Congo (Brazzaville) 2017

Championnat National MTN Ligue 1

Championnat National MTN Ligue 1

Final Table:
 1.AC L�opards de Dolisie           34  25  6  3  70-22  81        [C]  Champions
 2.AS Otoh� d'Oyo                   34  22  8  4  49-25  74        [P]
 3.CARA                             34  20  9  5  66-26  69
 4.CF La Mancha                     34  19  6  9  46-24  63
 5.Etoile du Congo                  34  17  8  9  44-22  58  [-1]
 6.JS Talanga�                      34  14 11  9  40-35  53
 7.Saint Michel de Ouenz�           34  13  8 13  38-47  47
 8.Patronage Sainte-Anne            34  11 10 13  34-32  43
 9.Tongo FC                         34  11  7 16  37-48  40
10.Interclub de Brazzaville         34  11  6 17  34-42  39
11.AS Cheminots                     34  10  9 15  35-46  39
12.JS Poto-Poto                     34  10  8 16  30-38  38
13.Diables Noirs                    34   9 12 13  28-37  38  [-1]
14.FC Kondzo                        34   9  9 16  35-51  36
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
15.Nico-Nicoy�                      34   8 11 15  30-45  35             Relegation Playoff
16.FC Nathaly's                     34   7  9 18  24-53  29  [-1]  [P]  Relegation Playoff
17.Jeunes Fauves de Dolisie         34   7  8 19  27-42  28  [-1]       Relegated
18.AS Kimbongu�la de Kinkala        34   8  5 21  24-56  28  [-1]       Relegated
Round 1
[Jan 21]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        0-0 FC Kondzo                     
Diables Noirs                 0-1 Tongo FC                      
[Jan 22]
JS Poto-Poto                  0-1 Etoile du Congo               
JS Talanga�                   1-1 CARA                          
FC Nathaly's                  0-1 La Mancha                     
AS Cheminots                  0-1 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
Jeunes Fauves                 2-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
AC L�opards de Dolisie        abd Nico-Nicoy�                   [abandoned at 3-1 due to rain]
AS Otoh�                      1-0 Interclub                     
[Jan 23]
AC L�opards de Dolisie        2-2 Nico-Nicoy�                   [replay]
Round 2
[Jan 25]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        0-2 Etoile du Congo               
Diables Noirs                 1-1 JS Talanga�                   
FC Nathaly's                  2-0 Jeunes Fauves                 
AS Otoh�                      3-0 Tongo FC                      
[Jan 26]
JS Poto-Poto                  0-2 Interclub                     
CARA                          1-1 FC Kondzo                     
AS Cheminots                  1-2 AS Kimbongu�la                
La Mancha                     0-0 Nico-Nicoy�                   
AC L�opards de Dolisie        2-2 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
Round 3
[Jan 28]
AS Otoh�                      1-0 JS Talanga�                   
Tongo FC                      2-1 Jeunes Fauves                 
[Jan 29]
La Mancha                     1-2 JS Poto-Poto                  
AS Cheminots                  0-4 CARA                          
Patronage Sainte-Anne         1-0 Etoile du Congo               
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        1-3 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
AS Kimbongu�la                2-0 Interclub                     
[Jan 30]
Diables Noirs                 0-0 FC Kondzo                     
FC Nathaly's                  2-0 Nico-Nicoy�                   
Round 4
[Jan 31]
Patronage Sainte-Anne         1-2 AS Otoh�                      
Etoile du Congo               awd AC L�opards de Dolisie        [awarded 0-3; abandoned at 2-2
[Feb 1]                                                          in injury time due to crowd
Interclub                     1-0 Jeunes Fauves                  trouble]
JS Poto-Poto                  0-1 FC Kondzo                     
Nico-Nicoy�                   1-2 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[Feb 2]
JS Talanga�                   3-0 FC Nathaly's                  
Diables Noirs                 1-1 AS Cheminots                  
[Feb 13]
AS Kimbongu�la                0-1 Tongo FC                      
[Mar 26]
La Mancha                     1-1 CARA                          
Round 5
[Feb 4]
FC Kondzo                     1-2 Nico-Nicoy�                   
Interclub                     0-1 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
Jeunes Fauves                 0-1 Etoile du Congo               
[Feb 5]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        2-0 FC Nathaly's                  
CARA                          4-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
La Mancha                     1-1 AS Otoh�                      
AS Cheminots                  1-2 Tongo FC                      
AC L�opards de Dolisie        4-1 JS Talanga�                   
[Feb 6]
Diables Noirs                 1-1 JS Poto-Poto                  
Round 6
[Feb 8]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        1-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
Nico-Nicoy�                   0-1 JS Talanga�                   
Jeunes Fauves                 2-2 AS Otoh�                      
[Feb 13]
Patronage Sainte-Anne         1-2 La Mancha                     
AS Cheminots                  2-0 JS Poto-Poto                  
[Mar 26]
Etoile du Congo               5-0 FC Kondzo                     
[Apr 12]
CARA                          4-1 Interclub                     
[Apr 13]
Diables Noirs                 2-0 FC Nathaly's                  
[Apr 26]
AC L�opards de Dolisie        2-0 Tongo FC                      
Round 7
[Feb 16]
Tongo FC                      1-1 La Mancha                     
JS Talanga�                   0-1 AS Cheminots                  [also reported 0-2]
Jeunes Fauves                 2-1 JS Poto-Poto                  [also reported 1-0]
AS Otoh�                      1-0 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[Feb 22]
Interclub                     1-0 Nico-Nicoy�                   
CARA                          3-2 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
[Feb 23]
FC Nathaly's                  0-1 Etoile du Congo               
AC L�opards de Dolisie        3-2 FC Kondzo                     
AS Kimbongu�la                0-0 Diables Noirs                 
Round 8
[Feb 25]
Tongo FC                      1-1 Nico-Nicoy�                   
CARA                          4-0 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[Feb 26]
JS Poto-Poto                  1-0 FC Nathaly's                  
Patronage Sainte-Anne         0-0 FC Kondzo                     
La Mancha                     1-0 Interclub                     
AS Cheminots                  0-2 Etoile du Congo               
AS Otoh�                      1-0 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
[Feb 27]
Diables Noirs                 2-1 Jeunes Fauves                 
AS Kimbongu�la                0-2 JS Talanga�                   
Round 9
[Mar 1]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        1-0 Tongo FC                      
Patronage Sainte-Anne         0-1 JS Talanga�                   
FC Nathaly's                  awd FC Kondzo                     [awarded 0-3; originally 1-1]
AS Cheminots                  0-1 Interclub                     
[Mar 2]
CARA                          1-2 Nico-Nicoy�                   
Etoile du Congo               0-0 AS Otoh�                      
La Mancha                     4-0 Diables Noirs                 
AC L�opards de Dolisie        0-0 Jeunes Fauves                 
[Mar 29]
AS Kimbongu�la                0-3 JS Poto-Poto                  
Round 10
[Mar 4]
Interclub                     2-0 FC Kondzo                     
JS Talanga�                   1-1 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
FC Nathaly's                  0-0 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
[Mar 5]
AS Kimbongu�la                0-1 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
Diables Noirs                 awd Etoile du Congo               [awarded 0-3, Diables Noirs forfeited]
Nico-Nicoy�                   2-1 Jeunes Fauves                 
AS Cheminots                  1-0 La Mancha                     
AS Otoh�                      1-0 CARA                          
[Mar 6]
Tongo FC                      1-2 JS Poto-Poto                  
Round 11
[Mar 8]
JS Poto-Poto                  0-1 JS Talanga�                   
[Mar 9]
FC Kondzo                     1-2 AS Cheminots                  
Patronage Sainte-Anne         0-1 AS Kimbongu�la                
FC Nathaly's                  2-0 AS Otoh�                      
Jeunes Fauves                 0-1 CARA                          
[Mar 10]
La Mancha                     3-0 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[Mar 29]
Tongo FC                      0-0 Etoile du Congo               
AC L�opards de Dolisie        1-0 Interclub                     
[Apr 20]
Nico-Nicoy�                   0-0 Diables Noirs                 
Round 12
[Mar 10]
Tongo FC                      1-3 Interclub                     
[Mar 12]
CARA                          2-0 FC Nathaly's                  
JS Talanga�                   2-2 FC Kondzo                     
AS Cheminots                  1-1 Nico-Nicoy�                   
[Mar 13]
AS Kimbongu�la                3-1 AS Otoh�                      
JS Poto-Poto                  2-1 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
Jeunes Fauves                 0-0 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[Apr 13]
Etoile du Congo               2-1 La Mancha                     
[Apr 23]
AC L�opards de Dolisie        2-0 Diables Noirs                 
Round 13
[Mar 15]
CARA                          4-0 Tongo FC                      
Diables Noirs                 2-1 Interclub                     
[Mar 16]
AS Kimbongu�la                3-1 FC Nathaly's                  [also reported 2-1]
AS Otoh�                      2-1 AS Cheminots                  
Patronage Sainte-Anne         1-1 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[Mar 17]
FC Kondzo                     1-3 La Mancha                     
JS Talanga�                   0-2 Jeunes Fauves                 
[Mar 26]
JS Poto-Poto                  1-2 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
[Apr 16]
Nico-Nicoy�                   1-2 Etoile du Congo               
Round 14
[Mar 19]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        1-1 AS Cheminots                  
Diables Noirs                 2-2 AS Otoh�                      
Nico-Nicoy�                   2-1 JS Poto-Poto                  
FC Nathaly's                  0-4 Interclub                     
[Mar 20]
FC Kondzo                     0-2 Jeunes Fauves                 
JS Talanga�                   0-0 La Mancha                     
[Mar 21]
Patronage Sainte-Anne         1-0 Tongo FC                      
[Mar 23]
AS Kimbongu�la                0-1 Etoile du Congo               
CARA                          2-0 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
Round 15
[Mar 25]
Tongo FC                      3-4 JS Talanga�                   
Patronage Sainte-Anne         2-0 Jeunes Fauves                 
[Mar 30]
AS Otoh�                      1-0 FC Kondzo                     
[Apr 1]
Nico-Nicoy�                   0-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        0-4 JS Poto-Poto                  
[Apr 2]
Interclub                     0-1 Etoile du Congo               
Diables Noirs                 0-1 CARA                          
AS Cheminots                  2-0 FC Nathaly's                  
La Mancha                     1-2 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
Round 16
[Apr 4]
Tongo FC                      1-2 FC Kondzo                     
JS Poto-Poto                  0-0 AS Otoh�                      
[Apr 5]
Patronage Sainte-Anne         2-2 Nico-Nicoy�                   
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        0-0 Diables Noirs                 
Jeunes Fauves                 1-1 AS Cheminots                  
La Mancha                     4-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
[Apr 6]
Interclub                     3-3 JS Talanga�                   
CARA                          1-1 Etoile du Congo               
[Apr 29]
AC L�opards de Dolisie        7-0 FC Nathaly's                  
Round 17
[Apr 8]
AS Kimbongu�la                1-3 FC Kondzo                     
[Apr 9]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        2-1 Interclub                     
CARA                          1-0 JS Poto-Poto                  
AS Otoh�                      2-1 Nico-Nicoy�                   
[Apr 10]
Patronage Sainte-Anne         1-0 Diables Noirs                 
Etoile du Congo               0-0 JS Talanga�                   
Jeunes Fauves                 1-0 La Mancha                     
[Apr 20]
AS Cheminots                  1-1 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
[Apr 23]
FC Nathaly's                  2-2 Tongo FC                      
Halfway Table:
 1.CARA                             17  11  4  2  35-10  37
 2.AC L�opards de Dolisie           17  11  4  2  35-14  37        [C]
 3.Etoile du Congo                  17  11  4  2  22- 7  36  [-1]
 4.AS Otoh� d'Oyo                   17  10  5  2  21-13  35        [P]
 5.CF La Mancha                     17   7  5  5  24-13  26
 6.JS Talanga�                      17   6  7  4  21-19  25
 7.Patronage Sainte-Anne            17   6  5  6  17-16  23
 8.Interclub de Brazzaville         17   7  1  9  20-19  22
 9.Saint Michel de Ouenz�           17   5  6  6  12-22  21
10.JS Poto-Poto                     17   6  2  9  18-18  20
11.AS Cheminots                     17   5  5  7  16-20  20
12.Jeunes Fauves de Dolisie         17   5  4  8  15-17  19
13.Nico-Nicoy�                      17   4  7  6  17-20  19
14.FC Kondzo                        17   4  5  8  17-25  17
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
15.Diables Noirs                    17   3  8  6  11-19  17
16.AS Kimbongu�la de Kinkala        17   5  2 10  12-25  17
17.Tongo FC                         17   4  4  9  16-28  16
18.FC Nathaly's                     17   3  2 12   9-33  10  [-1]  [P]
Round 18
[May 12]
FC Kondzo                     2-3 AS Kimbongu�la                
Interclub                     1-3 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[May 13]
Tongo FC                      2-1 FC Nathaly's                  
JS Poto-Poto                  0-3 CARA                          
[May 14]
JS Talanga�                   2-0 Etoile du Congo               
Diables Noirs                 1-1 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
Nico-Nicoy�                   1-1 AS Otoh�                      
La Mancha                     1-0 Jeunes Fauves                 
AC L�opards de Dolisie        2-0 AS Cheminots                  
Round 19
[May 19]
Diables Noirs                 1-2 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[May 20]
FC Kondzo                     3-2 Tongo FC                      
JS Talanga�                   0-0 Interclub                     
Nico-Nicoy�                   0-2 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
[May 21]
AS Otoh�                      1-3 JS Poto-Poto                  [annulled; to be replayed; the
FC Nathaly's                  1-2 AC L�opards de Dolisie         referee had resumed the match
AS Cheminots                  2-0 Jeunes Fauves                  after an interruption of 15 
AS Kimbongu�la                0-1 La Mancha                      minutes to cool off the players;
Etoile du Congo               1-1 CARA                           for his pains, he was suspended
[Sep 10]                                                         for one year by the federation]
AS Otoh�                      2-0 JS Poto-Poto                  [replay]
Round 20
[May 26]
JS Talanga�                   1-0 Tongo FC                      
FC Kondzo                     0-2 AS Otoh�                      
[May 27]
JS Poto-Poto                  1-1 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�         
Etoile du Congo               2-0 Interclub                     
[May 28]
AS Kimbongu�la                1-1 Nico-Nicoy�                   
CARA                          1-0 Diables Noirs                 
FC Nathaly's                  1-0 AS Cheminots                  
Jeunes Fauves                 0-2 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
AC L�opards de Dolisie        2-0 La Mancha                     
Round 21
[May 31]
Etoile du Congo               0-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
[Jun 1]
JS Poto-Poto                  0-0 Nico-Nicoy�                   
[Jun 18]
Interclub                     0-0 FC Nathaly's                  
Jeunes Fauves                 0-1 FC Kondzo                     
La Mancha                     3-2 JS Talanga�                   
[Jun 19]
AS Cheminots                  1-1 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
AS Otoh�                      2-0 Diables Noirs                 
Tongo FC                      0-0 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
[Sep 10]
AC L�opards de Dolisie        3-2 CARA                          
Round 22
[Jun 21]
AC L�opards de Dolisie        2-0 JS Poto-Poto                  
Etoile du Congo               awd Nico-Nicoy�                   [awarded 3-0, Nico-Nicoy�
Jeunes Fauves                 1-2 JS Talanga�                    showed without licenses]
La Mancha                     2-0 FC Kondzo                     
FC Nathaly's                  2-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
[Jun 22] 
AS Cheminots                  1-1 AS Otoh�                      
Tongo FC                      2-0 CARA                          
Interclub                     0-2 Diables Noirs                 
[Jun 23]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        1-0 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
Round 23
[Jun 24]
FC Kondzo                     0-1 JS Talanga�                   
[Jun 25]
Diables Noirs                 1-0 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
Interclub                     3-1 Tongo FC                      
FC Nathaly's                  0-0 CARA                          
La Mancha                     2-0 Etoile du Congo               
[Jun 26]
Nico-Nicoy�                   0-1 AS Cheminots                  
Patronage Sainte-Anne         2-2 JS Poto-Poto                  
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        3-1 Jeunes Fauves                 
[Jun 27]
AS Otoh�                      3-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
Round 24
[Jun 28]
CARA                          3-0 Jeunes Fauves                 
Interclub                     1-3 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
[Jun 29]
JS Talanga�                   0-1 JS Poto-Poto                  
Etoile du Congo               0-0 Tongo FC                      
[Jul 9]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        0-1 La Mancha                     
AS Kimbongu�la                0-2 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
AS Cheminots                  1-2 FC Kondzo                     
AS Otoh�                      1-0 FC Nathaly's                  
[Aug 22]
Diables Noirs                 4-1 Nico-Nicoy�                   
Round 25
[Jul 12]
Patronage Sainte-Anne         0-0 FC Nathaly's                  
FC Kondzo                     1-2 Interclub                     
[Jul 13]
CARA                          awd AS Otoh�                      [awarded 0-3; originally 2-1, CARA
Jeunes Fauves                 2-0 Nico-Nicoy�                    fielded suspended player]
Etoile du Congo               awd Diables Noirs                 [awarded 3-0; originally 0-0,
AC L�opards de Dolisie        4-1 AS Kimbongu�la                 Diables fielded suspended player]
La Mancha                     2-0 AS Cheminots                  
[Jul 14]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        3-1 JS Talanga�                   
JS Poto-Poto                  1-2 Tongo FC                      
Round 26
[Jul 15]
FC Kondzo                     1-1 FC Nathaly's                  
[Jul 19]
JS Poto-Poto                  1-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
AS Otoh�                      2-1 Etoile du Congo               
[Jul 20]
Interclub                     2-3 AS Cheminots                  
Diables Noirs                 0-1 La Mancha                     
[Jul 22]
Tongo FC                      0-1 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
JS Talanga�                   1-0 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
Jeunes Fauves                 0-2 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
[Jul 23]
Nico-Nicoy�                   0-2 CARA                          
Round 27
[Jul 23]
Interclub                     0-1 La Mancha                     
Etoile du Congo               0-2 AS Cheminots                  
[Jul 25]
FC Kondzo                     1-0 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
JS Talanga�                   1-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
[Jul 26]
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        1-3 CARA                          
FC Nathaly's                  1-0 JS Poto-Poto                  
Nico-Nicoy�                   1-2 Tongo FC                      
Jeunes Fauves                 3-0 Diables Noirs                 
[Sep 14]
AC L�opards de Dolisie        3-0 AS Otoh�                      
Round 28
[Jul 29]
JS Poto-Poto                  1-0 Jeunes Fauves                 
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        0-1 AS Otoh�                      
[Jul 31]
Diables Noirs                 0-1 AS Kimbongu�la                
La Mancha                     1-0 Tongo FC                      
[Aug 1]
Nico-Nicoy�                   1-0 Interclub                     
AS Cheminots                  0-2 JS Talanga�                   
[Aug 2]
Etoile du Congo               3-0 FC Nathaly's                  
[Aug 21]
FC Kondzo                     1-1 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
Patronage Sainte-Anne         0-2 CARA                          
Round 29
[Aug 2]
AS Otoh�                      2-0 Jeunes Fauves                 
[Aug 22]
AS Kimbongu�la                2-1 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
JS Poto-Poto                  1-1 AS Cheminots                  
[Aug 23]
Tongo FC                      0-4 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
Interclub                     2-2 CARA                          
La Mancha                     2-0 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
[Aug 25]
JS Talanga�                   3-1 Nico-Nicoy�                   
[Aug 26]
FC Kondzo                     0-2 Etoile du Congo               
[Aug 30]
FC Nathaly's                  0-2 Diables Noirs                 
Round 30
[Aug 21]
Etoile du Congo               0-0 Jeunes Fauves                 
[Aug 26]
FC Nathaly's                  2-1 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[Aug 27]
Tongo FC                      3-0 AS Cheminots                  
AS Otoh�                      1-0 La Mancha                     
AS Kimbongu�la                1-5 CARA                          
JS Poto-Poto                  0-0 Diables Noirs                 
[Aug 28]
Patronage Sainte-Anne         1-1 Interclub                     
JS Talanga�                   0-2 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
[Aug 30]
Nico-Nicoy�                   1-0 FC Kondzo                     
Round 31
[Aug 31]
AC L�opards de Dolisie        1-0 Etoile du Congo               
AS Otoh�                      2-1 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
Jeunes Fauves                 0-1 Interclub                     
CARA                          2-0 La Mancha                     
Tongo FC                      2-1 AS Kimbongu�la                
[Sep 2]
FC Kondzo                     2-1 JS Poto-Poto                  
Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        2-1 Nico-Nicoy�                   
FC Nathaly's                  1-1 JS Talanga�                   
AS Cheminots                  1-1 Diables Noirs                 
Round 32
[Sep 3]
Etoile du Congo               0-1 Patronage Sainte-Anne         
[Sep 6]
Interclub                     1-0 AS Kimbongu�la                
FC Kondzo                     1-1 Diables Noirs                 
Nico-Nicoy�                   3-1 FC Nathaly's                  
Jeunes Fauves                 1-1 Tongo FC                      
AC L�opards de Dolisie        3-1 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[Sep 7]
CARA                          3-1 AS Cheminots                  
JS Talanga�                   2-2 AS Otoh�                      
[Sep 13]
JS Poto-Poto                  0-2 La Mancha                     
Round 33
[Sep 16]
AS Kimbongu�la                awd AS Cheminots                  [awarded 0-3, ASK forfeited]
Etoile du Congo               5-1 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
[Sep 17]
Tongo FC                      3-0 AS Otoh�                      
Nico-Nicoy�                   2-1 La Mancha                     
Jeunes Fauves                 2-2 FC Nathaly's                  
Patronage Sainte-Anne         0-1 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
[Sep 18]
Interclub                     0-0 JS Poto-Poto                  
FC Kondzo                     2-2 CARA                          
[Sep 19]
JS Talanga�                   0-2 Diables Noirs                 
Round 34
[Sep 20]
AS Kimbongu�la                2-2 Jeunes Fauves                 
Patronage Sainte-Anne         5-2 AS Cheminots                  
[Sep 21]
Interclub                     0-3 AS Otoh�                      
[Sep 22]
FC Kondzo                     1-4 Saint-Michel de Ouenz�        
Etoile du Congo               2-3 JS Poto-Poto                  
[Sep 23]
Tongo FC                      1-2 Diables Noirs                 
CARA                          0-0 JS Talanga�                   
[Sep 24]
La Mancha                     2-2 FC Nathaly's                  
Nico-Nicoy�                   0-0 AC L�opards de Dolisie        
Final Table:
 1.AC L�opards de Dolisie           34  25  6  3  70-22  81        [C]  Champions
 2.AS Otoh� d'Oyo                   34  22  8  4  49-25  74        [P]
 3.CARA                             34  20  9  5  66-26  69
 4.CF La Mancha                     34  19  6  9  46-24  63
 5.Etoile du Congo                  34  17  8  9  44-22  58  [-1]
 6.JS Talanga�                      34  14 11  9  40-35  53
 7.Saint Michel de Ouenz�           34  13  8 13  38-47  47
 8.Patronage Sainte-Anne            34  11 10 13  34-32  43
 9.Tongo FC                         34  11  7 16  37-48  40
10.Interclub de Brazzaville         34  11  6 17  34-42  39
11.AS Cheminots                     34  10  9 15  35-46  39
12.JS Poto-Poto                     34  10  8 16  30-38  38
13.Diables Noirs                    34   9 12 13  28-37  38  [-1]
14.FC Kondzo                        34   9  9 16  35-51  36
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
15.Nico-Nicoy�                      34   8 11 15  30-45  35             Relegation Playoff
16.FC Nathaly's                     34   7  9 18  24-53  29  [-1]  [P]  Relegation Playoff
17.Jeunes Fauves de Dolisie         34   7  8 19  27-42  28  [-1]       Relegated
18.AS Kimbongu�la de Kinkala        34   8  5 21  24-56  28  [-1]       Relegated
16 Bercyl Obassi Ngatsongo (Otoh�)
NB: Nico-Nicoy� avoided relegation in the playoff, FC Nathaly's were relegated
Promoted: V.Club Mokanda (Pointe-Noire)



list of champions

list of cup winners

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Karel Stokkermans for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Karel Stokkermans
Last updated: 23 Jun 2021

(C) Copyright Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2017/21
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.