
Rasch Measurement: Research Papers, Explorations and Explanations

Popular Measurement 1:1, 1998, Article , (Full substantive text: pm1-all.pdf 21MB)
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pm1-01.pdf Rasch Explained   To Whom Are We Talking? The Need for a Primer on "Conversational" Rasch - Rita Bode, Ph.D.p. 5 pm1-05.pdf Research Problems - Rasch Solutions - Donna Surges Tatum, Ph.D.p. 6-8 pm1-06.pdf Reading Ruler   The Lexile Framework for Reading: A Map to Higher Levels of Achievement - A. Jackson Stenner, Ph.D.p. 9-11 pm1-09.pdf Profiles in Measurement   Galton: The First Psychometrician? - Larry Ludlow, Ph.D.p. 13-14 pm1-13.pdf Rasch: The Man Behind the Model - Benjamin D. Wright, Ph.D.p. 15-22 pm1-15.pdf Wright: The Measure of the Man - John Michael Linacre, Ph.D.p. 23-25 pm1-23.pdf Andrich: A Genius From Down Under - Linda Webster, Ph.D.p. 26 pm1-26.pdf Some Insights Into Objective Measurement - David Andrich, Ph.D.p. 27 pm1-27.pdf Measurement Musings   Methodology and Morality - William P Fisher, Jr., Ph.D.p. 28 pm1-28.pdf Rasch Invents Ounces - Ellie Choi, Ph.D.p. 29 pm1-29.pdf Rasch's Novel Wisdom - William P Fisher, Jr., Ph.D.p. 30 pm1-30.pdf Three Stages of Construct Definition - A. Jackson Stenner, Ph.D. & Ivan Horabin, Ph.D.p. 31 pm1-31.pdf Where Do Dimensions Come From? - Benjamin D. Wright, Ph.D.p. 32 pm1-32.pdf Testing Testing Testing   "Flow" as a Testing Ideal - Craig Deville, Ph.D.p. 33 pm1-33.pdf A Savvy Test-taker - Thomas O'Neillp. 33 pm1-33.pdf What is the "Right" Test Length? - Benjamin D. Wright, Ph.D.p. 34 pm1-34.pdf Cross-Language Test Equating - Richard Woodcock, Ph.D. & Ana Munoz-Sandoval, Ph.D.p. 35 pm1-35.pdf CAT and Test-Wiseness - Richard Gershon, Ph.D. & Betty Bergstrom, Ph.D.p. 37 pm1-37.pdf Web-Enhanced Testing - Richard Gershon, Ph.D.p. 38-39 pm1-38.pdf Games People Play   How Good Was Bobby Fischer in 1992? - John Michael Linacre, Ph.D.p. 40 pm1-40.pdf Objective Analysis of Golf - Patrick Fisher, M.A.p. 41-42 pm1-41.pdf Anatomy of Assessment   Assessment : What is it? Why do we need it? How do we use it? - Roy Berko, D.Ed. & Linda Webster, Ph.D.p. 43-44 pm1-43.pdf Public Speaking Assessment for College Students - William W Neher, Ph.D. & Debbi Grew, M.A.p. 45-46 pm1-45.pdf Student Progress? Prove It! - Donna Surges Tatum, Ph.D.p. 47-51 pm1-47.pdf Rehab Measurement   Health Care Outcome Measurement - William P Fisher, Jr., Ph.D.p. 52-54 pm1-52.pdf Instantaneous Measurement and Diagnosis - John Michael Linacre, Ph.D.p. 55-59 pm1-55.pdf Raters & Rating Scales   Rating Scales and Shared Meaning - Winifred Lopez, Ph.D.p. 60 pm1-60.pdf Rating Scales Categories : Dichotomy, Double Dichotomy, and the Number Two - Mark H. Stone, Ph.D.p. 61-65 pm1-61.pdf Teaching   Measure Accuracy : Functioning-Level vs. Grade-Level Testing - George Ingebo, Ph.D.p. 66-68 pm1-66.pdf Biological Evolution : A Tough Nut to Crack for Biology Teachers in Singapore? - Yew-Jin, Lee Ph.D. & Oon-chye, Yeoh, Ph.D.p. 69-72 pm1-69.pdf A Secondary Scoring Mechanism to Study Change - Winifred Lopez, Ph.D.p. 73-74 pm1-73.pdf Psychology   Pay Attention! Screening for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in College Students - Everett V Smith, Jr., Ph.D.p. 75-77pm1-75.pdf What is in the Criminal's Mind? A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - George Karabastos, Ph.D.p. 78 pm1-78.pdf
Popular Measurement 2:1, 1999, Article (Full substantive text: pm2-all.pdf 16MB)
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pm2-01.pdf Profiles in Measurement   Newton: Pinball Wizard - Larry H. Ludlow & Kathleen A. Haleyp. 5-7 pm2-05.pdf John Michael Linacre : The Man Behind The Code - Ellen Sullivan Woodsp. 8-9 pm2-08.pdf Measurement Spotlight   The Sound Of Music - David Moulton & Mark Moultonp. 10-16 pm2-10.pdf Games People Play   What Are The Odds? Measuring College Basketball - John Michael Linacrep. 17-18 pm2-17.pdf Measuring Mountains - Ryan Bowlesp. 19-21 pm2-19.pdf Anatomy of Assessment   Assessment: Coming Of Age - Sherwyn E Morreale & Philip A. Backlundp. 22-23 pm2-22.pdf Is More Better? Measuring the Effects of Full-Day Kindergarten - Donna Surges Tatump. 24-26 pm2-24.pdf Speak Up! A College Competency Assessment Tool - Richard Quianthy & Deborah Hefferinp. 27-30 pm2-27.pdf Measuring Change In Efficacy - Everett V Smith, Jr., Kimberly Lawless, Leslie Curda & Steven Curdap. 31-33 pm2-31.pdf Reading Ruler   One Fish, Two Fish: Rasch Measures Reading Best - Benjamin D. Wright & A. Jackson Stennerp. 34-38 pm2-34.pdf Lexile Perspectives - Benjamin D. Wright & A. Jackson Stennerp. 39-40 pm2-39.pdf Using Lexiles - Benjamin D. Wright & A. Jackson Stennerp. 41-42 pm2-41.pdf Testing Testing Testing   Rasch At Work - Betty A. Bergstrom & John A. Stahlp. 43 pm2-43.pdf Testing Smarter With Technology? - Anne Wendtp. 44-45 pm2-44.pdf Judging Judges   Adjusting For Rather Severity Over Time - Thomas R. O'Neillp. 46-47 pm2-46.pdf A Longitudinal Study of judge Leniency - Mary E. Lunzp. 48-49 pm2-48.pdf Psychology   Putting The Psych In Psychometrics - Larry H. Ludlowp. 50-51 pm2-50.pdf Attention Please! Dimensions of Attention Deficit - Everett V Smith, Jr.p. 52-53 pm2-52.pdf Is A Rose A Rose? - Kelly Minorp. 54-56 pm2-54.pdf Rehab Measurement   Adding It Up: Improved Outcomes and Economic Development - William E Fisher, Jr.p. 57-59 pm2-57.pdf Continuum of Care: Measuring Medical Rehabilitation Outcomes - Carl V Granger, M.D.p. 60-62 pm2-60.pdf
Popular Measurement 3:1, 2000, Article (Full substantive text pm3-all.pdf 19MB)
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pm3-01.pdf Profiles in Measurement   Fechner: The Man in the Mask - Larry H. Ludlow & Rose Alvarez-Salvatp. 5-6 pm3-05.pdf Thurstone : Measurement For a New Science - Nikolaus Bezruczkop. 7-11 pm3-07.pdf Jack Stenner : The Lexile King - Linda J. Websterp. 12-13 pm3-12.pdf Reading Ruler   Lexile Perspectives - Benjamin D. Wright & A. Jackson Stennerp. 14-17 pm3-14.pdf How the Lexile Framework® Operates - Rick R. Smithp. 18-19 pm3-18.pdf The Lexile Community: From Science to Practice - Rick R. Smithp. 20-21 pm3-20.pdf Best Practices for Using Lexiles - Barbara R. Blackburnp. 22-24 pm3-22.pdf A Spanish Version ofThe Lexile Framework® for Reading - Ellie Sanfordp. 25-26 pm3-25.pdf Measurement Musings   The Shift from Modeling Observations to Applying Theory - Thomas R. O'Neillp. 27-29 pm3-27.pdf Statistics versus Measurement? - Keith M. McCoyp. 30 pm3-30.pdf What Works for Me - Rita K. Bodep. 31 pm3-31.pdf Research and Practice: Bundled Bedfellows - Robert L. Durrah, Jr.p. 32-33 pm3-32.pdf Measurement Spotlight   Just Say "No!" The Impact of Negation in Survey Research - Marci Morrow Enosp. 34-39 pm3-34.pdf Testing Testing Testing   A Standard Vision - Gregory E. Stonep. 40-41 pm3-40.pdf Precision Versus Practicality - Cindy Britop. 42-43 pm3-42.pdf An Introduction to Three Item Testing - Kirk Beckerp. 44-46 pm3-44.pdf A Review of CAT Review - Renata Sekula-Wacurap. 47-49 pm3-47.pdf Factors that Impact Analytic Skill Ratings - Jessica Heineman-Pieper & Mary E. Lunzp. 50-52 pm3-50.pdf Crime & Punishment   Thurstone's Crime Scale Re-Visited - Mark H. Stonep. 53-54 pm3-53.pdf Toward a Definition of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - SuzyVance & Anne Wendtp. 55-57 pm3-55.pdf Raters & Rating Scales   Survey Design Recommendations - William P Fisher, Jr.p. 58-60 pm3-58.pdf Rasch Analysis for Surveys - Ben Wrightp. 61 pm3-61.pdf Expert Panels, Consumers, and Chemistry - Thomas K. Rehfeldtp. 62-64 pm3-62.pdf Objective Measurement of Subjective Well-being - Elizabeth A. Hahnp. 65-67 pm3-65.pdf Culture Shift: Managing Change in the Hospital Setting - Judy Schueler and Donna Surges Tatump. 68-69 pm3-68.pdf Psychometric Ponderings   Using Rasch Measures For Rasch Model Fit Analysis - George Karabatsosp. 70-71 pm3-70.pdf Classroom Classics   Classic Instructional Handouts of Professor Benjamin D. Wright - Matthew Enosp. 72 pm3-72.pdf What's to Learn in Psychometrics? - Benjamin D. Wrightp. 73 pm3-73.pdf Three "Cs" to Meaning: The Big Picture - Benjamin D. Wrightp. 74 pm3-74.pdf The Road to Reason - Benjamin D. Wrightp. 75 pm3-75.pdf Realizations of Measurement - Benjamin D. Wrightp. 76 pm3-76.pdf Basic Research Methods - Benjamin D. Wrightp. 77 pm3-77.pdf