water Footprints of Nations (2004)
- Large Volcano Explocivity Index
(see also main MILITARY category below):
- Cannabis/Marijuana Prevalence (Issued 2017)
- Death Rates of Young People (Issued 2011)
- Gun Ownership Rates
- Gun Deaths by Country (1997)
- Intentional Homicides per 100,000 population (UN 2017)
- Likelihood Of Terrorist Attack [2002]
- Most Dangerous Cities 2018
- Murder Rates 2000-2004
- Prison Population and Incarceration Rates 2007
- Rule of Law Index - 2016
- Trafficking in Persons [2011]
- Violent Deaths 2010-2015
(see also main GEOGRAPHY category below):
- Cities Ranked by Personal Net Earnings 2008
- Most Dangerous Cities 2018
- Most Expensive Cities In The World 2008
- Most Polluted Cities in the World 2004
- Population of Cities (UN)
- Quality of Living - City Rankings 2017
- Urban Air Pollution by Country (2005 map)
- World's Most Populous Urban Areas 2008
- World's Most Populous Cities (UN 1997)
(see also main POPULATION category below):
- Best Universities [2008]
- Global Gender Gap Index 2008
- Happiness Country Rankings 2010-2012
- HDI - Human Development Index 1975-2005
- Human Capital Index 2018
- Intergenerational Mobility in Europe and North America [2005]
- Most Spoken Languages [1996]
- Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2010
- National IQ Scores
- Nobel Prizes by Country 1901-2009
- Student Performance on the Reading, Scientific, Math Literacy Scales 2014
- Student Performance on the Reading, Scientific, Math Literacy Scales 2009
- Student to Teacher Ratio by country 2005
- Young People Facing the Future - 2008
- World Cup Football Champions 1930-2006
- European Football Championship Winners 1960-2008
- Olympic Medals Per Capita (2000)
- Olympic Medals Per GDP (2004)
(see also main MILITARY category below): POPULATION
(see also main POPULATION category below):
- Population by Country, U.S. census 2000
- Adherents of Major Religions, from 1900 to 2025
- Child Well-Being In Rich Countries 2007
- Circumcised Men (%), by Country
- Global Hunger Index by country 1990-2008
- Global Gender Gap Index 2008
- Household Size 2014 (OECD)
- HDI - Human Development Index 1975-2005
- Human Capital Index 2018
- Most Expensive Cities In The World 2008
- Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2010
- Muslim Population Projections, from 1950 to 2050
- Population of Cities (UN)
- Population Projections, 1950, 2000, 2016, 2025, 2050
- Population Projections by country, 1980 through 2010
- Prison Population and Incarceration Rates 2007
- Refugees, asylees, internally displaced persons, by country - 2007
- Total World Population Projections by year, 1950 through 2050
- Trafficking in Persons [2011]
- Violent Deaths 2010-2015
- World's Most Populous Urban Areas 2008
- World's Most Populous Cities (UN 1997)
- Young People Facing the Future - 2008
- Cigarette Prices (2016)
- Financial Secrecy Index (2013)
- Freedom Index (2011)
- Freedom of the Press Index (2008)
- Global Gender Gap Index 2008
- Global Peace Index 2007
- Likelihood Of Terrorist Attack [2002]
- Open Government Index [2018]
- Passport Strength Country Ranks 2017
- Political Leaders Pay to GDP Per Capita ratio [2010]
- Press Freedom Index (2002)
- Privacy Index 2007
- Refugees, asylees, internally displaced persons, by country - 2007
- Rule of Law Index - 2016
- Safe Cities index 2017
- Soft Power 30, 2016
- Sovereign Wealth Funds 2011
- Trafficking in Persons [2011]
- Young People Facing the Future - 2008
- Women in Parliament - 2011
(see also main ECONOMY category below):
- 10 Top GDP Countries 2000-2050
- 20 Top World Merchant Fleets 2003
- Aquaculture by country FAO 2011
- Arms Deliveries to the World, by Major Suppliers, 1999-2006
- Banks, Soundness of [2009]
- Beer Consumption by Country 2008
- Big Mac Index of Currency Valuation Fairness 2010
- Broadband Market Penetration World Leaders 2009
- Carbon Intensity of Economy by Country 1980-2005
- Competitiveness [1997-2001]
- Economic Freedom [2017]
- Electricity Consumption Per Capita 2004
- Electrification Rate by Country 2007/2008
- G20 GDP Projections 2009-2030-2050
- Gasoline/Petrol Prices 2004
- Gasoline (Petrol) Prices 2017, by Country
- Global Competitiveness Index 2008-2009
- Global Hunger Index by country 1990-2008
- Global Financial Centers country ranks 2009
- Homeownership Rates 2003
- Indexes of Hourly Compensation Costs for Production Workers
- HDI - Human Development Index 1975-2005
- Human Capital Index 2018
- Infrastructure quality 2011
- Intergenerational Mobility in Europe and North America [2005]
- Malicious Internet/Cyberspace Activity by Source (2013)
- Mobile phone low-usage basket, by OECD Country 2008
- Mobile Telephony Market Penetration World Leaders 2009
- Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2010
- Nuclear Power Plants by Country 2009
- Patent Applications by Country of Origin (1995-2008)
- Percent Nuclear Share of Electricity Generation by Country 2008
- Productivity Increase [2001-2002]
- Retail Shrinkage 2010
- Self Employment by OECD Country [2008]
- Sovereign Wealth Funds 2011
- Tax Burden country ranks [2009]
- Tourist Arrivals by Country 2012
- Tourist Arrivals by Country [1990-2000] (PDF)
- Trafficking in Persons [2011]
- Young People Facing the Future - 2008
(see also main TRANSPORTATION and ECONOMY categories below):
- Quality of overall infrastructure 2011
- Road Traffic Deaths Index 2009
- Death Rates of Young People (Issued 2011)
- Top 20 World Merchant Fleets 2003
- Gasoline/Petrol Prices 2004
- Gasoline (Petrol) Prices 2017, by Country
- Tourist Arrivals by Country [1990-2000]
(see also main COMMUNICATIONS and ECONOMY categories below):
- Quality of overall infrastructure 2011
- Broadband Market Penetration World Leaders 2009
- Mobile phone low-usage basket, by OECD Country 2008
- Mobile Telephony Market Penetration World Leaders 2009
Rankings Derived from the CIA World Factbook*

(See also FUTURE PROJECTIONS and ECONOMY subsections in the NON-CIA category above)
(See also FUTURE PROJECTIONS and POPULATION subsections in the NON-CIA category above)
(See also ENVIRONMENT and CITIES subsections in the NON-CIA category above)
(See also GEOGRAPHY and CITIES subsections in the NON-CIA category above)
GOVERNMENT (See also GOVERNMENT subsection in the NON-CIA category above)
MILITARY (See also CRIME subsection in the NON-CIA category above)
(See also TRANSPORTATION subsection in the NON-CIA category above)
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This page of rankings of countries is based on figures from the 2020 CIA world factbook and other sources. As a rule the data used to rank the countries is
as of February 2020.

- If you wish to link to this page, you can do so by referring to the URL address below this line. Revised 17-FEB-20
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