Philadelphia | Rotten Tomatoes
- ️Wed Dec 22 1993
Philadelphia indulges in some unfortunate clichés in its quest to impart a meaningful message, but its stellar cast and sensitive direction are more than enough to compensate.
paul o We have forgotten, perhaps too quickly, the dreadful impact of Aids on society. This film helps to remedy that and despite a few inaccuracies does it very well. Strong performances from Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington. Very emotional film. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 03/02/25 Full Review Fer S Boring movie and unnecessarily long. The emotional parts had absolutely no effect on me. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 01/15/25 Full Review rhi b joey did like, but joey sad at ending, but joey also happy sometimes Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 12/08/24 Full Review Fabrícia F Uma discussão bem arregimentada sobre o preconceito contra pessoas portadoras do vírus HIV é a chave para o sucesso desse filme. Facilmente poderia servir para os dias de hoje já que envelheceu tão bem na galeria de clássicos do cinema contemporâneo. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 10/14/24 Full Review Ava S Philadelphia paints a broad message on acceptance, leaving little room for more nuanced discussion, but still does a solid job in building a stellar arc for Washington. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 10/06/24 Full Review r96 s Very good. I did think I'd enjoy 'Philadelphia' much more though, solely based on who appears on the poster. The performances of Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington are impressive enough, though I'd say they have done greater in other productions. The story they portray here is a sizeable one and it is well told, it certainly makes you feel uncomfortable in parts and saddened in many others. I do feel like the pacing could've been better, a shorter run time perhaps would've helped. Overall, if I'm honest, my interest in this wasn't all that strong throughout, I couldn't shake the feeling of wanting something more from it. I can still acknowledge it's objective quality, of course. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 09/23/24 Full Review Read all reviews
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Synopsis Fearing it would compromise his career, lawyer Andrew Beckett (Tom Hanks) hides his homosexuality and HIV status at a powerful Philadelphia law firm. But his secret is exposed when a colleague spots the illness's telltale lesions. Fired shortly afterwards, Beckett resolves to sue for discrimination, teaming up with Joe Miller (Denzel Washington), the only lawyer willing to help. In court, they face one of his ex-employer's top litigators, Belinda Conine (Mary Steenburgen).
- Jonathan Demme
- Jonathan Demme, Edward Saxon
- Ron Nyswaner
- Sony Pictures Entertainment, TriStar Pictures
- Clinica Estetico, TriStar Pictures
- PG-13
- Drama, LGBTQ+
- English
- Dec 22, 1993, Limited
- Apr 16, 2012
- $76.0M
- 2h 5m
- Dolby, Stereo, SDDS, Surround
- Flat (1.85:1)
Production Co
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Release Date (Streaming)
Box Office (Gross USA)
Sound Mix
Aspect Ratio