Elena | Rotten Tomatoes
- ️Mon Mar 09 2015
Fabrícia F Uma tragédia familiar de dor e sofrimento que reflete na tristeza dos remanescentes que ficaram. Aqui a poesia e a história se unem para retratar o drama pessoal que atingiu a vida de Elena e que ainda afeta outras milhares de vitimas: a depressão. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 09/22/24 Full Review Fefe Elena é um dos melhores filmes que eu já vi. A música combinada com as poesias, junto com as imagens do passado da Elena já é o suficiente pra me emocionar. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 10/03/23 Full Review Carolina C Elena mudou minha vida no mundo audiovisual! Todos os documentários dirigidos e feitos pela Petra são simplesmente maravilhosos,mas Elena me fez ter sentimentos tão profundos sobre a vida que quando eu acabei de assistir decidi que vou ter uma filha chamada Elena um dia. A Petra mostra nessa filmagem um lado da vida como um trauma,mas abordado de maneira tão poética e melancólica na mistura da trilha sonora e das poesias recitadas,que você esquece o fim de Elena e pensa apenas na complexidade que foi aquela mulher. Acho que todos deveríamos ter ou ser uma Elena alguma vez na vida para nos ensinar sobre a complexidade da vida e seu jeito cru de se viver. Assistam Elena, vocês irão sair pensativos e dançantes. 🤍 Rated 5 out of 5 stars 04/07/23 Full Review Audience Member Gave this documentary a go since it had a great score on metascore and IMDB. Petra is searching for her older sister Elena in New York. They come from Brazil, but Elena moved when she was 20 to follow the dream of becoming an acress. Things does not go as planned and this is basically where I give up the film. It's not horrible. Kind of. It looks like a dream, floating and peaceful - nice music and cool archive footage. It get's too much. They talk, and talk, mostly about what used to be and how things turned out. It's simply too narrow. Kind of narcissistic, but also very sad. People that don't make it as actors or actresses are big in numbers so it's not that original. I may have missed out on a few points here, but I found it very hard to finish this film. 3 out of 10 mermaids. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review Audience Member Elena is a fever dream of a film. The visuals barely paint a clear picture, like the remnants of a faded home video or a distant memory. The beauty of the home video elements mixed with the technique is haunting and hypnotic, and the narrative is fully engaging. I wish that this good balance between the unnerving story and dreamy tone didnt give way in the last 15 minutes to puerile art-filming. Nonetheless, there is plenty to love for most of this sleeper doc. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/24/23 Full Review Audience Member Beautiful, touching and incredibly well put together. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/18/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Synopsis Petra moves to New York to find her sister Elena.
- Petra Costa
- Petra Costa, Carolina Ziskind
- Tribeca Film Institute, Ford Foundation - Just Films, Widehouse
- Documentary, Biography, Drama
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Mar 9, 2015
- $23.3K
- 1h 20m
Production Co
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Box Office (Gross USA)