rsdoublage.comRS-Doublage️Mon May 10 1999 Brooke Smith Amaury Sabeline cin�ma 2010 Fair Game "2010" (Diana) Augereau V�ronique cin�ma 2013 Last Days of Summer (Evelyn) t�l�vision, VOD & DVD 2017 To the Bone (Olive) 8 �p. s�rie 2023 FBI Promotion 2009 (Drew) 8 �p. s�rie 2020/2023 Big Sky (Merilee Legarski) 1 �p. s�rie 2019/2020 Project Blue Book (Sara Downing) 1 �p. s�rie 2019/.... Unbelievable (Dara Kaplan) 1 �p. s�rie 2017/2022 The Good Fight (Zelda Raye) 1 �p. s�rie 2015/2021 Supergirl (Jacqueline Nimball) 1 �p. s�rie 2015/... Chicago Med (Amber Young) 5 �p. s�rie 2014/2021 Harry Bosch (Captain Ellen Lewis) 13 �p. s�rie 2013/2020 Ray Donovan (Frances) 6 �p. s�rie 2013/2017 Bates Motel (Sh�rif Jane Greene) 1 �p. s�rie 2011/.... American Horror Story (Dr. Gardner) 4 �p. s�rie 2005/2012 Weeds (Valerie Scottson) 1 �p. s�rie 2005/.... Esprits Criminels (Barbara Lynch) 25 �p. s�rie 2005/.... Grey's Anatomy (Dr. Erica Hahn) 13 �p. s�rie 2001/2007 Preuve à l'appui (Dr. Kate Switzer) 3 �p. s�rie 1999/.... New York Unité Spéciale (Delia Wilson) Beaune Caroline cin�ma 2002 Bad Company (Officier Swanson) Berges Brigitte cin�ma 1991 Le Silence des agneaux (Catherine Martin) Brunier Flora 1 �p. s�rie 2019/.... The Act (Myra Toppan) Cadol Fran�oise cin�ma 1999 L'Ombre d'un soupçon (Sarah) Dumas Julie cin�ma 2005 In Her Shoes (Amy) Guyot Claire 1 �p. s�rie 2014/2017 Hand of God (Lesley Levay) Juniere Charlotte t�l�vision, VOD & DVD 2017 Les potes (Lorraine) Perret D�borah 8 �p. s�rie 2021/.... Eux (Helen Koistra) Rivi�re Emmanuelle 1 �p. s�rie 2017/.... Good Doctor (Sybil Meeks) Roux Annabelle 1 �p. s�rie 2013/2015 Graceland (Marianne O'Connor) Saley Delphine 6 �p. s�rie 2024/.... Grotesquerie (Gale Hanover) Top