Tom DeLonge Adapting Paranormal Graphic Novel ‘Strange Times’ For Television

  • ️Ryan Reed
  • ️Mon Dec 10 2018

"We hope to create something that could be described as sort of a 'science fiction Disney,'" former Blink-182 frontman says new TBS series

Former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge will continue to explore his passion for the paranormal in Strange Times, an upcoming TBS series based on his 2015 graphic novel of the same name. The musician will executive produce the project with writer Aaron Karo, Strike Entertainment’s Russell Binder and the Cartel’s Stan Spry and Jeff Holland.

Strange Times focuses on five teenage skateboarders who solve mysteries while outrunning Deep State government agents. “My love for all things paranormal and skateboarding are sometimes only superseded by my love for offensive humor,” DeLonge said in a statement. “This series combines them all into one.”

The songwriter outlined his grand creative vision in a new Variety interview. “We hope to create something that could be described as sort of a ‘science fiction Disney,’ where our entertainment franchises are worlds that are inspired and informed by our own next-generation science division,” he said, noting crossover potential for “multiple mediums,” including “film, TV, books, music and so on.”

The project, which DeLonge called a “dream [he’s] had for over 10 years,” originated with his 2011 fringe site about unexplained phenomena; over the last several years, the platform has expanded to include the graphic novel, merchandise and the 2016 young adult science-fiction novel Strange Times, the first in a planned trilogy authored with Geoff Herbach.

DeLonge told Variety that the series’ protagonists are based on “the tribe of degenerate skateboarders that [he] grew up with – right around the same time” he co-founded Blink-182. He also detailed his wish list for soundtrack contributors: “I would love to see some of my favorite punk rock bands like the Descendents, the Queers, and Bad Religion, all of which were part of the soundtrack to my life at that time,” he said, calling the former band’s “Suburban Home” as his ideal theme song choice. He added, “I can also see a great new wave band like New Order, Depeche Mode and The Cure.”

In 2015, DeLonge released his debut solo LP, To the Stars… Demos, Odds and Ends, which included tracks originally envisioned for Blink-182 and Angels and Airwaves.