<i>Mega Man X DiVE Offline</i> - Unused Bosses in Credits, Dev Team Wanted Playable Prometheus

Mega Man X DiVE Offline launched just yesterday, and players wasted no time diving into the small, but fresh content introduced in this edition. Among the highlights are a brand-new music track, a new ending sequence, and even a delightful surprise in the form of two unused bosses making an unexpected appearance during the closing credits.

Find all the details after the break!

In the end credits animation, players can see RiCO running through the Highway Stage meeting all the bosses from the game along the way. However, what truly takes the spotlight is the surprise appearance of two unused bosses: Eregion, who originally served as the Opening Stage boss in Mega Man X4, and Violen, one of the notorious X-Hunters from Mega Man X2. In contrast to NebulaJoy's accidental leak of Incentas concept art, the intentional reveal of these two discarded bosses was a deliberate nod to the players.

Speaking of unused content, the game's development team was planning to add Prometheus as a playable character for the online version, according to a recent interview with denfaminicogamer. Unfortunately, the game's end of service was decided while they were considering him. With no additional characters or DLC currently planned for Mega Man X DiVE Offline, it's unlikely we'll see Prometheus added to the roster. At the very least, we can hope that the development team keeps sharing unused ideas and designs. 

If you want to see the offline version's credit sequence featuring the brand-new theme song Recognize, check out the video below. For more behind-the-scenes Offline info, read our translated interview here.