Home | Round Tower Churches Society - Round Tower Churches Society
- ️Tue Mar 28 2023
Churches with round towers are unusual: they are found mostly in East Anglia.
A 28-page, full-colour guide, listing all the round tower churches in England, is now available – see below for details.
The Round Tower Churches Society (RTCS) was established in 1973 to help preserve these churches and to explore their origins and history. There are 186 in England including those in a semi-ruinous condition and visible remnants of fallen towers. All are in East Anglia except for three in Sussex and two in Berkshire. Norfolk has 124, Suffolk 38, Essex seven and two in Cambridgeshire, according to the leading architect and authority on round tower churches, Stephen Hart. Some round tower church ruins could be incluided too, possibly adding seven in Norfolk and three in Suffolk.
Most are medieval, dating from the 11th to the 14th centuries. Some pre-date the Norman Conquest.
In the past 50 years, the Society has made grants of over £400,000 to help many of the English round tower churches. As a registered charity, the members subscriptions and valued legacies are greatly appreciated.
Support the Society and enable us to continue to provide grants for these churches.
Join yourself or give a year’s membership to a friend – go to the headings above – Join. For information about recent grants and work in churches visit Grants.
Special Golden Jubilee Guide – now available
To mark the Society’s golden jubilee – a 28-page full colour booklet – East Anglian Round Tower Churches by Stephen Hart – has been re-printed. It lists all round tower churches in England, complete with Postcodes.
Copies cost £5 – which can obtained from Nick Wiggin, Fir Tree Cottage, Witnesham, IPswich IP6 9EX. Add £1.50 for postage, please.
Payment may be made to the Round Tower Churches Society, sort code 53 81 16. Account 04331915 (ref, your name) and email nickwiggin@hotmail.com with your details.
The guide is also stocked by City Books, Norwich.