2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. | Read by QxMD
Journal Article
Practice Guideline
Patrick T O'Gara, Frederick G Kushner, Deborah D Ascheim, Donald E Casey, Mina K Chung, James A de Lemos, Steven M Ettinger, James C Fang, Francis M Fesmire, Barry A Franklin, Christopher B Granger, Harlan M Krumholz, Jane A Linderbaum, David A Morrow, L Kristin Newby, Joseph P Ornato, Narith Ou, Martha J Radford, Jacqueline E Tamis-Holland, Carl L Tommaso, Cynthia M Tracy, Y Joseph Woo, David X Zhao, Jeffrey L Anderson, Alice K Jacobs, Jonathan L Halperin, Nancy M Albert, Ralph G Brindis, Mark A Creager, David DeMets, Robert A Guyton, Judith S Hochman, Richard J Kovacs, Frederick G Kushner, E Magnus Ohman, William G Stevenson, Clyde W Yancy
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