Phobia | Rotten Tomatoes

  • ️Wed Nov 27 2013
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Matt Brunson Film Frenzy There's so little sense of style in this turkey that Huston's involvement must have solely consisted of yelling, "Action!" and "Cut!" from inside his trailer. Rated: 1/4 Oct 27, 2019 Full Review Diego Galán El Pais (Spain) Phobia is not a masterpiece, but it is the admirable work of an artist. [Full Review in Spanish] Aug 13, 2019 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Member Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Ross (Paul Michael Glaser ) is using radical techniques — maybe even abusive — techniques on his patients to cure them of their fears. But then, they start getting killed off one after the other. The script for this film comes from a story by Dead and Buried team Ronald Shusett* and Gary Sherman that was scripted by Peter Bellwood, Lew Lehman and Hammer veteran Jimmy Sangster. It also has John Huston, a director of some pedigree, making it. But this feels less like the John Huston who directed The Maltese Falcon, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The Asphalt Jungle, The African Queen, The Misfits and Prizzi's Honor and more like the John Huston who acted in Myra Breckinridge, The Bermuda Triangle and The Visitor. But hey — Susan Hogan from The Brood and Lisa Langlois (Class of 1999, Happy Birthday to Me, Deady Eyes) are in this. If this sounds like Schizo without Kinski, well…you're not wrong. The best thing about this movie is that Marian Waldman, Mrs. Mac from Black Christmas, plays Glaser's housekeeper. Seriously, John Huston directed this. And it's dull. So dull. Nobody seems to care and the premise of making criminals atone for their crimes by taking part in an experimental video therapy and being killed is a good one. This movie does not succeed in telling that story. *According to Dan O'Bannon, Ronald Shusett was the first to option the script from the original screenwriter. Shusett was in talks to sell the rights further, provided he could fix it, which meant that he restructured it with O'Bannon. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/06/23 Full Review Audience Member This is surprisingly inept. There is no suspense. It's simply awful. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/26/23 Full Review Audience Member (* 1/2): [img][/img] A rather ridiculous film. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 01/18/23 Full Review Audience Member Loved it. Scarry scarry scarry Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/15/23 Full Review Audience Member The first truly bad film I've ever seen from John Huston. The whole thing is executed without even a hint that this is the man who two previous films were "Man Who Would Be King" and "Wise Blood." Working from a script/story by Ronald Shusett and Gary Sherman (of "Alien"/"Dead & Buried" fame), let's just say I'm much more disappointed with the results here than if it'd merely been a lackluster John Huston film. Full disclosure - the only way to watch this other than VHS is by downloading a copy recorded off television that constantly has tracking marks on it from whatever garbage VCR recorded it. Somehow, this still hasn't been released on DVD. Go figure. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/17/23 Full Review Audience Member This movie had potential, but fell through the cracks. To bad. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 02/10/23 Full Review Read all reviews


Phobia (1980) Phobia (1980) View more photos

Synopsis A scientist (Paul Michael Glaser) forces homicidal patients to face their worst fears, leading to more killings.


John Huston


Zale Magder


Lew Lehman, Jimmy Sangster, Peter Bellwood

Production Co

Borough Park Productions




Horror, Mystery & Thriller

Original Language


Release Date (Streaming)

Nov 27, 2013


1h 34m

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