Scotland - Cup Results 1873/74-1877/78 and 1889/90-1995/96

List of Finals
1873/74 | 1874/75 | 1875/76 | 1876/77 | 1877/78 | 1878/79-1881/82 to follow | 1882/83 | 1883/84 | 1884/85 | 1885/86 | 1886/87 | 1887/88 | 1888/89 | 1889/90 | 1890/91 | 1891/92 | 1892/93 | 1893/94 | 1894/95 | 1895/96 | 1896/97 | 1897/98 | 1898/99 | 1899/00 | 1908/01 | 1908/02 | 1908/03 | 1908/04 | 1908/05 | 1908/06 | 1908/07 | 1908/08 | 1908/09 | 1909/10 | 1910/11 | 1911/12 | 1912/13 | 1913/14 | 1914/15-1918/19 not played | 1919/20 | 1920/21 | 1921/22 | 1922/23 | 1923/24 | 1924/25 | 1925/26 | 1926/27 | 1927/28 | 1928/29 | 1929/30 | 1930/31 | 1931/32 | 1932/33 | 1933/34 | 1934/35 | 1935/36 | 1936/37 | 1937/38 | 1938/39 | 1939/40-1945/46 not played | 1946/47 | 1947/48 | 1948/49 | 1949/50 | 1950/51 | 1951/52 | 1952/53 | 1953/54 | 1954/55 | 1955/56 | 1956/57 | 1957/58 | 1958/59 | 1959/60 | 1960/61 | 1961/62 | 1962/63 | 1963/64 | 1964/65 | 1965/66 | 1966/67 | 1967/68 | 1968/69 | 1969/70 | 1970/71 | 1971/72 | 1972/73 | 1973/74 | 1974/75 | 1975/76 | 1976/77 | 1977/78 | 1978/79 | 1979/80 | 1980/81 | 1981/82 | 1982/83 | 1983/84 | 1984/85 | 1985/86 | 1986/87 | 1987/88 | 1988/89 | 1989/90 | 1990/91 | 1991/92 | 1992/93 | 1993/94 | 1994/95 | 1995/96


x = Division unknown.
1st Round:
Alexandria Athletic(x)      - Callander Glasgow(x)        2-0
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Granville Glasgow(x)        6-0
Dumbarton(x)                - Vale of Leven(x)            wo
Eastern Glasgow(x)          - Rovers Glasgow(x)           4-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Dumbreck(x)                 7-0
Renton(x)                   - Kilmarnock(x)               2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Southern Glasgow(x)         wo
Western Glasgow(x)          - Blythwood Glasgow(x)        0-1
Alexandria Athletic(x)      - Blythwood Glasgow(x)        0-2
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Eastern Glasgow(x)          1-0
Renton(x)                   - Dumbarton(x)                0-0
Replays Quarterfinals:
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     0-0
Renton(x)                   - Dumbarton(x)                1-0
2nd Replay Quarterfinals:
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     2-0
Semifinals (13/20 december 1874):
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Blythwood Glasgow(x)        4-0 (#)
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Renton(x)                   2-0 (*)
(#) Kinning Park, Glasgow  (*) New Hampden, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, Glasgow, 21 march 1874):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       2-0
Cupwinners: Queen's Park Glasgow.


x = Division unknown.
1st Round (october 1874):
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Vale of Leven(x)            0-0 (*)
Dumbreck(x)                 - Alexandria Athletic(x)      5-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Western Glasgow(x)          1-0
Dumbarton(x)                - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       3-0
Eastern Glasgow(x)          - 23rd Renfrew RV(x)          3-0
Helensburgh(x)              - 3rd Edinburgh RV(x)         3-0
Kilmarnock(x)               - Vale of Leven Rovers(x)     4-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Barrhead(x)                 0-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Oxford(x)                   2-0
Renton(x)                   - Blythwood Glasgow(x)        wo
Rovers Glasgow(x)           - Hamilton Academical(x)      wo
West End Glasgow(x)         - Star of Leven(x)            3-0
Replay 1st Round:
Barrhead(x)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     0-1
(*) Vale of Leven resigned.
Standard Glasgow(x) bye.
2nd Round:
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Dumbreck(x)                 2-0
Dumbarton(x)                - Rangers Glasgow(x)          1-0
Eastern Glasgow(x)          - Kilmarnock(x)               3-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - West End Glasgow(x)         7-0
Renton(x)                   - Helensburgh(x)              2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Standard Glasgow(x)         2-0
Rovers Glasgow(x) bye.
Dumbarton(x)                - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Rovers Glasgow(x)           wo
Renton(x)                   - Eastern Glasgow(x)          1-0
Clydesdale Glasgow(x) bye.
Semifinals (6/20 march 1875):
Dumbarton(x)                - Renton(x)                   0-0 (*)
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       0-0 (#)
(*) Boghead Park, Dumbarton   (#) Kinning Park, Glasgow
Replays Semifinals (13/27 march 1875):
Dumbarton(x)                - Renton(x)                   0-1 (*)
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       2-2 (#)
(*) Boghead Park, Dumbarton   (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
2nd Replay Semifinals (3 april 1875):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       1-0 (#)
(#) Kinning Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 10 april 1875):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Renton(x)                   3-0
Cupwinners: Queen's Park Glasgow.


x = Division unknown.
1st Round (october 1875):
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Levern Hurlet(x)            0-0
Caledonian(x)               - Western Glasgow(x)          0-0
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Eastern Glasgow(x)          1-0
Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      - Barrhead(x)                 0-0
Dumbarton(x)                - Lennox(x)                   1-0
Dumbreck(x)                 - Vale/Leven Rovers(x)        wo
Hamilton Academical(x)      - Airdrie(x)                  1-0
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - 3rd Edinburgh RV(x)         0-0
Helensburgh(x)              - Star of Leven(x)            1-0
Kilbirnie(x)                - Ayr Thistle(x)              1-0
Kilmarnock(x)               - Ayr Eglinton(x)             8-0
Mauchline(x)                - Ardrossan(x)                wo
Northern(x)                 - Ramblers(x)                 4-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Alexandria Athletic(x)      3-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - 1st Lanark RV(x)            7-0
Renton(x)                   - Alclutha(x)                 1-0
Renton Thistle(x)           - Queen's Park Juniors(x)     wo
Rovers Glasgow(x)           - Oxford(x)                   wo
Sandyford(x)                - 23rd Renfrew RV(x)          0-0
St.Andrew's(x)              - Telegraphists(x)            1-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Havelock(x)                 2-0
Towerhill(x)                - Lancelot(x)                 2-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Vale of Leven Rovers(x)     wo
West End Glasgow(x)         - Partick(x)                  0-0
Replays 1st Round:
Barrhead(x)                 - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      0-1
3rd Edinburgh RV(x)         - Heart of Midlothian(x)      0-0 (*)
Levern Hurlet(x)            - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       4-0
Partick(x)                  - West End Glasgow(x)         0-0 (*)
23rd Renfrew RV(x)          - Sandyford(x)                0-0 (*)
Western Glasgow(x)          - Caledonian(x)               3-0
(*) both clubs qualified for 2nd Round.
Edinburgh Thistle(x) bye.
2nd Round:
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Kilmarnock(x)               6-0
Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      - Heart of Midlothian(x)      2-0
Dumbarton(x)                - Renton Thistle(x)           2-1
Dumbreck(x)                 - St.Andrew's(x)              2-0
Edinburgh Thistle(x)        - 3rd Edinburgh RV(x)         0-0
Helensburgh(x)              - 23rd Renfrew RV(x)          1-0
Kilbirnie(x)                - Mauchline(x)                0-0
Levern Hurlet(x)            - Hamilton Academical(x)      3-0
Partick(x)                  - Towerhill(x)                2-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Northern(x)                 5-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-2
Rovers Glasgow(x)           - West End Glasgow(x)         6-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Renton(x)                   3-0
Western Glasgow(x)          - Sandyford(x)                3-0
Replays 2nd Round:
3rd Edinburgh RV(x)         - Edinburgh Thistle(x)        1-0
Mauchline(x)                - Kilbirnie(x)                wo
3rd Round (27 november 1875):
Dumbarton(x)                - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      5-1
Dumbreck(x)                 - Partick(x)                  5-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       2-0
Rovers Glasgow(x)           - 3rd Edinburgh RV(x)         4-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Levern Hurlet(x)            3-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Mauchline(x)                6-0
Western Glasgow(x)          - Helensburgh(x)              2-0
Quarterfinals (18 december 1875):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Dumbreck(x)                 2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Western Glasgow(x)          5-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Rovers Glasgow(x)           2-0
Dumbarton(x) bye.
Semifinals (8 january 1876):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Vale of Leven(x)            2-1 (#)
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Dumbarton(x)                3-0 ($)
(#) Hampden Park, Glasgow    ($) Cathkin Park, Glasgow
Final (11 march 1876):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-1 (*)
(*) Hamilton Crescent, Glasgow
Replay Final (18 march 1876):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     2-0 (#)
(#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Cupwinners: Queen's Park Glasgow.


x = Division unknown.
1st Round:
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      3-0
Ayr Thistle(x)              - Beith(x)                    1-0
Barrhead(x)                 - Hamilton Academical(x)      4-0 (a)
Blythwood Glasgow(x)        - Possilpark(x)               2-1
Busby(x)                    - Renfrew(x)                  2-0
Caledonian(x)               - Standard Glasgow(x)         2-1
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Craig Park(x)               6-0
Crosshill(x)                - Hyde Park Loco Works(x)     2-1
Cumnock(x)                  - Portland(x)                 1-2
Dumbarton(x)                - Renton(x)                   1-1
Dumbreck(x)                 - Dennistoun(x)               3-1
Dumfries(x)                 - Ardrossan(x)                wo
Dunfermline(x)              - Heart of Midlothian(x)      wo
Eastern Glasgow(x)          - Alexandria Athletic(x)      1-1
Edinburgh St.Andrew's(x)    - Grasshoppers(x)             1-0
Edinburgh Swifts(x)         - Lenzie(x)                   2-1
Edinburgh Thistle(x)        - Hanover(x)                  5-0
Girvan(x)                   - Dean Kilmarnock(x)          3-2
Govan(x)                    - Western Glasgow(x)          wo
Hamilton Academical(x)      - Thornhill(x)                2-0 (a)
Kilbirnie(x)                - Maybole Carrick(x)          5-0
1st Lanark RV(x)            - South Western(x)            0-1
Lancefield(x)               - Parkgrove(x)                2-0
Lennox(x)                   - Alclutha(x)                 3-0
Levern Hurlet(x)            - Airdrie(x)                  0-1
Mauchline(x)                - Winton(x)                   5-0
Northern(x)                 - Telegraphists(x)           12-0 !
Partick(x)                  - Havelock(x)                 3-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Sandyford(x)                7-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Queen's Park Juniors(x)     4-1
23rd Renfrew RV(x)          - Thornliebank(x)             2-0
Renton Thistle(x)           - Vale of Leven Rovers(x)     0-0
St.Andrew's(x)              - Ayr Eglinton(x)             wo
Star of Leven(x)            - 10th Dumbarton RV(x)        4-0
St.Clement's Dundee(x)      - 3rd Edinburgh RV(x)         1-0 (Kirkcaldy)
Stonelaw(x)                 - Shotts(x)                   3-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Ramblers(x)                 6-0
Towerhill(x)                - Rovers(x)                   2-1
Vale of Leven(x)            - Helensburgh(x)              1-0
West End Glasgow(x)         - 4th Renfrew RV(x)           2-0
(a) source mentions Hamilton Academical at 2 games (?).
Replays 1st Round:
Alexandria Athletic(x)      - Eastern Glasgow(x)          1-0
Renton(x)                   - Dumbarton(x)                0-2
Vale of Leven Rovers(x)     - Renton Thistle(x)           1-1 (*)
(*) both clubs qualified for 2nd Round.
Kilmarnock(x) bye.
23rd Renfrew RV(x) resigned after round 1 (??).
2nd Round:
Barrhead(x)                 - Airdrie(x)                  4-0
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     0-0
Dumbreck(x)                 - South Western(x)            2-0
Edinburgh Swifts(x)         - Edinburgh Thistle(x)        1-0
Girvan(x)                   - Dumfries(x)                 4-0
Hamilton Academical(x)      - Dunfermline(x)              2-1
Kilbirnie(x)                - Ayr Thistle(x)              0-1
Lancefield(x)               - Crosshill(x)                2-0
Lennox(x)                   - Renton Thistle(x)           5-1
Mauchline(x)                - Kilmarnock(x)               2-1
Northern(x)                 - Alexandria Athletic(x)      4-0
Partick(x)                  - Blythwood Glasgow(x)        5-1
Portland(x)                 - St.Andrew's(x)              2-0 (b)
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Caledonian(x)               7-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Towerhill(x)                8-0
Star of Leven(x)            - Dumbarton(x)                0-4
St.Clement's Dundee(x)      - St.Andrew's(x)              1-1 (?) (b)
Stonelaw(x)                 - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       0-4
Vale of Leven(x)            - Vale of Leven Rovers(x)     7-0
West End Glasgow(x)         - Govan(x)                    1-0
Replays 2nd Round:
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       4-0
(b) source mentions St.Andrew's(x) at 2 games, one of these 
    matches was played by Edinburgh St.Andrew's(x).
Busby(x) bye.
3rd Round:
Ayr Thistle(x)              - Dumbreck(x)                 1-0
Edinburgh Swifts(x)         - West End Glasgow(x)         1-1 (?)
Hamilton Academical(x)      - Busby(x)                    0-0
Lancefield(x)               - Girvan(x)                   3-0
Lennox(x)                   - Dumbarton(x)                1-0
Mauchline(x)                - Portland(x)                 7-0
Northern(x)                 - St.Clement's Dundee(x)      2-1
Partick(x)                  - Barrhead(x)                 2-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       7-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-0
Rangers Glasgow(x) bye.
Replay 3rd Round:
Busby(x)                    - Hamilton Academical(x)      0-0 (*)
(*) both clubs qualified for 1/8 Final.
1/8 Final:
Ayr Thistle(x)              - Partick(x)                  wo
Lancefield(x)               - Hamilton Academical(x)      2-0
Lennox(x)                   - Edinburgh Swifts(x)         4-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Northern(x)                 4-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Mauchline(x)                3-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Busby(x)                    4-0
Ayr Thistle(x)              - Lancefield(x)               1-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Lennox(x)                   3-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     2-1
Vale of Leven(x)            - Ayr Thistle(x)              9-0
Rangers Glasgow(x) bye.
Final (Glasgow, 17 march):
Vale of Leven(x)            - Rangers Glasgow(x)          1-1
Replay Final (Glasgow, 7 april):
Vale of Leven(x)            - Rangers Glasgow(x)          1-1
2nd Replay Final (Glasgow, 13 april):
Vale of Leven(x)            - Rangers Glasgow(x)          3-2
Cupwinners: Vale of Leven (Alexandria).


x = Division unknown.
1st Round:
Alexandria(x)               - Milngavie(x)                0-2
Alexandria Athletic(x)      - Lancefield(x)               2-0
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Busby(x)                    3-0
Ayr Academicals(x)          - Vale of Calder(x)           4-1
Ayr Thistle(x)              - St.Andrew's(x)              wo
Barrhead(x)                 - Morton Greenock(x)          7-0
Beith(x)                    - Catrine(x)                  1-0
Blackfriars(x)              - Hyde Park Loco Works(x)     wo
Clifton & Strathfillan(x)   - Shaugraun(x)                2-1
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     0-1
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Dennistoun(x)               3-0
Derby(x)                    - Dumbreck(x)                 wo
Dumbarton(x)                - Waverly(x)                  4-0
10th Dumbarton RV(x)        - Star of Leven(x)            1-0
3rd Edinburgh RV(x)         - Edinburgh Swifts(x)         0-0
Glenkilloch(x)              - Wellington Park(x)          2-0
Govan(x)                    - Albatross(x)                6-0
Hanover(x)                  - Edinburgh Thistle(x)        1-0
Havelock(x)                 - Craig Park(x)               6-0
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      0-0
Jordanhill(x)               - Queen's Park Juniors(x)     1-0
Kelvinbank(x)               - Petershill(x)               3-2
Kilbirnie(x)                - Dean Kilmarnock(x)          6-0
Kilmarnock(x)               - Hurlford(x)                 5-1
Kilmarnock C&FC(x)          - Maybole Thistle(x)          4-0
1st Lanark RV(x)            - Blythwood Glasgow(x)        1-0
Lennox(x)                   - Helensburgh(x)              2-0
Lenzie(x)                   - Ailsa(x)                    2-0
Mauchline(x)                - Girvan(x)                   6-0
Maybole Carrick(x)          - Tarbolton(x)                3-0
Northern(x)                 - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   3-0
Oxford(x)                   - Sandyford(x)                0-1
Parkgrove(x)                - Winton(x)                   wo
Partick(x)                  - Union(x)                    2-0
Portland(x)                 - Cumnock(x)                  1-0
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Stranraer(x)                6-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Whiteinch(x)                1-0
Ramblers(x)                 - Stonefield(x)               0-1
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Possilpark(x)              13-0 !
Renfrew(x)                  - Pollokshaws(x)              2-0
23rd Renfrew RV(x)          - Levern Hurlet(x)            1-0
Renton(x)                   - Vale of Leven Rovers(x)     wo
Renton Thistle(x)           - Alclutha(x)                 2-0
Rovers(x)                   - John Elder(x)               0-0
Shaftesbury(x)              - Rosslyn(x)                  2-3
South Western(x)            - Our Boys Dundee(x)          8-0
St.Clement's Dundee(x)      - Dunfermline(x)              wo
Strathclyde(x)              - West End Glasgow(x)         5-1
Telegraphists(x)            - 4th Renfrew RV(x)           1-0
Thornliebank(x)             - Port Glasgow(x)             1-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Kilmarnock Thistle(x)       wo
The results of the matches played by Stonelaw(x), Uddingston(x),
Drumpellier Glasgow(x), Glengowan(x) and Hamilton(x) are missing.
Replays 1st Round:
Edinburgh Swifts(x)         - 3rd Edinburgh RV(x)         2-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Heart of Midlothian(x)      2-1
Rovers(x)                   - John Elder(x)               2-2 (*)
(*) both clubs qualified for 2nd Round.
Caledonian(x), 17th Renfrew RV(x), Bonnybridge Grasshoppers(x)
and Dunmore(x) bye.
2nd Round:
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - 17th Renfrew RV(x)          1-0
Ayr Academicals(x)          - Kilmarnock(x)               1-0
Ayr Thistle(x)              - Kilbirnie(x)                0-0
Beith(x)                    - Portland(x)                 1-0
Blackfriars(x)              - Rovers(x)                   2-2
Caledonian(x)               - Rosslyn(x)                  1-0
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-2
Dumbarton(x)                - Vale of Leven(x)            0-0
Glengowan(x)                - Stonelaw(x)                 3-1
Govan(x)                    - John Elder(x)               1-0
Grasshoppers(x)             - Clifton & Strathfillan(x)   3-0
Hanover(x)                  - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      1-1
Jordanhill(x)               - Lenzie(x)                   2-1
1st Lanark RV(x)            - Telegraphists(x)            4-0
Lennox(x)                   - Milngavie(x)                9-0
Mauchline(x)                - Kilmarnock C&FC(x)          1-0
Maybole Carrick(x)          - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    2-0
Parkgrove(x)                - Kelvinbank(x)               2-1
Partick(x)                  - Strathclyde(x)              8-1
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Alexandria Athletic(x)      8-0
Renfrew(x)                  - Glenkilloch(x)              2-1
Renton(x)                   - 10th Dumbarton RV(x)        3-0
Sandyford(x)                - Northern(x)                 2-1
South Western(x)            - Havelock(x)                 2-2
St.Clement's Dundee(x)      - Dunmore(x)                  3-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Derby(x)                   11-0 !
Thornliebank(x)             - 23rd Renfrew RV(x)          1-0
Uddingston(x)               - Hamilton(x)                 3-0
Replays 2nd Round:
Havelock(x)                 - South Western(x)            0-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Hanover(x)                  3-0
Kilbirnie(x)                - Ayr Thistle(x)              3-1
Rovers(x)                   - Blackfriars(x)              0-0 (*)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Dumbarton(x)                4-1
(*) both clubs qualified for next round.
Renton Thistle(x), Edinburgh Swifts(x), Drumpellier Glasgow(x),
Stonefield(x) and Barrhead(x) bye.
3rd Round:
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Thornliebank(x)             0-0
Barrhead(x)                 - Renfrew(x)                  2-1 (#)
Beith(x)                    - Maybole Carrick(x)          3-0
Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      - Glengowan(x)                2-2
Govan(x)                    - Stonefield(x)               5-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Edinburgh Swifts(x)         2-0
Jordanhill(x)               - Grasshoppers(x)             4-0
Mauchline(x)                - Ayr Academicals(x)          3-1
Parkgrove(x)                - Sandyford(x)                3-2
Partick(x)                  - Caledonian(x)               3-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Uddingston(x)              13-0 !
Renton(x)                   - Renton Thistle(x)           2-0
Rovers(x)                   - Blackfriars(x)              1-0
South Western(x)            - 1st Lanark RV(x)            4-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     1-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Lennox(x)                   3-0
Kilbirnie(x) en St.Clement's Dundee(x) bye.
Replays 3rd Round:
Glengowan(x)                - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      0-0 (*)
Thornliebank(x)             - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       2-0
(*) both clubs qualified for next round.
4th Round:
Barrhead(x)                 - Partick(x)                  0-0aband (#)
Beith(x)                    - St.Clement's Dundee(x)      wo
Kilbirnie(x)                - Mauchline(x)                1-2
Parkgrove(x)                - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      3-1
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Vale of Leven(x)            0-0
Renton(x)                   - Rovers(x)                   4-0
South Western(x)            - Glengowan(x)                5-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Govan(x)                    7-0
Thornliebank(x)             - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      1-2 (&)
(&) Federation decided to consider the result a draw.
Jordanhill(x) bye.
Repeat 4th Round:
Barrhead(x)                 - Partick(x)                  1-0 (#)
Replays 4th Round:
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Thornliebank(x)             2-2 (*)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Rangers Glasgow(x)          5-0
(*) both clubs qualified for next round.
(#) Barrhead were disqualified considering the match they played
    in third round. Renfrew(x) en Partick(x) (their opponents in
    3rd and 4th Round) were reinstated.
5th Round:
Parkgrove(x)                - Partick(x)                  2-1
Renfrew(x)                  - Mauchline(x)                0-2
Renton(x)                   - Thornliebank(x)             2-1
South Western(x)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      3-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Beith(x)                    4-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Jordanhill(x)              10-0 !
Renton(x)                   - Mauchline(x)                3-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - South Western(x)            2-1
Vale of Leven(x)            - Parkgrove(x)                5-0
Renton(x)                   - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-3 (*)
Vale of Leven(x) bye.
(*) match void.
Repeat Semifinals:
Renton(x)                   - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-1aet
Replay Semifinals:
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Renton(x)                   1-0
Final (Glasgow, 30 march 1878):
Vale of Leven(x)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-0
Cupwinners: Vale of Leven (Alexandria).


x = Division unknown.
1st Round:
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Ladyburn(x)                10-1 !
Addiewell(x)                - Dunfermline(x)              wo
Airdrie(x)                  - Plains Bluebell(x)          5-1
Airdriehill(x)              - Shotts(x)                   0-7
Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    - Royal Albert(x)             3-3
Angus(x)                    - Balgay(x)                   1-2
Annbank(x)                  - Langs Athletic(x)           7-0
Arbroath(x)                 - East End Dundee(x)          4-3
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Bute Rangers(x)             7-0
Ayr FC(x)                   - Stewarton Cunninghame(x)    5-3
Battlefield(x)              - Partick Thistle(x)          2-4
Beith(x)                    - Beith Thistle(x)            4-2
Clarkston(x)                - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)       ? (^)
Clippens(x)                 - Glenpatrick(x)              2-4
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Luton(x)                    4-0
Coupar Angus(x)             - Dunblane(x)                 1-3 (^)
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Whitefield(x)               4-1
Dumbarton(x)                - Kilmarnock Thistle(x)       wo
1st Dumfries RV(x)          - Dumfries Academical(x)      wo
Dundee Harp(x)              - Perseverance(x)             7-2
Dunipace(x)                 - Falkirk(x)                  1-5
Fifth KRV(x)                - Thornhill Rangers(x)        8-0
Hamilton Academical(x)      - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       0-5
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   1-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Brunswick(x)                8-0
Jamestown(x)                - Vale of Leven Hibernian(x)  7-1
Johnstone(x)                - Paisley Athletic(x)         6-2
Johnstone Athletic(x)       - Cartvale(x)                 0-4
Jordanhill(x)               - Rangers Glasgow(x)          0-4
Kilmarnock(x)               - Mauchline(x)                2-0
Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      - Cumnock(x)                  2-1
1st Lanark RV(x)            - Northern(x)                 0-4
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Kilbirnie(x)                4-1
Mavisbank(x)                - Granton(x)                  3-1
Maybole(x)                  - Rankinstone(x)              wo
Milngavie(x)                - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  2-1
Moffat(x)                   - Dumfries Rovers(x)          9-0
Morton Greenock(x)          - Johnstone Rovers(x)         2-1
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Dundee Hibernian(x)         2-1
Partick(x)                  - Petershill(x)               5-0
Pollok(x)                   - Renfrew(x)                  3-2
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Alexandria Athletic(x)      6-5
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Lochwinnoch(x)              3-2
Portland(x)                 - Hurlford(x)                 1-1
Possilpark(x)               - Pilgrims(x)                 0-6
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Thistle(x)                 12-1 !
Renton(x)                   - Alclutha(x)                 3-1
Southfield(x)               - Aberfeldy Breadalbane(x)    wo
South Western(x)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     0-3
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Yoker(x)                    8-0
Strathblane(x)              - Lenzie(x)                   1-0
Thornliebank(x)             - Greenock Southern(x)        7-1
Vale of Atholl(x)           - Vale of Teith(x)            0-1
West Benhar(x)              - Belshill(x)                 2-1
West Calder(x)              - Kinleith(x)                 wo
West End Dundee(x)          - Strathmore(x)               1-1 (?)
Wishaw(x)                   - Holytown(x)                 2-0
Woodland(x)                 - Sir John Maxwell(x)         1-1
Woodside(x)                 - Kilbarchan(x)               0-6
(^) match void.
Repeat 1st Round:
Coupar Angus(x)             - Dunblane(x)                 1-6
Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      - Clarkston(x)                2-5
Replays 1st Round:
Hurlford(x)                 - Portland(x)                 3-2
Royal Albert(x)             - Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    3-3
Sir John Maxwell(x)         - Woodland(x)                 5-3
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Heart of Midlothian(x)      3-4
2nd Replay 1st Round:
Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    - Royal Albert(x)             1-0 (?)(#)
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
Apsley(x), Edinburgh University(x), Glasgow University(x), Aberdeen(x),
King's Park(x), Queen/South Wanderers(x) and Vale of Leven(x) bye.
2nd Round:
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Pollok(x)                   2-2
Addiewell(x)                - Heart of Midlothian(x)      0-14 !
Airdrie(x)                  - Wishaw(x)                   1-2 (?)
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    3-1
Cartvale(x)                 - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       2-1 (^)
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Apsley(x)                  13-0 !
Dumbarton(x)                - King's Park(x)              8-1
Dunblane(x)                 - Arbroath(x)                 3-1
Dundee Harp(x)              - Aberdeen(x)                 3-1
Fifth KRV(x)                - Moffat(x)                   5-3
Jamestown(x)                - Strathblane(x)             12-1 !
Kilbarchan(x)               - Johnstone(x)                0-7
Kilmarnock(x)               - Hurlford(x)                 2-6
Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      - Annbank(x)                  5-4
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Beith(x)                    6-1
Maybole(x)                  - Ayr FC(x)                   6-3
Morton Greenock(x)          - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        1-5 (?)
Northern(x)                 - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   0-0
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Balgay(x)                   5-3
Partick(x)                  - Pilgrims(x)                 2-1
Partick Thistle(x)          - Mavisbank(x)               14-2 !
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - 1st Dumfries RV(x)          5-3
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Rangers Glasgow(x)          3-2
Royal Albert(x)             - Clarkston(x)                3-5
Sir John Maxwell(x)         - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    5-3 (^)
Southfield(x)               - Renton(x)                   1-14 !
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Clyde Glasgow(x)            2-0 (^)
Thornliebank(x)             - Glenpatrick(x)              7-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Milngavie(x)               16-0 !
West Benhar(x)              - Shotts(x)                  10-1 (10-7?) !
West Calder(x)              - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      2-3
West End Dundee(x)          - Vale of Teith(x)            1-5
(^) match void.
Repeat 2nd Round:
Cartvale(x)                 - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       1-3
Sir John Maxwell(x)         - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    2-6
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Clyde Glasgow(x)            3-0
Replays 2nd Round:
Pollok(x)                   - Abercorn Paisley(x)         2-2 (#)
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Northern(x)                 4-0
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
Falkirk(x), Edinburgh University(x) and Glasgow University(x) bye.
3rd Round:
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Maybole(x)                  8-0
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Thornliebank(x)             1-0 (^)
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Partick Thistle(x)          3-3
Dumbarton(x)                - Jamestown(x)                8-1
Dunblane(x)                 - Dundee Harp(x)              5-0
Falkirk(x)                  - Renton(x)                   1-1
Johnstone(x)                - Morton Greenock(x)          2-1
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Pollok(x)                   6-0
Partick(x)                  - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         4-0
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - West Benhar(x)              3-0
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      2-5
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Fifth KRV(x)                3-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Clarkston(x)               13-0 !
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Airdrie(x)                  3-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Heart of Midlothian(x)      8-1
Vale of Teith(x)            - Our Boys Dundee(x)          6-4
(^) match void.
Repeat 3rd Round:
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Thornliebank(x)             0-0 (28 oct)
Replays 3rd Round:
Partick Thistle(x)          - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       3-3 (#)
Renton(x)                   - Falkirk(x)                  4-1
Thornliebank(x)             - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       0-0 (4 nov)(#)
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
Hurlford(x), Hibernian Edinburgh(x), Edinburgh University(x) and
Glasgow University(x) bye.
4th Round (11 nov 1882):
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    3-1 (18 jan)
Dunblane(x)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-7
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Partick(x)                  2-2
Johnstone(x)                - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   1-3
Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      - Abercorn Paisley(x)         5-2
Partick Thistle(x)          - Glasgow University(x)       wo
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       5-0
Renton(x)                   - Lugar Boswell(x)            3-5
Thornliebank(x)             - Dumbarton(x)                0-3
Vale of Leven(x)            - Edinburgh University(x)     2-0
Vale of Teith(x)            - Hurlford(x)                 2-3
Replay 4th Round (18 nov 1882):
Partick(x)                  - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      1-4
5th Round (2 dec 1882):
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       3-4 (^)
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Vale of Leven(x)            1-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Hurlford(x)                 7-2 (23 dec)
(^) match void.
Replays 5th Round (23 dec 1882):
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      6-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Lugar Boswell(x)            5-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      1-1 (30 dec)
Dumbarton(x)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     3-1 (3 feb)
Partick Thistle(x)          - Vale of Leven(x)            0-4 (10 feb)
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   1-1 (23 dec)
Replays Quarterfinals (3 feb 1883):
Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       1-2 (^)
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     5-2
(^) match void.
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (10 feb 1883):
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      1-1
3rd Replay Quarterfinals (17 feb 1883):
Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       1-0
Semifinals (24 feb 1883):
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Dumbarton(x)                0-1 (^)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      1-1
(^) match void.
Replays Semifinals (17 mar 1883):
Dumbarton(x)                - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   5-0
Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      - Vale of Leven(x)            0-2
Final (Hampden Park, 31 mar 1883):
Dumbarton(x)                - Vale of Leven(x)            2-2
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 7 apr):
Dumbarton(x)                - Vale of Leven(x)            2-1
Cupwinners: Dumbarton.


1st Round (8 sep 1883):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Levern Hurlet(x)            7-0
Airdrie(x)                  - Tollcross(x)                1-0 (^)
Alloa Athletic(x)           - Falkirk(x)                  0-5
Arbroath(x)                 - Aberdeen(x)                 2-2
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Pollok(x)                   3-0
Balgay(x)                   - Strathmore Arbroath(x)      2-2
Battlefield(x)              - South Western(x)            8-1
Benhar(x)                   - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      2-2 (Drumpellier)
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Belshill(x)                 8-0
Cartvale(x)                 - West End Athletic(x)        8-0
Clippens(x)                 - Johnstone Athletic(x)       3-2
Dunblane(x)                 - Vale of Teith(x)            2-1
Dunbritton(x)               - Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     1-1
Dundee Harp(x)              - Angus(x)                    9-0
Dunfermline(x)              - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   1-13 ! (15 sep)
Dunipace(x)                 - Campsie(x)                  2-1
East End Rovers(x)          - Newton Stewart Athletic(x)  wo
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Tayavalla(x)                3-0
Glenpatrick(x)              - Bute Rangers(x)             wo
Granton(x)                  - Glencairn(x)                3-1
Greenock Northern(x)        - Sir John Maxwell(x)         5-3
Greenock Southern(x)        - Netherlee(x)                5-2
Hamilton Academical(x)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    4-1
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - Brunswick(x)                8-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - West Calder(x)              5-0
Hurlford(x)                 - Beith Thistle(x)            wo
Jamestown(x)                - Kilmarnock Thistle(x)       wo
Johnstone(x)                - Thornliebank(x)             3-4
Kilbarchan(x)               - Paisley Athletic(x)         3-4
Kilmarnock(x)               - Kilbirnie(x)                wo
Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      - Beith(x)                    wo
King's Park(x)              - Lenzie(x)                  11-0 ! (15 sep)
Kinleith(x)                 - Edina(x)                    1-2 (abb)
Linwood(x)                  - Woodland(x)                 1-4
Lochwinnoch(x)              - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    wo
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Ayr FC(x)                   3-1
Lyle Athletic(x)            - Johnstone Rovers(x)         2-4
Mauchline(x)                - Annbank(x)                  3-1
Mavisbank(x)                - Dean Park(x)                2-1
Maybole(x)                  - Cumnock(x)                  0-4
Morton Greenock(x)          - Renfrew(x)                  1-0
Northern(x)                 - Rangers Glasgow(x)          0-1
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - West End Dundee(x)          3-2
Partick(x)                  - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-8
Partick Thistle(x)          - Pilgrims(x)                 wo
Perseverance(x)             - Dundee Hibernian(x)         0-0
Plains Bluebell(x)          - Clarkston(x)                wo
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Thistle(x)                  4-1
Portland(x)                 - Stewarton Cunninghame(x)    wo
Possilpark(x)               - Orchard(x)                  2-4
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Fifth KRV(x)                7-7
Renton(x)                   - Dumbarton(x)                2-1
Royal Albert(x)             - Shettleston(x)              8-0
Stenhousemuir(x)            - Strathblane(x)              3-2
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Caledonian(x)               6-0
Strathmore Dundee(x)        - East End Dundee(x)          1-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Clyde Glasgow(x)            5-2
Vale of Atholl(x)           - Aberfeldy Breadalbane(x)    wo
Vale of Leven(x)            - Leverndale(x)              12-0 !
Vale of Nith(x)             - Moffat(x)                   2-4
Whitefield(x)               - Luton(x)                    wo
Whitehill(x)                - Alexandria Athletic(x)      3-1
Yoker(x)                    - Olympic(x)                  0-2
(^) match void.
Repeat 1st Round (22 sep 1883):
Edina(x)                    - Kinleith(x)                 4-0
Tollcross(x)                - Airdrie(x)                  4-3aet
Replays 1st Round:
Arbroath(x)                 - Aberdeen(x)                 7-0 (15 sep)
Benhar(x)                   - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)     12-0 ! (15 sep)
Dundee Hibernian(x)         - Perseverance(x)              ?
Fifth KRV(x)                - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    3-1 (15 sep)
Strathmore Arbroath(x)      - Balgay(x)                   1-1 (#)
Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     - Dunbritton(x)               0-4
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
Edinburgh University(x), Cowlairs Glasgow(x), Coupar Angus(x),
Drumlanrig Rangers(x), Vale of Avon(x) and Newcastleton(x) bye.
2nd Round (29 sep 1883):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Paisley Athletic(x)         2-0
Balgay(x)                   - Strathmore Dundee(x)        1-3
Battlefield(x)              - Whitefield(x)               7-2
Benhar(x)                   - Vale of Avon(x)             wo
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Tollcross(x)                7-0
Cartvale(x)                 - Greenock Southern(x)        6-2
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Granton(x)                  3-2
Drumlanrig Rangers(x)       - East End Rovers(x)          2-3
Dunblane(x)                 - Coupar Angus(x)             4-1
Dundee Harp(x)              - Vale of Atholl(x)           wo
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Dunipace(x)                 2-2
Falkirk(x)                  - Stenhousemuir(x)            9-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Edina(x)                   10-1 !
Jamestown(x)                - Dunbritton(x)               7-1
Johnstone Rovers(x)         - Greenock Northern(x)        6-1
Kilmarnock(x)               - Hurlford(x)                 3-0
Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      - Stewarton Cunninghame(x)    9-1
Mauchline(x)                - Lugar Boswell(x)            3-1
Moffat(x)                   - Fifth KRV(x)                2-3
Newcastleton(x)             - Heart of Midlothian(x)      1-4
Olympic(x)                  - Clippens(x)                 5-0
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Strathmore Arbroath(x)      2-0
Partick Thistle(x)          - Orchard(x)                  8-1
Perseverance(x)             - Arbroath(x)                 wo
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Mavisbank(x)                6-2
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       1-3
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Whitehill(x)               14-2 !
Renton(x)                   - King's Park(x)              6-1
Royal Albert(x)             - Clarkston(x)                8-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     2-4
Thornliebank(x)             - Bute Rangers(x)            14-0 (abb) !
Woodland(x)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        0-7
Replay 2nd Round (6 oct 1883):
Dunipace(x)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  1-2
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x), Hamilton Academical(x), Cumnock(x),
Morton Greenock(x), Vale of Leven(x) and Edinburgh University(x)
3rd Round (20 oct 1883):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Johnstone Rovers(x)         7-0
Arbroath(x)                 - Dundee Harp(x)              1-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        3-1
Battlefield(x)              - Jamestown(x)                4-2 (Jamestown)
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Hamilton Academical(x)      6-0
Cartvale(x)                 - Cumnock(x)                  4-1
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-5
East End Rovers(x)          - Fifth KRV(x)                1-6
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      1-4
Morton Greenock(x)          - Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      1-2 (^)
Olympic(x)                  - Mauchline(x)                0-5
Partick Thistle(x)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  6-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Falkirk(x)                  5-3
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Benhar(x)                   7-0
Strathmore Dundee(x)        - Our Boys Dundee(x)          2-2
Thornliebank(x)             - Kilmarnock(x)                ?  (^)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Renton(x)                   4-1
(^) match void.
Repeat 3rd Round (3 nov 1883):
Morton Greenock(x)          - Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      0-4
Thornliebank(x)             - Kilmarnock(x)               2-1
Replays 3rd Round (27 oct 1883):
Dundee Harp(x)              - Arbroath(x)                 2-1
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Strathmore Dundee(x)        5-1
Dunblane(x), Pollokshields Athletic(x), Edinburgh University(x)
and Royal Albert(x) bye.
4th Round (10 nov 1883):
Battlefield(x)              - Edinburgh University(x)     wo
Cartvale(x)                 - Abercorn Paisley(x)         4-2
Dunblane(x)                 - Rangers Glasgow(x)          0-6
Fifth KRV(x)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      1-8
Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       2-3
Mauchline(x)                - Royal Albert(x)             4-0
Partick Thistle(x)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-4
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Our Boys Dundee(x)         11-0 !
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Thornliebank(x)             2-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Dundee Harp(x)              6-0
Arthurlie Barrhead(x) bye.
5th Round (1 dec 1883):
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Vale of Leven(x)            0-0
Mauchline(x)                - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   2-3
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Rangers Glasgow(x)          0-3
Replay 5th Round (8 dec 1883):
Vale of Leven(x)            - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       3-1
5 clubs received byes.
Quarterfinals (22 dec 1883):
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Rangers Glasgow(x)          1-5
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Battlefield(x)              6-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Cartvale(x)                 6-1
Vale of Leven(x)            - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   4-2
Semifinals (19 jan 1884):
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     1-5 (2 feb)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Rangers Glasgow(x)          3-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Vale of Leven(x)            wo
Vale of Leven resigned for not having enough players available.
Cupwinners: Queen's Park Glasgow.


x = Division unknown.
1st Round (13 sep 1884):
Airdrie(x)                  - Shettleston(x)              4-6
Airdriehill(x)              - Vale of Avon(x)             wo
Albion(x)                   - Dunbritton(x)               wo
Alloa Athletic(x)           - King's Park(x)              0-4
Angus(x)                    - Strathmore Dundee(x)        1-5
Arbroath(x)                 - Dundee Harp(x)              3-2
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Olympic(x)                  2-0
Battlefield(x)              - Kinning Park(x)             8-0
Cartvale(x)                 - Greenock Rangers(x)        12-1 !
Clarkston(x)                - Hamilton Academical(x)      1-4
Clippens(x)                 - Greenock Rovers(x)          3-1
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         1-2
Cumnock(x)                  - Mauchline(x)                3-2
Dalry(x)                    - Annbank(x)                  0-4
Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    0-6
Dumbarton(x)                - Leverndale(x)               wo
Dumbarton Athletic(x)       - Lenzie(x)                   wo
Dunblane(x)                 - Crieff Juniors(x)           8-0
Dunfermline(x)              - Newcastleton(x)            10-2 !
East End Dundee(x)          - Coupar Angus(x)             8-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Campsie(x)                  4-2
Falkirk(x)                  - Strathblane(x)              wo
FC Bo'ness(x)               - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      0-2
Glengowan(x)                - Albion Rovers(x)            2-1
Granton(x)                  - Shawlands(x)                1-0
Grasshoppers(x)             - Dunipace(x)                 4-0
Jamestown(x)                - Vale of Leven(x)            1-1
Johnstone(x)                - Lyle Athletic(x)            9-1
Kilmarnock(x)               - Hurlford(x)                 6-1 (20 sep)(^)
Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      - Stewarton Cunninghame(x)   14-0 !
Lindertis Kirriemuir(x)     - Aberdeen(x)                 1-4
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Ayr FC(x)                   1-4
Moffat(x)                   - Fifth KRV(x)                2-5
Morton Greenock(x)          - Abercorn Paisley(x)         2-2
Northern(x)                 - Glasgow University YMCA(x)  6-4
Paisley Athletic(x)         - Greenock Southern(x)        2-3
Partick(x)                  - Eastern Athletic(x)         9-1
Pollokshaws(x)              - Kilbarchan(x)               wo
Pollokshields(x)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-4
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Pilgrims(x)                 6-2
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - 1st Renfrew RV(x)           6-1
Possilpark(x)               - Cyrus(x)                    7-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Whitehill(x)               11-0 !
Renfrew(x)                  - Johnstone Rovers(x)         1-0
Renton(x)                   - Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     2-1
Royal Albert(x)             - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       1-4
Springburn Hibernian(x)     - Orchard(x)                  wo
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Edina(x)                    6-0
Stenhousemuir(x)            - Tayavalla(x)                1-2
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Neilston(x)                 4-3 (^)
Strathmore Arbroath(x)      - Our Boys Dundee(x)          1-4
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Partick Thistle(x)          3-2
Thornhill(x)                - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    0-13 !
Thornliebank(x)             - Greenock Northern(x)        6-0
Vale of Teith(x)            - Breadalbane(x)              7-0
Volunteer Athletic(x)       - Vale of Nith Dumfries(x)    1-4
West Benhar(x)              - Chryston(x)                 8-1
Westburn Rutherglen(x)      - Tollcross(x)                6-2
West Calder(x)              - Norton Park(x)              3-0
West End Dundee(x)          - Perseverance(x)             wo
Whitefield(x)               - Thistle(x)                  3-3
Wishaw Swifts(x)            - Dykehead(x)                 2-1 (^)
Yoker(x)                    - Dumbarton Rock(x)           2-0
(^) match void.
Replays 1st Round (20 sep 1884):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Morton Greenock(x)          3-4 (^)
Dykehead(x)                 - Wishaw Swifts(x)            2-5 (27 sep)
Hurlford(x)                 - Kilmarnock(x)               3-1 (%)
Neilston(x)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        1-4 (27 sep)
Thistle(x)                  - Whitefield(x)               3-1
Vale of Leven(x)            - Jamestown(x)                4-1
(^) match void.
(%) Hurlford disqualified.
2nd Replay 1st Round (27 sep 1884):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Morton Greenock(x)          2-2 (#)
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
Central(x), Dean Park(x), Heart of Midlothian(x) and Maybole(x)
2nd Round (4 oct 1884):
Aberdeen(x)                 - Arbroath(x)                 1-7
Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       2-2
Albion(x)                   - Dumbarton(x)                0-2 (Boghead)
Annbank(x)                  - Kilmarnock(x)               4-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Abercorn Paisley(x)         1-0
Ayr FC(x)                   - Cumnock(x)                  5-0
Clippens(x)                 - Renfrew(x)                  1-7
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   1-2
Dean Park(x)                - Springburn Hibernian(x)     2-0
Dumbarton Athletic(x)       - King's Park(x)              3-1
Dunfermline(x)              - Heart of Midlothian(x)      1-11 ! (%%)
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Renton(x)                   2-10 !
Fifth KRV(x)                - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    3-4
Glengowan(x)                - Westburn Rutherglen(x)      4-1
Granton(x)                  - Northern(x)                 1-3
Grasshoppers(x)             - Falkirk(x)                  1-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Vale of Teith(x)            5-1
Maybole(x)                  - Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      1-4
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - West End Dundee(x)          8-1
Pollokshaws(x)              - Greenock Southern(x)        2-2
Possilpark(x)               - Battlefield(x)              0-3
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Johnstone(x)                3-0
Strathmore Dundee(x)        - East End Dundee(x)          1-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Rangers Glasgow(x)          2-2
Thistle(x)                  - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     1-4
Thornliebank(x)             - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    1-0 (^)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Central(x)                 14-0 !
West Benhar(x)              - Shettleston(x)              9-1 (^)
West Calder(x)              - Dunblane(x)                 0-1
Wishaw Swifts(x)            - Airdriehill(x)              8-3
Yoker(x)                    - Tayavalla(x)               17-0 !
(%%) Heart of Midlothian disqualified.
(^)  match void.
Replays 2nd Round (11 oct 1884):
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)   10-2 !
East End Dundee(x)          - Strathmore Dundee(x)        2-5
Greenock Southern(x)        - Pollokshaws(x)              3-3 (#)
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Thornliebank(x)             2-2 (18 oct)
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     0-0 (#)
West Benhar(x)              - Shettleston(x)              4-1 (18 oct)(@)
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
(@) played in Airdrie.
2nd Replay 2nd Round (25 oct 1884):
Thornliebank(x)             - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    2-1
Cartvale(x), Hamilton Academical(x), Morton Greenock(x), Partick(x),
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x) and Vale of Nith Dumfries(x) bye.
3rd Round (25 oct 1884):
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Cartvale(x)                 3-0
Ayr FC(x)                   - Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      4-2
Battlefield(x)              - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     3-2
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Hamilton Academical(x)      3-0
Dean Park(x)                - Dumbarton Athletic(x)       2-2
Dunblane(x)                 - Arbroath(x)                 2-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Glengowan(x)                5-1
Morton Greenock(x)          - Greenock Southern(x)        5-0
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Strathmore Dundee(x)        5-1
Partick(x)                  - Falkirk(x)                  4-2
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Dumbarton(x)                4-1
Renton(x)                   - Northern(x)                 9-2
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Renfrew(x)                  1-0 (^)
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Rangers Glasgow(x)          0-3
Thornliebank(x)             - Pollokshaws(x)              4-0 (1 nov)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Yoker(x)                    4-1
Vale of Nith Dumfries(x)    - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    0-6
West Benhar(x)              - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   5-1
Wishaw Swifts(x)            - Dunfermline(x)              7-1 (1 nov)
(^) match void.
Repeat 3rd Round (8 nov 1884):
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Renfrew(x)                  3-0 (^)
2nd repeat 3rd Round (13 nov 1884):
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Renfrew(x)                  6-3
Replay 3rd Round (1 nov 1884):
Dumbarton Athletic(x)       - Dean Park(x)                3-1 (Govan)
Annbank(x) bye.
4th Round (15 nov 1884):
Annbank(x)                  - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    5-2
Arbroath(x)                 - Rangers Glasgow(x)          4-3 (^)
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Vale of Leven(x)            1-2
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Thornliebank(x)             2-2
Dumbarton Athletic(x)       - Partick(x)                  6-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Ayr FC(x)                   5-1
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - West Benhar(x)              2-2
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Battlefield(x)              0-3
Renton(x)                   - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        2-1
Wishaw Swifts(x)            - Morton Greenock(x)          1-2
(^) match void.
Repeat 4th Round (20 dec 1884):
Arbroath(x)                 - Rangers Glasgow(x)          1-8
Replays 4th Round (22 nov 1884):
Thornliebank(x)             - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       0-0 (#)
West Benhar(x)              - Our Boys Dundee(x)          8-3
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
5th Round (6 dec 1884):
Annbank(x)                  - West Benhar(x)              5-1
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Dumbarton Athletic(x)       4-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Morton Greenock(x)          4-0
5 clubs received byes.
Quarterfinals (27 dec 1884):
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Battlefield(x)              3-1 (10 jan)
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Annbank(x)                  5-0
Renton(x)                   - Rangers Glasgow(x)          5-3
Thornliebank(x)             - Vale of Leven(x)            3-4
Semifinals (31 jan 1885):
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Renton(x)                   2-3 (24 jan)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       0-0
Replay Semifinals (7 feb 1885):
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Vale of Leven(x)            1-3
Final (Hampden Park, 21 feb 1885):
Renton(x)                   - Vale of Leven(x)            0-0
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 28 feb 1885):
Renton(x)                   - Vale of Leven(x)            3-1
Cupwinners: Renton.


1st Round (12 sep 1885):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        2-0 (19 sep)
Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    - Royal Albert(x)             4-2 (26 sep)
Albion(x)                   - Jamestown(x)                4-4
Albion Rovers(x)            - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      6-2
Alpha(x)                    - Cambuslang Hibernian(x)     6-8
Arbroath(x)                 - Bon Accord(x)              36-0 !!!
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Olympic(x)                  wo
Ayr FC(x)                   - Maybole(x)                  7-0
Ayr Rovers(x)               - Dalry(x)                    0-8
Battlefield(x)              - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         0-2 (*)
Broxburn Shamrock(x)        - FC Bo'ness(x)               1-1
Cambridge(x)                - Southern Athletic(x)        3-1 (^)
Camelon(x)                  - Falkirk(x)                  1-3
Cartvale(x)                 - Morton Greenock(x)          2-1
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Rangers Glasgow(x)          1-0
Clydesvale(x)               - Tollcross(x)                2-4
Coupar Angus(x)             - Our Boys Dundee(x)          2-8
Cowdenbeath(x)              - Aberfeldy Breadalbane(x)    wo
Crieff(x)                   - Dunfermline Athletic(x)     0-7
Dumbarton(x)                - Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     3-1 (19 sep)
Dumbarton Rock(x)           - Levendale(x)                wo
Dunblane(x)                 - Dunfermline(x)              wo
Dundee Harp(x)              - Aberdeen Rovers(x)         35-0 !!!
Dunipace(x)                 - Campsie Central(x)          4-2
East End Dundee(x)          - Strathmore Dundee(x)        3-3
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Campsie(x)                  6-1
Fifth KRV(x)                - Vale of Nith(x)             4-0
Forfar Athletic(x)          - Angus(x)                    3-1
Glasgow University YMCA(x)  - Eastern Glasgow(x)          wo
Granton(x)                  - Partick Thistle(x)          0-11 !
Grasshoppers(x)             - Grahamston(x)               2-2
Greenock Southern(x)        - Neilston(x)                 1-10 !
Hamilton Academical(x)      - West Benhar(x)              wo
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   5-2 (^)
Helensburgh(x)              - Dumbarton Athletic(x)        ? (^)
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Edina(x)                    9-0
Hurlford(x)                 - Cumnock(x)                  5-1
Johnstone(x)                - Greenock Rangers(x)         5-1abb
Kilmarnock(x)               - Annbank(x)                  7-1
King's Park(x)              - Armadale(x)                 3-1
Kirkintilloch Athletic(x)   - Renton(x)                   0-15 !
Lanemark(x)                 - Monkcastle(x)               0-2 (26 sep) (^)
Lenzie(x)                   - Bonhill(x)                  1-1
Mauchline(x)                - Lugar Boswell(x)            2-3
Northern(x)                 - Linthouse(x)                4-1
Norton Park(x)              - Glencairn(x)                6-2
Paisley Hibernian(x)        - Thornliebank(x)             2-2
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - Partick(x)                  wo
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - 1st Renfrew RV(x)           4-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - St.Peter's(x)              16-0 !
Renfrew(x)                  - Greenock Northern(x)        1-0
Shettleston(x)              - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       1-7
St.Andrew's(x)              - 10th LRV(x)                 wo
Strathmore Arbroath(x)      - Aberdeen(x)                 7-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Shawlands(x)                9-1
Thistle(x)                  - Westbourne(x)              11-1 !
Thornhill(x)                - Moffat(x)                   wo
Vale of Leven(x)            - Dunbritton(x)               wo
Vale of Teith(x)            - Oban FC(x)                  9-1
West Calder(x)              - Newcastleton(x)             wo
West End Dundee(x)          - Broughty(x)                 3-3
Whitefield(x)               - Dennistoun Athletic(x)      3-1
Wishaw Swifts(x)            - Rutherglen(x)               2-0
Woodvale(x)                 - Mearns Athletic(x)          3-2
Yoker(x)                    - Union Dumbarton(x)          5-1 (^)
(*) date unknown.
(^) match void.
Repeat 1st Round (26 sep 1885):
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   1-0
Helensburgh(x)              - Dumbarton Athletic(x)       2-3
Monkcastle(x)               - Lanemark(x)                 2-0 (*)
Southern Athletic(x)        - Cambridge(x)                1-2
Yoker(x)                    - Union Dumbarton(x)          0-1
(*) date unknown.
Replays 1st Round (19 sep 1885):
Bonhill(x)                  - Lenzie(x)                   6-0
Broughty(x)                 - West End Dundee(x)          3-3 (#)
FC Bo'ness(x)               - Broxburn Shamrock(x)        5-1
Grahamston(x)               - Grasshoppers(x)             2-4
Jamestown(x)                - Albion(x)                   0-1
Strathmore Dundee(x)        - East End Dundee(x)          1-4
Thornliebank(x)             - Paisley Hibernian(x)        2-0
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
Alloa Athletic(x), Dykehead(x), Queen/South Wanderers(x)
and Pilgrims(x) bye.
2nd Round (3 oct 1885):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    - Cambuslang Hibernian(x)    15-2 !
Albion(x)                   - Dumbarton Rock(x)           wo
Albion Rovers(x)            - Wishaw Swifts(x)            2-2
Arbroath(x)                 - Forfar Athletic(x)          9-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Woodvale(x)                 2-0
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Hamilton Academical(x)      wo
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Thistle(x)                  2-3
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   3-2
Dalry(x)                    - Lugar Boswell(x)            6-2
Dumbarton(x)                - Union Dumbarton(x)          7-0
Dumbarton Athletic(x)       - Renton(x)                   2-7
Dunblane(x)                 - Dunfermline Athletic(x)    10-0 !
Dundee Harp(x)              - Our Boys Dundee(x)          4-1
Dykehead(x)                 - Tollcross(x)                3-1 (%)
East End Dundee(x)          - Broughty(x)                 2-2
Falkirk(x)                  - Alloa Athletic(x)           0-4
FC Bo'ness(x)               - Norton Park(x)              8-1
Fifth KRV(x)                - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    3-1 (^)
Glasgow University YMCA(x)  - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-8
Grasshoppers(x)             - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  1-6
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Heart of Midlothian(x)      2-1
Johnstone(x)                - Thornliebank(x)             1-2
Kilmarnock(x)               - Hurlford(x)                 3-4 (^)
King's Park(x)              - Dunipace(x)                 7-1
Monkcastle(x)               - Ayr FC(x)                   2-4
Northern(x)                 - Whitefield(x)               7-2
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Neilston(x)                 1-0 (?)
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Pilgrims(x)                 1-0
Renfrew(x)                  - Abercorn Paisley(x)         0-3
St.Andrew's(x)              - Cambridge(x)                6-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Bonhill(x)                 10-0 !
Vale of Teith(x)            - Cowdenbeath(x)              wo
West End Dundee(x)          - Strathmore Arbroath(x)      4-5
(%) Dykehead disqualified.
(^) match void.
Repeat 2nd Round (17 oct 1885):
Kilmarnock(x)               - Hurlford(x)                 1-1
Replays 2nd Round (10 oct 1885):
Broughty(x)                 - East End Dundee(x)          3-8 (^)
Kilmarnock(x)               - Hurlford(x)                 1-1abb (31 oct)
Neilston(x)                 - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    0-2
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Fifth KRV(x)                4-3 (17 oct)
Wishaw Swifts(x)            - Albion Rovers(x)            5-0
(^) match void.
Repeat Replay 2nd Round:
Broughty(x)                 - East End Dundee(x)          1-2 (17 oct)
2nd Replay 2nd Round (7 nov 1885):
Hurlford(x)                 - Kilmarnock(x)               2-2aet
3rd Replay 2nd Round:
Kilmarnock(x)               - Hurlford(x)                 1-5 (14 nov)
Cartvale(x), Partick Thistle(x), West Calder(x) and Thornhill(x)
3rd Round (24 oct 1885):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    - Tollcross(x)                8-2
Albion(x)                   - Renton(x)                   0-1
Alloa Athletic(x)           - Partick Thistle(x)          0-12 !
Arbroath(x)                 - East End Dundee(x)          7-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Hurlford(x)                 5-0 (21 nov)
Cartvale(x)                 - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    1-1
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Northern(x)                 2-1
Dalry(x)                    - Ayr FC(x)                   1-6
Dumbarton(x)                - Thistle(x)                  3-0
Dundee Harp(x)              - Vale of Teith(x)            8-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - FC Bo'ness(x)               6-0
Strathmore Arbroath(x)      - Dunblane(x)                 3-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - St.Andrew's(x)             11-0 !
Thornhill(x)                - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    0-8
Thornliebank(x)             - Abercorn Paisley(x)         1-5
Vale of Leven(x)            - King's Park(x)              wo
Wishaw Swifts(x)            - West Calder(x)              3-0
Replay 3rd Round (31 oct 1885):
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Cartvale(x)                 4-2
Cambuslang Glasgow(x) bye.
4th Round (14 nov 1885):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Strathmore Arbroath(x)      7-2
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Wishaw Swifts(x)            9-0
Dumbarton(x)                - Partick Thistle(x)          3-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Arbroath(x)                 5-3
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       1-3 (28 nov)
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    1-0
Renton(x)                   - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         4-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Ayr FC(x)                   3-2 (^)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Dundee Harp(x)              6-0
(^) match void.
Replay 4th Round:
Ayr FC(x)                   - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     3-3 (28 nov)
2nd Replay 4th Round:
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Ayr FC(x)                   5-1 (5 dec)
Port Glasgow Athletic(x) bye.
5th Round (5 dec 1885):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       0-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     1-2
Dumbarton(x)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      2-2
Renton(x)                   - Vale of Leven(x)            2-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    1-1 (12 dec)
Replays 5th Round (12 dec 1885):
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Dumbarton(x)                4-3
Renton(x)                   - Vale of Leven(x)            3-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    1-1 (19 dec)
2nd Replay 5th Round (26 dec 1885):
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    4-1
6th Round (16 jan 1886):
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       3-2
3 clubs received byes.
Semifinals (16 jan 1886):
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Renton(x)                   0-2 (23 jan)
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-3
Final (Cathkin Park, 13 feb 1886):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Renton(x)                   3-1
Cupwinners: Queen's Park Glasgow.


x = Division unknown.
1st Round (11 sep 1886):
Aberdeen(x)                 - East End Dundee(x)          wo
Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    - Airdriehill(x)              5-0
Albion Rovers(x)            - Rutherglen Clydesdale(x)    5-1
Annbank(x)                  - Kilbirnie(x)                3-4
Arbroath(x)                 - Orion Aberdeen(x)          20-0 !!
Ayr FC(x)                   - Hurlford(x)                 2-3
Battlefield(x)              - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         0-2
Bonhill(x)                  - Kirkintilloch Central(x)    8-1
Broxburn Shamrock(x)        - Mossend Swifts(x)           1-2
Broxburn Thistle(x)         - Bellstane Birds(x)          2-2
Burntisland Thistle(x)      - Dunfermline(x)              wo
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Motherwell(x)               6-1
Campsie(x)                  - Dunipace(x)                10-0 !
Carrick(x)                  - Westbourne(x)               0-2
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - St.Peter's(x)               5-1
Coupar Angus(x)             - Fair City Athletic(x)       wo
Dalry(x)                    - Ayr Rovers(x)               5-2
Dumbarton(x)                - Vale of Leven Hibernian(x)  5-0
Dumbarton Athletic(x)       - Duntocher(x)                8-0
Dunblane(x)                 - Crieff(x)                  12-0 !
Dunbritton(x)               - Lenzie(x)                   wo
Dundee Wanderers(x)         - Broughty(x)                 2-7
Dunfermline Athletic(x)     - Alloa Athletic(x)           4-8
Edina(x)                    - Heart of Midlothian(x)      1-7
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Camelon(x)                  6-3
Fifth KRV(x)                - Thornhill(x)                wo
Grahamston(x)               - Laurieston(x)               0-2
Grasshoppers(x)             - Vale of Bannock(x)          3-3
Greenock Rangers(x)         - 1st Renfrew RV(x)           3-4 (%)
Hamilton Academical(x)      - Wishaw Swifts(x)            wo
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Durhamstown Rangers(x)      6-1
Johnstone(x)                - Cartvale(x)                 6-2
Kelvinside Athletic(x)      - Whitefield(x)               1-2
Kilmarnock(x)               - Cumnock(x)                  wo
King's Park(x)              - Falkirk(x)                  1-3
Lindertis Kirriemuir(x)     - Dundee Harp(x)              3-4
Linthouse(x)                - Southern Athletic(x)        4-0
Lochwinnoch(x)              - Morton Greenock(x)          0-6
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Maybole(x)                  wo
Monkcastle(x)               - Lanemark(x)                 1-3
Newcastleton(x)             - Norton Park(x)              wo
Northern(x)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-4
Oban FC(x)                  - Our Boys Blairgowrie(x)     wo
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Forfar Athletic(x)          2-5 (18 sep)
Partick Thistle(x)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     2-3
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Johnstone Harp(x)          10-1 !
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Nithsdale(x)                wo
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Govan Athletic(x)           9-1
Renfrew(x)                  - Abercorn Paisley(x)         3-3
Renton(x)                   - Kirkintilloch Harp(x)       wo
Rutherglen(x)               - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      2-0
Shettleston(x)              - Carfin Shamrock(x)          3-3
Slamannan(x)                - Avondale(x)                 4-3
St.Andrew's(x)              - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   2-5 (^)
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - FC Bo'ness(x)               3-2
St.Johnstone Perth(x)       - Erin Rovers Perth(x)        3-3
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       5-3 (18 sep)
Strathmore Arbroath(x)      - Strathmore Dundee(x)        3-0
Thistle(x)                  - Blairvaddick(x)            13-0 !
Thornliebank(x)             - Neilston(x)                 3-2
Tollcross(x)                - Royal Albert(x)             0-3 (&)
Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     - Jamestown(x)                6-3 (%%)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Kirkintilloch Athletic(x)   9-0
Vale of Nith(x)             - Vale of Annan(x)            wo
West Calder(x)              - Armadale Edinburgh(x)       1-3
Woodvale(x)                 - Pollokshaws Athletic(x)     wo
Yoker(x)                    - Union(x)                    4-2
(%)  1st Renfrew RV disqualified.
(%%) Vale/Leven Wanderers disqualified.
(&)  Royal Albert disqualified.
(^)  match void.
Repeat 1st Round:
St.Andrew's(x)              - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   4-1 (25 sep)
Replays 1st Round (18 sep 1886):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Renfrew(x)                  9-0
Broxburn Thistle(x)         - Bellstane Birds(x)          4-1
Carfin Shamrock(x)          - Shettleston(x)              3-0
Erin Rovers Perth(x)        - St.Johnstone Perth(x)       7-1
Vale of Bannock(x)          - Grasshoppers(x)             2-0
Cambuslang Hibernian(x), Caledonian Rangers(x), Cowdenbeath(x),
Dykehead(x) and Moffat(x) bye.
2nd Round (2 oct 1886):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Greenock Rangers(x)         8-2
Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    - Carfin Shamrock(x)          3-2 ($)
Albion Rovers(x)            - Dykehead(x)                 7-0
Bonhill(x)                  - Jamestown(x)                1-2
Broxburn Thistle(x)         - Heart of Midlothian(x)      1-2
Caledonian Rangers(x)       - Erin Rovers Perth(x)        4-4
Cambuslang Hibernian(x)     - Hamilton Academical(x)      3-1
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         4-3
Cowdenbeath(x)              - Burntisland Thistle(x)      3-3 (^)
Dumbarton(x)                - Yoker(x)                    4-0
Dunblane(x)                 - Oban FC(x)                  8-1
East End Dundee(x)          - Broughty(x)                 5-4
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Vale of Bannock(x)          wo
Forfar Athletic(x)          - Arbroath(x)                 2-5
Hurlford(x)                 - Kilbirnie(x)                3-2
Johnstone(x)                - Pollokshaws Athletic(x)     4-0
Kilmarnock(x)               - Lanemark(x)                10-2 !
Laurieston(x)               - Falkirk(x)                  1-3
Lenzie(x)                   - Vale of Leven(x)            0-13 !
Linthouse(x)                - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-4
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Dalry(x)                    3-2 (^)
Moffat(x)                   - Fifth KRV(x)                3-5
Mossend Swifts(x)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      1-1
Newcastleton(x)             - Armadale Edinburgh(x)       1-5
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Vale of Nith(x)            12-2 !
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Whitefield(x)               7-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Westbourne(x)               5-2
Renton(x)                   - Dumbarton Athletic(x)       2-0
Rutherglen(x)               - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       1-1
Slamannan(x)                - Campsie(x)                  0-3
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    2-3
Strathmore Arbroath(x)      - Dundee Harp(x)              3-3
Thistle(x)                  - St.Andrew's(x)             12-0 !
Thornliebank(x)             - Morton Greenock(x)          0-2
(^) match void.
($) Airdrieonians Airdrie disqualified.
Repeat 2nd Round (16 oct 1886):
Cowdenbeath(x)              - Burntisland Thistle(x)      3-1
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Dalry(x)                    6-1
Replays 2nd Round (9 oct 1886):
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Rutherglen(x)               6-1
Dundee Harp(x)              - Strathmore Arbroath(x)      3-3 (#)
Erin Rovers Perth(x)        - Caledonian Rangers(x)       6-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Mossend Swifts(x)           3-0
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
Alloa Athletic(x), Coupar Angus(x), St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)
and Tollcross(x) bye.
3rd Round (23 oct 1886):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    1-5
Albion Rovers(x)            - Thistle(x)                  4-2
Cambuslang Hibernian(x)     - Jamestown(x)                5-1
Cowdenbeath(x)              - Alloa Athletic(x)           6-1
Dumbarton(x)                - Tollcross(x)                wo
East End Dundee(x)          - Dunblane(x)                 3-3
Erin Rovers Perth(x)        - Coupar Angus(x)             3-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Clyde Glasgow(x)            1-3
Falkirk(x)                  - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     3-8
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Heart of Midlothian(x)      5-1
Johnstone(x)                - Hurlford(x)                 0-5
Kilmarnock(x)               - Lugar Boswell(x)            7-2
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Fifth KRV(x)                6-3
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       0-2
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Armadale Edinburgh(x)       5-2
Strathmore Arbroath(x)      - Dundee Harp(x)              1-8
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Renton(x)                   3-1
Vale of Leven(x)            - Campsie(x)                  7-4
Replay 3rd Round:
Dunblane(x)                 - East End Dundee(x)          wo
Arbroath(x), Carfin Shamrock(x) and Morton Greenock(x) bye.
4th Round (13 nov 1886):
Albion Rovers(x)            - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       1-6
Cowdenbeath(x)              - Cambuslang Hibernian(x)     0-3
Morton Greenock(x)          - Carfin Shamrock(x)         11-0 ! (6 nov)
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Arbroath(x)                 8-2
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Erin Rovers Perth(x)        5-1
11 clubs received byes.
5th Round (4 dec 1886):
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     0-0
Dundee Harp(x)              - Dumbarton(x)                2-2 (*)
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    7-3
Hurlford(x)                 - Morton Greenock(x)          5-1
Kilmarnock(x)               - Dunblane(x)                 6-0
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   6-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       1-1
Vale of Leven(x)            - Cambuslang Hibernian(x)     2-0 (27 nov)
(*) Dundee Harp(x) resigned.
Replays 5th Round (11 dec 1886):
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     4-5
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Clyde Glasgow(x)            4-2
Quarterfinals (25 dec 1886):
Hurlford(x)                 - Dumbarton(x)                0-0
Kilmarnock(x)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-5
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Vale of Leven(x)            1-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      1-2
Replay Quarterfinals (8 jan 1887):
Dumbarton(x)                - Hurlford(x)                 1-2 (^)
(^) match void.
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (22 jan 1887):
Dumbarton(x)                - Hurlford(x)                 3-1
Semifinals (22 jan 1887):
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Vale of Leven(x)            3-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Dumbarton(x)                1-2 (29 jan)
Final (Glasgow, 12 feb 1887):
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Dumbarton(x)                2-1
Cupwinners: Hibernian Edinburgh.


x = Division unknown.
1st Round (3 september 1887):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Johnstone Harp(x)           9-0
Aberdeen(x)                 - Our Boys Dundee(x)          4-9
Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    - Dykehead(x)                 8-0
Albion Rovers(x)            - Airdriehill(x)             12-0 !
Alloa Athletic(x)           - Cowdenbeath(x)              6-2
Arbroath(x)                 - Orion(x)                   18-0 !
Ayr FC(x)                   - Monkcastle(x)               wo
Bonhill(x)                  - Dumbarton Athletic(x)       1-6
Broughty(x)                 - Montrose(x)                 5-7
Broxburn Shamrock(x)        - Mossend Swifts(x)           0-4 (&)
Burntisland Thistle(x)      - Dunfermline Athletic(x)     4-2 (&&)
Caledonian Rangers(x)       - Crieff(x)                   1-7
Cambuslang Hibernian(x)     - Hamilton Hibernian(x)       5-4
Carfin Shamrock(x)          - Shettleston(x)              4-0 (%)
Carrick(x)                  - Thistle(x)                  0-10 !
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-7
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Rutherglen(x)               1-4
Coupar Angus(x)             - Our Boys Blairgowrie(x)     9-2
Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      - Motherwell(x)               2-3 (*)
Dumbarton(x)                - Dunbritton(x)              10-0 ! (1 sep)
Dunblane(x)                 - Fair City Athletic(x)       2-3
Dundee Wanderers(x)         - Lochee(x)                   7-0
Dunfermline(x)              - Lassodie(x)                 3-2 (^)
Dykebar(x)                  - Morton Greenock(x)          5-2
Erin Rovers Bathgate(x)     - Bellstane Birds(x)          5-0
Erin Rovers Perth(x)        - St.Johnstone Perth(x)       3-9
Falkirk(x)                  - Kilsyth Wanderers(x)        4-1
FC Bo'ness(x)               - Leith Athletic(x)           4-1
Fifth KRV(x)                - Thornhill(x)                5-0
Grahamston(x)               - Redding Athletic(x)         4-3 (^^)
Grangemouth(x)              - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  2-5
Hamilton Academical(x)      - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       wo
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - Norton Park(x)              4-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Broxburn Thistle(x)         5-0
Hurlford(x)                 - Annbank(x)                  wo
Jamestown(x)                - Vale of Leven Hibernian(x)  3-2 (*)
Kelvinside Athletic(x)      - St.Andrew's(x)              6-3
Kilbarchan(x)               - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       0-4
Kilbirnie(x)                - Lanemark(x)                 wo
Kilmarnock(x)               - Ayr Thistle(x)              8-2
King's Park(x)              - Camelon(x)                  1-5
Kirkintilloch Athletic(x)   - Kirkintilloch Central(x)    5-1
Lindertis Kirriemuir(x)     - Dundee Harp(x)              1-2 (%%)
Linthouse(x)                - Whitefield(x)               3-3
Lochgilphead(x)             - Oban FC(x)                  1-9
Lochwinnoch(x)              - Pollokshaws(x)              5-1
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Dalry(x)                    9-0
Maybole(x)                  - Newmilns ARV(x)             3-3
Moffat(x)                   - Newcastleton(x)             7-1
Northern(x)                 - Govan Athletic(x)           5-1
Paisley Athletic(x)         - Neilston(x)                 wo
Partick Thistle(x)          - Westbourne(x)              10-0 !
Plains Bluebell(x)          - Tollcross(x)                wo
Pollokshields Athletic(x)   - United Abstainers(x)        4-1
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Greenock Rangers(x)        11-0 ! (27 aug)
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Vale of Nith(x)             6-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Battlefield(x)              4-1
1st Renfrew RV(x)           - Renfrew(x)                  1-8
Slamannan(x)                - Laurieston(x)               5-4
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Armadale(x)                 3-2
Strathmore Arbroath(x)      - East End Dundee(x)          1-13 !
Strathmore Dundee(x)        - Forfar Athletic(x)          6-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         1-2 (*)
Thornliebank(x)             - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        1-2
Uddingston(x)               - Royal Albert(x)             2-5
Union(x)                    - Renton(x)                   0-6
Vale of Bannock(x)          - Campsie(x)                  3-4
Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     - Methlan Park(x)             7-2
Vale of Leven(x)            - Kirkintilloch Harp(x)       wo
West Calder(x)              - Athenian(x)                 9-0
(&)  Mossend Swifts disqualified.
(&&) Burntisland Thistle(x) disqualified.
(^)  Dunfermline disqualified.
(^^) Grahamston disqualified.
(%)  Shettleston (after protest) also progresses to 2nd Round.
(%%) Dundee Harp disqualified.
(*)  match void.
Repeat 1st Round:
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         1-4 (10 sep)
Replays 1st Round (10 september 1887):
Motherwell(x)               - Drumpellier Glasgow(x)      2-0
Newmilns ARV(x)             - Maybole(x)                  4-6
Vale of Leven Hibernian(x)  - Jamestown(x)                2-2
Whitefield(x)               - Linthouse(x)                2-1
2nd Replay 1st Round:
Jamestown(x)                - Vale of Leven Hibernian(x)  3-1
Aberdeen Rovers(x), Glasgow University(x), Southern Athletic(x),
Mauchline(x) and Nithsdale(x) bye.
2nd Round (24 september 1887):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Neilston(x)                 6-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    - Cambuslang Hibernian(x)     3-0
Alloa Athletic(x)           - Dunfermline Athletic(x)     0-1
Arbroath(x)                 - Strathmore Dundee(x)        3-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        3-3
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Royal Albert(x)             2-0
Carfin Shamrock(x)          - Motherwell(x)               3-1
Coupar Angus(x)             - Crieff(x)                   wo
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Southern Athletic(x)        9-1
Dumbarton(x)                - Vale of Leven(x)            1-5
Dundee Wanderers(x)         - Aberdeen Rovers(x)         10-0 !
Erin Rovers Bathgate(x)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      0-6
Fair City Athletic(x)       - St.Johnstone Perth(x)       3-0
Falkirk(x)                  - Campsie(x)                  2-2
FC Bo'ness(x)               - West Calder(x)              5-1
Hurlford(x)                 - Lugar Boswell(x)            9-1
Jamestown(x)                - Kirkintilloch Athletic(x)   7-1 (1 oct)
Kilbirnie(x)                - Mauchline(x)                3-0
Lindertis Kirriemuir(x)     - East End Dundee(x)          3-2
Lochwinnoch(x)              - Dykebar(x)                  2-5
Maybole(x)                  - Ayr FC(x)                   0-13 !
Moffat(x)                   - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    4-4
Nithsdale(x)                - Fifth KRV(x)                2-9
Northern(x)                 - Shettleston(x)              6-3
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Montrose(x)                 5-3
Partick Thistle(x)          - Rangers Glasgow(x)          2-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Kelvinside Athletic(x)      9-0
Redding Athletic(x)         - Camelon(x)                  0-17 !
Renfrew(x)                  - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    3-3
Renton(x)                   - Dumbarton Athletic(x)       4-2
Rutherglen(x)               - Albion Rovers(x)            3-6
Slamannan(x)                - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  1-6
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Broxburn Shamrock(x)        1-1
Thistle(x)                  - Glasgow University(x)       6-0
Whitefield(x)               - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   2-0
Replays 2nd Round (1 october 1887):
Campsie(x)                  - Falkirk(x)                  2-2 (@)
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Renfrew(x)                  5-3
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Moffat(x)                   7-4
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Broxburn Shamrock(x)        4-1
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       4-1
(@) both clubs qualified for next round.
Lassodie(x), Heart of Midlothian(x), Kilmarnock(x), Oban FC(x),
Plains Bluebell(x) and Vale/Leven Wanderers(x) bye.
3rd Round (15 october 1887):
Ayr FC(x)                   - Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    4-0
Camelon(x)                  - Renton(x)                   0-8
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Campsie(x)                  9-1
Dundee Wanderers(x)         - Coupar Angus(x)             8-0
Dunfermline Athletic(x)     - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   wo
Dykebar(x)                  - Kilmarnock(x)               2-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       0-0
Fair City Athletic(x)       - Our Boys Dundee(x)          0-5
Falkirk(x)                  - Carfin Shamrock(x)          2-2
Fifth KRV(x)                - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    2-6
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      1-1
Hurlford(x)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        2-4
Kilbirnie(x)                - Abercorn Paisley(x)         1-3
Lassodie(x)                 - FC Bo'ness(x)               1-3
Northern(x)                 - Albion Rovers(x)            3-4
Oban FC(x)                  - Arbroath(x)                 1-5
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Jamestown(x)                3-0
Thistle(x)                  - Whitefield(x)               2-0
Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     - Plains Bluebell(x)          9-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    3-0
Replays 3rd Round (22 october 1887):
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  4-2
Carfin Shamrock(x)          - Falkirk(x)                  3-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Heart of Midlothian(x)      1-3
Kilmarnock(x)               - Dykebar(x)                  9-1
Lindertis Kirriemuir(x) and Partick Thistle(x) bye.
4th Round (5 november 1887):
Ayr FC(x)                   - Vale of Leven(x)            3-2
Dundee Wanderers(x)         - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    4-3
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        1-1
Lindertis Kirriemuir(x)     - Renton(x)                   1-13 !
Partick Thistle(x)          - Kilmarnock(x)               2-2
Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     - FC Bo'ness(x)               2-0
Replays 4th Round (12 november 1887):
Kilmarnock(x)               - Partick Thistle(x)          1-4
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Heart of Midlothian(x)      2-2
2nd Replay 4th Round (19 november 1887):
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        2-2 (Falkirk)
3th Replay 4th Round (26 november 1887):
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Heart of Midlothian(x)      4-2 (Cathkin Park)
10 clubs received byes.
5th Round (26 november 1887):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   9-0
Arbroath(x)                 - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         5-1
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Ayr FC(x)                  10-0 !
Dundee Wanderers(x)         - Carfin Shamrock(x)          5-2
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Albion Rovers(x)            4-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Partick Thistle(x)          2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Renton(x)                   2-3 (3 dec)
Thistle(x)                  - Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     2-9
Quarterfinals (17 december 1887):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Arbroath(x)                 3-1
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Our Boys Dundee(x)          6-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     7-1
Renton(x)                   - Dundee Wanderers(x)         5-1
Semifinals (14 january 1887):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       1-1
Renton(x)                   - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     3-1
Replay Semifinals (21 jan 1888):
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Abercorn Paisley(x)        10-1 !
Final (Glasgow, 4 feb 1888):
Renton(x)                   - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       6-1
Cupwinners: Renton.


x = Division unknown.
1st Round (1 september 1888):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Kilbarchan(x)               wo
Aberdeen(x)                 - Arbroath(x)                 3-4
Albion Rovers(x)            - Belshill(x)                 wo
Alva(x)                     - Kilsyth Wanderers(x)        6-2
Annbank(x)                  - Britannia(x)                5-1
Armadale(x)                 - Champfleurie(x)            12-0 !
Ayr Thistle(x)              - Newmilns ARV(x)             wo
Beith(x)                    - Irvine(x)                   2-3
Broxburn Shamrock(x)        - West Calder(x)              3-2 (?)
Cambuslang Hibernian(x)     - Coatbridge(x)               5-0
Campsie(x)                  - Camelon(x)                  5-1
Carfin Shamrock(x)          - Whifflet Shamrock(x)        6-1
Celtic Glasgow(x)           - Shettleston(x)              5-1
Clydebank FC(x)             - Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     3-4
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Rutherglen(x)               1-1
Coupar Angus(x)             - Bridgend Athletic(x)        6-1
Cowdenbeath(x)              - Lassodie(x)                 3-1
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Temperance Athletic(x)     18-2 !
Crieff(x)                   - Vale of Atholl(x)          10-2 !
Dumbarton(x)                - Kirkintilloch Central(x)   13-1 !
Dumbarton Athletic(x)       - Union Dumbarton(x)         15-0 !
Dunblane(x)                 - St.Johnstone Perth(x)       6-3
Dundee Wanderers(x)         - Aberdeen Rovers(x)          wo
Dunfermline Athletic(x)     - Dunfermline(x)              wo
Erin Rovers Bathgate(x)     - Leith Harp(x)               6-0
Erin Rovers Perth(x)        - Our Boys Blairgowrie(x)     8-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Stenhousemuir(x)           10-1 !
Fair City Athletic(x)       - Caledonian Rangers(x)       5-0
Falkirk(x)                  - Dunipace(x)                 5-0
FC Bo'ness(x)               - Heart of Midlothian(x)      0-1
Forfar Athletic(x)          - Lindertis Kirriemuir(x)    14-1 !
Hamilton Academical(x)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(x)    5-0
Hamilton Wanderers(x)       - Andalusians(x)               - (^^)
Hurlford(x)                 - Ayr FC(x)                   7-0
Johnstone Harp(x)           - Woodvale(x)                 4-5
Kelvinside Athletic(x)      - Govan Athletic(x)          16-0 !
Kilbirnie(x)                - Dalry(x)                    3-1
King's Park(x)              - Alloa Athletic(x)           4-3
Kirkcaldy Wanderers(x)      - Townhill(x)                 3-0
Lanemark(x)                 - Stevenston Thistle(x)       7-0
Linlithgow Athletic(x)      - Adventurers(x)              2-6
Linthouse(x)                - Clyde Glasgow(x)            2-4
Lochgilphead(x)             - Balaclava Rangers(x)       15-1 !
Lochwinnoch(x)              - Dykebar(x)                  0-5
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Kilmarnock(x)               0-5
Maybole(x)                  - Kilmarnock Thistle(x)       wo
Methlan Park(x)             - Kirkintilloch Athletic(x)   5-0
Mid Annandale(x)            - Moffat(x)                   wo
Montrose(x)                 - Brechin(x)                  8-1
Mossend Swifts(x)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      2-1
Motherwell(x)               - Royal Albert(x)             3-3
Neilston(x)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        3-4
Newton Stewart Athletic(x)  - Nithsdale(x)               13-0 !
Northern(x)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     2-3 (8 sep)
Norton Park(x)              - Bellstane Birds(x)          3-2
Oban FC(x)                  - Campbeltown Athletic(x)     wo
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - East End Dundee(x)          5-4
Paisley Athletic(x)         - Thornliebank(x)             wo
Pollokshaws(x)              - Carlton Greenock(x)        14-0 !
Pollokshaws Harp(x)         - Greenock Rangers(x)         wo
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Morton Greenock(x)          3-7
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Fifth KRV(x)                9-4
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Partick Thistle(x)          4-2
Redding Athletic(x)         - Gairdoch(x)                 wo
Renfrew(x)                  - Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       0-0
Renton(x)                   - Bowling(x)                  8-0
Slamannan(x)                - Grangemouth(x)              5-3
Southern Athletic(x)        - Battlefield(x)              1-9
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Leith Athletic(x)           7-0
Stewarton Cunninghame(x)    - Rosebank(x)                 4-3
Strathmore Dundee(x)        - Dundee Harp(x)              3-4
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Whitefield(x)               wo
Thistle(x)                  - Maryhill(x)                 3-1
Thornhill(x)                - Vale of Nith(x)             2-2aband
Union(x)                    - Lochee(x)                   2-3 (8 sep)
United Abstainers(x)        - Pollokshields Athletic(x)   2-1
Vale of Bannock(x)          - Laurieston(x)               3-2
Vale of Leven Hibernian(x)  - Jamestown(x)                6-1
Wishaw Thistle(x)           - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       2-4
(^^) both teams resigned (?).
Replays 1st Round (8 september 1888):
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Renfrew(x)                  3-1
Royal Albert(x)             - Motherwell(x)               1-2
Rutherglen(x)               - Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       2-2 (#)
Thornhill(x)                - Vale of Nith(x)             0-1 (*)
West Calder(x)              - Broxburn Shamrock(x)        2-1
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
(*) match void.
2nd Replay 1st Round (Dumfries):
Thornhill(x)                - Vale of Nith(x)             wo (15 sep)
Broughty(x), Broxburn(x), 1st Renfrew RV(x), Vale of Leven(x),
Glasgow University(x) and Uddingston(x) bye.
2nd Round (22 september 1888):
Albion Rovers(x)            - Rutherglen(x)               9-1
Alva(x)                     - Campsie(x)                  0-6
Arbroath(x)                 - Montrose(x)                 6-2
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - Pollokshaws(x)              3-2
Battlefield(x)              - United Abstainers(x)       11-0 !
Broughty(x)                 - Dundee Harp(x)              2-4
Broxburn(x)                 - Adventurers(x)              9-3
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Carfin Shamrock(x)          4-2
Celtic Glasgow(x)           - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         8-0
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Rangers Glasgow(x)          2-2
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Uddingston(x)               1-5
Coupar Angus(x)             - Erin Rovers Perth(x)        1-3
Cowdenbeath(x)              - Dunfermline Athletic(x)     2-4
Dumbarton Athletic(x)       - Vale of Leven(x)            4-2
Dykebar(x)                  - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        1-6
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Vale of Bannock(x)         11-2 !
Fair City Athletic(x)       - Crieff(x)                   7-1
Falkirk(x)                  - Gairdoch(x)                 8-3
Forfar Athletic(x)          - Dundee Wanderers(x)         6-5
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - Erin Rovers Bathgate(x)     4-0
Hurlford(x)                 - Annbank(x)                  4-5 (*)
Kelvinside Athletic(x)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     0-8
Kilmarnock(x)               - Kilbirnie(x)                1-3
Lanemark(x)                 - Stewarton Cunninghame(x)    2-0
Morton Greenock(x)          - Abercorn Paisley(x)         1-4
Motherwell(x)               - Hamilton Academical(x)      5-1
Newmilns ARV(x)             - Maybole(x)                  4-4
Norton Park(x)              - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   1-3 (29 sep)
Oban FC(x)                  - Lochgilphead(x)             4-2
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Lochee(x)                   4-2
Pollokshaws Harp(x)         - Thornliebank(x)             2-5
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Newton Stewart Athletic(x) 14-2 !
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Thistle(x)                  6-0
Slamannan(x)                - King's Park(x)              3-3
Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     - Renton(x)                   2-10 !
Vale of Leven Hibernian(x)  - Methlan Park(x)             1-3
Vale of Nith(x)             - Mid Annandale(x)            3-1
West Calder(x)              - Mossend Swifts(x)           1-6
Woodvale(x)                 - 1st Renfrew RV(x)            ? (*)
(*) match void.
Repeat 2nd Round:
Hurlford(x)                 - Annbank(x)                  2-2 (6 oct)
Replays 2nd Round (29 september 1888):
Annbank(x)                  - Hurlford(x)                 2-3aet
King's Park(x)              - Slamannan(x)               13-1 !
Maybole(x)                  - Newmilns ARV(x)             6-2
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Clyde Glasgow(x)            0-3
1st Renfrew RV(x)           - Woodvale(x)                 wo
Armadale(x), Cambuslang Hibernian(x), Dumbarton(x), Dunblane(x),
Glasgow University(x), Irvine(x) and Kirkcaldy Wanderers(x) bye.
3rd Round (13 october 1888):
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        0-7
Battlefield(x)              - Dumbarton Athletic(x)       1-3
Broxburn(x)                 - Heart of Midlothian(x)      2-2
Celtic Glasgow(x)           - Albion Rovers(x)            4-1
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Cambuslang Hibernian(x)     4-0
Dunblane(x)                 - Erin Rovers Perth(x)        4-4
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - King's Park(x)              4-0
Falkirk(x)                  - Campsie(x)                  2-2
Forfar Athletic(x)          - Arbroath(x)                 1-2
Hurlford(x)                 - Irvine(x)                   4-2 (20 oct)
Kirkcaldy Wanderers(x)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   1-2
Lanemark(x)                 - Maybole(x)                  4-2
Mossend Swifts(x)           - Armadale(x)                 5-2
Motherwell(x)               - Dumbarton(x)                2-6
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Dundee Harp(x)              2-1
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Vale of Nith(x)            11-1 !
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-2 (*)
1st Renfrew RV(x)           - Kilbirnie(x)                3-4
Renton(x)                   - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       4-1
Thornliebank(x)             - Abercorn Paisley(x)         0-8
Uddingston(x)               - Glasgow University(x)       wo
(*) match void.
Replays 3rd Round (20 october 1888):
Campsie(x)                  - Falkirk(x)                  2-2 (#)
Erin Rovers Perth(x)        - Dunblane(x)                 0-6
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - Broxburn(x)                 2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     4-2
(#) both clubs qualified for next round.
Dunfermline Athletic(x), Fair City Athletic(x), Methlan Park(x)
and Oban FC(x) bye.
4th Round (3 november 1888):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Our Boys Dundee(x)         11-1 !
Campsie(x)                  - Heart of Midlothian(x)      3-1
Dumbarton(x)                - Methlan Park(x)             9-0
Dumbarton Athletic(x)       - Dunfermline Athletic(x)     wo
Dunblane(x)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  4-4
Fair City Athletic(x)       - Arbroath(x)                 1-3
Kilbirnie(x)                - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        1-6
Lanemark(x)                 - Renton(x)                   0-8
Oban FC(x)                  - Clyde Glasgow(x)            0-6
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Falkirk(x)                 10-2 !
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Celtic Glasgow(x)           1-4
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Hurlford(x)                 7-1
Uddingston(x)               - Mossend Swifts(x)           1-4
Replay 4th Round (10 november 1888):
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  - Dunblane(x)                 4-0
5th Round (24 november 1888):
Arbroath(x)                 - Renton(x)                   3-3
Celtic Glasgow(x)           - Clyde Glasgow(x)            0-1 (*)
Dumbarton(x)                - Mossend Swifts(x)           3-1 (1 dec)
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    3-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Abercorn Paisley(x)         5-4 (*)
(*) match void.
Repeat 5th Round:
Celtic Glasgow(x)           - Clyde Glasgow(x)            9-2 (8 dec)
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Abercorn Paisley(x)         2-2 (8 dec)
Replays 5th Round (1 december 1888):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     2-2 (15 dec)
Renton(x)                   - Arbroath(x)                 4-0
2nd Replay 5th Round (22 dec 1888):
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Abercorn Paisley(x)         3-1 (Ibrox)
Campsie(x), Dumbarton Athletic(x) and E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)
received bye.
Quarterfinals (15 december 1888):
Celtic Glasgow(x)           - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  2-1
Dumbarton(x)                - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        2-2
Dumbarton Athletic(x)       - Renton(x)                   1-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Campsie(x)                  6-1
Replay Quarterfinals:
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Dumbarton(x)                2-2 (22 dec)
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (29 dec 1888):
Dumbarton(x)                - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        3-1 (Ibrox)
Semifinals (12 january 1889):
Celtic Glasgow(x)           - Dumbarton(x)                4-1 (%)
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Renton(x)                   2-0 (%%)
(%) Boghead     (%%) Cathkin Park
Final (Glasgow, 2 february 1889):
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Celtic Glasgow(x)           3-0 (*)
(*) match void.
Repeat Final (Glasgow, 9 feb 1889):
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Celtic Glasgow(x)           2-1
Cupwinners: Third Lanark Glasgow.


x = Division unknown.
1st Round (7 september 1889):
Airdriehill(x)              - Motherwell(x)               5-6
Alloa Athletic(x)           - Denny(x)                    5-1
Alva(x)                     - King's Park(x)              3-6
Arbroath(x)                 - Dundee Harp(x)              3-5
Armadale(x)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      2-3
Arthurlie Barrhead(x)       - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        2-4
Ayr FC(x)                   - Beith(x)                   16-0 !
Bathgate Rovers(x)          - Champfleurie(x)             3-3
Bellstane Birds(x)          - Norton Park(x)              6-3
Bowling(x)                  - Renton(x)                   1-8
Broughty(x)                 - East End Dundee(x)          1-6
Bute Rangers(x)             - Kilbarchan(x)               1-2
Cambuslang St Bride's(x)    - Airdrie(x)                  1-6
Carfin Shamrock(x)          - Albion Rovers(x)            4-0
Carrington(x)               - Maryhill(x)                 0-3
Celtic Glasgow(x)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-0aband
Clydebank FC(x)             - Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     3-1 ($)
Clydesdale Glasgow(x)       - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       1-6
Cowdenbeath(x)              - Kirkcaldy Wanderers(x)      8-0
Dalry(x)                    - Kilbirnie(x)                3-3
Dunblane(x)                 - Caledonian Rangers(x)       4-1
Dunipace(x)                 - Laurieston(x)               2-3
Duntocher Harp(x)           - Smithston Hibernian(x)      5-0
Fair City Athletic(x)       - Coupar Angus(x)             8-0
Gairdoch(x)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  0-7
Glasgow Hibernian(x)        - Thistle(x)                  1-3
Hamilton Academical(x)      - Wishaw Thistle(x)           0-5
Irvine(x)                   - Lugar Boswell(x)            2-2
Jamestown(x)                - Methlan Park(x)             2-4
Kelvinside Athletic(x)      - Southern Athletic(x)        wo
Kilmarnock(x)               - Annbank(x)                  2-3
Kilsyth Wanderers(x)        - Stenhousemuir(x)            5-1
Lassodie(x)                 - Burntisland Thistle(x)      3-2
Leith Athletic(x)           - Adventurers(x)              6-2
Lindertis Kirriemuir(x)     - Dundee Wanderers(x)         0-5
Linthouse(x)                - Fairfield(x)                7-2
Lochee(x)                   - Brechin(x)                  4-1
Lochwinnoch(x)              - Abercorn Paisley(x)         1-10 ! (31 aug)
Mauchline(x)                - Newmilns(x)                 1-4
Maybole(x)                  - Ayr Athletic(x)             6-6
Mid Annandale(x)            - Fifth KRV(x)                3-11 !
Moffat(x)                   - Dumfries(x)                 8-0
Montrose(x)                 - Forfar Athletic(x)          2-4
Morton Greenock(x)          - Carlton Greenock(x)         8-0
Mossend Swifts(x)           - FC Bo'ness(x)               6-0
Newton Stewart Athletic(x)  - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    3-4
Oban FC(x)                  - Oban Rangers(x)             5-2
Old Kilpatrick(x)           - Union(x)                    1-7
Orion(x)                    - Victoria United(x)          3-1
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - Strathmore(x)               6-3
Our Boys Perth(x)           - St.Johnstone Perth(x)       3-5
Pollokshaws(x)              - Dykebar(x)                  3-1
Pollokshaws Harp(x)         - 1st Renfrew RV(x)           1-7
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Neilston(x)                 2-1
Portland Lybstor(x)         - Aberdeen(x)                 wo
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(x)   - Dunfermline Athletic(x)     1-2
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - United Abstainers(x)        6-2
Renfrew(x)                  - Greenock Abstainers(x)      wo
Royal Albert(x)             - Whifflet Shamrock(x)       12-0 !
Rutherglen(x)               - Uddingston(x)               2-8
Shettleston(x)              - Battlefield(x)              1-7
Slamannan(x)                - Grangemouth(x)              0-8
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(x)   - Heart of Midlothian(x)      0-3
Stevenston Thistle(x)       - Kilmarnock Athletic(x)      4-1
Stewarton Cunninghame(x)    - Hurlford(x)                 0-5
Temperance Athletic(x)      - Summerton Athletic(x)       wo
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Partick Thistle(x)          3-2
Thornliebank(x)             - Johnstone Harp(x)           wo
Tillicoultry(x)             - Falkirk(x)                  1-11 !
Vale of Atholl(x)           - Crieff(x)                   wo
Vale of Bannock(x)          - Campsie(x)                  3-6
Vale of Leven(x)            - Dumbarton(x)                0-0
Victoria(x)                 - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         1-21 !!
West Calder(x)              - Broxburn(x)                 2-9 (31 aug)
Whitefield(x)               - Northern(x)                 0-5
($) Clydebank FC resigned.
Replays 1st Round (14 september 1889):
Ayr Athletic(x)             - Maybole(x)                  3-1
Champfleurie(x)             - Bathgate Rovers(x)          wo
Dumbarton(x)                - Vale of Leven(x)            1-1 (%)
Irvine(x)                   - Lugar Boswell(x)            8-0 (?)
Kilbirnie(x)                - Dalry(x)                    5-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Celtic Glasgow(x)           2-1
(%) both clubs qualified for next round.
Camelon(x), Clyde Glasgow(x), Dumfries Harp(x), Dunfermline(x),
Edinburgh University(x), Kirkintilloch Athletic(x), Lanemark(x)
and Lochgilphead(x) bye.
2nd Round (28 september 1889):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Thornliebank(x)            10-1 !
Aberdeen(x)                 - Orion(x)                    2-1
Airdrie(x)                  - Uddingston(x)               5-2
Battlefield(x)              - Thistle(x)                  0-2
Bellstane Birds(x)          - Heart of Midlothian(x)      1-4
Broxburn(x)                 - Leith Athletic(x)           2-2
Camelon(x)                  - Grangemouth(x)              4-4
Campsie(x)                  - Alloa Athletic(x)           3-7
Carfin Shamrock(x)          - Motherwell(x)               6-2
Clyde Glasgow(x)            - Northern(x)                 1-2
Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         - Linthouse(x)                1-1
Dumfries Harp(x)            - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    1-5
Dundee Harp(x)              - Our Boys Dundee(x)          5-6
Dundee Wanderers(x)         - East End Dundee(x)          0-2
Dunfermline Athletic(x)     - Dunfermline(x)              wo
Duntocher Harp(x)           - Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     3-4
Falkirk(x)                  - King's Park(x)              5-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Mossend Swifts(x)           4-3
Kelvinside Athletic(x)      - Rangers Glasgow(x)          0-13 !
Kilbirnie(x)                - Newmilns(x)                 5-0
Lanemark(x)                 - Hurlford(x)                 2-1
Lassodie(x)                 - Cowdenbeath(x)              3-3 (?)
Laurieston(x)               - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  1-4
Lochee(x)                   - Forfar Athletic(x)          1-7
Lugar Boswell(x)            - Ayr FC(x)                   0-2
Moffat(x)                   - Fifth KRV(x)                4-1
Oban FC(x)                  - Lochgilphead(x)             wo
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Greenock Abstainers(x)      8-0
1st Renfrew RV(x)           - Morton Greenock(x)          2-10 !
Renton(x)                   - Dumbarton(x)                1-2
Royal Albert(x)             - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       1-1
Stevenston Thistle(x)       - Annbank(x)                  3-2
St.Johnstone Perth(x)       - Fair City Athletic(x)       2-2
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Kilbarchan(x)               6-0
Summerton Athletic(x)       - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     0-11 !
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Maryhill(x)                 9-3
Union(x)                    - Kirkintilloch Athletic(x)   5-2
Vale of Atholl(x)           - Dunblane(x)                 4-9
Vale of Leven(x)            - Methlan Park(x)             4-1
Replays 2nd Round (5 october 1889):
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Royal Albert(x)             4-1
Fair City Athletic(x)       - St.Johnstone Perth(x)       3-2
Grangemouth(x)              - Camelon(x)                  7-2
Leith Athletic(x)           - Broxburn(x)                 2-1
Linthouse(x)                - Cowlairs Glasgow(x)         3-2
Ayr Athletic(x), Kilsyth Wanderers(x), Edinburgh University(x),
Wishaw Thistle(x), Pollokshaws(x) and Champfleurie(x) bye.
3rd Round (19 october 1889):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Stevenston Thistle(x)       5-2
Aberdeen(x)                 - Forfar Athletic(x)          5-3
Alloa Athletic(x)           - Oban FC(x)                  3-0
Champfleurie(x)             - Heart of Midlothian(x)      0-5
Dumbarton(x)                - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-1
Dunblane(x)                 - Fair City Athletic(x)       3-0
Dunfermline Athletic(x)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      4-4
Edinburgh University(x)     - Leith Athletic(x)           0-9
Falkirk(x)                  - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  1-6
Grangemouth(x)              - Kilsyth Wanderers(x)        2-2
Lanemark(x)                 - Ayr Athletic(x)             4-3
Moffat(x)                   - Queen/South Wanderers(x)    0-0
Morton Greenock(x)          - Ayr FC(x)                   1-4
Northern(x)                 - Carfin Shamrock(x)          2-1 (@)
Our Boys Dundee(x)          - East End Dundee(x)          2-3
Port Glasgow Athletic(x)    - Kilbirnie(x)                3-4
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Vale/Leven Wanderers(x)     8-0
Rangers Glasgow(x)          - Vale of Leven(x)            0-0
St.Mirren Paisley(x)        - Pollokshaws(x)              5-1
Thistle(x)                  - Airdrie(x)                  2-2
Union(x)                    - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       1-3 (@)
Wishaw Thistle(x)           - Linthouse(x)                8-5 (?)
(@) match void.
Repeat 3rd Round:
Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       - Union(x)                    6-0 (2 nov)
Northern(x)                 - Carfin Shamrock(x)          3-4 (2 nov)
Replays 3rd Round (26 october 1889):
Airdrie(x)                  - Thistle(x)                  3-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      - Dunfermline Athletic(x)    11-1 !
Kilsyth Wanderers(x)        - Grangemouth(x)              0-1
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Moffat(x)                   5-5 (%)
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Dumbarton(x)                1-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Rangers Glasgow(x)          3-2
Cowdenbeath(x) bye.
(%) both clubs qualified for next round.
4th Round (9 november 1889):
Aberdeen(x)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     1-13 !
Airdrie(x)                  - Abercorn Paisley(x)         2-3
Ayr FC(x)                   - Leith Athletic(x)           2-2
Dunblane(x)                 - Cowdenbeath(x)              4-6
East End Dundee(x)          - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       3-2 (*)
Grangemouth(x)              - Vale of Leven(x)            1-7
Heart of Midlothian(x)      - Alloa Athletic(x)           9-1
Kilbirnie(x)                - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(x)  5-2
Lanemark(x)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        2-8
Moffat(x)                   - Carfin Shamrock(x)          4-2
Queen/South Wanderers(x)    - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      3-7
Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     - Linthouse(x)                2-0
(*) match void.
Replays 4th Round:
East End Dundee(x)          - Cambuslang Glasgow(x)       3-2 (23 nov)
Leith Athletic(x)           - Ayr FC(x)                   4-1 (16 nov)
5th Round (30 november 1889):
Cowdenbeath(x)              - Abercorn Paisley(x)         2-8
Moffat(x)                   - East End Dundee(x)          2-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - St.Mirren Paisley(x)        1-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - Heart of Midlothian(x)      3-1
4 clubs received byes.
Replay 5th Round:
East End Dundee(x)          - Moffat(x)                   5-1 (7 dec)
Quarterfinals (21 december 1889):
Abercorn Paisley(x)         - Hibernian Edinburgh(x)      6-2
Kilbirnie(x)                - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     1-4
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Leith Athletic(x)           1-0
Vale of Leven(x)            - East End Dundee(x)          4-0
Semifinals (18 january 1890):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Abercorn Paisley(x)         2-0 (>)
Vale of Leven(x)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(x)     3-0 (#)
(>) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Alexandria
Final (Glasgow, 15 february 1890):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Vale of Leven(x)            1-1
Replay Final (Glasgow, 22 feb 1890):
Queen's Park Glasgow(x)     - Vale of Leven(x)            2-1
Cupwinners: Queen's Park Glasgow.


1  = Scottish League.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (6 september 1890):
Abercorn Paisley(1)         - Irvine(NL)                  8-0
Annan(NL)                   - Dumfries Wanderers(NL)      2-8
Arthurlie Barrhead(NL)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-5
Ayr FC(NL)                  - Kilbarchan(NL)              wo
Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           - Kilbirnie(NL)               6-1
Bathgate Rovers(NL)         - Dunfermline Athletic(NL)    3-2
Battlefield(NL)             - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-4
Brechin(NL)                 - Kirriemuir(NL)              3-4
Bridge of Allan(NL)         - Southfield Rangers(NL)      7-2
Broxburn(NL)                - West Calder(NL)             wo
Burnbank Swifts(NL)         - United Abstainers(NL)      11-0 !
Burntisland Thistle(NL)     - Bonnyrigg Rose(NL)          4-2
Caledonian(NL)              - Victoria United(NL)         2-1
Cambuslang Glasgow(1)       - Glasgow Wanderers(NL)       3-1
Camelon(NL)                 - Alloa Athletic(NL)          4-3
Campsie(NL)                 - Laurieston(NL)              4-1
Campsie Hibernian(NL)       - Clydesdale Athletic(NL)     3-6
Carlton Greenock(NL)        - Lugar Boswell(NL)           wo
Carrington(NL)              - Albion Rovers(NL)           1-2
Cartha(NL)                  - Carfin Shamrock(NL)         wo
Cathcart(NL)                - Pollokshaws Harp(NL)        5-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Clackmannan(NL)             - Milton of Campsie(NL)       9-0
Clyde Glasgow(NL)           - Whitefield(NL)              7-2
Cowdenbeath(NL)             - Linlithgow Athletic(NL)    10-1 !
Cowlairs Glasgow(1)         - Airdrieonians Airdrie(NL)   1-3 (Airdrie)
Crieff(NL)                  - Vale of Atholl(NL)          wo
Dalry(NL)                   - Pollokshaws(NL)             5-2
Denny(NL)                   - Alloa FC(NL)                0-4
Douglas Rovers(NL)          - Fifth KRV(NL)               0-5
Dundee Wanderers(NL)        - Arbroath(NL)                3-3
Dunipace(NL)                - Vale/Leven Wanderers(NL)    wo
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Grangemouth(NL)             8-2
Fair City Athletic(NL)      - Dunblane(NL)                7-3
FC Bo'ness(NL)              - Blair Adam(NL)              wo
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - Our Boys Dundee(NL)         2-7
Greenock Abstainers(NL)     - Newmilns(NL)                0-13 !
Hamilton Academical(NL)     - Linthouse(NL)               wo
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(NL)  7-2
Inveraray(NL)               - Lochgilphead(NL)            4-1
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-4
Kelvinside Athletic(NL)     - Glasgow Hibernian(NL)       1-1
Kilmarnock(NL)              - Annbank(NL)                 4-4
Kilsyth Wanderers(NL)       - Renton(NL)                  2-1
Kirkcaldy Wanderers(NL)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(NL)     3-4
Kirkintilloch Athletic(NL)  - Clydebank FC(NL)            2-2
Lanemark(NL)                - Dykebar(NL)                 wo
Leith Athletic(NL)          - Annandale(NL)               3-2
Lochee(NL)                  - Dundee Harp(NL)             wo
Maryhill(NL)                - Southern Athletic(NL)       wo
Mauchline(NL)               - Kilmarnock Athletic(NL)     1-3
Maybole(NL)                 - Hurlford(NL)                3-4
Methlan Park(NL)            - King's Park(NL)             1-0
Mid Annandale(NL)           - Rising Thistle(NL)         15-1 !
Montrose(NL)                - Broughty(NL)                7-1
Morton Greenock(NL)         - Ayr Athletic(NL)            7-2
Mossend Swifts(NL)          - Lassodie(NL)                wo
Motherwell Shamrock(NL)     - Fairfield(NL)               3-7
Neilston(NL)                - Bute Rangers(NL)            7-3
Newton Stewart Athletic(NL) - Dumfries(NL)                0-9 (Dumfries)
Northern(NL)                - Clydesdale Glasgow(NL)      5-0 ($)
Oban FC(NL)                 - Oban Rangers(NL)            3-0
Old Kilpatrick(NL)          - Jamestown(NL)               1-6
Orion(NL)                   - Aberdeen(NL)                1-5
Penicuik Athletic(NL)       - Champfleurie(NL)            5-3
Port Glasgow Athletic(NL)   - Monkcastle(NL)              0-2
Royal Albert(NL)            - Motherwell(NL)              5-4
Rutherglen(NL)              - St.Bride's(NL)              wo
Saltcoats Victoria(NL)      - Lochwinnoch(NL)             4-3
Slamannan(NL)               - Gairdoch(NL)                6-2
Smithston Hibernian(NL)     - Dumbarton(1)                2-8 (Dumbarton)
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(NL)  - Adventurers(NL)             7-0 (%)
Stenhousemuir(NL)           - Vale of Leven(1)            wo
Stevenston Thistle(NL)      - Stewarton Cunninghame(NL)   9-2
St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      - Coupar Angus(NL)            2-2 (&)
Stranraer(NL)               - Moffat(NL)                  wo
Strathmore(NL)              - East End Dundee(NL)         wo
Thistle(NL)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    3-5
Tillicoultry(NL)            - Dalmuir Thistle(NL)         1-5
Uddingston(NL)              - Hamilton Harp(NL)           6-0
Union Dumbarton(NL)         - Grasshoppers(NL)           12-1 !
Vale of Bannock(NL)         - Falkirk(NL)                 wo
Whifflet Shamrock(NL)       - Summerton Athletic(NL)      wo
Wishaw Thistle(NL)          - Partick Thistle(NL)         3-2
(%) St.Bernard's Edinburgh disqualified.
(&) St.Johnstone Perth declared winners.
($) match void.
Repeat 1st Round (13 sep):
Northern(NL)                - Clydesdale Glasgow(NL)      7-1
Replays 1st Round (13 sep 1890):
Annbank(NL)                 - Kilmarnock(NL)              6-2
Arbroath(NL)                - Dundee Wanderers(NL)        4-1
Clydebank FC(NL)            - Kirkintilloch Athletic(NL)  4-3
Glasgow Hibernian(NL)       - Kelvinside Athletic(NL)     5-1
Beith(NL), Bellstane Birds(NL), Glengowan(NL), Portland Lybstor(NL)
and Edinburgh University(NL) bye.
2nd Round (27 september 1890):
Abercorn Paisley(1)         - Cathcart(NL)               12-0 !
Aberdeen(NL)                - Caledonian(NL)              8-0
Adventurers(NL)             - Vale/Leven Wanderers(NL)    wo
Airdrieonians Airdrie(NL)   - Annbank(NL)                 3-1
Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           - Summerton Athletic(NL)      1-2
Bathgate Rovers(NL)         - Union Dumbarton(NL)         6-2
Beith(NL)                   - Cambuslang Glasgow(1)       2-4
Bridge of Allan(NL)         - Vale of Leven(1)            1-5
Broxburn(NL)                - Clackmannan(NL)             5-2
Burnbank Swifts(NL)         - Stevenston Thistle(NL)      2-1 ($)
Camelon(NL)                 - Alloa FC(NL)                2-1
Campsie(NL)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 4-4
Carlton Greenock(NL)        - Glengowan(NL)               wo
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Carfin Shamrock(NL)         2-2
Clydesdale Athletic(NL)     - Kilsyth Wanderers(NL)       3-5
Clyde Glasgow(NL)           - Hurlford(NL)                4-3
Crieff(NL)                  - Fair City Athletic(NL)      0-11 !
Dalmuir Thistle(NL)         - Cowdenbeath(NL)             5-7
Dumfries Wanderers(NL)      - Dumfries(NL)                6-5
Dundee Harp(NL)             - Arbroath(NL)                1-5
East End Dundee(NL)         - St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      4-2
Fairfield(NL)               - Royal Albert(NL)            2-5
FC Bo'ness(NL)              - Bellstane Birds(NL)         7-0 (11 okt)
Fifth KRV(NL)               - Mid Annandale(NL)           9-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Burntisland Thistle(NL)     wo
Hibernian Edinburgh(NL)     - Dumbarton(1)                1-9
Inveraray(NL)               - Oban FC(NL)                 4-2
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Portland Lybstor(NL)        wo
Jamestown(NL)               - Mossend Swifts(NL)          2-5
Kirriemuir(NL)              - Montrose(NL)                0-3
Leith Athletic(NL)          - Falkirk(NL)                 7-2
Linthouse(NL)               - Maryhill(NL)                7-2
Monkcastle(NL)              - Dalry(NL)                   4-3
Morton Greenock(NL)         - Neilston(NL)                3-2
Newmilns(NL)                - Uddingston(NL)              2-2
Penicuik Athletic(NL)       - Methlan Park(NL)            3-4
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Northern(NL)                5-1
Rutherglen(NL)              - Ayr FC(NL)                  1-3
Saltcoats Victoria(NL)      - Lanemark(NL)                3-2
Slamannan(NL)               - Clydebank FC(NL)            5-2 ($)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Albion Rovers(NL)           5-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Kilmarnock Athletic(NL)     8-1
Wishaw Thistle(NL)          - Glasgow Hibernian(NL)       4-1
($) match void.
Our Boys Dundee(NL), Edinburgh University(NL) and Stranraer(NL)
received byes.
Repeat 2nd Round:
Burnbank Swifts(NL)         - Stevenston Thistle(NL)      3-0
Slamannan(NL)               - Clydebank FC(NL)            3-5
Replays 2nd Round:
Campsie(NL)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 1-3 (Bainsford)
Carfin Shamrock(NL)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
Uddingston(NL)              - Newmilns(NL)                5-1
3rd Round (18 october 1890):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(NL)   - Glengowan(NL)               8-0
Bathgate Rovers(NL)         - Broxburn(NL)                6-0
Cambuslang Glasgow(1)       - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-2
Clyde Glasgow(NL)           - Ayr FC(NL)                  3-4
Dumbarton(1)                - Clydebank FC(NL)            6-0
Dumfries Wanderers(NL)      - Stranraer(NL)               wo
Edinburgh University(NL)    - Cowdenbeath(NL)             3-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Camelon(NL)                 3-3
FC Bo'ness(NL)              - Mossend Swifts(NL)          1-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Aberdeen(NL)                6-2
Kilsyth Wanderers(NL)       - Vale of Leven(1)            0-8
Leith Athletic(NL)          - Adventurers(NL)            12-0 !
Linthouse(NL)               - Abercorn Paisley(1)         3-4
Methlan Park(NL)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-3
Monkcastle(NL)              - Burnbank Swifts(NL)         1-7
Montrose(NL)                - Fair City Athletic(NL)      4-1
Morton Greenock(NL)         - Inveraray(NL)              10-0 !
Our Boys Dundee(NL)         - East End Dundee(NL)         4-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Uddingston(NL)              6-0
Royal Albert(NL)            - Saltcoats Victoria(NL)      6-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Summerton Athletic(NL)      8-1
Wishaw Thistle(NL)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-6
Arbroath(NL) and Fifth KRV(NL) bye.
Replays 3rd Round (25 october):
Camelon(NL)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 6-10 !
Mossend Swifts(NL)          - FC Bo'ness(NL)              9-1
4th Round (8 november 1890):
Abercorn Paisley(1)         - Bathgate Rovers(NL)         8-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(NL)   - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-2
Ayr FC(NL)                  - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-4
Dumbarton(1)                - Mossend Swifts(NL)          7-3
Edinburgh University(NL)    - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    0-7
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-0
Fifth KRV(NL)               - Arbroath(NL)                6-2
Leith Athletic(NL)          - Vale of Leven(1)            3-1
Montrose(NL)                - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-3
Morton Greenock(NL)         - Dumfries Wanderers(NL)      6-4
Our Boys Dundee(NL)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
Royal Albert(NL)            - Burnbank Swifts(NL)         1-0
5th Round (29 november 1890):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Royal Albert(NL)            2-2 (Larkhall) (*)
Dumbarton(1)                - Fifth KRV(NL)               2-0 (*)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Morton Greenock(NL)         5-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    2-3 (6 dec)
(*) match void, match played as friendly.
4 clubs received byes.
Repeat 5th Round (6 december 1890):
Royal Albert(NL)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-4aband
Dumbarton(1)                - Fifth KRV(NL)               8-0
2nd Repeat 5th Round (13 dec 1890):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Royal Albert(NL)            2-0 (Ibrox)
Quarterfinals (20 december 1890):
Dumbarton(1)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 3-1
Leith Athletic(NL)          - Abercorn Paisley(1)         2-3
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1 (10 jan)
Replay Quarterfinals (17 january 1890):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    2-2
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (24 jan 1890):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    4-1 (Hampden)
Semifinals (31 january 1890):
Dumbarton(1)                - Abercorn Paisley(1)         3-1 (17 jan)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-4
Final (Hampden Park, 7 feb 1891):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dumbarton(1)                1-0
Cupwinners: Heart of Midlothian (Edinburgh).


1  = Scottish League.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (28 november 1891):
Abercorn Paisley(1)         - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    2-3
Aberdeen(NL)                - Mid Annandale(NL)           2-6 (5 dec)
Annbank(NL)                 - Battlefield(NL)             2-1
Broxburn Shamrock(NL)       - Northern(NL)                7-2
Cowlairs Glasgow(NL)        - Cambuslang Glasgow(1)       3-1 (12 dec)
Dumbarton(1)                - Thistle(NL)                 4-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Kilmarnock(NL)              1-6
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-1aband
Kilmarnock Athletic(NL)     - Bridge of Allan(NL)         7-2
Leith Athletic(1)           - Dunblane(NL)                5-0
Linthouse(NL)               - Bathgate Rovers(NL)         0-6
Monkcastle(NL)              - Arbroath(NL)                3-4
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(NL)  5-1
Renton(1)                   - Ayr FC(NL)                  7-4
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-4
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Vale of Leven(1)            3-0
Replay 1st Round (5 december 1891):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            8-0
2nd Round (19 december 1891):
Annbank(NL)                 - Leith Athletic(1)           2-1 (11 dec)
Arbroath(NL)                - Renton(1)                   0-3 (11 dec)(Dundee)
Broxburn Shamrock(NL)       - Heart of Midlothian(1)      4-5
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock Athletic(NL)     3-0
Cowlairs Glasgow(NL)        - Mid Annandale(NL)          11-2 !
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Bathgate Rovers(NL)         6-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(NL)              0-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Dumbarton(1)                1-3
Replay 2nd Round (26 december 1891):
Kilmarnock(NL)              - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1
2nd Replay 2nd Round (23 jan 1892):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(NL)              3-2 (Westmarch)
Quarterfinals (23 january 1892):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Cowlairs Glasgow(NL)        4-1
Dumbarton(1)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    2-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Annbank(NL)                 2-0 (30 jan)
Renton(1)                   - Heart of Midlothian(1)      4-4
Replays Quarterfinals (30 january 1892):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Renton(1)                   2-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Dumbarton(1)                4-1
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (6 feb 1892):
Renton(1)                   - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-2 (Hampden)
Semifinals (6 february 1892):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          5-3 (*)
Renton(1)                   - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    1-1 (13 feb) (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Renton
Replay Semifinals (27 february 1892):
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Renton(1)                   3-0 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Ibrox Park, 12 march 1892):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    1-0 (%)
(%) match void.
Repeat Final (Ibrox Park, 9 april 1892):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    5-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Scottish League.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (26 november 1892):
Abercorn Paisley(1)         - Renton(1)                   6-0
Aberdeen(NL)                - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-6
Airdrie(NL)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-6
Albion Rovers(NL)           - Kilmarnock(NL)              1-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Linthouse(NL)               3-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dumbarton(1)                4-1 (*)
Cowlairs Glasgow(NL)        - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    2-5 (*)
Dunblane(NL)                - Broxburn Shamrock(NL)       0-3
Fifth KRV(NL)               - Camelon(NL)                 5-3
King's Park(NL)             - Monkcastle(NL)              6-2
Motherwell(NL)              - Campsie(NL)                 9-2 (*)
Northern(NL)                - Leith Athletic(1)           1-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Annbank(NL)                 7-0
Royal Albert(NL)            - Cambuslang Glasgow(NL)      6-1
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(NL)  - Queen/South Wanderers(NL)   5-1
Stenhousemuir(NL)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1
(*) match void.
Replays 1st Round (17 dec 1892):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dumbarton(1)                1-6
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Cowlairs Glasgow(NL)        4-1 (21 jan)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Stenhousemuir(NL)           8-0
Motherwell(NL)              - Campsie(NL)                 6-4
2nd Round (17 december 1892):
Abercorn Paisley(1)         - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     4-5
Broxburn Shamrock(NL)       - King's Park(NL)             3-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Fifth KRV(NL)               7-0
Kilmarnock(NL)              - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    0-8 (28 jan)
Leith Athletic(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2
Motherwell(NL)              - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-4 (24 dec)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dumbarton(1)                1-0 (21 jan)
Royal Albert(NL)            - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(NL)  1-1
Replay 2nd Round (24 december 1892):
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(NL)  - Royal Albert(NL)            5-2
Quarterfinals (21 january 1893):
Broxburn Shamrock(NL)       - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     5-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    1-1 (4 feb)
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(NL)  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          3-2 (28 jan)
Replay Quarterfinals (11 february 1893):
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      5-2
Semifinals (4 february 1893):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(NL)  5-0 (%)
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Broxburn Shamrock(NL)       4-2 (#)
(%) Celtic Park, Glasgow   (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Ibrox Park, 25 feb 1893):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    1-0 ($)
($) match void (difficult field-condition).
Replay Final (Ibrox Park, 11 march 1893):
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-1
Cupwinners: Queen's Park Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (25 november 1893):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Fifth KRV(NL)               2-1
Albion Rovers(NL)           - Black Watch(NL)             6-0
Broxburn Shamrock(NL)       - Arbroath(NL)                3-8
Cambuslang Hibernian(NL)    - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 3-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hurlford(NL)                6-0
Grangemouth(NL)             - Renton(1)                   1-7
Kilmarnock(NL)              - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   1-3
King's Park(NL)             - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-5
Linthouse(NL)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    1-5
Orion(NL)                   - Leith Athletic(1)           2-11 !
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - Airdrie(NL)                 7-5
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Cowlairs Glasgow(2)         8-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Heart of Midlothian(2)      1-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Inverness Thistle(NL)       9-3
Thistle(2)                  - Battlefield(NL)             1-3
Vale of Leven(NL)           - Dumbarton(1)                1-2
2nd Round (16 december 1893):
Arbroath(NL)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    0-3
Battlefield(NL)             - Abercorn Paisley(2)         3-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Albion Rovers(NL)           7-0
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Cambuslang Hibernian(NL)    6-0
Dumbarton(1)                - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   1-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Leith Athletic(1)           2-0
Renton(1)                   - Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    2-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        3-2
Replays 2nd Round (23 december 1893):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Battlefield(NL)             3-0
Renton(1)                   - Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    1-3
Quarterfinals (13 january 1894):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    3-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   8-1
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-5
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    2-1
Replay Quarterfinals (20 january 1894):
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Abercorn Paisley(2)         3-3
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (27 jan 1894):
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Abercorn Paisley(2)         2-0 (Ibrox)
Semifinals (3 february 1894):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    1-1 (*)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-5 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow   (#) Cathkin Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (10 february 1894):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    3-1 (%)
(%) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 17 feb 1894):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (24 november 1894):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Leith Athletic(1)           1-5 (*)
Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           - Polton Vale(NL)             5-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    4-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Stevenston Thistle(NL)      7-2
Dumbarton(1)                - Galston(NL)                 2-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Orion(NL)                   5-1 (Aberdeen)
Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      - Forfar Athletic(NL)         6-1
Kilmarnock(NL)              - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 5-1
Lochee United(NL)           - King's Park(NL)             2-5
Motherwell(2)               - Mossend Swifts(NL)          1-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(NL)  - Fifth KRV(NL)               6-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Slamannan Rovers(NL)        - Renton(2)                   2-3 (*)
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    4-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Battlefield(NL)             5-0 (*)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Annbank(NL)                 4-5 (Annbank)
(*) match void.
Replays 1st Round (8 december 1894):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Leith Athletic(1)           4-1
Renton(2)                   - Slamannan Rovers(NL)        4-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Battlefield(NL)             8-1
2nd Round (15 december 1894):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-6
Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           - Mossend Swifts(NL)          3-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Annbank(NL)                 4-2
Dundee FC(1)                - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0 (^)
King's Park(NL)             - Dumbarton(1)                2-1
Renton(2)                   - Fifth KRV(NL)               6-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - Kilmarnock(NL)              3-1
(^) match void.
Replay 2nd Round (29 december 1894):
Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-2
Quarterfinals (19 january 1895):
Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           - Renton(2)                   2-3
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   2-6 (2 feb) (&)
Dundee FC(1)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - King's Park(NL)             4-2 (12 jan)
(&) match void.
Replay Quarterfinals (23 february 1895):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   1-2
Semifinals (9 march 1895):
Dundee FC(1)                - Renton(2)                   1-2 (2 feb) (%)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   0-0 (#)
(%) Carolina Port    (#) Logie Green
(%) match played as friendly (difficult field-condition).
Herhaling Semifinals:
Dundee FC(1)                - Renton(2)                   1-1 (16 feb) (%)
(%) Carolina Port
Replays Semifinals (16 march 1895):
Dundee FC(1)                - Renton(2)                   3-3 (23 feb) (*)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   0-1 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Logie Green
2nd Replay Semifinals (9 march 1895):
Renton(2)                   - Dundee FC(1)                3-0 (^)
(^) Celtic Park, Glasgow
Final (Ibrox Park, 20 apr 1895):
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - Renton(2)                   2-1
Cupwinners: St.Bernard's Edinburgh.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (11 november 1895):
Annbank(NL)                 - Kilmarnock(2)               3-2 (18 jan)
Arbroath(NL)                - King's Park(NL)             5-0
Ayr FC(NL)                  - Abercorn Paisley(2)         3-2 (18 jan)
Blantyre(NL)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-12 !
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    2-4 (18 jan)
Dumbarton(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1 (18 jan)
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-3
Lochgelly United(NL)        - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(NL)  2-1 (*)
Morton Greenock(2)          - Dundee FC(1)                2-3
Polton Vale(NL)             - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-3
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - Arthurlie Barrhead(NL)      4-2 (18 jan)
Renton(2)                   - Cowdenbeath(NL)             1-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - Clackmannan(NL)             8-1
St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      - Dundee Wanderers(NL)        4-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Alloa Athletic(NL)          7-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Leith Athletic(2)           6-0 (18 jan)
(*) match void.
Repeat 1st Round (2 january 1896):
Lochgelly United(NL)        - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(NL)  2-5 (1 feb)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dumbarton(1)                3-1
2nd Round (25 january 1896):
Arbroath(NL)                - St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      3-1
Ayr FC(NL)                  - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-5 (1 feb)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(NL)  6-1 (8 feb)
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    8-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        5-0 (1 feb)
Renton(2)                   - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-1
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - Annbank(NL)                 2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Dundee FC(1)                4-1
Quarterfinals (8 february 1896):
Arbroath(NL)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-4
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   2-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-3 (13 feb)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Renton(2)                   3-3
Replay Quarterfinals (15 february 1896):
Renton(2)                   - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-0
Semifinals (22 february 1896):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   1-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Renton(2)                   2-1
Final (Logie Green, Edinburgh, 14 mrt):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-1
Cupwinners: Heart of Midlothian (Edinburgh).


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (9 january 1896):
Abercorn Paisley(1)         - Hurlford(NL)                4-0
Arthurlie Barrhead(NL)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           4-2
Blantyre(NL)                - Bathgate(NL)                5-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(NL)  2-1
Duncrab Park(NL)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-10 !
Dundee FC(1)                - Inverness Thistle(NL)       7-1
Falkirk(NL)                 - Orion(NL)                   2-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-0
Leith Athletic(2)           - Dunblane(NL)                5-1
Lochgelly United(NL)        - King's Park(NL)             1-2
Morton Greenock(2)          - St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      3-1
Motherwell(2)               - Kilmarnock(2)               3-3
Partick Thistle(2)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-4
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    2-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Renton(2)                   5-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Newton Stewart(NL)          8-1
Replay 1st Round (16 jan 1897):
Kilmarnock(2)               - Motherwell(2)               5-2
2nd Round (23 january 1897):
Abercorn Paisley(1)         - Blantyre(NL)                4-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(NL)      - Morton Greenock(2)          0-2 (*)
Dumbarton(2)                - Leith Athletic(2)           4-4 (6 feb)
Dundee FC(1)                - King's Park(NL)             4-2 (*)
Kilmarnock(2)               - Falkirk(NL)                 3-1 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        5-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Heart of Midlothian(1)      5-2 (6 feb)
(*) match void.
Replays 2nd Round (6 feb 1897):
Arthurlie Barrhead(NL)      - Morton Greenock(2)          1-5 (13 feb)
Leith Athletic(2)           - Dumbarton(2)                3-3
Dundee FC(1)                - King's Park(NL)             5-0 (30 jan)
Kilmarnock(2)               - Falkirk(NL)                 7-3
2nd Replay 2nd Round (20 feb 1897):
Dumbarton(2)                - Leith Athletic(2)           3-2 (Motherwell)
Quarterfinals (13 february 1897):
Dumbarton(2)                - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   2-0 (27 feb)
Dundee FC(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-4
Kilmarnock(2)               - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-1
Morton Greenock(2)          - Abercorn Paisley(1)         2-2 (20 feb)
Replay Quarterfinals (27 february 1897):
Abercorn Paisley(1)         - Morton Greenock(2)          2-3
Semifinals (13 march 1897):
Dumbarton(2)                - Kilmarnock(2)               4-3
Morton Greenock(2)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-7
Final (Hampden Park, 20 march 1897):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dumbarton(2)                5-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (8 january 1897):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(NL)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-7
Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           - Kilmarnock Athletic(NL)     2-1
Bathgate(NL)                - Cartvale(NL)                2-4
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-3 (15 jan)
Dumfries Hibernian(NL)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-7
Dundee FC(1)                - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1
Dundee Wanderers(NL)        - Orion(NL)                   3-2
FC Bo'ness(NL)              - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    0-6
Kilmarnock(2)               - Sixth GRV Dalbeattie(NL)    5-1
Leith Athletic(2)           - Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    2-0
Lochee United(NL)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-8
Morton Greenock(2)          - Motherwell(2)               7-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(NL)  - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 2-4
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Polton Vale(NL)             8-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - Dumbarton(NL)               1-1
Replays 1st Round (15 january 1898):
Dumbarton(NL)               - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   1-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Abercorn Paisley(2)         7-1
2nd Round (22 january 1898):
Dundee FC(1)                - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-0
Dundee Wanderers(NL)        - Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           3-6
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Morton Greenock(2)          4-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 3-1
Kilmarnock(2)               - Leith Athletic(2)           9-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Cartvale(NL)               12-0 !
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    0-5
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-2
Quarterfinals (5 february 1898):
Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           - Kilmarnock(2)               2-7
Dundee FC(1)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-0
Semifinals (19 february 1898):
Kilmarnock(2)               - Dundee FC(1)                3-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1
Replay Semifinals (26 feb 1898):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-2
2nd Replay Semifinals (12 mar 1898):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
Final (Hampden Park, 26 mar 1898):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(2)               2-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (14 january 1899):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Arbroath(NL)                3-3
Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           - Dundee FC(1)                3-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Wishaw Thistle(NL)          3-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Dumbarton(NL)               4-1
FC Bo'ness(NL)              - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   3-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Royal Albert(NL)            2-1
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - West Calder Swifts(NL)      4-5
Morton Greenock(2)          - Annbank(NL)                 3-1
Orion(NL)                   - Kilmarnock(2)               0-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Irvine(NL)                  5-0
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - Renton(NL)                  3-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Kilsyth Wanderers(NL)       4-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      4-1
Sixth GRV(NL)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-8
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Leith Athletic(2)           7-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Arthurlie Barrhead(NL)      4-1
Replays 1st Round (21 january 1899):
Arbroath(NL)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    3-2
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - FC Bo'ness(NL)              4-2
2nd Round (11 february 1899):
Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-4
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   3-0 (4 feb)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Arbroath(NL)                3-1 (4 feb)
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Kilmarnock(2)               1-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - Morton Greenock(2)          2-2
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - West Calder Swifts(NL)      3-1 (4 feb)
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      5-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-1
Replays 2nd Round (18 february 1899):
Kilmarnock(2)               - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 0-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - Partick Thistle(1)          1-2
2nd Replay 2nd Round (25 feb 1899):
Kilmarnock(2)               - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 4-2 (Cathkin Park)
Quarterfinals (18 february 1899):
Kilmarnock(2)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-2 (11 mar)
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-4aband
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - Partick Thistle(1)          7-3 (25 feb)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(1)            4-0
Repeat Quarterfinals (25 february 1899):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    2-1
Semifinals (11 march 1899):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    4-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2 (15 apr)
Final (Hampden Park, 22 april 1899):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (13 january 1900):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           5-2
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - FC Bo'ness(NL)              7-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Douglas Wanderers(NL)       8-0
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - Motherwell(2)               3-4
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Orion(NL)                   1-1
Galston(NL)                 - Partick Thistle(2)          1-2
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 2-0
Maybole(NL)                 - Wishaw Thistle(NL)          4-2
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - Falkirk(NL)                 7-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Leith Athletic(2)           3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Morton Greenock(2)          4-2
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   - Arbroath(NL)                1-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(NL)  5-1
Replays 1st Round (20 january 1900):
Orion(NL)                   - Forres Mechanics(NL)        4-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-3
2nd Round (27 january 1900):
Dundee FC(1)                - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Orion(NL)                  10-1 !
Partick Thistle(2)          - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(1)   2-1
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-5
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Abercorn Paisley(2)         5-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Maybole(NL)                12-0 !
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Motherwell(2)               2-1
Replays 2nd Round (3 february 1900):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                0-3 (17 feb)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Quarterfinals (10 february 1900):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(1)               4-0 (17 feb)
Partick Thistle(2)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-6 (17 feb)
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Dundee FC(1)                1-0 (24 feb)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Semifinals (10 march 1900):
Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-2 (24 feb)
Replay Semifinals (10 march 1900):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          4-0
Final (Ibrox Park, 14 may 1900):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(NL)    4-3
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (12 jan 1901):
Ayr FC(2)                   - Orion(NL)                   2-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  6-0 (5 jan)
Dundee FC(1)                - Arthurlie Barrhead(NL)      3-1
Dundee Wanderers(NL)        - Abercorn Paisley(2)         0-3 (31 dec)
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - Leith Athletic(2)           0-4
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Mossend Swifts(NL)          7-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dumbarton(NL)               7-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    3-2
Morton Greenock(1)          - FC Bo'ness(NL)             10-0 !
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - Newton Stewart(NL)          9-1
Royal Albert(NL)            - St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      1-1
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Partick Thistle(1)          5-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Kilwinning Eglinton(NL)    10-0 !
Stenhousemuir(NL)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Douglas Wanderers(NL)       5-0
Replays 1st Round (9 feb 1901):
Orion(NL)                   - Ayr FC(2)                   1-3 (19 jan)
St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      - Royal Albert(NL)            2-0 (?)
2nd Round (26 january 1901):
Ayr FC(2)                   - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(1)               2-1 (*)
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Dundee FC(1)                3-5 (9 feb)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     2-1 (9 feb)
Leith Athletic(2)           - Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    0-3 (9 feb)
Morton Greenock(1)          - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   1-1aband
Royal Albert(NL)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1 (16 feb)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Abercorn Paisley(2)         1-1
(*) match void. no referee present.
Repeat 2nd Round (9 feb 1901):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(1)               6-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   3-1
Replays 2nd Round (9 february 1901):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Royal Albert(NL)            1-0 (23 feb)
Quarterfinals (16 february 1901):
Dundee FC(1)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          2-0 (2 mar)
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-5
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-0
Replay Quarterfinals (23 february 1901):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (2 mar 1901):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-3aet (Hampden Park)
3rd Replay Quarterfinals (9 mar 1901):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-0 (Hampden Park)
Semifinals (9 march 1901):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-0 (23 mar)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Replay Semifinals (23 march 1901):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Final (Ibrox Park, 6 april 1901):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           4-3
Cupwinners: Heart of Midlothian (Edinburgh).


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (1 january 1902):
Arbroath(NL)                - Kilwinning Eglinton(NL)     3-2 (28 dec)
Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       - Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    1-1
Ayr FC(2)                   - Dundee FC(1)                0-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Thornliebank(NL)            3-0
Falkirk(NL)                 - Lochgelly United(NL)        2-0
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - Abercorn Paisley(2)         3-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Cowdenbeath(NL)             0-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Stranraer(NL)               6-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Partick Thistle(2)          4-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Maxwelltown Volunteers(NL)  7-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Johnstone(NL)               6-1
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Motherwell(2)               1-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    1-0
Stenhousemuir(NL)           - Stanley(NL)                 6-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Morton Greenock(1)          0-0
Replays (18 january 1902):
Cowdenbeath(NL)             - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-3
Dundee FC(1)                - Ayr FC(2)                   2-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-3
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       3-1
2nd Round (25 january 1902):
Arbroath(NL)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-3
Falkirk(NL)                 - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   2-0
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-4
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     4-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Dundee FC(1)                2-0
Port Glasgow Athletic(2)    - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-5
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    5-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Stenhousemuir(NL)           6-0
Falkirk(NL)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2 (8 feb)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1 (15 feb)
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-7 (22 feb)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(1)               2-0 (22 feb)
Replay Quarterfinals:
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1 (22 feb)
Semifinals (22 march 1902):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-3
Final (Celtic Park, 2 april 1902):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0
Cupwinners: Hibernian Edinburgh.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (24 january 1903):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Douglas Wanderers(NL)       2-2
Arbroath(NL)                - Kilmarnock(1)               1-3 (17 jan)
Ayr FC(2)                   - Camelon(NL)                 2-0 (10 jan)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2 (10 jan)
Dundee FC(1)                - Barholm Rovers(NL)          wo
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    5-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          7-0 (10 jan)
Leith Athletic(2)           - Broxburn United(NL)         4-1 (17 jan)
Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     - Orion(NL)                   1-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Motherwell(2)               1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Auchterarder Thistle(NL)    7-0 (10 jan)
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    1-2 (17 jan)
Stenhousemuir(NL)           - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-1 (2 jan)
St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-10 !
Vale of Leven(NL)           - Partick Thistle(1)          0-4
Replays 1st Round (31 january 1903):
Douglas Wanderers(NL)       - Abercorn Paisley(2)         3-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
2nd Replay 1st Round (7 february 1903):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-0aband
Repeat 2nd Replay 1st Round (7 feb 1903):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-0 (Celtic Park)
2nd Round (31 january 1903):
Ayr FC(2)                   - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-4 (24 jan)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    2-0 (21 feb)
Dundee FC(1)                - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     7-0
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Leith Athletic(2)           4-1 (24 jan)
Motherwell(2)               - Partick Thistle(1)          0-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(1)               4-0 (24 jan)
Stenhousemuir(NL)           - Douglas Wanderers(NL)       0-1aband (7 feb)
Repeat 2nd Round (14 feb 1903):
Stenhousemuir(NL)           - Douglas Wanderers(NL)       6-1
Replay 2nd Round (7 february 1903):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-0aband
Repeat Replay 2nd Round (14 feb 1903):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Hamilton Academical(2)      3-1
Quarterfinals (21 february 1903):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3 (28 feb)
Dundee FC(1)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0 (7 feb)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-1
Stenhousemuir(NL)           - Partick Thistle(1)          3-0
Replay Quarterfinals (14 feb 1903):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                0-0
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (21 feb 1903):
Dundee FC(1)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0 (Ibrox Park)
Semifinals (28 february 1903):
Dundee FC(1)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0
Stenhousemuir(NL)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-4 (7 mar)
Replay Semifinals (7 march 1903):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Final (Celtic Park, 11 april 1903):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1
Replay Final (Celtic Park, 18 april 1903):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0
2nd Replay Final (Celtic Park, 25 april 1903):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (23 january 1904):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Maxwelltown Volunteers(NL)  2-2
Albion Rovers(2)            - Kilwinning Eglinton(NL)     2-1
Alloa Athletic(NL)          - Aberdeen(NL)                2-1
Ayr FC(2)                   - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Stanley(NL)                 wo
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Arbroath(NL)                2-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     3-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Sixth GRV(NL)               8-1 (16 jan)
Motherwell(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1
Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     - Kilmarnock(1)               2-2
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Leith Athletic(2)           1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-2
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - West Calder Swifts(NL)      1-1
St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      - Hearts of Beath(NL)         2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Newton Stewart(NL)          wo
Replays 1st Round (30 jan 1904):
Arbroath(NL)                - Clyde Glasgow(2)            4-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     1-1
Maxwelltown Volunteers(NL)  - Abercorn Paisley(2)         1-1
West Calder Swifts(NL)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   3-3
2nd Replays 1st Round (6 february 1904):
Abercorn Paisley(2)         - Maxwelltown Volunteers(NL)  2-1 (Ayr)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     2-1aet (Kilmarnock)
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - West Calder Swifts(NL)      2-0 (Bathgate)
2nd Round (6 february 1904):
Dundee FC(1)                - Abercorn Paisley(2)         4-0 (13 feb)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2
Kilmarnock(1)               - Albion Rovers(2)            2-2 (13 feb)
Leith Athletic(2)           - Motherwell(1)               3-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Arbroath(NL)                2-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-4
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      4-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Alloa Athletic(NL)          3-1
Replay 2nd Round (20 february 1904):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Kilmarnock(1)               0-1
Quarterfinals (20 february 1904):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
Leith Athletic(2)           - Morton Greenock(1)          1-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Kilmarnock(1)               3-0 (27 feb)
Replay Quarterfinals (27 feb 1904):
Dundee FC(1)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (5 mrt 1904):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(1)                5-0 (Celtic Park)
Semifinals (5 march 1904):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-0 (19 mar)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Morton Greenock(1)          3-0
Final (Hampden Park, 16 april 1904):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          3-2
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (28 january 1905):
Aberdeen(2)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     2-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      7-0
Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       - Motherwell(1)               0-0
Bathgate(NL)                - Arbroath(NL)                2-1
Cowdenbeath(NL)             - Sixth GRV(NL)               2-0 (21 jan)
Dumfries(NL)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          1-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Beith(NL)                   2-2
Kirkcaldy United(NL)        - Crieff Morrisonians(NL)     3-1 (21 jan)
Lochgelly United(NL)        - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    5-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Renton(NL)                  2-0
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Stranraer(NL)               3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Ayr Parkhouse(NL)           2-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Clyde Glasgow(2)            1-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Leith Athletic(2)           4-1
Replays 1st Round (4 feb 1905):
Beith(NL)                   - Kilmarnock(1)               3-1
Motherwell(1)               - Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       1-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      4-2
2nd Round (11 february 1905):
Aberdeen(2)                 - Bathgate(NL)                1-1aband
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    3-0
Beith(NL)                   - Cowdenbeath(NL)             4-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Lochgelly United(NL)        3-0
Kirkcaldy United(NL)        - Partick Thistle(1)          0-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-6
Motherwell(1)               - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1
Herhaling 2nd Round:
Aberdeen(2)                 - Bathgate(NL)                6-1 (18 feb)
Quarterfinals (25 february 1905):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Partick Thistle(1)          3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Beith(NL)                   5-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Aberdeen(2)                 4-1
Replay Quarterfinals (4 march 1905):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        3-1
Semifinals (25 march 1905):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0aband
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-1
Final (Hampden Park, 8 april 1905):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-0
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 15 apr 1905):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          3-1
Cupwinners: Third Lanark Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (27 january 1906):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dunfermline Athletic(NL)    3-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Maxwelltown Volunteers(NL)  9-2
Arbroath(NL)                - Bo'ness United(NL)          1-4
Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-7
Beith(NL)                   - Inverness Thistle(NL)       2-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Falkirk(1)                  - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-2
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     0-4
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     4-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-1
Leith Athletic(2)           - Partick Thistle(1)          1-2
Morton Greenock(1)          - Lochgelly United(NL)        4-3
Motherwell(1)               - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-3
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Dunblane(NL)                6-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Black Watch(NL)             7-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Galston(NL)                 5-0
2nd Round (10 february 1906):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-3
Beith(NL)                   - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Bo'ness United(NL)          3-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          1-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    2-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Morton Greenock(1)          3-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-2
Replays 2nd Round (17 feb 1906):
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-3
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Kilmarnock(1)               0-0
2nd Replays 2nd Round (24 feb 1906):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1 (Ibrox)
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Kilmarnock(1)               0-0 (Cathkin)
3rd Replay 2nd Round (3 mrt 1906):
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0 (Celtic Park)
Quarterfinals (24 february 1906):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-3 (10 mar)
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0 (10 mar)
Replay Quarterfinals (3 mar 1906):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-0
Semifinals (31 march 1906):
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1
Replay Semifinals (14 apr 1906):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
2nd Replay Semifinals (21 apr 1906):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-0 (Ibrox)
Final (Ibrox Park, 28 april 1906):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-0
Cupwinners: Heart of Midlothian (Edinburgh).


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (26 january 1907):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Johnstone(NL)               0-0
Arbroath(NL)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-2 (2 feb)
Ayr FC(2)                   - Cowdenbeath(2)              2-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-1 (2 feb)
Dumfries(NL)                - Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    2-2
Falkirk(1)                  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2
Galston(NL)                 - Motherwell(1)               2-2 (2 feb) (*)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Forfar Athletic(NL)         5-0 (23 jan)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 1-0 (*)
Maxwelltown Volunteers(NL)  - Morton Greenock(1)          1-3
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                0-1 (*)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Aberdeen University(NL)     5-1
Renton(NL)                  - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   0-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      4-1
(*) match void.
Repeat 1st Round (2 feb 1907):
Galston(NL)                 - Motherwell(1)               2-1 (9 feb)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 4-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                2-2 (9 feb)
Replays 1st Round (2 feb 1907):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2 (^)
Dundee FC(1)                - Partick Thistle(1)          5-1 (16 feb)
Johnstone(NL)               - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1 (9 feb)
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Dumfries(NL)                2-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Arbroath(NL)                4-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Renton(NL)                  1-1
(^) match void.
Repeat Replay 1st Round (9 feb 1907):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-2
2nd Replay 1st Round (9 feb 1907):
Renton(NL)                  - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   2-0 (Celtic Park)
2nd Round (9 february 1907):
Galston(NL)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-4 (16 feb)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Johnstone(NL)               1-1 (16 feb)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0 (16 feb)
Morton Greenock(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Ayr FC(2)                   4-0
Renton(NL)                  - Dundee FC(1)                1-0 (23 feb)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    4-0
Replays 2nd Round (23 feb 1907):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Morton Greenock(1)          1-1 (16 feb)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Kilmarnock(1)               2-1
Johnstone(NL)               - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-5
2nd Replay 2nd Round (23 feb 1907):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Morton Greenock(1)          2-1 (Celtic Park)
Quarterfinals (9 march 1907):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1 (2 mar)
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Renton(NL)                  4-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
Replays Quarterfinals (23 march 1907):
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1 (9 mar)
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (23 march 1907):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-0aet (Tynecastle)
Semifinals (30 march 1907):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-0
Replay Semifinals (6 april 1907):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
2nd Replay Semifinals (13 april 1907):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-0 (Celtic Park)
Final (Hampden Park, 20 april 1907):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (25 january 1908):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Albion Rovers(2)            3-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Peebles Rovers(NL)          4-0
Dumfries(NL)                - Motherwell(1)               0-4
Dunblane(NL)                - Elgin City(NL)              8-3
Falkirk(1)                  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-2
Galston(NL)                 - Uphall(NL)                  6-0 (18 jan)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      4-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Abercorn Paisley(2)         5-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Vale of Atholl(NL)          7-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Bo'ness United(NL)          4-0
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Ayr Parkhouse(2)            7-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Inverness Thistle(NL)       2-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-1
Replays 1st Round (1 feb 1908):
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   1-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  4-1
2nd Replay 1st Round (5 feb 1908):
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   1-0 (Cathkin Park)
2nd Round (8 feb 1908):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    4-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          3-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Dunblane(NL)                3-0
Motherwell(1)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Galston(NL)                 6-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Replays 2nd Round (15 feb 1908):
Dundee FC(1)                - Aberdeen(1)                 2-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Motherwell(1)               2-0
2nd Replay 2nd Round (19 feb 1908):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                3-1 (Hampden Park)
Quarterfinals (22 february 1908):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     3-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Kilmarnock(1)               0-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-0aband
Repeat Quarterfinals (21 mar 1908):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-1
Semifinals (28 march 1908):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1 (21 mar)
Kilmarnock(1)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Replay Semifinals (11 apr 1908):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Kilmarnock(1)               2-0
Final (Hampden Park, 18 april 1908):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        5-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (23 january 1909):
Alloa Athletic(NL)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-2
Broxburn Athletic(NL)       - Beith(NL)                   1-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dykehead(NL)                4-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Ayr Parkhouse(2)            9-0
Falkirk(1)                  - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  2-1
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Kilmarnock(1)               2-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Ayr FC(2)                   2-1
Leith Athletic(2)           - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-4
Morton Greenock(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 0-4
Motherwell(1)               - Elgin City(NL)              6-1
Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    - Dunblane(NL)                5-0
St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Brechin City(NL)            5-1
Vale of Leven(2)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0
West Calder Swifts(NL)      - Partick Thistle(1)          0-0
Replays 1st Round (30 january 1909):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Vale of Leven(2)            1-0
Beith(NL)                   - Broxburn Athletic(NL)       0-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - West Calder Swifts(NL)      wo
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Alloa Athletic(NL)          5-0
2nd Replay 1st Round (3 feb 1909):
Beith(NL)                   - Broxburn Athletic(NL)       1-1aet (Ibrox Park)
3rd Replay 1st Round (4 feb 1909):
Beith(NL)                   - Broxburn Athletic(NL)       1-1aet (Ibrox Park)
4th Replay 1st Round (5 feb 1909):
Beith(NL)                   - Broxburn Athletic(NL)       4-2 (Love Street)
2nd Round (6 february 1909):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    4-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-0
Motherwell(1)               - Falkirk(1)                  1-3
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Partick Thistle(1)          3-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Beith(NL)                   3-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Aberdeen(1)                 4-1
remark: Beith played four matches in four days. 
Replay 2nd Round (13 feb 1909):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Quarterfinals (20 february 1909):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        3-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Falkirk(1)                  1-2
Semifinals (20 march 1909):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Replay Semifinals (27 march 1909):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-0
Final (Hampden Park, 10 april 1909):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-2
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 17 apr 1909):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
The Federation decided not to award the cup because of serious
riots during the replay of the Final.
Cupwinners: None.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (22 jan 1910):
Aberdeen(1)                 - FC Bo'ness(NL)              2-2 (*)
Ayr FC(2)                   - Alloa Athletic(NL)          3-2
Bathgate(NL)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-4
Douglas Wanderers(NL)       - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-6
Dumbarton(2)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Beith(NL)                   1-1
East Fife Methil(NL)        - Hurlford(NL)                4-1 (15 jan)
Falkirk(1)                  - Port Glasgow Athletic(1)    3-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-0
Leith Athletic(2)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Partick Thistle(1)          4-3
Motherwell(1)               - Forfar Athletic(NL)         1-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Kirkcaldy United(NL)        0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Inverness Thistle(NL)       5-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Elgin City(NL)              8-0
(*) match void.
Repeat 1st Round:
Aberdeen(1)                 - FC Bo'ness(NL)              3-0 (5 feb)
Replays 1st Round (5 feb 1910):
Dundee FC(1)                - Beith(NL)                   1-0 (29 jan)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-0 (29 jan)
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Kirkcaldy United(NL)        6-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Kilmarnock(1)               6-1 (29 jan) (^)
(^) match void.
Repeat Replay 1st Round:
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Kilmarnock(1)               2-0 (5 feb)
2nd Round (5 february 1910):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-0 (12 feb)
Ayr FC(2)                   - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-1 (12 feb)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Falkirk(1)                  3-0
East Fife Methil(NL)        - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     2-3 (12 feb)
Motherwell(1)               - Morton Greenock(1)          3-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-2
Replay 2nd Round (12 feb 1910):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
2nd Replay 2nd Round (16 feb 1910):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-0 (Ibrox Park)
Quarterfinals (19 february 1910):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1aband
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-2
Motherwell(1)               - Dundee FC(1)                1-3 (26 feb)
Replays Quarterfinals (26 feb 1910):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     2-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-1
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (2 mar 1910):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     2-1 (Celtic Park)
Semifinals (12 march 1910):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                0-0
Replay Semifinals (19 mar 1910):
Dundee FC(1)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
2nd Replay Semifinals (23 mar 1910):
Dundee FC(1)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0 (Celtic Park)
Final (Ibrox Park, 9 apr):
Dundee FC(1)                - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-2
Replay Final (Ibrox Park, 16 apr):
Dundee FC(1)                - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-0aet
2nd Replay Final (Ibrox Park, 20 apr):
Dundee FC(1)                - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-1
Cupwinners: Dundee FC.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (28 january 1911):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Brechin City(NL)            3-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - FC Bo'ness(NL)              2-0
Annbank(NL)                 - Motherwell(1)               0-5
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Morton Greenock(1)          1-4
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - Fifth KOSB(NL)              3-0
Galston(NL)                 - Lochgelly United(NL)        8-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-1
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Johnstone(NL)               0-1
Leith Athletic(2)           - Falkirk(1)                  2-2
Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    3-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   7-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(1)               2-1
Stanley(NL)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-6
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-1
Replays 1st Round (4 february 1911):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Leith Athletic(2)           4-1
2nd Round (11 february 1911):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Galston(NL)                 1-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     4-1
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - Falkirk(1)                  2-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Johnstone(NL)               1-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3
Motherwell(1)               - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     0-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                0-3
Replays 2nd Round (18 february 1911):
Johnstone(NL)               - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-3 (25 jan)
Motherwell(1)               - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     1-0
Quarterfinals (25 february 1911):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Forfar Athletic(NL)         6-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-1
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Motherwell(1)               2-1 (4 mar)
Semifinals (11 march 1911):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                3-2
Final (Ibrox Park, 8 april 1911):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-0
Replay Final (Ibrox Park, 15 apr 1911):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (27 january 1912):
Annandale(NL)               - Peterhead(NL)               2-1 (3 feb)
Broxburn Athletic(NL)       - Beith(NL)                   6-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dunfermline Athletic(NL)    1-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Abercorn Paisley(2)         2-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Dumbarton(2)                3-0 (20 jan)
Falkirk(1)                  - King's Park(NL)             2-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-0
Leith Athletic(2)           - Ayr United(2)               3-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                2-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Stenhousemuir(NL)           3-1
St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      - Motherwell(1)               0-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Aberdeen(1)                 3-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Renton(NL)                  5-0
Replays 1st Round (3 feb 1912):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-0 (10 feb)
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   3-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Partick Thistle(1)          3-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1 (*)
King's Park(NL)             - Falkirk(1)                  1-6
(*) match void.
Repeat Replay 1st Round (10 feb 1912):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1
2nd Replay 1st Round (14 february 1912):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-1 (Ibrox)
2nd Round (10 february 1912):
Annandale(NL)               - Aberdeen(1)                 0-3 (17 feb)
Broxburn Athletic(NL)       - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-6
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  3-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          3-1aband
Falkirk(1)                  - Morton Greenock(1)          0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                2-0 (24 feb)
Leith Athletic(2)           - Kilmarnock(1)               0-2
Motherwell(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    5-1
Replay 2nd Round (17 feb 1912):
Morton Greenock(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  3-1
Quarterfinals (24 february 1912):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-2
Kilmarnock(1)               - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-6
Morton Greenock(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Motherwell(1)               3-1
Replay Quarterfinals (9 mar 1912):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 2-0
Semifinals (9 march 1912):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-0 (30 mar) (#)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-1 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow    (#) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
Final (Ibrox Park, 6 april 1912):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (25 january 1913):
Hamilton Academical(1)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   0-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     3-0
Replay 1st Round (1 february 1913):
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-3
30 clubs received byes.
2nd Round (8 february 1913):
Aberdeen University(NL)     - Peebles Rovers(NL)          0-3
Ayr United(2)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-2
Broxburn United(NL)         - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   0-5
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Arbroath(NL)                4-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  0-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Thornhill(NL)               5-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     3-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Abercorn Paisley(2)         5-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  2-2
Motherwell(1)               - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    4-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Dundee Hibernian(2)         4-2
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - East Fife Methil(NL)        3-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-0
Replays 2nd Round (15 february 1913):
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Morton Greenock(1)          3-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Motherwell(1)               0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2
2nd Replay 2nd Round (18/19 feb 1913):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  1-0 (Shawfield)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Motherwell(1)               2-1 (Celtic Park)
3rd Round (22 february 1913):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-0
Dumbarton(2)                - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       1-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  1-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-0
Replay 3rd Round (1 march 1913):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   0-1
Quarterfinals (8 march 1913):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Dumbarton(2)                1-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-1
Replay Quarterfinals (15 mar 1913):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (19 mar 1913):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                2-1 (Hampden Park)
Semifinals (29 march 1913):
Falkirk(1)                  - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-0 (*)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-1 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow    (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Replay Semifinals (5 april 1913):
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-0 (#)
(#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Celtic Park, 12 april 1913):
Falkirk(1)                  - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   2-0
Cupwinners: Falkirk.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (24 january 1914):
Falkirk(1)                  - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    5-1
30 clubs received byes.
2nd Round (7 february 1914):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Albion Rovers(2)            4-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Dundee Hibernian(2)         5-0
Broxburn United(NL)         - Dumfries(NL)                5-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Forfar Athletic(NL)         1-1
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Peebles Rovers(NL)          0-4
Kilmarnock(1)               - Hamilton Academical(1)      3-1
Kirkcaldy United(NL)        - Stevenston United(NL)       0-4 (31 jan)
Leith Athletic(2)           - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     1-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       1-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Alloa Athletic(NL)          5-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dundee FC(1)                2-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Dumbarton(1)                2-0
Replays 2nd Round (14 february 1914):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-0 (10 feb)
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          2-1 (11 feb)
Motherwell(1)               - Leith Athletic(2)           5-2
3rd Round (21 february 1914):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-2
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-1
Broxburn United(NL)         - Motherwell(1)               0-2
Forfar Athletic(NL)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-5
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          1-4
Stevenston United(NL)       - Peebles Rovers(NL)          3-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   4-1
Replay 3rd Round (24 february 1914):
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-1
Quarterfinals (7 march 1914):
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Partick Thistle(1)          1-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Stevenston United(NL)       0-0
Replay Quarterfinals (21 march 1914):
Stevenston United(NL)       - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (24 mar 1914):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Stevenston United(NL)       1-0aet (Cathkin Park)
Semifinals (28 march 1914):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-0 (*)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        3-1 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow    (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Ibrox Park, 11 april 1914):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      4-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


No cups played from 1914/15 to 1918/19 due to World War I.


1  = Scottish League.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (24 january 1920):
Albion Rovers(1)            - Dykehead(NL)                0-0
Armadale(NL)                - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-0
Cowdenbeath(NL)             - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
Dumbarton Harp(NL)          - Alloa Athletic(NL)          0-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-1 (?)
East Fife Methil(NL)        - Arthurlie Barrhead(NL)      4-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Thornhill(NL)               6-0
Galston(NL)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     5-1
Lochgelly United(NL)        - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 2-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Forfar Athletic(NL)         4-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Motherwell(1)               3-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dumbarton(1)                0-0
Royal Albert(NL)            - Forres Mechanics(NL)        7-0
Stevenston United(NL)       - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    4-1
Bye: 15 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (31 jan 1920):
Alloa Athletic(NL)          - Dumbarton Harp(NL)          1-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dumbarton(1)                1-0 (27 jan)
Dykehead(NL)                - Albion Rovers(1)            1-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Galston(NL)                 2-1
2nd Round (7 february 1920):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Gala Fairydean(NL)          2-0
Albion Rovers(1)            - Huntingtower(NL)            wo
Alloa Athletic(NL)          - Kilmarnock(1)               0-2
Armadale(NL)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0
Ayr United(1)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-1
Broxburn United(NL)         - Queen of the South(NL)      1-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Falkirk(1)                  2-0
Lochgelly United(NL)        - Royal Albert(NL)            2-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - East Fife Methil(NL)        5-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Vale of Leithen(NL)         3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Arbroath(NL)                5-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(NL)  - Bathgate(NL)                2-0 (24 jan)
St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      - Morton Greenock(1)          1-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Vale of Leven(NL)           2-1
Replays 2nd Round (11 february 1920):
Morton Greenock(1)          - St.Johnstone Perth(NL)      5-3
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 1-1
2nd Replay 2nd Round (18 feb 1920):
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 0-0 (Tynecastle)
3rd Replay 2nd Round (19 feb 1920):
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 4-0 (Tynecastle)
3rd Round (21 february 1920):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-0
Armadale(NL)                - Ayr United(1)               1-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Partick Thistle(1)          2-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     4-1
Lochgelly United(NL)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-3
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Morton Greenock(1)          2-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Broxburn United(NL)         3-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(NL)  - Albion Rovers(1)            1-1
Replays 3rd Round (25 feb 1920):
Albion Rovers(1)            - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(NL)  4-1
Ayr United(1)               - Armadale(NL)                0-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   3-0
Quarterfinals (6 march 1920):
Albion Rovers(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Armadale(NL)                - Kilmarnock(1)               1-2
Morton Greenock(1)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0
Semifinals (27 march 1920):
Albion Rovers(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1 (*)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Morton Greenock(1)          3-2 (#)
(*) Celtic Park, Glasgow   (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (31 march 1920):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Albion Rovers(1)            0-0 (*)
(*) Celtic Park, Glasgow
2nd Replay Semifinals (7 apr 1920):
Albion Rovers(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-0 (*)
(*) Celtic Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 17 april 1920):
Kilmarnock(1)               - Albion Rovers(1)            3-2
Cupwinners: Kilmarnock.


1  = Scottish League.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (22 january 1921):
Alloa Athletic(NL)          - Falkirk(1)                  0-0
Arbroath(NL)                - Kilmarnock(1)               2-4
Ayr United(1)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    8-1
FC Bo'ness(NL)              - Galston(NL)                 1-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   3-1
Johnstone(NL)               - Stevenston United(NL)       0-2 (29 jan)
Peterhead(NL)               - Dykehead(NL)                0-3
Queen of the South(NL)      - Blairgowrie Amateurs(NL)    6-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Armadale(NL)                2-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
20 clubs received bye.
Replays 1st Round (26 jan 1921):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Alloa Athletic(NL)          1-1 (29 jan)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1
2nd Replay 1st Round (1/2 feb 1921):
Alloa Athletic(NL)          - Falkirk(1)                  1-1aet (Firhill)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-0 (Ibrox Park)
3rd Replay 1st Round (3 feb 1921):
Alloa Athletic(NL)          - Falkirk(1)                  1-0 (Firhill)
2nd Round (5 february 1921):
Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) - Mid Annandale(NL)           3-1
Alloa Athletic(NL)          - Clydebank(1)                1-1
Ayr United(1)               - Dykehead(NL)                4-0
Broxburn United(NL)         - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1
Dumbarton(1)                - Elgin City(NL)              3-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Stenhousemuir(NL)           1-0
FC Bo'ness(NL)              - Armadale(NL)                0-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          0-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2
Motherwell(1)               - Renton(NL)                  3-0
Queen of the South(NL)      - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     1-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Morton Greenock(1)          2-0
Solway Star(NL)             - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 1-5
Stevenston United(NL)       - East Fife Methil(NL)        0-0
Vale of Leven(NL)           - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
Replays 2nd Round (8 feb 1921):
Armadale(NL)                - FC Bo'ness(NL)              2-0 (12 feb)
Clydebank(1)                - Alloa Athletic(NL)          0-0 (12 feb)
East Fife Methil(NL)        - Stevenston United(NL)       2-1 (12 feb)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-0 (9 feb)
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
2nd Replays 2nd Round (16 feb 1921):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-3 (Shawfield)
Clydebank(1)                - Alloa Athletic(NL)          0-1 (Ibrox Park)
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0 (15 feb)
3rd Round (19 february 1921):
Armadale(NL)                - Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) 2-2
Ayr United(1)               - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Dumbarton(1)                - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     5-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Aberdeen(1)                 0-0
East Fife Methil(NL)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Partick Thistle(1)          1-2
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Alloa Athletic(NL)          0-0
Replays 3rd Round (26 feb 1921):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                1-1 (23 feb)
Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) - Armadale(NL)                0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Alloa Athletic(NL)          4-1 (Ibrox Park)
Motherwell(1)               - Ayr United(1)               1-1 (23 feb)
2nd Replays 3rd Round (1/2 mar 1921):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                0-2 (Ibrox Park)
Armadale(NL)                - Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) 0-0aet (Hampden Park)
Motherwell(1)               - Ayr United(1)               3-1 (Celtic Park)
3rd Replay 3rd Round (3 mar 1921):
Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) - Armadale(NL)                2-0 (Hampden Park)
Quarterfinals (5 march 1921):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Dumbarton(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3
Dundee FC(1)                - Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) 0-2
Motherwell(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          2-2
Replay Quarterfinals (8 mar 1921):
Partick Thistle(1)          - Motherwell(1)               0-0
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (15 mar 1921):
Partick Thistle(1)          - Motherwell(1)               2-1 (Firhill)
Semifinals (26 march 1921):
Partick Thistle(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) 4-1 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow    (#) Celtic Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (30 mar 1921):
Partick Thistle(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0 (*)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
2nd Replay Semifinals (5 apr 1921):
Partick Thistle(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0 (*)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
Final (Celtic Park, 16 april 1921):
Partick Thistle(1)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Cupwinner: Partick Thistle.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (28 jan 1922):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dumbarton(1)                1-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Dykehead(NL)                1-0
Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) - Johnstone(2)                6-0
Alloa Athletic(2)           - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   3-1
Bathgate(2)                 - Helensburgh(NL)             3-2
Blairgowrie Amateurs(NL)    - Queen of the South(NL)      1-5
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Royal Albert(NL)            1-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Montrose(NL)                4-0
Clackmannan(2)              - Inverness Citadel(NL)       3-5 (4 feb)
Clydebank(1)                - Arbroath(2)                 1-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Vale of Atholl(NL)          9-1
Dundee Hibernian(2)         - Broxburn United(2)          0-2
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Stevenston United(NL)       3-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Motherwell(1)               0-3
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Douglas Wanderers(NL)       3-1
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Stranraer(NL)               6-0
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Falkirk(1)                  0-3
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Gala Fairydean(NL)          9-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Arthurlie Barrhead(NL)      2-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Armadale(2)                 3-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Kilmarnock(1)               1-5
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-5
King's Park(2)              - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       1-1 (4 feb)
Lochgelly United(2)         - Ayr United(1)               1-5 (1 feb)
Morton Greenock(1)          - Vale of Leithen(NL)         4-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dumbarton Harp(NL)          7-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     3-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Solway Star(NL)             7-2
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Dundee FC(1)                0-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Leith Athletic(NL)          6-0
Vale of Leven(2)            - Fraserburgh(NL)             1-0
Replays 1st Round (8 feb 1922):
Arbroath(2)                 - Clydebank(1)                0-1 (1 feb)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-0 (1 feb)
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - King's Park(2)              1-1
2nd Replay 1st Round (15 feb 1922):
King's Park(2)              - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       1-0 (Dunfermline)
2nd Round (11 february 1922):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-1
Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1
Ayr United(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          0-1
Bathgate(2)                 - Falkirk(1)                  1-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - FC Bo'ness(2)               5-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Broxburn United(2)          2-2
Inverness Citadel(NL)       - Queen of the South(NL)      2-2
Kilmarnock(1)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-4
King's Park(2)              - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-4 (18 feb)
Morton Greenock(1)          - Clydebank(1)                1-1
Motherwell(1)               - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-2
Royal Albert(NL)            - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1
Vale of Leven(2)            - Alloa Athletic(2)           0-0
Replays 2nd Round (14 feb 1922):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Cowdenbeath(2)              4-1 (15 feb)
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Vale of Leven(2)            1-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Broxburn United(2)          2-2 (15 feb)
Clydebank(1)                - Morton Greenock(1)          1-3
Queen of the South(NL)      - Inverness Citadel(NL)       2-1 (18 feb)
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) 4-0 (15 feb)
2nd Replay 2nd Round (20 feb 1922):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Broxburn United(2)          3-1
3rd Round (25 feb 1922):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                3-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-4
Morton Greenock(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(1)            4-1
Motherwell(1)               - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Bathgate(2)                 3-0
Queen of the South(NL)      - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-0
Quarterfinals (11 march 1922):
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 0-0
Motherwell(1)               - Morton Greenock(1)          1-2
Queen of the South(NL)      - Partick Thistle(1)          0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1
Replays Quarterfinals (14 mar 1922):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-0 (15 mar)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
Semifinals (25 march 1922):
Morton Greenock(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 3-1 (1 apr) (#)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Partick Thistle(1)          2-0 (*)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow    (#) Dens Park, Dundee
Final (Hampden Park, 15 april 1922):
Morton Greenock(1)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Cupwinner: Morton Greenock.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (13 jan 1923):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Mid Annandale(NL)           2-1
Alloa Athletic(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     0-1
Arbroath Athletic(NL)       - Ayr United(1)               0-3
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-4
Clydebank(2)                - Royal Albert(NL)            0-0
Cowdenbeath(2)              - St.Andrews University(NL)  10-1 ! (10 jan)
Dumbarton(2)                - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     0-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Vale of Atholl(NL)          6-0
Dundee Hibernian(NL)        - Beith(NL)                   3-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Berwick Rangers(NL)         7-1
Elgin City(NL)              - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-3
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Bathgate(2)                 1-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Breadalbane(NL)            10-0 !
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 6-0
Galston(NL)                 - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Albion Rovers Coatbridge(1) 1-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Thornhill(NL)               6-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Clackmannan(NL)             4-0
Hurlford(NL)                - Fraserburgh(NL)             2-1
Johnstone(2)                - Armadale(2)                 2-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Broxburn United(2)          5-0
Lochgelly United(2)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-3
Moorpark(NL)                - Peebles Rovers(NL)          0-4
Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     - Arbroath(2)                 4-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1
Peterhead(NL)               - Vale of Leithen(NL)         3-0
Queen of the South(NL)      - King's Park(2)              0-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Morton Greenock(1)          1-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Dalbeattie Star(NL)         8-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Motherwell(1)               1-2
Vale of Leven(2)            - Inverness Thistle(NL)       6-1
Replays 1st Round (17 jan 1923):
Bathgate(2)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  3-2
Royal Albert(NL)            - Clydebank(2)                0-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Partick Thistle(1)          3-2 (16 jan)
2nd Replay 1st Round (23 jan 1923):
Clydebank(2)                - Royal Albert(NL)            2-0 (Firhill)
2nd Round (27 jan 1923):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Ayr United(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hurlford(NL)                4-0
Dundee FC(1)                - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   0-0
Dundee Hibernian(NL)        - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     0-1 (24 jan)
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Clydebank(2)                1-0
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-2
Hamilton Academical(1)      - King's Park(2)              1-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Peebles Rovers(NL)          0-0
Johnstone(2)                - Falkirk(1)                  0-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - East Fife Methil(2)         1-1
Motherwell(1)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-1
Peterhead(NL)               - Galston(NL)                 1-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Bathgate(2)                 1-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Cowdenbeath(2)              2-0
Vale of Leven(2)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-2
Replays 2nd Round (30 jan 1923):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-0 (31 jan)
Bathgate(2)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     0-2 (31 jan)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0 (31 jan)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Peebles Rovers(NL)          3-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Dundee FC(1)                2-3 (31 jan)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Vale of Leven(2)            2-1
3rd Round (10 february 1923):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Peterhead(NL)              13-0 !
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - East Fife Methil(2)         2-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-0
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   0-3
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     2-0
Motherwell(1)               - Falkirk(1)                  3-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Ayr United(1)               2-0
Replay 3rd Round (14 feb 1923):
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Quarterfinals (24 february 1923):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 2-0
Motherwell(1)               - FC Bo'ness(2)               4-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
Replay Quarterfinals (28 feb 1923):
Dundee FC(1)                - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-0aet
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (6 mar 1923):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Dundee FC(1)                1-0aet (Ibrox Park)
Semifinals (10 march 1923):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               2-0 (*)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-0 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow  (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Hampden Park, 11 march 1923):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0
Cupwinner: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
3  = Division 3.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (26 jan 1924):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dumbarton(2)                2-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Morton Greenock(1)          2-1
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Buckie Thistle(NL)          2-2
Ayr United(1)               - Albion Rovers(2)            3-1
Bathgate(2)                 - FC Bo'ness(2)               1-1
Clydebank FC(1)             - Blairgowrie(NL)             8-2
Coldstream(NL)              - Armadale(2)                 0-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Dykehead(3)                 2-0
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Arbroath(2)                 0-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Brechin City(3)             3-0
Galston(3)                  - Gala Fairydean(NL)          6-2 (19 jan)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dundee United(2)            1-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Cowdenbeath(2)              0-5
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-3
Johnstone(2)                - East Fife Methil(2)         1-3
Kilmarnock(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0
King's Park(2)              - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-0
Mid Annandale(3)            - Forres Mechanics(NL)        3-1
Motherwell(1)               - Breadalbane(NL)             5-0
Newton Stewart(NL)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  1-8
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dunkeld and Birnam(NL)     11-0 ! (12 jan)
Queen of the South(3)       - Stranraer(NL)               8-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Dumbarton Harp(3)           1-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Broxburn United(2)          3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Lochgelly United(2)         4-1
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Fraserburgh(NL)             3-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Clackmannan(3)              2-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Moorpark(NL)                3-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Beith(3)                    3-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0
Thornhill(NL)               - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-0
Vale of Leven(2)            - Leith Athletic(NL)          0-0
(only 9 clubs from Division 3 take part).
Replays 1st Round (29 jan 1924):
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Alloa Athletic(2)           0-3 (30 jan)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Thornhill(NL)               4-0
Dumbarton Harp(3)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-4 (30 jan)
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Bathgate(2)                 1-0 (30 jan)
Hamilton Academical(1)      - King's Park(2)              1-0 (30 jan)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-0 (30 jan)
Leith Athletic(NL)          - Vale of Leven(2)            1-2
2nd Round (9 february 1924):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       4-0
Ayr United(1)               - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Vale of Leven(2)            2-0
Clydebank FC(1)             - Arbroath(2)                 4-0
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Aberdeen(1)                 0-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   0-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Mid Annandale(3)            1-0
Falkirk(1)                  - East Fife Methil(2)         2-0
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Motherwell(1)               1-3
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Queen of the South(3)       2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Galston(3)                  6-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - FC Bo'ness(2)               3-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Armadale(2)                 3-1
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Stenhousemuir(2)            0-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Replays 2nd Round (13 feb 1924):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-5 (12 feb)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   0-0aet
2nd Replay 2nd Round (20 feb 1924):
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-0
3rd Round (23 february 1924):
Aberdeen(1)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  2-0
Clydebank FC(1)             - Ayr United(1)               2-3
Falkirk(1)                  - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-1
Motherwell(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-5
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-2
Replays 3rd Round (27 feb 1924):
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          1-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Falkirk(1)                  0-2
Quarterfinals (8 march 1924):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   3-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Ayr United(1)               1-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Falkirk(1)                  1-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          2-2
Replays Quarterfinals (12 march 1924):
Ayr United(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0aet
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1aet
2nd Replays Quarterfinals (18 march 1924):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Ayr United(1)               1-1aet (19 mrt)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1 (Celtic Park)
3rd Replay Quarterfinals (20 march 1924):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Ayr United(1)               1-0 (Ibrox Park)
Semifinals (22 march 1924):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0 (*)
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Falkirk(1)                  2-1 (#)
(*) Dens Park, Dundee    (#) Celtic Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (26 mar 1924):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0aet (*)
(*) Dens Park, Dundee
2nd Replay Semifinals (9 apr 1924):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0 (*)
(*) Dens Park, Dundee
Final (Ibrox Park, 19 april 1924):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-0
Cupwinners: Airdrieonians Airdrie.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
3  = Division 3.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (24 jan 1925):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Clyde Glasgow(2)            1-1
Armadale(2)                 - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 3-1
Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       - Cowdenbeath(1)              3-1
Ayr United(1)               - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       3-1 (*)
Bathgate(2)                 - Partick Thistle(1)          0-4
Broxburn United(2)          - Nithsdale Wanderers(3)      3-2
Clydebank FC(2)             - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     0-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Johnstone(2)                5-0 (*)
Dundee United(2)            - Aberdeen University(NL)     5-1
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Arbroath(2)                 1-1
Dykehead(3)                 - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-3
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 4-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Morton Greenock(1)          1-1
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Helensburgh(3)              1-1
Hamilton Academical(1)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   5-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Leith Athletic(3)           4-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 0-2
Kilmarnock(1)               - Arbroath Athletic(NL)       3-0
King's Park(2)              - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-4
Lochgelly United(3)         - Breadalbane(NL)             4-0
Montrose(3)                 - Inverness Citadel(NL)       6-2
Motherwell(1)               - Galston(3)                  6-3
Newton Stewart(NL)          - Dumbarton(2)                0-2
Queen of the South(3)       - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Clackmannan(3)              3-0
Royal Albert(3)             - Stranraer(NL)               9-1
Solway Star(3)              - Stenhousemuir(2)            4-2
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Peebles Rovers(3)           0-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Peterhead(NL)               3-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-5
Vale of Leven(3)            - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-0
Replays 1st Round (28 jan 1925):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Queen of the South(3)       2-0 (27 jan)
Arbroath(2)                 - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     1-0
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Albion Rovers(2)            3-1
Helensburgh(3)              - FC Bo'ness(2)               0-0aet
Morton Greenock(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  0-3
Peebles Rovers(3)           - St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   5-0
2nd Replay 1st Round (3 feb 1925):
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Helensburgh(3)              2-0 (Firhill)
2nd Round (7 feb 1925):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     4-0
Arbroath(2)                 - Clyde Glasgow(2)            3-0
Armadale(2)                 - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Lochgelly United(3)         2-1
Dykehead(3)                 - Peebles Rovers(3)           3-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Dumbarton(2)                2-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  4-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1
Montrose(3)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
Motherwell(1)               - Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dundee United(2)            5-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - FC Bo'ness(2)               0-0
Royal Albert(3)             - Broxburn United(2)          1-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Ayr United(1)               1-0
Vale of Leven(3)            - Solway Star(3)              2-2
Replays 2nd Round (12 february 1925):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Armadale(2)                 2-0 (11 feb)
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-3 (11 feb)
Solway Star(3)              - Vale of Leven(3)            3-3aet
2nd Replay 2nd Round (16 feb 1925):
Solway Star(3)              - Vale of Leven(3)            2-1 (Cathkin)
3rd Round (21 february 1925):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Motherwell(1)               0-0
Broxburn United(2)          - Falkirk(1)                  2-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Solway Star(3)              2-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-1
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Dykehead(3)                 5-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Arbroath(2)                 5-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Partick Thistle(1)          2-0
Replay 3rd Round:
Motherwell(1)               - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2 (25 feb)
Quarterfinals (7 march 1925):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Broxburn United(2)          1-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
Replay Quarterfinals (10 mar 1925):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (16 mar 1925):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-0
Semifinals (21 march 1925):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          5-0 (*)
Dundee FC(1)                - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-1 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow  (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Replay Semifinals (25 mar 1925):
Dundee FC(1)                - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-0 (@)
(@) Easter Road, Edinburgh
Final (Hampden Park, 11 apr 1925):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(1)                2-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
3  = Division 3.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (23 jan 1926):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   8-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Nithsdale Wanderers(2)      6-1
Arbroath(2)                 - Berwick Rangers(NL)         8-0
Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       - Armadale(2)                 5-4
Bathgate(2)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  5-4
Brechin City(3)             - Thornhill(NL)              12-1 !
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     3-0
Cowdenbeath(1)              - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-2
Douglas Wanderers(NL)       - Forfar Athletic(3)          1-4
Dumbarton(2)                - Buckie Thistle(NL)          1-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-0 (20 jan)
Dundee United(1)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1
Dykehead(3)                 - Morton Greenock(1)          1-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Breadalbane(NL)            10-0 !
FC Bo'ness(2)               - East Fife Methil(2)         2-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Broxburn United(2)          1-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-5
King's Park(2)              - Peterhead(NL)               5-2
Leith Athletic(3)           - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 2-0
Montrose(3)                 - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 4-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Motherwell(1)               3-0
Peebles Rovers(3)           - Keith(NL)                   7-3
Queen of the South(2)       - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Clydebank FC(1)             4-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Ayr United(2)               3-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Lochgelly United(3)         3-0
Royal Albert(3)             - Alloa Athletic(2)           0-1
Solway Star(3)              - Johnstone(3)                2-2
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Vale of Leven(3)            1-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Nairn County(NL)            6-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Mid Annandale(3)            4-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Moorpark(NL)                7-0
Replays 1st Round (27 jan 1926):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Queen of the South(2)       7-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Broxburn United(2)          1-0 (26 jan)
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Dumbarton(2)                1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee United(1)            1-1aet
Johnstone(3)                - Solway Star(3)              0-3 (26 jan)
Morton Greenock(1)          - Dykehead(3)                 4-1
Vale of Leven(3)            - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-2
2nd Replay 1st Round (1 feb 1926):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee United(1)            6-0 (Edinburgh)
2nd Round (6 february 1926):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                0-0
Albion Rovers(2)            - Peebles Rovers(NL)          1-1
Arbroath(2)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hamilton Academical(1)      4-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Montrose(3)                 5-1
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Bathgate(2)                 1-1
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Dumbarton(2)                2-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Alloa Athletic(2)           5-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-3
Morton Greenock(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   3-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - King's Park(2)              4-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-0
Solway Star(3)              - Brechin City(3)             0-3
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     7-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Leith Athletic(3)           6-1
Replays 2nd Round (9 feb 1926):
Bathgate(2)                 - FC Bo'ness(2)               3-1 (10 feb)
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       1-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Forfar Athletic(3)          4-1 (10 feb)
Dundee FC(1)                - Aberdeen(1)                 0-3 (10 feb)
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Albion Rovers(2)            0-4 (10 feb)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Arbroath(2)                 3-0
3rd Round (20 february 1926):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-2
Bathgate(2)                 - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-5
Dumbarton(2)                - Clyde Glasgow(2)            3-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-4
Morton Greenock(1)          - Albion Rovers(2)            1-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Brechin City(3)             4-0
Replay 3rd Round (24 feb 1926):
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Aberdeen(1)                 0-0aet
2nd Replay 3rd Round (1 mar 1926):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-0 (Aberdeen)
Quarterfinals (6 march 1926):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dumbarton(2)                6-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-4
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Replay Quarterfinals (10 mar 1926):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     3-0
Semifinals (20 march 1926):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1 (*)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0 (#)
(*) Tynecastle, Edinburgh  (#) Celtic Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 10 april 1926):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0
Cupwinners: St.Mirren Paisley.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (22 jan 1927):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Helensburgh(NL)             4-2
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Morton Greenock(1)          3-0
Arbroath Athletic(NL)       - Dundee United(1)            0-7 (19 jan)
Ayr United(2)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-2
Bathgate(2)                 - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-2
Beith(NL)                   - Huntly(NL)                  7-1
Brechin City(NL)            - Vale of Leithen(NL)         8-3
Broxburn United(NL)         - Armadale(2)                 2-1
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Fraserburgh(NL)             2-1 (15 jan)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-2
Clydebank FC(2)             - Douglas Wanderers(NL)       6-0
Cowdenbeath(1)              - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Motherwell(1)               3-0
Dykehead(NL)                - Montrose(NL)                2-0aband (29 jan)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Thornhill(NL)               8-1
Elgin City(NL)              - Albion Rovers(2)            1-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Dumbarton(2)                0-1
Falkirk(1)                  - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-0
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   4-2
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Mid Annandale(NL)           0-2
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Stranraer(NL)               6-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Peebles Rovers(NL)          3-1
King's Park(2)              - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     1-0
Leith Athletic(NL)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-4
Nithsdale Wanderers(2)      - Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       0-2 (25 jan)
Partick Thistle(1)          - Stenhousemuir(2)            3-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Vale of Atholl(NL)          3-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Arbroath(2)                 2-0
Vale of Leven(NL)           - Johnstone(NL)               6-2
FC Bo'ness(2) bye.
Repeat 1st Round:
Dykehead(NL)                - Montrose(NL)                3-3 (5 feb)
Replays 1st Round (26 jan 1927):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Ayr United(2)               2-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen of the South(2)       4-1
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Bathgate(2)                 5-2
Montrose(NL)                - Dykehead(NL)                3-1aet (9 feb)
2nd Round (5 february 1927):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Dumbarton(2)                1-1
Brechin City(NL)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-6
Broxburn United(NL)         - Montrose(NL)                2-2 (12 feb)
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Beith(NL)                   2-0
Dundee United(1)            - Vale of Leven(NL)           4-1
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Elgin City(NL)              - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-4
Falkirk(1)                  - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     6-3
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Cowdenbeath(1)              2-1
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Clydebank FC(2)             5-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
King's Park(2)              - Partick Thistle(1)          2-4
Mid Annandale(NL)           - Forfar Athletic(2)          3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        6-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       0-3
Replays 2nd Round (9 feb 1927):
Aberdeen(1)                 - East Fife Methil(2)         1-2
Dumbarton(2)                - Alloa Athletic(2)           0-4aet
Dundee FC(1)                - Kilmarnock(1)               5-1
Montrose(NL)                - Broxburn United(NL)         1-0 (16 feb)
3rd Round (19 february 1927):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       0-0
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - FC Bo'ness(2)               0-3
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Partick Thistle(1)          0-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-4
Dundee United(1)            - Montrose(NL)                2-2 (23 feb)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Mid Annandale(NL)           3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hamilton Academical(1)      4-0
Replays 3rd Round (22 feb 1927):
Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       - Alloa Athletic(2)           3-0
Montrose(NL)                - Dundee United(1)            1-3aet (24 feb)
Quarterfinals (5 march 1927):
Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       - East Fife Methil(2)         0-3
Falkirk(1)                  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-2
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-5
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dundee United(1)            5-0
Replay Quarterfinals (9 mar 1927):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  0-1aet
Semifinals (26 march 1927):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Falkirk(1)                  1-0 (*)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow   (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Hampden Park, 16 april 1927):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - East Fife Methil(2)         3-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (21 january 1928):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Glasgow University(NL)      5-1
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Fraserburgh(NL)             2-0
Arbroath(2)                 - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     2-3
Armadale(2)                 - Berwick Rangers(NL)         3-1
Ayr United(2)               - FC Bo'ness(1)               2-0
Beith(NL)                   - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-4
Brechin City(NL)            - Lochgelly United(NL)        3-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Bathgate(2)                 3-1
Civil Service Strollers(NL) - King's Park(2)              0-3
Clydebank FC(2)             - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     0-3
Cowdenbeath(1)              - Johnstone(NL)              12-0 !
Dumbarton(2)                - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-3 (25 jan)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Dundee United(2)            1-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-6
Falkirk(1)                  - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   3-1
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Queen of the South(2)       2-1
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Elgin City(NL)              2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dykehead(NL)                wo
Huntly(NL)                  - Motherwell(1)               0-3
Keith(NL)                   - Dalbeattie Star(NL)         5-2
Leith Athletic(2)           - Kilmarnock(1)               2-3
Montrose(NL)                - Stenhousemuir(2)            0-5
Morton Greenock(2)          - Mid Annandale(NL)           7-3
Partick Thistle(1)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    9-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       2-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Aberdeen(1)                 4-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Clyde Glasgow(1)            6-1
Stranraer(NL)               - Dundee FC(1)                2-4
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Clackmannan(NL)            10-0 !
Vale of Atholl(NL)          - Newton Stewart(NL)          2-1
Vale of Leven(NL)           - Leith Amateurs(NL)          1-2
Replays 1st Round (25 jan 1928):
Dundee United(2)            - East Fife Methil(2)         2-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1aet
2nd Round (4 february 1928):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-1
Armadale(2)                 - King's Park(2)              2-4
Ayr United(2)               - Falkirk(1)                  2-4
Brechin City(NL)            - Albion Rovers(2)            1-4
Dundee United(2)            - Dundee FC(1)                3-3
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Leith Amateurs(NL)          3-1
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Kilmarnock(1)               1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Forres Mechanics(NL)        7-0
Keith(NL)                   - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-6
Motherwell(1)               - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   2-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     4-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Morton Greenock(2)          4-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Cowdenbeath(1)              4-2
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Vale of Atholl(NL)          5-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
Replays 2nd Round (8 feb 1928):
Dundee FC(1)                - Dundee United(2)            1-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Motherwell(1)               1-2
3rd Round (18 february 1928):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Motherwell(1)               1-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Falkirk(1)                  0-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     4-4
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - King's Park(2)              3-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Partick Thistle(1)          0-5
Replays 3rd Round (22 feb 1928):
Falkirk(1)                  - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-1aet
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0
Quarterfinals (3 march 1928):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-4
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Partick Thistle(1)          1-0
Semifinals (24 march 1928):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     2-1 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-0 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow  (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Hampden Park, 14 april 1928):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           4-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (19 jan 1929):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Solway Star(NL)             5-0
Albion Rovers(2)            - Galston(NL)                 7-1
Alloa Athletic(2)           - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  3-3
Arbroath(2)                 - Inverness Thistle(NL)       2-0
Armadale(2)                 - Moorpark(NL)                9-2
Beith(NL)                   - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   2-2
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - Ayr United(1)               3-9
Breadalbane(NL)             - Brechin City(NL)            0-6 (26 jan)
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     0-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Arthurlie Barrhead(2)       5-1
Civil Service Strollers(NL) - Fraserburgh(NL)             1-1 (12 jan)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Montrose(NL)                4-1
Dumbarton(2)                - Inverness Citadel(NL)       6-1
Dundee FC(1)                - King's Park(2)              1-1
Dundee United(2)            - Morton Greenock(2)          3-1
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Cowdenbeath(1)              1-3
Dunkeld and Birnam(NL)      - Clackmannan(NL)             wo
East Fife Methil(2)         - Partick Thistle(1)          1-2
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Newton Stewart(NL)          7-1
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Forfar Athletic(2)          2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-2
Huntly(NL)                  - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-3
Kilmarnock(1)               - Glasgow University(NL)      8-1
Motherwell(1)               - Leith Athletic(2)           4-1
Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-4
Queen of the South(2)       - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Edinburgh City(NL)         11-1 !
St.Andrew's University(NL)  - Bathgate(2)                 0-3
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Falkirk(1)                  1-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Clydebank FC(2)             6-2
Thornhill(NL)               - Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    0-4 (12 jan)
Replays 1st Round (24 jan 1929):
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-1 (23 jan)
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 4-3 (19 jan)
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Queen of the South(2)       0-3
King's Park(2)              - Dundee FC(1)                1-5 (23 jan)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Beith(NL)                   4-1 (26 jan)
2nd Round (2 february 1929):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     4-0
Albion Rovers(2)            - Clackmannan(NL)             8-1
Ayr United(1)               - Armadale(2)                 5-1
Bathgate(2)                 - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-1
Brechin City(NL)            - Dundee FC(1)                1-6
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  3-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-1
Cowdenbeath(1)              - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Dumbarton(2)                0-3
Kilmarnock(1)               - FC Bo'ness(2)               3-2
Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    - Arbroath(2)                 1-1
Queen of the South(2)       - Falkirk(1)                  1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Partick Thistle(1)          5-1
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Dundee United(2)            1-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Motherwell(1)               2-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-1
Replays 2nd Round (6 feb 1929):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Cowdenbeath(1)              3-2aet
Arbroath(2)                 - Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    5-2
Dundee United(2)            - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Bathgate(2)                 5-2
3rd Round (16 february 1929):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Kilmarnock(1)               0-1
Ayr United(1)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Arbroath(2)                 4-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Dundee United(2)            1-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Aberdeen(1)                 3-5
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Dumbarton(2)                3-2
Replays 3rd Round (20 feb 1929):
Dundee United(2)            - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Motherwell(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-1
Quarterfinals (2 march 1929):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               0-0 (6 mar)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Kilmarnock(1)               2-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee United(2)            3-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Aberdeen(1)                 4-3 (5 mar)
Replay Quarterfinals (13 mar 1929):
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Semifinals (23 march 1929):
Kilmarnock(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        3-2
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow   (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 6 april 1929):
Kilmarnock(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-0
Cupwinners: Kilmarnock.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (18 january 1930):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     3-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Alloa Athletic(2)           4-2
Arbroath(2)                 - Galston(NL)                 6-1
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Falkirk(1)                  0-2
Civil Service Strollers(NL) - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 0-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Keith(NL)                   7-0
Dalbeattie Star(NL)         - Partick Thistle(1)          1-6
Dumbarton(2)                - Cowdenbeath(1)              1-4
Dundee FC(1)                - Morton Greenock(1)          2-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - Queen of the South(2)       1-2
Falkirk Amateurs(NL)        - Leith Athletic(2)           0-3
FC Bo'ness(2)               - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       0-0
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Brechin City(2)             7-2
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Stenhousemuir(2)            6-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clydebank FC(2)             1-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Leith Amateurs(NL)          2-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-6
Inverness Citadel(NL)       - Armadale(2)                 1-0 (15 jan)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Paisley Academicals(NL)    11-1 !
King's Park(2)              - Bathgate(NL)                6-2
Mid Annandale(NL)           - Ayr United(1)               0-5
Motherwell(1)               - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  6-0
Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    - Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    2-2 (11 jan)
Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     - St.Andrew's University(NL)  6-1
Peterhead(NL)               - Vale of Leithen(NL)         3-3
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Aberdeen(1)                 3-3
Royal Albert(NL)            - Beith(NL)                   1-4
Solway Star(NL)             - Montrose(2)                 0-8
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     5-3
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-5
Stranraer(NL)               - Dundee United(1)            0-2
Replays 1st Round (18 jan 1930):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   7-0 (22 jan)
Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    - Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    0-3
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - FC Bo'ness(2)               3-1aet (22 jan)
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Peterhead(NL)               2-1 (25 jan)
2nd Round (1 february 1930):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     5-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    8-3
Albion Rovers(2)            - Beith(NL)                   2-1
Ayr United(1)               - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Arbroath(2)                 5-0
Dundee FC(1)                - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       4-1
Dundee United(1)            - Partick Thistle(1)          0-3
Falkirk(1)                  - Queen of the South(2)       1-1
Forfar Athletic(2)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Kilmarnock(1)               4-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   0-0
Leith Athletic(2)           - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 2-0
Montrose(2)                 - Inverness Citadel(NL)       3-1
Motherwell(1)               - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Cowdenbeath(1)              2-2
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - King's Park(2)              2-7
Replays 2nd Round (5 feb 1930):
Cowdenbeath(1)              - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3
Queen of the South(2)       - Falkirk(1)                  3-4 (6 feb)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   5-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Forfar Athletic(2)          3-0
3rd Round (15 february 1930):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Montrose(2)                 2-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-3
Dundee FC(1)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Leith Athletic(2)           0-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - King's Park(2)              4-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-3
Motherwell(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-5
Partick Thistle(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 3-2
Replays 3rd Round (19 feb 1930):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Dundee FC(1)                0-0aet
Leith Athletic(2)           - Falkirk(1)                  1-1aet
Montrose(2)                 - Albion Rovers(2)            3-1
2nd Replays 3rd Round (24 feb 1930):
Dundee FC(1)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-1 (Ibrox Park)
Falkirk(1)                  - Leith Athletic(2)           1-1aet (Tynecastle)
3rd Replays 3rd Round (25 feb 1930):
Falkirk(1)                  - Leith Athletic(2)           1-0 (Tynecastle)
Quarterfinals (1 march 1930):
Dundee FC(1)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  3-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Montrose(2)                 3-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Hamilton Academical(1)      3-4
Replay Quarterfinals (5 mar 1930):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                4-0
Semifinals (22 march 1930):
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hamilton Academical(1)      3-1 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      4-1 (#)
(*) Celtic Park, Glasgow  (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 12 april 1930):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Partick Thistle(1)          0-0
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 16 apr):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (17 jan 1931):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dumbarton(2)                6-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Vale of Leithen(NL)         6-0
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Dalbeattie Star(NL)         2-0
Arbroath(2)                 - Moorpark(NL)                7-1
Armadale(2)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-7
Ayr United(1)               - Clackmannan(NL)            11-2 !
Brechin City(2)             - Edinburgh City(NL)          1-3
Civil Service Strollers(NL) - Tarff Rovers(NL)            2-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Leith Athletic(1)           7-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Fraserburgh(NL)            10-1 !
Dundee United(2)            - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)    14-0 !
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-2
East Fife Methil(1)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-2
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Peterhead(NL)               3-0
Glasgow University(NL)      - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    0-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Stenhousemuir(2)            9-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   3-1
Inverness Citadel(NL)       - Kilmarnock(1)               0-7
King's Park(2)              - Falkirk Amateurs(NL)        7-0
Montrose(2)                 - Mid Annandale(NL)           2-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-1
Motherwell(1)               - Bathgate(NL)                6-0
Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    - Beith(NL)                   3-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Royal Albert(NL)           16-0 !
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Falkirk(1)                  0-4
Queen of the South(2)       - Cowdenbeath(1)              2-3
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Elgin City(NL)              5-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Stranraer(NL)               6-2
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Forfar Athletic(2)          3-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Clydebank FC(2)             3-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Buckie Thistle(NL)          6-2
Replays 1st Round (21 jan 1931):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     6-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Morton Greenock(1)          1-1aet
2nd Replay 1st Round (26 jan 1931):
Morton Greenock(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-0 (Firhill)
2nd Round (31 january 1931):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Partick Thistle(1)          1-1
Arbroath(2)                 - Edinburgh City(NL)          2-0 (7 feb)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1 (3 feb)
Cowdenbeath(1)              - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       1-1 (4 feb)
Dundee United(2)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-3 (4 feb)
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Alloa Athletic(2)           0-0aband
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-2
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Falkirk(1)                  2-7
Kilmarnock(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-2
King's Park(2)              - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   1-1 (4 feb)
Montrose(2)                 - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 1-0aband
Motherwell(1)               - Albion Rovers(2)            4-1
Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    - Ayr United(1)               0-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Morton Greenock(1)          0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                1-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-0
Repeat 2nd Round:
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Alloa Athletic(2)           4-2 (4 feb)
Montrose(2)                 - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 1-0 (7 feb)
Replays 2nd Round (4 february 1931):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Hamilton Academical(1)      5-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 0-3
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - King's Park(2)              1-0 (11 feb)
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Cowdenbeath(1)              0-4 (11 feb)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-1aet (10 feb)
3rd Round (14 feb 1931):
Cowdenbeath(1)              - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   3-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Ayr United(1)               1-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Motherwell(1)               0-3
Montrose(2)                 - Kilmarnock(1)               0-3
Morton Greenock(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-4
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Falkirk(1)                  2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Arbroath(2)                 4-2
Replay 3rd Round:
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                2-0 (18 feb)
Quarterfinals (28 feb 1931):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 4-0
Cowdenbeath(1)              - Motherwell(1)               0-1
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1
Replays Quarterfinals (3 mar 1931):
Kilmarnock(1)               - FC Bo'ness(2)               5-0 (4 mar)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     3-0
Semifinals (14 march 1931):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(1)               3-0 (*)
Motherwell(1)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-0 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 11 april 1931):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               2-2
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 15 apr):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               4-2
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (16 jan 1932):
Arbroath(2)                 - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Armadale(2)                 - Montrose(2)                 3-1
Ayr United(1)               - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       3-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Falkirk(1)                  3-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     4-0
Cowdenbeath(1)              - Alloa Athletic(2)           5-1
Dalbeattie Star(NL)         - FC Bo'ness(2)               2-3
Dundee FC(1)                - Morton Greenock(1)          4-1
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  5-2
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-3
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Dumbarton(2)                2-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Lochgelly United(NL)       13-3 !
Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      - Dundee United(1)            2-3
Inverness Citadel(NL)       - Partick Thistle(1)          0-3
Kilmarnock(1)               - East Fife Methil(2)         4-1
King's Park(2)              - Thornhill(NL)               7-1
Leith Athletic(1)           - Albion Rovers(2)            1-1
Motherwell(1)               - Stenhousemuir(2)            7-2
Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    - Edinburgh City(2)           0-3 (13 jan) (%)
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Inverness Thistle(NL)       8-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Brechin City(2)             8-2
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Beith(NL)                   4-3
Stranraer(NL)               - Queen of the South(2)       1-11 !
(%) played at Tynecastle.
Replays 1st Round (20 january 1932):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Leith Athletic(1)           4-2aet
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Ayr United(1)               2-0
2nd Round (30 january 1932):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - King's Park(2)              2-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Arbroath(2)                 1-0
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Edinburgh City(2)           - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   2-3
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Partick Thistle(1)          2-2
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Armadale(2)                 5-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Cowdenbeath(1)              4-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Albion Rovers(2)            2-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Dundee United(1)            2-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Motherwell(1)               0-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-5
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-4
Replays 2nd Round (3 feb 1932):
Dundee United(1)            - Queen of the South(2)       1-1aet
King's Park(2)              - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-3
Partick Thistle(1)          - FC Bo'ness(2)               5-1
2nd Replay 2nd Round (8 feb 1932):
Dundee United(1)            - Queen of the South(2)       2-1 (Ibrox Park)
3rd Round (13 february 1932):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   2-0
Dundee United(1)            - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1), Hamilton Academical(1), Partick Thistle(1)
and Dunfermline Athletic(2) bye.
Replay 3rd Round (17 feb 1932):
Kilmarnock(1)               - Dundee United(1)            3-0
Quarterfinals (5 march 1932):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Partick Thistle(1)          4-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-2
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Kilmarnock(1)               1-3 (6 mar)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Motherwell(1)               2-0 (6 mar)
Semifinals (26 march 1932):
Kilmarnock(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-2 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hamilton Academical(1)      5-2 (#)
(*) Firhill     (#) Celtic Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 16 april 1932):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 20 apr):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(1)               3-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (21 jan 1933):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Penicuik Athletic(NL)       1-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Inverness Thistle(NL)       2-0
Armadale(NL)                - Dundee United(2)            0-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Fraserburgh(NL)             3-2
Cowdenbeath(1)              - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
Dumbarton(2)                - Beith(NL)                   3-1
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-7
Edinburgh City(2)           - Ayr United(1)               1-3 (18 jan)
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(1)  - Montrose(2)                 0-2
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Motherwell(1)               0-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Solway Star(NL)             3-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      - Forfar Athletic(2)          2-2
Kilmarnock(1)               - Lochgelly United(NL)        3-1
King's Park(2)              - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Leith Athletic(2)           - Brechin City(2)             5-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Falkirk Amateurs(NL)        4-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Falkirk(1)                  1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Arbroath(2)                 3-1 (23 jan)
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Partick Thistle(1)          2-2
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Morton Greenock(1)          1-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - East Fife Methil(2)         2-2
Stranraer(NL)               - FC Bo'ness(2)               1-1
Replays 1st Round (24 jan 1933):
Dundee FC(1)                - Cowdenbeath(1)              3-0 (25 jan)
East Fife Methil(2)         - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-2aet (25 jan)
FC Bo'ness(2)               - Stranraer(NL)               3-0 (28 jan)
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      3-7 (26 jan)
Partick Thistle(1)          - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   3-0 (25 jan)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - King's Park(2)              5-1
2nd Round (4 february 1933):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      1-1
Ayr United(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          1-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Falkirk(1)                  2-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Albion Rovers(2)            1-2
Dundee FC(1)                - FC Bo'ness(2)               4-0 (1 feb)
Dundee United(2)            - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       3-4
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    6-1
Leith Athletic(2)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-1
Motherwell(1)               - Montrose(2)                 7-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-1
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Kilmarnock(1)               0-1
Replays 2nd Round (7 feb 1933):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Leith Athletic(2)           5-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0 (8 feb)
Partick Thistle(1)          - Ayr United(1)               2-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1aet (8 feb)
2nd Replay 2nd Round (13 feb 1933):
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-3 (Hampden)
3rd Round (18 february 1933):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Motherwell(1)               - Dundee FC(1)                5-0
Albion Rovers(2), Clyde Glasgow(1), Hibernian Edinburgh(2)
and Stenhousemuir(2) bye.
Quarterfinals (4 march 1933):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Stenhousemuir(2)            3-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Motherwell(1)               3-3
Replays Quarterfinals (8 march 1933):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Albion Rovers(2)            3-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      2-0
Motherwell(1)               - Kilmarnock(1)               8-3
Semifinals (18 march 1933):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0 (*)
Motherwell(1)               - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-0 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals:
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 15 april 1933):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               1-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (20 jan 1934):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Vale Ocuba(NL)              4-1
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Dundee United(2)            4-2
Arbroath(2)                 - Dumbarton(2)                2-1
Ayr United(1)               - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     2-0
Beith(NL)                   - Brechin City(2)             1-2
Dalbeattie Star(NL)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-6
Falkirk(1)                  - Leith Amateurs(NL)          3-0
Galston(NL)                 - Keith(NL)                   8-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Montrose(2)                 5-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            5-4
King's Park(2)              - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Leith Athletic(2)           - Cowdenbeath(1)              0-1 (17 jan)
Motherwell(1)               - Gala Fairydean(NL)          4-0
Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  0-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Morton Greenock(2)          1-0
Penicuik Athletic(NL)       - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-2
Peterhead(NL)               - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-2
Queen of the South(1)       - Edinburgh City(2)           5-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Blairgowrie(NL)            14-2 !
Ross County(NL)             - Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    3-2
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Wick Academy(NL)            3-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - East Fife Methil(2)         3-1
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Rosyth Dockyard(NL)         3-0
Replays 1st Round (24 jan 1934):
Kilmarnock(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Penicuik Athletic(NL)       4-1 (23 jan)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-0
2nd Round (3 february 1934):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                2-0
Albion Rovers(2)            - Kilmarnock(1)               2-1
Ayr United(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-3
Brechin City(2)             - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-4
Cowdenbeath(1)              - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   2-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Arbroath(2)                 1-1
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Falkirk(1)                  2-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Alloa Athletic(2)           6-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Motherwell(1)               3-3
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Ross County(NL)             - Galston(NL)                 3-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-3
Queen of the South(1) bye.
Replays 2nd Round (7 feb 1934):
Arbroath(2)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  0-3
Motherwell(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1
3rd Round (17 february 1934):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Ross County(NL)             6-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Falkirk(1)                  3-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
Motherwell(1)               - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  5-0
Queen of the South(1)       - Cowdenbeath(1)              3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1) are St.Johnstone Perth(1) bye.
Replay 3rd Round (21 feb 1934):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2
Quarterfinals (3 march 1934):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Queen of the South(1)       2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0
Replay Quarterfinals (7 mar 1934):
Motherwell(1)               - Albion Rovers(2)            6-0
Semifinals (31 march 1934):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-0 (*)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Motherwell(1)               3-1 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Hampden Park, 21 april 1934):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        5-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (26 january 1935):
Albion Rovers(1)            - Paisley Academicals(NL)     7-0
Ayr United(1)               - Queen of the South(1)       3-1
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - Rosyth Dockyard(NL)         1-3
Brechin City(2)             - Leith Athletic(2)           3-2
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Beith(NL)                   1-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Montrose(2)                 4-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Motherwell(1)               1-2
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-2
East Fife Methil(2)         - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-2 (23 jan)
Falkirk(1)                  - Aberdeen(1)                 2-3
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Chirnside United(NL)        7-1
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Dundee United(2)            2-6
Galston(NL)                 - Kilmarnock(1)               0-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Solway Star(NL)             7-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Vale of Atholl(NL)          5-0 (23 jan)
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 1-3
King's Park(2)              - Edinburgh City(2)           3-1
Morton Greenock(2)          - FC Bo'ness(NL)              9-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Stenhousemuir(2)            3-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Cowdenbeath(2)              3-1
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-3
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Arbroath(2)                 1-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Peebles Rovers(NL)          3-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Creetown(NL)                6-2
Vale Ocuba(NL)              - Dumbarton(2)                1-6
2nd Round (9 february 1935):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Albion Rovers(1)            4-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Rosyth Dockyard(NL)         1-0
Ayr United(1)               - King's Park(2)              1-1
Brechin City(2)             - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Partick Thistle(1)          1-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Hamilton Academical(1)      3-3
Dundee United(2)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     6-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Kilmarnock(1)               2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 7-0
Motherwell(1)               - Morton Greenock(2)          7-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     2-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Dumbarton(2)                4-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Forfar Athletic(2)          3-0
Buckie Thistle(NL) bye.
Replays 2nd Round (13 feb 1935):
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            6-3
King's Park(2)              - Ayr United(1)               2-2aet
Partick Thistle(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Brechin City(2)             2-4
2nd Replay 2nd Round (18 feb 1935):
King's Park(2)              - Ayr United(1)               4-4aet (Firhill)
3rd Replay 2nd Round (19 feb 1935):
King's Park(2)              - Ayr United(1)               2-1 (Hampden Park)
3rd Round (23 february 1935):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - King's Park(2)              6-2
Brechin City(2)             - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-4
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       0-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee United(2)            2-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-0
Motherwell(1) and Celtic Glasgow(1) bye.
Replays 3rd Round (27 feb 1935):
Dundee United(2)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1aet
2nd Replay 3rd Round (4 march 1935):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 2-3 (Easter Road)
Quarterfinals (9 march 1935):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-3
Hamilton Academical(1)      - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       3-0
Motherwell(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-4
Semifinals (30 march 1935):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-2 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1 (#)
(*) Celtic Park, Glasgow   (#) Hampden park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals:
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0 (#)
(#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 20 april 1935):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1st Round (25 january 1936):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hamilton Academical(1)      4-1 (29 jan)
Albion Rovers(1)            - Wigtown(NL)                 7-1
Arbroath(1)                 - Motherwell(1)               1-3 (29 jan)
Ayr United(1)               - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        2-3
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           wo
Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    - Dumbarton(2)                2-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Forfar Athletic(2)          2-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        6-0
Dundee United(2)            - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-2
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Brechin City(2)             6-2 (29 jan)
Edinburgh City(2)           - Cowdenbeath(2)              2-3
Elgin City(NL)              - Chirnside United(NL)        2-2 (1 feb)
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Kilmarnock(1)               2-5 (29 jan)
FC Bo'ness(NL)              - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-3 (1 feb)
Galston(NL)                 - Stranraer(NL)               5-3 (1 feb)
King's Park(2)              - Wick Academy(NL)            6-1 (1 feb)
Leith Athletic(2)           - Buckie Thistle(NL)          3-3
Montrose(2)                 - Falkirk(2)                  0-2
Morton Greenock(2)          - Blairgowrie(NL)            11-1 ! (1 feb)
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Dalbeattie Star(NL)         3-3
Queen of the South(1)       - Partick Thistle(1)          2-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-4
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - East Fife Methil(2)         3-1 (29 jan)
Ross County(NL)             - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   0-5 (1 feb)
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-0 (29 jan)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0 (29 jan)
Vale Ocuba(NL)              - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-3 (1 feb)
Replays 1st Round (29 january 1936):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Dundee United(2)            1-1aet
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Leith Athletic(2)           1-2
Chirnside United(NL)        - Elgin City(NL)              3-4aet (5 feb)
Dalbeattie Star(NL)         - Peebles Rovers(NL)          1-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    4-2 (1 feb)
2nd Replay 1st Round (3 february 1936):
Dundee United(2)            - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-1 (Tynecastle)
2nd Round (8 february 1936):
Aberdeen(1)                 - King's Park(2)              6-0
Albion Rovers(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      4-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Dundee United(2)            5-3
Dalbeattie Star(NL)         - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        0-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-1
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Galston(NL)                 5-2
Elgin City(NL)              - Queen of the South(1)       0-3
Falkirk(2)                  - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1
Morton Greenock(2)          - Stenhousemuir(2)            3-0
Motherwell(1)               - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   3-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Leith Athletic(2)           2-0
Dumbarton(2) bye.
Replay 2nd Round (12 feb 1936):
Kilmarnock(1)               - Falkirk(2)                  1-3aet
3rd Round (22 february 1936):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Motherwell(1)               1-3
Morton Greenock(2)          - Queen of the South(1)       2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(2)        - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Dumbarton(2)                8-0
Dunfermline Athletic(1) and Falkirk(2) bye.
Replays 3rd Round (26 feb 1936):
Dundee FC(1)                - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-3
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
Quarterfinals (7 march 1936):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Motherwell(1)               3-2
Falkirk(2)                  - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     5-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-5
Semifinals (28 march 1936):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-0 (#)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Falkirk(2)                  5-3 (*)
(#) Hampden Park, Glasgow     (*) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Hampden Park, 18 april 1936):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (30 january 1937):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Inverness Thistle(NL)       6-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Dundee United(2)            3-1
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-5 (2 feb)
Ayr United(2)               - Partick Thistle(1)          0-2
Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    0-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Vale Ocuba(NL)              8-0
Dalbeattie Star(NL)         - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     1-2
Dumbarton(2)                - Keith(NL)                   3-1
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Arbroath(1)                 0-0 (3 feb)
Dundee FC(1)                - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  4-1 (3 feb)
Edinburgh City(2)           - Duns(NL)                    2-5 (6 feb)
Falkirk(1)                  - Peebles Rovers(NL)          6-0
FC Bo'ness(NL)              - Cowdenbeath(2)              0-6
Forfar Athletic(2)          - East Fife Methil(2)         0-3 (4 feb)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   3-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Brechin City(2)             1-2
King's Park(2)              - Elgin City(NL)              1-1 (6 feb)
Larbert(NL)                 - Solway Star(NL)             1-3 (23 jan)
Leith Athletic(2)           - Albion Rovers(1)            4-4 (3 feb)
Montrose(2)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1
Moorpark(NL)                - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-7 (29 jan)
Motherwell(1)               - Galston(NL)                 3-1
Murrayfield(NL)             - Morton Greenock(2)          3-3 (29 jan)
Queen of the South(1)       - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       0-5 (3 feb)
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Beith(NL)                   4-0
Replays 1st Round (3 february 1937):
Albion Rovers(1)            - Leith Athletic(2)           5-3 (10 feb)
Arbroath(1)                 - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-0 (10 feb)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-0
Elgin City(NL)              - King's Park(2)              3-4aet (10 feb)
Morton Greenock(2)          - Murrayfield(NL)             6-1 (30 jan)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Montrose(2)                 5-0
2nd Round (13 february 1937):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     4-2
Albion Rovers(1)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-5
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       3-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Solway Star(NL)             9-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     2-0
Duns(NL)                    - Dumbarton(2)                2-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Motherwell(1)               0-3
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - King's Park(2)             15-0 !
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - East Fife Methil(2)         1-6
Partick Thistle(1)          - Arbroath(1)                 4-1
Queen of the South(1)       - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Brechin City(2)             1-0
Morton Greenock(2) bye.
3rd Round (27 february 1937):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                0-0
Duns(NL)                    - Motherwell(1)               2-5 (10 mar)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1 (3 mar)
Morton Greenock(2)          - Partick Thistle(1)          1-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Cowdenbeath(2)              1-0 (10 mar)
Aberdeen(1) and Queen of the South(1) bye.
Replays 3rd Round (3 march 1937):
Dundee FC(1)                - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - Morton Greenock(2)          1-2
Quarterfinals (13 march 1937):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               4-4 (17 mar)
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2 (17 mar)
Morton Greenock(2)          - Queen of the South(1)       4-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-3
Replays Quarterfinals:
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2 (24 mar)
Semifinals (3 april 1937):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Morton Greenock(2)          2-0 (*)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-0 (#)
(*) Easter Road             (#) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 24 april 1937):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (22 january 1938):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - East Fife Methil(2)         1-2
Albion Rovers(2)            - Dundee FC(1)                4-2
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-6
Ayr United(1)               - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  4-1
Bo'ness United(NL)          - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-4
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Motherwell(1)               1-4
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Brechin City(2)             4-1
Chirnside United(NL)        - Ross County(NL)             2-3
Dundee United(2)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-1
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-1
Elgin City(NL)              - Aberdeen(1)                 1-6
Falkirk(1)                  - Dalbeattie Star(NL)         6-0
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Blairgowrie(NL)             7-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Edinburgh City(2)           2-3
Huntly(NL)                  - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     0-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Dumbarton(2)                6-0
Moorpark(NL)                - Larbert Amateurs(NL)        2-5
Morton Greenock(1)          - Peterhead(NL)               4-0
Penicuik(NL)                - King's Park(2)              1-3
Queen of the South(1)       - Leith Athletic(2)           4-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Galston(NL)                 2-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Montrose(2)                 1-0
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Vale of Leithen(NL)         1-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        3-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Arbroath(1)                 1-1
Stranraer(NL)               - Partick Thistle(1)          2-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Replays 1st Round (26 jan 1938):
Arbroath(1)                 - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-3
Partick Thistle(1)          - Stranraer(NL)               8-0
2nd Round (12 february 1938):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       5-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     5-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - Dundee United(2)            5-0
Falkirk(1)                  - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        3-2
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Forfar Athletic(2)          5-1
Larbert Amateurs(NL)        - Morton Greenock(1)          2-3
Partick Thistle(1)          - Cowdenbeath(2)              1-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Ayr United(1)               1-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Edinburgh City(2)           9-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Queen of the South(1)       3-1
Ross County(NL)             - Albion Rovers(2)            2-5
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - King's Park(2)              1-1
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Kilmarnock(1) bye.
Replays 2nd Round (16 feb 1938):
Ayr United(1)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     2-1
King's Park(2)              - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   3-4
Motherwell(1)               - Stenhousemuir(2)            6-1
3rd Round (5 march 1938):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(1)               1-2
East Fife Methil(2)         - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Albion Rovers(2)            4-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Ayr United(1)               1-1
Motherwell(1)               - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-2
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2) and Rangers Glasgow(1) bye.
Replays 3rd Round (9 march 1938):
Aberdeen(1)                 - East Fife Methil(2)         1-2
Ayr United(1)               - Morton Greenock(1)          4-1
Quarterfinals (19 march 1938):
East Fife Methil(2)         - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-2
Falkirk(1)                  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2
Kilmarnock(1)               - Ayr United(1)               1-1
St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   - Motherwell(1)               3-1
Replays Quarterfinals (23 mar 1938):
Ayr United(1)               - Kilmarnock(1)               0-5
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - East Fife Methil(2)         2-3
Semifinals (2 april 1938):
East Fife Methil(2)         - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   1-1 (#)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          4-3 (*)
(#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh   (*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (6 apr 1938):
East Fife Methil(2)         - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   1-1aet (#)
(#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
2nd Replay Semifinals (13 apr 1938):
East Fife Methil(2)         - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   2-1 (#)
(#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Hampden Park, 23 april 1938):
East Fife Methil(2)         - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 27 apr):
East Fife Methil(2)         - Kilmarnock(1)               4-2aet
Cupwinners: East Fife Methil.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (21 january 1939):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Albion Rovers(1)            1-0
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Ayr United(1)               2-1
Blairgowrie(NL)             - Dumbarton(2)                3-2
Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-8
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-0
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Partick Thistle(1)          3-3
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Morton Greenock(2)          5-2
Dundee FC(2)                - St.Bernard's Edinburgh(2)   2-0
Dundee United(2)            - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-0
Duns(NL)                    - Girvan(NL)                  4-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Montrose(2)                 1-2
Edinburgh City(2)           - Stranraer(NL)               3-3
Falkirk(1)                  - Brechin City(2)             5-0
Falkirk Amateurs(NL)        - Elgin City(NL)              2-4
FC Bo'ness(NL)              - Hamilton Academical(1)      1-4
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Penicuik Athletic(NL)      14-2 !
Huntly(NL)                  - Motherwell(1)               1-8
Kilmarnock(1)               - Berwick Rangers(NL)         6-1
King's Park(2)              - Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        5-5
Leith Athletic(2)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    0-2
Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     - Buckie Thistle(NL)          5-5
Queen of the South(1)       - Arbroath(1)                 5-4
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   4-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  7-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 8-2
Replays 1st Round (25 january 1939):
Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        - King's Park(2)              3-2
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     5-2 (28 jan)
Partick Thistle(1)          - Cowdenbeath(2)              1-2
Stranraer(NL)               - Edinburgh City(2)           1-2
2nd Round (4 february 1939):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     5-1
Blairgowrie(NL)             - Buckie Thistle(NL)          3-3
Dundee FC(2)                - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-0
Dundee United(2)            - Motherwell(1)               1-5
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Duns(NL)                    2-0
Edinburgh City(2)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-3 (1 feb)
Falkirk(1)                  - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    7-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Elgin City(NL)             14-1 !
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Kilmarnock(1)               3-1
Montrose(2)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-7
Queen of the South(1)       - Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        5-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Cowdenbeath(2)              3-0
Alloa Athletic(2) bye.
Replays 2nd Round (8 feb 1939):
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Blairgowrie(NL)             4-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dundee FC(2)                1-0
3rd Round (18 february 1939):
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-6
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Aberdeen(1)                 2-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-2
Motherwell(1)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(1) and Queen of the South(1) bye.
Replays 3rd Round (22 feb 1939):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     3-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1aet
Quarterfinals (4 march 1939):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Queen of the South(1)       2-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Alloa Athletic(2)           3-1
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-1
Semifinals (25 march 1939):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Motherwell(1)               1-1 (*)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow  (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Replay Semifinals (29 mar 1939):
Motherwell(1)               - Aberdeen(1)                 3-1 (*)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 22 april 1939):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Motherwell(1)               4-0
Cupwinners: Clyde Glasgow.


No cups played from 1939/40 to 1945/46 due to World War II.


1  = Division A.
2  = Division B.
3  = Division C.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (25 jan 1947):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    3-0
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-8
Arbroath(2)                 - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-2
Dundee FC(2)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     6-2
Falkirk(1)                  - Kilmarnock(1)               2-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       3-0
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  1-1 (1 feb)
Morton Greenock(1)          - Edinburgh City(3)           4-0
Motherwell(1)               - Forfar Athletic(3)          3-0
Peterhead(NL)               - Ayr United(2)               1-5
Queen of the South(1)       - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   3-4
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Dundee United(2)            3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dumbarton(2)                2-3
Stranraer(NL)               - Cowdenbeath(2)              0-5
Replays 1st Round (8 february 1947):
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 5-1
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Arbroath(2)                 0-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-1
(only 3 clubs from Division C take part).
2nd Round (15 feb 1947):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Ayr United(2)               8-0 (8 feb)
East Fife Methil(2)         - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  5-1
remaining 14 clubs received byes.
3rd Round (22 feb 1947):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Morton Greenock(1)          1-1
Arbroath(2)                 - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   5-4
Dumbarton(2)                - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-0
Dundee FC(2)                - Albion Rovers(2)            3-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     3-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Motherwell(1)               0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Cowdenbeath(2)              2-1aet (8 mar)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Replays 3rd Round (8 march 1947):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2
Motherwell(1)               - Falkirk(1)                  1-0
Quarterfinals (15 march 1947):
Arbroath(2)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1
Dundee FC(2)                - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2aet (29 mar)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Motherwell(1)               0-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dumbarton(2)                2-0
Semifinals (29 march 1947):
Arbroath(2)                 - Aberdeen(1)                 0-2 (12 apr) (*)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Motherwell(1)               2-1aet (#)
(*) Dens Park, Dundee    (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 26 apr 1947):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-1
Cupwinners: Aberdeen.


1  = Division A.
2  = Division B.
3  = Division C.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (24 january 1948):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
Arbroath(2)                 - Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        9-1
Ayr United(2)               - Morton Greenock(1)          1-2
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - Cowdenbeath(2)              2-4
Dundee FC(1)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-4
East Fife Methil(2)         - Kilmarnock(2)               2-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Falkirk(1)                  1-6
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       0-2 (17 jan)
Motherwell(1)               - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-2aet
Queen of the South(1)       - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Shawfield Amateurs(NL)      8-0
Stranraer(NL)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Replay 1st Round (31 january 1948):
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Motherwell(1)               0-2
Bye: 20 clubs.
2nd Round (7 february 1948):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Queen of the South(1)       0-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Cowdenbeath(2)              3-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     2-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       5-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Arbroath(2)                 4-0
Montrose(3)                 - Duns(NL)                    2-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  3-2
Motherwell(1)               - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-0
Nithsdale Wanderers(NL)     - Aberdeen(1)                 0-5
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dundee United(2)            4-3aet
Peterhead(NL)               - Dumbarton(2)                1-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Deveronvale(NL)             8-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Leith Athletic(2)           4-0
Stirling Albion(2)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-4
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  2-0
3rd Round (21 february 1948):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   3-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               1-0
Dumbarton(2)                - East Fife Methil(2)         0-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 4-2
Montrose(3)                 - Queen of the South(1)       2-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Partick Thistle(1)          3-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-1
Quarterfinals (6 march 1948):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Morton Greenock(1)          0-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Montrose(3)                 4-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        3-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - East Fife Methil(2)         1-0
Semifinals (27 march 1948):
Morton Greenock(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0aet (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0 (#)
(*) Ibrox, Glasgow      (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 17 april 1948):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Morton Greenock(1)          1-1aet
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 21 apr):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Morton Greenock(1)          1-0aet
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division A.
2  = Division B.
3  = Division C.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (22 january 1949):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Montrose(3)                 8-3
Arbroath(2)                 - Partick Thistle(1)          3-4
Ayr United(2)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     2-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Fraserburgh(NL)             2-0
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Keith(NL)                   6-2
Dumbarton(2)                - Kilmarnock(2)               5-2
Dundee FC(1)                - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       5-1
Dundee United(2)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           4-3
East Fife Methil(1)         - Falkirk(1)                  2-1
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-4
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Albion Rovers(1)            1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    4-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Morton Greenock(1)          2-2
Leith Athletic(3)           - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   0-1
Motherwell(1)               - Stranraer(NL)               3-0
Queen of the South(1)       - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  2-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Elgin City(NL)              6-1
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Stirling Albion(2)          2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Replay 1st Round (26 january 1949):
Morton Greenock(1)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-0
2nd Round (5 february 1949):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-3 (9 feb)
Ayr United(2)               - Morton Greenock(1)          0-2
Cowdenbeath(2)              - East Fife Methil(1)         1-2
Dumbarton(2)                - Dundee United(2)            1-1
Dundee FC(1)                - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-1
Motherwell(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3
Partick Thistle(1)          - Queen of the South(1)       3-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Albion Rovers(1)            5-1 (9 feb)
Replays 2nd Round (9 february 1949):
Dundee United(2)            - Dumbarton(2)                1-3
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-4
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dundee FC(1)                1-2 (8 feb)
3rd Round (19 february 1949):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dumbarton(2)                3-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-2
Bye: 6 clubs.
Quarterfinals (5 march 1949):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                2-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - East Fife Methil(1)         0-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Partick Thistle(1)          4-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-1
Semifinals (26 march 1949):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                2-2aet (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - East Fife Methil(1)         3-0 (#)
(*) Easter Road          (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (4 april 1949):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                2-1 (#)
(#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 23 april 1949):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(1)            4-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division A.
2  = Division B.
NL = Non-league/Division C.
1st Round (28 january 1950):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Albion Rovers(2)            0-1
Brechin City(NL)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Newton Stewart(NL)          4-3
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Hamilton Academical(2)      1-0 (1 feb)
Dumbarton(2)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     1-0
Dundee United(2)            - Ayr United(2)               4-0
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Forfar Athletic(2)          5-3
East Fife Methil(1)         - Fraserburgh(NL)             4-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          0-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Queen of the South(1)       0-1
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-3
Kilmarnock(2)               - Stirling Albion(1)          1-1
Motherwell(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-4
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    3-0
Ross County(NL)             - Morton Greenock(2)          0-3
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Leith Athletic(NL)          7-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2
Stranraer(NL)               - Falkirk(1)                  1-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Arbroath(NL)                2-1
Replays 1st Round (1 february 1950):
Dundee FC(1)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2aet (6 feb)
Stirling Albion(1)          - Kilmarnock(2)               3-1
2nd Round (11 february 1950):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     1-2 (15 feb)
Falkirk(1)                  - East Fife Methil(1)         2-3
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dundee United(2)            5-0 (14 feb)
Queen of the South(1)       - Morton Greenock(2)          1-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Cowdenbeath(2)              8-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       2-2
Stirling Albion(1)          - Dumbarton(2)                2-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1 (15 feb)
Replays 2nd Round (15 february 1950):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     4-1 (20 feb)
Dumbarton(2)                - Stirling Albion(1)          1-1aet
Morton Greenock(2)          - Queen of the South(1)       0-3
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-4
2nd Replay 2nd Round (22 feb 1950):
Stirling Albion(1)          - Dumbarton(2)                6-2 (Ibrox Park)
3rd Round (25 february 1950):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-4
Bye: 6 clubs.
Quarterfinals (11 march 1950):
Partick Thistle(1)          - Stirling Albion(1)          5-1
Queen of the South(1)       - Aberdeen(1)                 3-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-1
Stenhousemuir(2)            - East Fife Methil(1)         0-3
Replays Quarterfinals (15 march 1950):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Queen of the South(1)       1-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1aet
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (27 march 1950):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   2-0 (Ibrox Park)
Semifinals (1 march 1950):
East Fife Methil(1)         - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1 (#)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Queen of the South(1)       1-1 (*)
(#) Ibrox Park, Glasgow    (*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (5 april 1950):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Queen of the South(1)       3-0 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 22 april 1950):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - East Fife Methil(1)         3-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division A.
2  = Division B.
NL = Non-league/Division C.
1st Round (27 january 1951):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    6-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-1
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-3
Brechin City(NL)            - Berwick Rangers(NL)         3-2
Dumbarton(2)                - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       0-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Dundee United(2)            2-2
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-3
Duns(NL)                    - Forres Mechanics(NL)        3-1
East Fife Methil(1)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Kilmarnock(2)               2-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-2
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Elgin City(NL)              2-2
Morton Greenock(1)          - Cowdenbeath(2)              2-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-1
Peterhead(NL)               - Motherwell(1)               0-4
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Arbroath(2)                 3-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Queen of the South(2)       2-0
Stirling Albion(2)          - Ayr United(2)               1-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Forfar Athletic(2)          5-2
Replays 1st Round (31 january 1951):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - East Fife Methil(1)         4-2
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Morton Greenock(1)          1-2
Dundee United(2)            - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Elgin City(NL)              - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        5-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Partick Thistle(1)          1-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Albion Rovers(2)            1-2
2nd Round (10 february 1951):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     4-0
Albion Rovers(2)            - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Duns(NL)                    4-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-5
Morton Greenock(1)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-3
Motherwell(1)               - Hamilton Academical(2)      4-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Ayr United(2)               1-3
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Brechin City(NL)            5-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-3
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Dundee FC(1)                1-3
Replay 2nd Round (14 february 1951):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Morton Greenock(1)          2-1
3rd Round (24 february 1951):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Clyde Glasgow(1)            4-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Bye: 6 clubs.
Quarterfinals (10 march 1951):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-3
Ayr United(2)               - Motherwell(1)               2-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 3-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-2
Replay Quarterfinals (14 march 1951):
Motherwell(1)               - Ayr United(2)               2-1aet
Semifinals (31 march 1951):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   3-2 (*)
Motherwell(1)               - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-2 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow    (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Hampden Park, 21 april 1951):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               1-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division A.
2  = Division B.
NL = Non-league/Division C.
1st Round (26 january 1952):
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - Peebles Rovers(NL)          7-0
Brechin City(NL)            - Queen of the South(1)       0-6
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-0 (30 jan)
Deveronvale(NL)             - Clyde Glasgow(2)            1-3 (30 jan)
Dundee FC(1)                - Ayr United(2)               4-0
Duns(NL)                    - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-2
Eyemouth United(NL)         - East Fife Methil(1)         0-4
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Motherwell(1)               2-4
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Dundee United(2)            3-3
Kilmarnock(2)               - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-0
Montrose(NL)                - Wigtown(NL)                 1-2
Morton Greenock(1)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Bye: 18 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (30 jan 1952):
Dundee United(2)            - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    4-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   0-0aet
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-1aet (4 feb)
2nd Replay 1st Round (4 feb 1952):
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      4-1 (Tynecastle)
2nd Round (9 feb 1952):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Kilmarnock(2)               2-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - East Fife Methil(1)         2-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Stranraer(NL)               1-1
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Berwick Rangers(NL)         0-0
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     3-4
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Arbroath(2)                 1-4
Dumbarton(2)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     1-0
Falkirk(2)                  - Stirling Albion(1)          3-3
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-0
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Morton Greenock(1)          1-2
Leith Athletic(NL)          - Dundee United(2)            1-4
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Elgin City(NL)              6-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Queen of the South(1)       2-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Motherwell(1)               2-3
Wigtown(NL)                 - Dundee FC(1)                1-7
Replays 2nd Round (13 feb 1952):
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - Alloa Athletic(2)           4-1 (14 feb)
Queen of the South(1)       - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       3-1
Stirling Albion(1)          - Falkirk(2)                  1-2aet
Stranraer(NL)               - Albion Rovers(2)            3-4aet
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Hamilton Academical(2)      4-0
3rd Round (23 february 1952):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Morton Greenock(1)          4-0
Albion Rovers(2)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-3
Arbroath(2)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
Dumbarton(2)                - Falkirk(2)                  1-3
Dundee FC(1)                - Berwick Rangers(NL)         1-0
Dundee United(2)            - Aberdeen(1)                 2-2
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Queen of the South(1)       - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-3
Replays 3rd Round (27 feb 1952):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(2)            3-2
Motherwell(1)               - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     4-0
Quarterfinals (8 march 1952):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Aberdeen(1)                 4-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Falkirk(2)                  1-0
Replays Quarterfinals (12 march 1952):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    6-4
Motherwell(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-1
Semifinals (29 march 1952):
Dundee FC(1)                - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-0 (#)
Motherwell(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1 (*)
(#) Easter Road         (*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (7 apr 1952):
Motherwell(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1aet (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
2nd Replay Semifinals (9 apr 1952):
Motherwell(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-1 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 19 april 1952):
Motherwell(1)               - Dundee FC(1)                4-0
Cupwinners: Motherwell.


1  = Division A.
2  = Division B.
NL = Non-league/Division C.
1st Round (24 january 1953):
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - Dundee United(2)            3-3
Dumbarton(2)                - Cowdenbeath(2)              1-3
East Fife Methil(1)         - Vale of Leithen(NL)         7-1
Elgin City(NL)              - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-3
Eyemouth United(NL)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Stenhousemuir(2)            8-1
Leith Athletic(NL)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-8
Morton Greenock(2)          - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     3-1
Newton Stewart(NL)          - Falkirk(1)                  2-2
Queen of the South(1)       - Huntly(NL)                  2-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 5-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Arbroath(2)                 4-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Brechin City(NL)            1-1
Stranraer(NL)               - Kilmarnock(2)               0-4
Bye: 18 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (28 jan 1953):
Brechin City(NL)            - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-1
Dundee United(2)            - Berwick Rangers(NL)         2-3
Falkirk(1)                  - Newton Stewart(NL)          4-0
2nd Round (7 february 1953):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - East Fife Methil(1)         3-0
Albion Rovers(2)            - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 2-0
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Motherwell(1)               0-2
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - Queen of the South(1)       2-3
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Ayr United(2)               1-5
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Morton Greenock(2)          0-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Falkirk(1)                  2-4
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Kilmarnock(2)               2-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     4-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Montrose(NL)                1-2
Stirling Albion(2)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
Wigtown(NL)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-3
Replays 2nd Round (11 feb 1953):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Stirling Albion(2)          3-0
Kilmarnock(2)               - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-2
3rd Round (21 feb 1953):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Motherwell(1)               5-5
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-4
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Ayr United(2)               8-3
Falkirk(1)                  - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Montrose(NL)                3-1
Morton Greenock(2)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-4
Queen of the South(1)       - Albion Rovers(2)            2-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Hamilton Academical(2)      1-0
Replay 3rd Round:
Motherwell(1)               - Aberdeen(1)                 1-6 (25 feb)
Quarterfinals (14 march 1953):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Queen of the South(1)       2-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0
Replay Quarterfinals (18 march 1953):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-0
Semifinals (4 april 1953):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1 (#)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1 (*)
(#) Ibrox Park, Glasgow     (*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (8 april 1953):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-1 (#)
(#) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 25 april 1953):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 29 apr):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division A.
2  = Division B.
NL = Non-league/Division C.
1st Round (30 january 1954):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-3
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(NL) 7-0
East Fife Methil(1)         - Queen of the South(1)       0-3
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Leith Athletic(NL)          5-4
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Hamilton Academical(1)      3-3
Montrose(NL)                - Peebles Rovers(NL)          0-1
Morton Greenock(2)          - Dundee United(2)            3-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     2-0
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Motherwell(2)               1-2
Stirling Albion(1)          - Dumbarton(2)                2-1
Stranraer(NL)               - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     1-4
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-2
Bye: 18 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (3 feb 1954):
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Inverness Thistle(NL)       3-1
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     0-0aet
2nd Replay 1st Round (8 feb 1954):
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-0
2nd Round (13 february 1954):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - Ayr United(2)               5-1
Brechin City(NL)            - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-3
Coldstream(NL)              - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-10 !
Duns(NL)                    - Aberdeen(1)                 0-8
Falkirk(1)                  - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2 (17 feb)
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            7-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - Cowdenbeath(2)              4-0
Motherwell(2)               - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     5-2
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Buckie Thistle(NL)          1-1
Queen of the South(1)       - Forfar Athletic(2)          3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(2)               2-2
Stirling Albion(1)          - Arbroath(2)                 0-0 (17 feb)
Tarff Rovers(NL)            - Partick Thistle(1)          1-9
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Deveronvale(NL)             7-2
Replays 2nd Round (17 feb 1954):
Arbroath(2)                 - Stirling Albion(1)          1-3 (22 feb)
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Peebles Rovers(NL)          7-2 (20 feb)
Dundee FC(1)                - Albion Rovers(2)            4-0
Kilmarnock(2)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-3
3rd Round (27 february 1954):
Berwick Rangers(NL)         - Dundee FC(1)                3-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Morton Greenock(2)          2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-3
Motherwell(2)               - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   4-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - Buckie Thistle(NL)          5-3
Queen of the South(1)       - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Stirling Albion(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-4
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-0
Replay 3rd Round (3 march 1954):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     4-4aet
2nd Replay 3rd Round (8 march 1954):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     3-2 (Ibrox)
Quarterfinals (13 march 1954):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-0
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Motherwell(2)               1-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Berwick Rangers(NL)         4-0
Replay Quarterfinals (17 mar 1954):
Motherwell(2)               - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1
Aberdeen(1)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          6-0 (10 apr) (*)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(2) (27 mrt)      2-2 (27 mar) (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals:
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(2)               3-1 (5 apr) (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 24 april):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division A.
2  = Division B.
3  = Division C.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (11 september 1954):
Aberdeen University(NL)     - Girvan Amateurs(NL)         3-3
Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        - Shawfield Amateurs(NL)      3-1
Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    - Forres Mechanics(NL)        1-7
Chirnside United(NL)        - Peterhead(NL)               1-4
Civil Service Strollers(NL) - Vale of Leithen(NL)         2-3
Deveronvale(NL)             - Inverness Thistle(NL)       0-4
Eyemouth United(NL)         - Buckie Thistle(NL)          2-3
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Edinburgh University(NL)    9-0
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Keith(NL)                   5-3
Glasgow University(NL)      - Huntly(NL)                  1-5
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Rothes(NL)                  7-3
Leith Athletic(NL)          - Selkirk(NL)                 wo
Lossiemouth(NL)             - Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    6-0
Newton Stewart(NL)          - Elgin City(NL)              3-5
Ross County(NL)             - Peebles Rovers(NL)          2-2
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Vale of Atholl(NL)          5-1
Tarff Rovers(NL)            - Duns(NL)                    1-1
Wick Academy(NL)            - Coldstream(NL)              2-4
Replays 1st Round (18 sep 1954):
Duns(NL)                    - Tarff Rovers(NL)            3-0
Girvan Amateurs(NL)         - Aberdeen University(NL)     2-0
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Ross County(NL)             5-1
Brora Rangers(NL), Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL), Whithorn(NL)
and Wigtown(NL) bye.
2nd Round (25 september 1954):
Brora Rangers(NL)           - Coldstream(NL)              2-0
Duns(NL)                    - Buckie Thistle(NL)          1-1 (?)
Elgin City(NL)              - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 1-1
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Huntly(NL)                  5-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Wigtown(NL)                 5-0
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Selkirk(NL)                 7-1
Lossiemouth(NL)             - Gala Fairydean(NL)          1-0
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Girvan Amateurs(NL)         4-3
Peterhead(NL)               - Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        7-0
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Whithorn(NL)                4-2
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Fraserburgh(NL)             0-4
Replay 2nd Round (2 october 1954):
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Elgin City(NL)              7-1
5 clubs from Division C are added.
3rd Round (9 october 1954):
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 3-3
Brora Rangers(NL)           - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    3-3
Fraserburgh(NL)             - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  4-2
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Stranraer(3)                2-1
Lossiemouth(NL)             - Forres Mechanics(NL)        2-2
Montrose(3)                 - Dumbarton(3)                3-1
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   5-2
Peterhead(NL)               - Buckie Thistle(NL)          0-4
Replays 3rd Round (16 october 1954):
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Lossiemouth(NL)             5-3aet
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Berwick Rangers(3)          2-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Brora Rangers(NL)           8-2
8 clubs from Division B are added.
4th Round (23 october 1954):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Fraserburgh(NL)             4-2
Arbroath(2)                 - Brechin City(2)             2-0
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     1-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Ayr United(2)               2-2
Dundee United(2)            - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-3
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Inverness Thistle(NL)       1-2
Montrose(3)                 - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    1-3
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Forres Mechanics(NL)        0-2
Replays 4th Round (30 october 1954):
Ayr United(2)               - Cowdenbeath(2)              3-3aet
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Buckie Thistle(NL)          1-2
2nd Replay 4th Round (10 nov 1954):
Ayr United(2)               - Cowdenbeath(2)              3-1 (Firhill)
The 16 clubs from Division A and remaining 8 clubs from Division B
are added.
5th Round (5 february 1955):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Forfar Athletic(2)          4-3
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-4
Arbroath(2)                 - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       0-4
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Inverness Thistle(NL)       2-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Albion Rovers(2)            3-0
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Partick Thistle(1)          4-2
East Fife Methil(1)         - Kilmarnock(1)               1-2
Falkirk(1)                  - Stenhousemuir(2)            4-0
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Motherwell(1)               3-4
Hamilton Academical(2)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      5-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Ayr United(2)               1-1
Morton Greenock(2)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                0-0
Stirling Albion(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 0-6
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Queen of the South(1)       2-1
Replays 5th Round (9 feb 1955):
Ayr United(2)               - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-4aet
Dundee FC(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
6e Ronde (19 february 1955):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     7-0
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-6
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   3-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Falkirk(1)                  0-7
Kilmarnock(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     - Motherwell(1)               1-3
Replay 6e Ronde (23 feb 1955):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0
Quarterfinals (5 march 1955):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Motherwell(1)               4-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Falkirk(1)                  5-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Replay Quarterfinals (9 march 1955):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0
Semifinals (26 march 1955):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    2-2 (*)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 2-2 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow  (#) Easter Road
Replays Semifinals (4 apr 1955):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    2-0 (*)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow  (#) Easter Road
Final (Hampden Park, 23 april 1955):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 27 april):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0
Cupwinners: Clyde Glasgow.


1  = Division A.
2  = Division B.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (10 september 1955):
Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 2-5
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Rothes(NL)                  2-1
Chirnside United(NL)        - Elgin City(NL)              1-9
Duns(NL)                    - Deveronvale(NL)             3-0
Edinburgh University(NL)    - Inverness Thistle(NL)       0-7
Eyemouth United(NL)         - Brora Rangers(NL)           5-1
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Glasgow University(NL)      3-2
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Aberdeen University(NL)     3-1
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Peterhead(NL)               2-1
Huntly(NL)                  - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 4-2
Lossiemouth(NL)             - Wick Academy(NL)            7-0
Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    - Shawfield Amateurs(NL)      2-2
Nairn County(NL)            - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    1-4
Newton Stewart(NL)          - Peebles Rovers(NL)          3-5
Ross County(NL)             - Coldstream(NL)              4-2
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Vale of Atholl(NL)          3-1
Selkirk(NL)                 - Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    3-2
Tarff Rovers(NL)            - Girvan Amateurs(NL)         2-2
Whithorn(NL)                - Vale of Leithen(NL)         4-1aband
Wigtown(NL)                 - Keith(NL)                   0-7
Repeat 1st Round (17 sep 1955):
Whithorn(NL)                - Vale of Leithen(NL)         7-0
Replays 1st Round (17 september 1955):
Girvan Amateurs(NL)         - Tarff Rovers(NL)            0-1
Shawfield Amateurs(NL)      - Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    2-1
2nd Round (24 september 1955):
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Shawfield Amateurs(NL)      6-2
Huntly(NL)                  - Forres Mechanics(NL)        2-4
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   3-0
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Buckie Thistle(NL)          5-2
Keith(NL)                   - Elgin City(NL)              2-0
Lossiemouth(NL)             - Duns(NL)                    3-1
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Eyemouth United(NL)         4-3 (1 oct)
Ross County(NL)             - Tarff Rovers(NL)            3-2
Whithorn(NL)                - Selkirk(NL)                 2-3
Fraserburgh(NL) and Inverness Caledonian(NL) bye.
5 clubs from Division B are added.
3rd Round (8 october 1955):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Fraserburgh(NL)             3-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    5-3
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 2-4
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Montrose(2)                 4-5
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Peebles Rovers(NL)          1-1
Keith(NL)                   - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  2-4
Lossiemouth(NL)             - Selkirk(NL)                 1-0
Ross County(NL)             - Stranraer(2)                2-3
Replay 3rd Round (15 okt 1955):
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Inverness Thistle(NL)       2-1
8 clubs from Division B are added.
4th Round (22 october 1955):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-1
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Lossiemouth(NL)             5-1
Brechin City(2)             - Peebles Rovers(NL)          1-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Montrose(2)                 6-0
Dundee United(2)            - Dumbarton(2)                4-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Arbroath(2)                 0-2
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Stranraer(2)                5-2
Morton Greenock(2)          - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 5-2
Replays 4th Round (29 october 1955):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Albion Rovers(2)            4-0
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Brechin City(2)             4-4aet
2nd Replay 4th Round (2 nov 1955):
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Brechin City(2)             0-0aet (Easter Road)
3rd Replay 4th Round (16 nov 1955):
Brechin City(2)             - Peebles Rovers(NL)          6-2 (Tannadice)
The 18 clubs from Division A and remaining 6 clubs from Division B
are added.
5th Round (4 february 1956):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Hamilton Academical(2)      7-1
Ayr United(2)               - Berwick Rangers(2)          5-2
Brechin City(2)             - Arbroath(2)                 1-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     5-0 (8 feb)
Dundee United(2)            - Dundee FC(1)                2-2
East Fife Methil(1)         - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-3 (8 feb)
Falkirk(1)                  - Kilmarnock(1)               0-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Forfar Athletic(2)          3-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-1 (8 feb)
Morton Greenock(2)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-2
Motherwell(1)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     0-2 (8 feb)
Partick Thistle(1)          - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-0
Queen of the South(1)       - Cowdenbeath(2)              3-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Stirling Albion(1)          - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       2-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     6-0
Replays 5th Round (8 feb 1956):
Arbroath(2)                 - Brechin City(2)             2-3
Dundee FC(1)                - Dundee United(2)            3-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-1 (13 feb)
6e Ronde (18 february 1956):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-4
Ayr United(2)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
Dundee FC(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Stirling Albion(1)          5-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Queen of the South(1)       2-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Brechin City(2)             3-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     2-2
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-1
Replays 6e Ronde (22 feb 1956):
Queen of the South(1)       - Kilmarnock(1)               2-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-2aet
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-3 (21 feb)
Quarterfinals (3 march 1956):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          4-0
Queen of the South(1)       - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-4
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1
Semifinals (24 march 1956):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-1 (*)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   0-0 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Easter Road
Replay Semifinals (28 march 1956):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   3-0 (#)
(#) Easter Road
Final (Hampden Park, 21 april 1956):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-1
Cupwinners: Heart of Midlothian (Edinburgh).


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (8 sep 1956):
Arbroath(2)                 - Rothes(NL)                 10-2 !
Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        - Selkirk(NL)                 6-3
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Lossiemouth(NL)             4-0
Chirnside United(NL)        - Montrose(2)                 1-9
Civil Service Strollers(NL) - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 0-7
Coldstream(NL)              - Whithorn(NL)                6-0
Edinburgh University(NL)    - Duns(NL)                    1-11 !
Elgin City(NL)              - Shawfield Amateurs(NL)      5-1
Eyemouth United(NL)         - Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    3-2
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Keith(NL)                   6-1
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Deveronvale(NL)             5-2
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Murrayfield Amateurs(NL)    4-2
Peterhead(NL)               - Huntly(NL)                  4-2
Ross County(NL)             - Aberdeen University(NL)     6-3
Tarff Rovers(NL)            - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    1-7
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Glasgow University(NL)      6-1
Wick Academy(NL)            - Girvan Amateurs(NL)         3-1
Wigtown(NL)                 - Brora Rangers(NL)           1-4
Albion Rovers(2) and Gala Fairydean(NL) bye.
2nd Round (22 september 1956):
Arbroath(2)                 - Brora Rangers(NL)           6-1
Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    0-2
Elgin City(NL)              - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 2-2
Eyemouth United(NL)         - Duns(NL)                    3-1
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Gala Fairydean(NL)          9-0
Montrose(2)                 - Buckie Thistle(NL)          2-4
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Albion Rovers(2)            2-2
Peterhead(NL)               - Forres Mechanics(NL)        2-3
Ross County(NL)             - Coldstream(NL)              6-0
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Wick Academy(NL)            7-2
Replays 2nd Round (29 sep 1956):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Peebles Rovers(NL)          6-0
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Elgin City(NL)              3-2
2 clubs from Division 2 and four clubs from Non-league are added.
3rd Round (6 october 1956):
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Newton Stewart(NL)          9-2
Eyemouth United(NL)         - Nairn County(NL)            0-3
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Arbroath(2)                 3-1
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Forres Mechanics(NL)        0-2
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  1-4
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Ross County(NL)             0-2
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-7
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Albion Rovers(2)            0-2
8 clubs from Division 2 are added.
4th Round (20 october 1956):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Forfar Athletic(2)          4-0
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-3
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    3-5
Dundee United(2)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     5-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Morton Greenock(2)          1-1
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Albion Rovers(2)            3-0
Nairn County(NL)            - Berwick Rangers(2)          5-5
Stranraer(2)                - Ross County(NL)             3-0
Replays 4th Round (27 okt 1956):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Nairn County(NL)            3-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  4-1
The 18 clubs from Division A and remaining 6 clubs from Division B
are added.
5th Round (2 february 1957):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Falkirk(1)                  1-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Clyde Glasgow(2)            0-0
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Morton Greenock(2)          3-0
East Fife Methil(1)         - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       4-0
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-5
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 3-4
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   2-3
Kilmarnock(1)               - Ayr United(1)               1-0
Queen of the South(1)       - Dumbarton(2)                2-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Brechin City(2)             3-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Dundee United(2)            1-1
Stirling Albion(2)          - Motherwell(1)               1-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Partick Thistle(1)          1-1
Stranraer(2)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-2
Replays 5th Round (6 feb 1957):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Hamilton Academical(2)      3-5aet
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Dundee FC(1)                2-1
Dumbarton(2)                - Queen of the South(1)       4-2
Dundee United(2)            - Stenhousemuir(2)            4-0aet
Partick Thistle(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-2aet
2nd Replay 5th Round (11 feb 1957):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Partick Thistle(1)          5-1aet (Hampden)
6e Ronde (16 february 1957):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          4-4
East Fife Methil(1)         - Kilmarnock(1)               0-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Aberdeen(1)                 3-1
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-2
Motherwell(1)               - Dumbarton(2)                1-3
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Clyde Glasgow(2)            1-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Dundee United(2)            7-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-0
Replays 6e Ronde (20 feb 1957):
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     2-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - East Fife Methil(1)         2-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-2
Quarterfinals (2 march 1957):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-1
Dumbarton(2)                - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   0-4
Falkirk(1)                  - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-1
Semifinals (23 march 1957):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1 (*)
Falkirk(1)                  - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   2-2 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Replays Semifinals (27 mar 1957):
Falkirk(1)                  - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   2-0 (#)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-1 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Hampden Park, 20 april):
Falkirk(1)                  - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 24 apr):
Falkirk(1)                  - Kilmarnock(1)               2-1aet
Cupwinners: Falkirk.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (1 february 1958):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-4
Albion Rovers(2)            - Berwick Rangers(2)          3-1
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     0-2
Ayr United(2)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1
Brechin City(2)             - Montrose(2)                 1-1
Chirnside United(NL)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-4
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-3
Dumbarton(2)                - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-5
East Fife Methil(1)         - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Motherwell(1)               3-7
Falkirk(1)                  - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Peebles Rovers(NL)          4-0
Stranraer(2)                - Eyemouth United(NL)         6-2
Bye: 19 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (5 feb 1958):
Montrose(2)                 - Brechin City(2)             3-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Ayr United(2)               2-1
2nd Round (15 february 1958):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Stirling Albion(2)          7-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Arbroath(2)                 4-0
Dundee United(2)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Falkirk(1)                  - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       6-3
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-9
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Albion Rovers(2)            4-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Stenhousemuir(2)            5-2
Kilmarnock(1)               - Vale of Leithen(NL)         7-0
Montrose(2)                 - Buckie Thistle(NL)          2-2
Morton Greenock(2)          - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
Motherwell(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          2-2
Queen of the South(1)       - Stranraer(2)                7-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     - Fraserburgh(NL)             7-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     1-4
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Lossiemouth(NL)             6-1
Replays 2nd Round (19 feb 1958):
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Montrose(2)                 4-1aet
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dundee United(2)            2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Motherwell(1)               0-4
3rd Round (1 march 1958):
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Falkirk(1)                  1-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Aberdeen(1)                 1-3
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-4
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Motherwell(1)               0-7
Kilmarnock(1)               - Queen of the South(1)       2-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Queen's Park Glasgow(1)     5-3
Replay 3rd Round (5 march 1958):
Queen of the South(1)       - Kilmarnock(1)               3-0
Quarterfinals (15 march 1958):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Falkirk(1)                  2-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-2
Motherwell(1)               - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Queen of the South(1)       - Rangers Glasgow(1)          3-4
Semifinals (5 april 1958):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Motherwell(1)               3-2 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-2 (#)
(*) Celtic Park, Glasgow  (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (9 april 1958):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-1 (#)
(#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 20 april 1958):
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0
Cupwinners: Clyde Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (31 january 1959):
Aberdeen(1)                 - East Fife Methil(2)         2-1
Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        - Forres Mechanics(NL)        4-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Albion Rovers(2)            4-0
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-2
Dumbarton(2)                - Buckie Thistle(NL)          4-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Dundee United(2)            1-1 (9 feb)
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-3
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Ross County(NL)             2-0
Queen of the South(1)       - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-3 (4 feb)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Eyemouth United(NL)         5-2
Stranraer(2)                - Berwick Rangers(2)          3-2
Bye: 19 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (9 feb 1959):
Dundee United(2)            - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  0-0aet (10 feb)
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Cowdenbeath(2)              4-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   2-1
2nd Replays 1st Round (11 feb 1959):
Dundee United(2)            - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  4-0 (Tynecastle)
2nd Round (14 feb 1959):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Arbroath(2)                 3-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Motherwell(1)               2-7
Ayr United(2)               - Stranraer(2)                3-0
Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        - Morton Greenock(2)          0-5
Brechin City(2)             - Alloa Athletic(2)           3-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-1 (18 feb)
Coldstream(NL)              - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-4
Dumbarton(2)                - Kilmarnock(1)               2-8
Dundee United(2)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-4
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Stirling Albion(1)          3-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Falkirk(1)                  3-1
Montrose(2)                 - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-2
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Partick Thistle(1)          1-3
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     3-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Peebles Rovers(NL)         10-0 ! (13 feb)
Replays 2nd Round (18 feb 1959):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Brechin City(2)             3-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-4aet (23 feb)
3rd Round (28 february 1959):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-1
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Ayr United(2)               2-1
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Kilmarnock(1)               0-5
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          4-1
Stirling Albion(1)          - Morton Greenock(2)          3-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Motherwell(1)               3-2
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Alloa Athletic(2)           3-2
Quarterfinals (14 march 1959):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Kilmarnock(1)               3-1
Stirling Albion(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-1
Semifinals (4 april 1959):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1 (*)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           4-0 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow   (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (8 april 1959):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-0 (*)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 25 april 1959):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Aberdeen(1)                 3-1
Cupwinners: St.Mirren Paisley.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (30 january 1960):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Brechin City(2)             0-0
Albion Rovers(2)            - Tarff Rovers(NL)            2-1
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-3
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-0
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       1-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Partick Thistle(1)          0-2
Keith(NL)                   - Hamilton Academical(2)      3-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Stranraer(2)                5-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  0-1
Queen of the South(2)       - Dumbarton(2)                2-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   2-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Rothes(NL)                  2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Glasgow University(NL)     15-0 !
Bye: 19 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (3 feb 1960):
Brechin City(2)             - Aberdeen(1)                 3-6aet
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-4
2nd Round (13 february 1960):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-2
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-5
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Falkirk(2)                  1-0
Dundee United(2)            - Partick Thistle(1)          2-2
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-3
Elgin City(NL)              - Forfar Athletic(2)          5-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-2
Eyemouth United(NL)         - Albion Rovers(2)            1-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1 (22 feb)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                3-0 (29 feb)
Montrose(2)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     2-2
Motherwell(1)               - Keith(NL)                   6-0
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Ayr United(1)               1-6 (22 feb)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Arbroath(1)                 2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
Stirling Albion(1)          - Queen of the South(2)       3-3
Replays 2nd Round (27 feb 1960):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-4aet (24 feb)
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  1-4
Kilmarnock(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1 (24 feb)
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dundee United(2)            4-1 (17 feb)
Queen of the South(2)       - Stirling Albion(1)          5-1 (17 feb)
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Montrose(2)                 1-1 (29 feb)
2nd Replays 2nd Round (29 feb 1960):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        5-2 (Celtic Park)
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Montrose(2)                 2-1aet (1 mar)
3rd Round (27 february 1960):
Ayr United(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    4-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     6-0 (5 mar)
Elgin City(NL)              - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2 (5 mar)
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-3 (5 mar)
Eyemouth United(NL)         - Cowdenbeath(2)              3-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Motherwell(1)               2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Queen of the South(2)       3-2
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3
Quarterfinals (12 march 1960):
Ayr United(1)               - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Partick Thistle(1)          2-0
Eyemouth United(NL)         - Kilmarnock(1)               1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-2
Semifinals (2 april 1960):
Kilmarnock(1)               - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-0 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow    (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (6 april 1960):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           4-1 (#)
(#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 23 april 1960):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(1)               2-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (28 january 1961):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  5-4
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-4
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
Deveronvale(NL)             - Stirling Albion(2)          1-0
Elgin City(NL)              - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-2
Falkirk(2)                  - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Tarff Rovers(NL)            9-0
Keith(NL)                   - East Fife Methil(2)         1-2
Montrose(2)                 - Albion Rovers(2)            3-1
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Gala Fairydean(NL)          4-2
Queen of the South(2)       - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Arbroath(2)                 2-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-0
Bye: 19 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (1 february 1961):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Elgin City(NL)              2-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Queen of the South(2)       1-2aet
2nd Round (11 february 1961):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Deveronvale(NL)             4-2
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Dumbarton(2)                2-0
Ayr United(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0
Brechin City(2)             - Duns(NL)                    5-3
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   0-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Montrose(2)                 6-0
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Motherwell(1)               1-4
Dundee FC(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-5
Dundee United(1)            - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Partick Thistle(1)          1-3
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Morton Greenock(2)          2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Peebles Rovers(NL)         15-1 !
Kilmarnock(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Queen of the South(2)       - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-2
Stranraer(2)                - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Arbroath(2)                 5-2
Replay 2nd Round (15 feb 1961):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Ayr United(1)               3-1
3rd Round (25 february 1961):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     3-6
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Forfar Athletic(2)          2-1
Brechin City(2)             - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-3
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-4
Motherwell(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-4
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     3-3
Replays 3rd Round (28 february 1961):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Motherwell(1)               2-5 (1 mar)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-8
Quarterfinals (11 march 1961):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Alloa Athletic(2)           4-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-1
Motherwell(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-1
Replay Quarterfinals (15 march 1961):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1aet
Semifinals (1 april 1961):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    4-0 (*)
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Replay Semifinals (5 april 1961):
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-0 (#)
(#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Final (Hampden Park, 22 april 1961):
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 26 apr):
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0
Cupwinners: Dunfermline Athletic.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (9 december 1961):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    5-2
Arbroath(2)                 - Peterhead(NL)               2-1
Ayr United(2)               - Clyde Glasgow(2)            3-4
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-6
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Cowdenbeath(2)              5-1 (13 dec)
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Forfar Athletic(2)          5-1 (13 dec)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Gala Fairydean(NL)          3-1 (13 dec)
Eyemouth United(NL)         - Montrose(2)                 1-3
Falkirk(1)                  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2 (13 dec)
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Elgin City(NL)              3-1
Motherwell(1)               - Dundee United(1)            4-0 (13 dec)
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-2 (13 dec)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     1-1
Bye: 19 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (13 december 1961):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          2-3 (10 jan)
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-4
2nd Round (27 january 1962):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-2
Brechin City(2)             - Kilmarnock(1)               1-6
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Aberdeen(1)                 2-2
Dumbarton(2)                - Ross County(NL)             2-3
Dundee FC(1)                - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-1
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Wigtown(NL)                 9-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - Albion Rovers(2)            1-0
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     0-2
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  3-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
Motherwell(1)               - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       4-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Stenhousemuir(2)            0-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Arbroath(2)                 6-0
Stirling Albion(1)          - Partick Thistle(1)          3-1
Stranraer(2)                - Montrose(2)                 0-0
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-5
Replays 2nd Round (31 january):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Clyde Glasgow(2)           10-3 !
Montrose(2)                 - Stranraer(2)                0-1
3rd Round (17 february 1962):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-2
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Stenhousemuir(2)            0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-4
Kilmarnock(1)               - Ross County(NL)             7-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1
Stirling Albion(1)          - East Fife Methil(2)         4-1
Stranraer(2)                - Motherwell(1)               1-3
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    6-1
Replays 3rd Round (20 feb 1962):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 5-1 (21 feb)
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     0-3 (26 feb)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   4-0
Quarterfinals (10 march 1962):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     4-4
Kilmarnock(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-4
Stirling Albion(1)          - Motherwell(1)               0-6
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-0
Replay Quarterfinals (14 mar 1962):
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-4
Semifinals (31 march 1962):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Motherwell(1)               3-1 (*)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-1 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow    (#) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 21 april 1962):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (12 january 1963):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Stranraer(2)                3-0 (11 mar)
Arbroath(2)                 - Dumbarton(2)                2-0
Dundee United(1)            - Albion Rovers(2)            3-0 (26 jan)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Edinburgh University(NL)    5-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Stirling Albion(2)          2-0 (26 jan)
Falkirk(1)                  - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-2 (28 jan)
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-3
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Keith(NL)                   4-0 (19 jan)
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Dundee FC(1)                1-5
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Queen of the South(1)       0-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Morton Greenock(2)          3-2 (4 feb)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Eyemouth United(NL)         2-0
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-0 (7 mar)
Bye: 19 clubs.
2nd Round (26 january 1963):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-6 (13 mar)
Ayr United(2)               - Dundee United(1)            1-2 (2 feb)
Berwick Rangers(2)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-3
Brechin City(2)             - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-1 (6 mar)
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-3 (11 mar)
Dundee FC(1)                - Montrose(2) (4 feb)         8-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-1 (4 feb)
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Motherwell(1)               1-0 (6 mar)
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Duns(NL)                    1-1
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Nairn County(NL)            1-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Queen of the South(1)       0-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Arbroath(2)                 1-1 (4 mar)
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Alloa Athletic(2)           5-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-2
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2 (13 mar)
Replays 2nd Round (11 march 1963):
Arbroath(2)                 - Partick Thistle(1)          2-2aet (13 mar)
Duns(NL)                    - Gala Fairydean(NL)          1-2
Nairn County(NL)            - Hamilton Academical(2)      1-2 (30 jan)
Queen of the South(1)       - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - East Fife Methil(2)         2-0aet (6 mar)
2nd Replay 2nd Round (14 mar 1963):
Arbroath(2)                 - Partick Thistle(1)          2-3 (Gayfield)
3rd Round (20 march 1963):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     4-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Gala Fairydean(NL)          6-0 (13 mar)
Dundee FC(1)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0 (18 mar)
Queen of the South(1)       - Hamilton Academical(2)      3-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Dundee United(1)            1-1 (11 mar)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  7-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Partick Thistle(1)          1-1 (19 mar)
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   0-1 (13 mar)
Replays 3rd Round (20 mar 1963):
Dundee United(1)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     3-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-1 (25 mar)
Quarterfinals (30 march 1963):
Dundee FC(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1
Dundee United(1)            - Queen of the South(1)       1-1 (29 mar)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1
Replays Quarterfinals (3 april 1963):
Queen of the South(1)       - Dundee United(1)            1-1aet
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                3-2
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (8 apr 1963):
Dundee United(1)            - Queen of the South(1)       4-0 (Ibrox)
Semifinals (13 april 1963):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   5-2 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee United(1)            5-2 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow    (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 4 may 1963):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 15 may 1963):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (11 january 1964):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      5-2
Ayr United(2)               - Inverness Thistle(NL)       3-2
Berwick Rangers(2)          - St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   5-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Eyemouth United(NL)         3-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   4-0
Dundee United(1)            - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Dundee FC(1)                3-6
Kilmarnock(1)               - Gala Fairydean(NL)          2-1
Montrose(2)                 - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-1
Morton Greenock(2)          - Cowdenbeath(2)              0-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-5
Stirling Albion(2)          - Brechin City(2)             1-1
Stranraer(2)                - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-1
Bye: 19 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (15 jan 1964):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Montrose(2)                 3-2 (14 jan)
Brechin City(2)             - Stirling Albion(2)          5-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Morton Greenock(2)          1-4
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dundee United(1)            2-1
2nd Round (25 january 1964):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     1-1
Albion Rovers(2)            - Arbroath(2)                 4-3
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-3
Brechin City(2)             - Dundee FC(1)                2-9
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Ayr United(2)               1-3
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Forfar Athletic(2)          2-2
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Fraserburgh(NL)             7-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(1)  0-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Berwick Rangers(2)          2-2
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Kilmarnock(1)               1-3
Morton Greenock(2)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
Motherwell(1)               - Dumbarton(2)                4-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-0
Queen of the South(1)       - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Duns(NL)                    9-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Stranraer(2)                2-0
Replays 2nd Round (29 jan 1964):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Falkirk(1)                  1-5
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Clyde Glasgow(2)            3-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2aet
3rd Round (15 february 1964):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Ayr United(2)               1-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    4-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Forfar Athletic(2)          6-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(1)  - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-6
Kilmarnock(1)               - Albion Rovers(2)            2-0
Motherwell(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Partick Thistle(1)          3-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Falkirk(1)                  0-1
Replay 3rd Round (19 feb 1964):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Motherwell(1)               1-2
Quarterfinals (7 march 1964):
Dundee FC(1)                - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Ayr United(2)               7-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Kilmarnock(1)               1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0
Replay Quarterfinals:
Motherwell(1)               - Dundee FC(1)                2-4 (11 mar)
Semifinals (28 march 1964):
Dundee FC(1)                - Kilmarnock(1)               4-0 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-0 (#)
(*) Ibrox Park, Glasgow  (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 25 april 1964):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                3-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-league.
1st Preliminary (9 jan 1965):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-2
Brechin City(2)             - Albion Rovers(2)            3-4
Coldstream(NL)              - Stranraer(2)                2-4
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 5-3
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Stirling Albion(2)          1-4
Replay 1st Preliminary (13 jan 1965):
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Berwick Rangers(2)          1-0
Bye: 11 clubs.
2nd Preliminary (23 jan 1965):
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-1
Edinburgh University(NL)    - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-4 (27 jan)
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Stranraer(2)                3-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-1
Keith(NL)                   - Ayr United(2)               1-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Albion Rovers(2)            0-0
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Elgin City(NL)              4-1 (6 feb)
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Stirling Albion(2)          0-5
Replays 2nd Preliminary (3 feb):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     1-1aet
Ayr United(2)               - Keith(NL)                   4-2 (27 jan)
2nd Replay 2nd Preliminary (4 feb):
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Albion Rovers(2)            1-0 (Firhill)
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and remaining 6 clubs from Division 2
are added.
1st Round (6 february 1965):
Aberdeen(1)                 - East Fife Methil(2)         0-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Montrose(2)                 7-3 (10 feb)
Ayr United(2)               - Partick Thistle(1)          1-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Morton Greenock(1)          0-4
Dumbarton(2)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     0-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-3
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Dundee United(1)            0-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - ES Clydebank(2)             1-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     1-5
Kilmarnock(1)               - Cowdenbeath(2)              5-0
Motherwell(1)               - Stenhousemuir(2)            3-2 (13 feb)
Queen of the South(2)       - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     0-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hamilton Academical(2)      3-0
Stirling Albion(2)          - Arbroath(2)                 2-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
Replays 1st Round (10 feb 1965):
East Fife Methil(2)         - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0
ES Clydebank(2)             - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Ayr United(2)               7-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Dumbarton(2)                2-1
2nd Round (20 february 1965):
Dundee United(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
East Fife Methil(2)         - Kilmarnock(1)               0-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          5-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-3
Motherwell(1)               - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1
Stirling Albion(2)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-1
Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-1
Replays 2nd Round (24 feb 1965):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Stirling Albion(2)          0-2
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     2-2aet
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          2-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - East Fife Methil(2)         3-0
2nd Replay 2nd Round (1 march 1965):
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Third Lanark Glasgow(1)     4-2 (Tynecastle)
Quarterfinals (6 march 1965):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(1)               3-2
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Stirling Albion(2)          2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-1
Motherwell(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-0
Semifinals (27 march 1965):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               2-2 (*)
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-0 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh
Replay Semifinals (31 mar 1965):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               3-0 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 24 april 1965):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     3-2
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
1st Preliminary (8 january 1966):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Stenhousemuir(2)            1-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Peebles Rovers(NL)          2-2
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Brechin City(2)             1-1
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Selkirk(NL)                 6-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    1-0
Replays 1st Preliminary (12 jan 1966):
Brechin City(2)             - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-3
Peebles Rovers(NL)          - Dumbarton(2)                2-3aet
Bye: 11 clubs.
2nd Preliminary (22 jan 1966):
Arbroath(2)                 - Cowdenbeath(2)              2-2
Ayr United(2)               - Fraserburgh(NL)             1-0
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Albion Rovers(2)            0-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - Elgin City(NL)              1-0
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Montrose(2)                 4-5
Glasgow University(NL)      - Dumbarton(2)                1-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Alloa Athletic(2)           0-1
Ross County(NL)             - Forfar Athletic(2)          4-3
Replays 2nd Preliminary (26 jan 1966):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Berwick Rangers(2)          3-0
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Arbroath(2)                 1-1aet
2nd Replay 2nd Preliminary (31 jan 1966):
Arbroath(2)                 - Cowdenbeath(2)              2-3aet (Tannadice)
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and remaining 6 clubs from Division 2
are added.
1st Round (5 february 1966):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Ross County(NL)             3-5 (10 feb)
Ayr United(2)               - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Stranraer(2)                4-0
Cowdenbeath(2)              - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-0 (9 feb)
Dumbarton(2)                - Montrose(2)                 2-1 (9 feb)
Dundee FC(1)                - East Fife Methil(2)         9-1 (9 feb)
Dundee United(1)            - Falkirk(1)                  0-0 (7 feb)
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Partick Thistle(1)          3-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Motherwell(1)               0-0 (9 feb)
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-1 (9 feb)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     4-3
Morton Greenock(1)          - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1
Queen of the South(2)       - Albion Rovers(2)            3-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    5-1
Stirling Albion(1)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     3-1
Replays 1st Round (14 feb 1966):
Falkirk(1)                  - Dundee United(1)            1-2aet (10 feb)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Morton Greenock(1)          3-0 (9 feb)
Motherwell(1)               - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  4-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Ayr United(2)               1-0
2nd Round (23 february 1966):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            5-0
Cowdenbeath(2)              - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       3-3 (28 feb)
Dumbarton(2)                - Queen of the South(2)       1-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-1 (21 feb)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Motherwell(1)               5-0 (21 feb)
Ross County(NL)             - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2 (28 feb)
Stirling Albion(1)          - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     0-0
Replays 2nd Round (28 february 1966):
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Stirling Albion(1)          4-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Cowdenbeath(2)              3-0 (1 mar)
Quarterfinals (5 march 1966):
Dumbarton(2)                - Aberdeen(1)                 0-3
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Kilmarnock(1)               2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-0
Replay Quarterfinals (9 march 1966):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-1
Semifinals (26 march 1966):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-0 (*)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-0 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Ibrox Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (29 march 1966):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 23 april 1966):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 27 apr 1966):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
1st Preliminary (17 december 1966):
Chirnside United(NL)        - Elgin City(NL)              1-7
Forfar Athletic(2)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  1-0
Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     - Gala Fairydean(NL)          4-1
Nairn County(NL)            - Stenhousemuir(2)            0-3
Rothes(NL)                  - Clydebank(2)                1-2
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Berwick Rangers(2)          1-8
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Preliminary (7 january 1967):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Cowdenbeath(2)              0-1
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Montrose(2)                 2-1
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Forfar Athletic(2)          2-0
Brechin City(2)             - Third Lanark Glasgow(2)     1-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Clydebank(2)                2-0
Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     - Elgin City(NL)              1-1 (14 jan)
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Stranraer(2)                0-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Stenhousemuir(2)            3-0 (16 jan)
Replays 2nd Preliminary (11 jan 1967):
Elgin City(NL)              - Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     2-0 (23 jan)
Stranraer(2)                - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    1-2
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and remaining 6 clubs from Division 2
are added.
1st Round (28 january 1967):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Arbroath(2)                 4-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Aberdeen(1)                 0-5
Elgin City(NL)              - Ayr United(1)               2-0 (1 feb)
Falkirk(1)                  - Alloa Athletic(2)           3-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee United(1)            0-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Brechin City(2)             2-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Hamilton Academical(2)      1-3
Kilmarnock(1)               - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-2
Morton Greenock(2)          - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-1
Motherwell(1)               - East Fife Methil(2)         0-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dumbarton(2)                3-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   3-2
Stirling Albion(1)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-2
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Queen of the South(2)       4-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Cowdenbeath(2)              1-1
Replays 1st Round (1 feb 1967):
Cowdenbeath(2)              - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0
2nd Round (18 february 1967):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       5-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Elgin City(NL)              7-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - East Fife Methil(2)         4-1
Dundee United(1)            - Falkirk(1)                  1-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Berwick Rangers(2)          1-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-1
Replays 2nd Round (20 feb 1967):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     1-2
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Partick Thistle(1)          5-1 (22 feb)
Quarterfinals (11 march 1967):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     5-3
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-0
Dundee United(1)            - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Replays Quarterfinals (22 mar 1967):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-0
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-5
Semifinals (1 april 1967):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            1-0 (#)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            0-0 (*)
(#) Dens Park   (*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (5 april 1967):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            2-0 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 29 april 1967):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 2-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
1st Preliminary (16 december 1967):
Dumbarton(2)                - Berwick Rangers(2)          0-0
Elgin City(NL)              - Albion Rovers(2)            3-1
Fraserburgh(NL)             - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  1-4
Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     - Vale of Leithen(NL)         4-0
Stranraer(2)                - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-2
Replays 1st Preliminary (23 dec 1967):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Dumbarton(2)                2-1
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Stranraer(2)                5-0
Bye: 11 clubs.
2nd Preliminary (6 january 1968):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Nairn County(NL)            2-0
Brechin City(2)             - Montrose(2)                 2-1
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     3-2 (17 jan)
Keith(NL)                   - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  1-3 (13 jan)
Queen of the South(2)       - Clydebank(2)                2-2
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     1-6
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-3
Tarff Rovers(NL)            - Elgin City(NL)              2-3
Replay 2nd Preliminary (17 jan 1968):
Clydebank(2)                - Queen of the South(2)       2-2aet
2nd Replay 2nd Preliminary (18 jan 1968):
Queen of the South(2)       - Clydebank(2)                1-0 (Firhill)
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and remaining 6 clubs from Division 2
are added.
1st Round (27 january 1968):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-1
Ayr United(2)               - Arbroath(2)                 0-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     0-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Berwick Rangers(2)          2-0
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Dundee United(1)            - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        3-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Alloa Athletic(2)           3-0
Elgin City(NL)              - Forfar Athletic(2)          3-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-5
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Brechin City(2)             4-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  4-0
Motherwell(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - Kilmarnock(1)               0-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Stirling Albion(1)          1-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hamilton Academical(2)      3-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     3-0
Replays 1st Round (31 jan 1968):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Motherwell(1)               1-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          1-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
Stirling Albion(1)          - Queen of the South(2)       1-3
2nd Round (17 february 1968):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1
Dundee United(1)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      5-6
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1 (19 feb)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Morton Greenock(1)          0-0
Elgin City(NL)              - Arbroath(2)                 2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-2 (23 feb)
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Queen of the South(2)       5-2
Replays 2nd Round (21 feb 1968):
Morton Greenock(1)          - East Fife Methil(2)         5-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(1) (4 mrt)        4-1aet
Quarterfinals (9 march 1968):
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Partick Thistle(1)          1-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Elgin City(NL)              2-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-1
Replay Quarterfinals (13 march 1968):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Semifinals (30 march 1968):
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-1 (*)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          1-1 (#)
(*) Tynecastle, Edinburgh    (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replays Semifinals (3 april 1968):
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-1aet (*)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          2-1aet (#)
(*) Tynecastle, Edinburgh    (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 27 april 1968):
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-1
Cupwinners: Dunfermline Athletic.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
1st Preliminary (14 dec 1968):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Ross County(NL)             6-1
Brechin City(2)             - Montrose(2)                 1-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Clydebank(2)                1-0
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Nairn County(NL)            1-2
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 1-0
Replay 1st Preliminary:
Montrose(2)                 - Brechin City(2)             3-2 (18 dec)
Bye: 11 clubs.
2nd Preliminary (4 january 1969):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  0-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Vale of Leithen(NL)         3-2
Glasgow University(NL)      - St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   5-2
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Cowdenbeath(2)              0-2
Montrose(2)                 - Fraserburgh(NL)             6-1
Nairn County(NL)            - Berwick Rangers(2)          0-2
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Albion Rovers(2)            1-0
Stranraer(2)                - Elgin City(NL)              2-0
Replay 2nd Preliminary (8 jan 1969):
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-1
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and remaining 6 clubs from Division 2
are added.
1st Round (25 january 1969):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Berwick Rangers(2)          3-0
Ayr United(2)               - Queen of the South(2)       1-0
Dumbarton(2)                - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Dundee United(1)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     2-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Stirling Albion(2)          2-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Morton Greenock(1)          1-2
Kilmarnock(1)               - Glasgow University(NL)      6-0
Montrose(2)                 - Cowdenbeath(2)              1-0
Motherwell(2)               - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-3
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     0-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Arbroath(1)                 3-2
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-3
Stranraer(2)                - East Fife Methil(2)         3-1
Replays 1st Round (29 jan 1969):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Partick Thistle(1)          8-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Motherwell(2)               2-1 (28 jan)
2nd Round (8 february 1969):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-2 (25 feb)
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1 (12 feb)
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0 (12 feb)
Dundee United(1)            - Ayr United(2)               6-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-1
Montrose(2)                 - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0 (24 feb)
Stranraer(2)                - Morton Greenock(1)          1-3
Replays 2nd Round (24 february 1969):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-0
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Aberdeen(1)                 0-2 (26 feb)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Montrose(2)                 4-1 (12 feb)
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  3-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-3
Quarterfinals (1 march 1969):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Kilmarnock(1)               0-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       3-2
Dundee United(1)            - Morton Greenock(1)          2-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-0
Replay Quarterfinals:
Kilmarnock(1)               - Aberdeen(1)                 0-3 (5 mar)
Semifinals (22 march 1969):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Morton Greenock(1)          4-1 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 6-1 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Celtic Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 26 april 1969):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          4-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
1st Preliminary (6 dec 1969):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Peterhead(NL)               3-1
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Brechin City(2)             1-0
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Clydebank(2)                0-2
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Gala Fairydean(NL)          0-1
Stranraer(2)                - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  3-1
Bye: 11 clubs.
2nd Preliminary (24 december 1969):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Berwick Rangers(2)          1-0
Clydebank(2)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     1-0
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Dumbarton(2)                1-4 (27 dec)
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Ross County(NL)             5-0 (20 dec)
Montrose(2)                 - Cowdenbeath(2)              2-1 (20 dec)
Stranraer(2)                - St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   1-1 (20 dec)
Tarff Rovers(NL)            - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-0 (27 dec)
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Hamilton Academical(2)      1-2 (20 dec)
Replay 2nd Preliminary (25 dec 1969):
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Stranraer(2)                0-5
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and remaining 6 clubs from Division 2
are added.
1st Round (24 january 1970):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Clyde Glasgow(1)            4-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Hamilton Academical(2)      5-0
Albion Rovers(2)            - Dundee FC(1)                1-2
Arbroath(2)                 - Clydebank(2)                1-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-1
Dumbarton(2)                - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-2
Dundee United(1)            - Ayr United(1)               1-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   3-0
Falkirk(2)                  - Tarff Rovers(NL)            3-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          3-0
Montrose(2)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Queen of the South(2)       2-0
Motherwell(1)               - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Stirling Albion(2)          2-0
Stranraer(2)                - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-5
Replay 1st Round (27 january 1970):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Montrose(2)                 1-0
2nd Round (7 february 1970):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Clydebank(2)                2-1 (11 feb)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee United(1)            4-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - Morton Greenock(1)          1-0
Falkirk(2)                  - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-1
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-7
Kilmarnock(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0
Motherwell(1)               - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    3-1
Quarterfinals (21 february 1970):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          3-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Falkirk(2)                  - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
Motherwell(1)               - Kilmarnock(1)               0-1
Semifinals (14 march 1970):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0 (*)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(1)                2-1 (#)
(*) Muirton Park, Perth  (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 11 april 1970):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-1
Cupwinners: Aberdeen.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (5 december 1970):
Brechin City(2)             - Nairn County(NL)            3-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Clydebank(2)                0-2
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Albion Rovers(2)            2-0
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Stranraer(2)                1-3
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Elgin City(NL)              0-1
Bye: 11 clubs.
2nd Round (19 december 1970):
Brechin City(2)             - Glasgow Corp.Transport(NL)  4-1
Clydebank(2)                - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-1
Elgin City(NL)              - Berwick Rangers(2)          2-0
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Gala Fairydean(NL)          1-0
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Glasgow University(NL)      2-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Montrose(2)                 2-1
Ross County(NL)             - East Fife Methil(2)         1-4
Stranraer(2)                - Dumbarton(2)                3-2
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and remaining 6 clubs from Division 2
are added.
3rd Round (23 january 1971):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Elgin City(NL)              5-0 (25 jan)
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen of the South(2)       5-1
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Brechin City(2)             2-0
Clydebank(2)                - Dundee United(1)            0-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Partick Thistle(2)          1-0
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Arbroath(2)                 3-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Stranraer(2)                3-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Forfar Athletic(2)          8-1
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Cowdenbeath(1)              0-3
Morton Greenock(1)          - Ayr United(1)               2-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Kilmarnock(1)               0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  3-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-2
Stirling Albion(2)          - Motherwell(1)               3-1
Replays 3rd Round (26 january 1971):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-2
Dundee United(1)            - Clydebank(2)                5-1 (27 jan)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       4-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - East Fife Methil(2)         1-1aet
2nd Replay 3rd Round (1 feb 1971):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - East Fife Methil(2)         3-1 (Paisley)
4th Round (13 february 1971):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-1
Cowdenbeath(1)              - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-4
Dundee FC(1)                - Stirling Albion(2)          2-0
Dundee United(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-2
Morton Greenock(1)          - Kilmarnock(1)               1-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Clyde Glasgow(1)            1-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-3
Replays 4th Round (17 february 1971):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            2-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   0-2
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1
Quarterfinals (6 march 1971):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   7-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0
Semifinals (31 march 1971):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-3 (3 apr)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
(both matches played at Hampden Park, Glasgow)
Replays Semifinals (5 april 1971):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-0 (7 apr)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-1
(both matches played at Hampden Park, Glasgow)
Final (Hampden Park, 8 may 1971):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 12 may 1971):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (8 december 1971):
Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    - Coldstream(NL)              2-0
Elgin City(NL)              - Stenhousemuir(2)            2-0
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Queen of the South(2)       1-5
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  2-1
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Brechin City(2)             0-3
Bye: 11 clubs.
2nd Round (15 january 1972):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     3-2
Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    - Elgin City(NL)              1-4
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Stranraer(2)                2-2
Huntly(NL)                  - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-2
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    3-4
Queen of the South(2)       - Berwick Rangers(2)          0-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Brechin City(2)             2-1
Stirling Albion(2)          - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-2
Replays 2nd Round (19 january 1972):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Queen of the South(2)       0-1
Stranraer(2)                - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-2 (22 jan)
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and remaining 6 clubs from Division 2
are added.
3rd Round (5 february 1972):
Arbroath(2)                 - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Albion Rovers(2)            5-0
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Ayr United(1)               0-1
Clydebank(2)                - East Fife Methil(1)         1-1
Dumbarton(2)                - Hamilton Academical(2)      3-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Queen of the South(2)       3-0 (8 feb)
Dundee United(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 0-4
Elgin City(NL)              - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    3-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-2
Forfar Athletic(2)          - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        0-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Alloa Athletic(2)           5-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Cowdenbeath(2)              1-0
Motherwell(1)               - Montrose(2)                 2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-0
Replays 3rd Round (9 feb 1972):
East Fife Methil(1)         - Clydebank(2)                0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Falkirk(1)                  2-0
4th Round (26 february 1972):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Morton Greenock(1)          1-0
Ayr United(1)               - Motherwell(1)               0-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(1)                4-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   0-3
Elgin City(NL)              - Kilmarnock(1)               1-4
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clydebank(2)                4-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(2)        - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-4
Replay 4th Round (1 march 1972):
Motherwell(1)               - Ayr United(1)               2-1
Quarterfinals (18 march 1972):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 2-0
Motherwell(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Kilmarnock(1)               1-3
Replays Quarterfinals (27 march 1972):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Motherwell(1)               4-2
Semifinals (12 march 1972):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1 (15 mar)
(both matches played at Hampden Park, Glasgow)
Replay Semifinals (24 march 1972):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-0 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow.
Final (Hampden Park, 6 may 1972):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      6-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (16 december 1972):
Babcock & Wilcox(NL)        - Berwick Rangers(2)          0-2
Brechin City(2)             - Clydebank(2)                0-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Ross County(NL)             1-0
Ferranti Thistle(NL)        - Duns(NL)                    3-1
Montrose(2)                 - Albion Rovers(2)            2-0
Replay 1st Round (23 dec 1972):
Clydebank(2)                - Brechin City(2)             1-2
Bye: 11 clubs.
2nd Round (13 january 1973):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Berwick Rangers(2)          0-2
Brechin City(2)             - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  0-0
Brora Rangers(NL)           - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-4
Ferranti Thistle(NL)        - Elgin City(NL)              2-2
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     2-1
Queen of the South(2)       - Forfar Athletic(2)          2-0 (25 jan)
Stenhousemuir(2)            - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   0-0
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Montrose(2)                 0-3
Replays 2nd Round (17 january 1973):
Elgin City(NL)              - Ferranti Thistle(NL)        2-1 (20 jan)
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Brechin City(2)             1-2 (23 jan)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Stenhousemuir(2)            3-0
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and remaining 6 clubs from Division 2
are added.
3rd Round (3 february 1973):
Ayr United(1)               - Inverness Thistle(NL)       3-0
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Falkirk(1)                  1-3
Brechin City(2)             - Aberdeen(1)                 2-4
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - East Fife Methil(1)         4-1
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Montrose(2)                 1-1
Dumbarton(1)                - Cowdenbeath(2)              4-1
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Dundee FC(1)                0-3
Elgin City(NL)              - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          2-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Queen of the South(2)       2-1
Motherwell(1)               - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee United(1)            1-0
Stirling Albion(2)          - Arbroath(1)                 3-3
St.Mirren Paisley(2)        - Partick Thistle(1)          0-1
Stranraer(2)                - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-1
Replays 3rd Round (7 february 1973):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-1
Arbroath(1)                 - Stirling Albion(2)          0-1
Montrose(2)                 - Clyde Glasgow(2)            4-2
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Stranraer(2)                1-2aet
4th Round (24 february 1973):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Falkirk(1)                  3-1 (28 feb)
Ayr United(1)               - Stirling Albion(2)          2-1
Dumbarton(1)                - Partick Thistle(1)          2-2
Kilmarnock(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-1
Montrose(2)                 - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-2
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-4
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Stranraer(2)                - Dundee FC(1)                2-9
Replays 4th Round (28 feb 1973):
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Montrose(2)                 0-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dumbarton(1)                3-1
Quarterfinals (17 march 1973):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 0-0
Montrose(2)                 - Dundee FC(1)                1-4
Partick Thistle(1)          - Ayr United(1)               1-5
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-0
Replay Quarterfinals (21 mar 1973):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1
Semifinals (4 april 1973):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(1)                0-0 (7 apr)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Ayr United(1)               2-0
(both matches played at Hampden Park, Glasgow)
Replay Semifinals (11 april 1973):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(1)                3-0aet (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 5 may 1973):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-2
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (15 december 1973):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Albion Rovers(2)            0-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Clydebank(2)                0-0 (24 dec)
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Alloa Athletic(2)           0-0
Lossiemouth(NL)             - Fraserburgh(NL)             3-3
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Edinburgh University(NL)    1-0 (17 dec)
Replays 1st Round (17 dec 1973):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Berwick Rangers(2)          2-0
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Hamilton Academical(2)      4-1 (19 dec)
Clydebank(2)                - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  1-0 (25 dec)
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Lossiemouth(NL)             6-0
Bye: 11 clubs.
2nd Round (5 january 1974):
Brechin City(2)             - Stenhousemuir(2)            5-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Fraserburgh(NL)             4-1
Ferranti Thistle(NL)        - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 1-0
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Clydebank(2)                1-1
Queen of the South(2)       - Albion Rovers(2)            1-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     6-1
Ross County(NL)             - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-2
Stranraer(2)                - Alloa Athletic(2)           1-0
Replay 2nd Round (12 january 1974):
Clydebank(2)                - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 3-2
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and remaining 6 clubs from Division 2
are added.
3rd Round (27 jan 1974):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                0-2
Arbroath(1)                 - Dumbarton(1)                1-0 (26 jan)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clydebank(2)                6-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Ayr United(1)               0-5
Dundee United(1)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    4-1 (26 jan)
Falkirk(1)                  - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-2
Forfar Athletic(2)          - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-6
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(1)            3-1 (26 jan)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Kilmarnock(2)               5-2 (26 jan)
Montrose(2)                 - Stirling Albion(2)          1-1
Motherwell(1)               - Brechin City(2)             2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Ferranti Thistle(NL)        6-1
Queen of the South(2)       - East Fife Methil(1)         1-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Morton Greenock(1)          2-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     8-0 (26 jan)
Stranraer(2)                - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        1-1 (26 jan)
Replays 3rd Round (29 jan 1974):
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Falkirk(1)                  1-0 (30 jan)
Morton Greenock(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   0-0aet
Stirling Albion(2)          - Montrose(2)                 3-1 (30 jan)
St.Mirren Paisley(2)        - Stranraer(2)                1-1aet
2nd Replays 3rd Round (3 feb 1974):
Morton Greenock(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-0 (Tynecastle)
Stranraer(2)                - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        3-2 (4 feb) (#)
(#) Somerset Park.
4th Round (17 february 1974):
Arbroath(1)                 - Motherwell(1)               1-3 (16 feb)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Stirling Albion(2)          6-1
Dundee United(1)            - Morton Greenock(1)          1-0
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Queen of the South(2)       1-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          1-1 (16 feb)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                0-3
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-3
Stranraer(2)                - Ayr United(1)               1-7 (16 feb)
Replay 4th Round (19 feb 1974):
Partick Thistle(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-4
Quarterfinals (9 march 1974):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               2-2 (10 mar)
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Dundee United(1)            1-1 (10 mar)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Ayr United(1)               1-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                3-3
Replays Quarterfinals (13 mar 1974):
Ayr United(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2aet
Dundee FC(1)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-0 (18 mar)
Dundee United(1)            - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     4-0 (12 mar)
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1
Semifinals (6 april 1974):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(1)                1-0 (3 apr)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee United(1)            1-1
(both matches played at Hampden Park, Glasgow).
Replay Semifinals (9 apr 1974):
Dundee United(1)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      4-2 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 4 may 1974):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee United(1)            3-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Division 1.
2  = Division 2.
NL = Non-League.
Meadowbank Thistle(2) does not take part.
In the 1st and 2nd Round 8 clubs from non-league and 13
clubs from Division 2 take part.
1st Round (4 december 1974):
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Gala Fairydean(NL)          8-1
Montrose(2)                 - Selkirk(NL)                 5-1
Ross County(NL)             - Brechin City(2)             2-0
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Albion Rovers(2)            1-4
Stenhousemuir(2)            - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  2-2
Bye: 11 clubs.
Replay 1st Round (8 december 1974):
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Stenhousemuir(2)            3-1
2nd Round (4 january 1975):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Albion Rovers(2)            1-1
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Clydebank(2)                0-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        2-1
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Ross County(NL)             2-3
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Inverness Thistle(NL)       2-0
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Stirling Albion(2)          4-3
Stranraer(2)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     2-4
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Montrose(2)                 0-12 !
Replay 2nd Round (8 jan 1975):
Albion Rovers(2)            - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-0
The 18 clubs from Division 1 and the remaining 6 clubs from
Division 2 are added.
3rd Round (25 january 1975):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Morton Greenock(1)          0-0 (28 jan)
Arbroath(1)                 - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  1-0
Ayr United(1)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     1-2
Clyde Glasgow(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Clydebank(2)                - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-1 (28 jan)
Dumbarton(1)                - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 2-1 (29 jan)
Dundee United(1)            - Berwick Rangers(2)          1-1 (4 feb)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Kilmarnock(1)               2-0 (29 jan)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-2
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Albion Rovers(2)            0-1
Montrose(2)                 - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-0 (27 jan)
Motherwell(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          0-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-0
Ross County(NL)             - Falkirk(2)                  1-5 (30 jan)
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - East Fife Methil(2)         1-0 (29 jan)
Replays 3rd Round (3 feb 1975):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Dundee United(1)            0-1 (5 feb)
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Montrose(2)                 3-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-3
Partick Thistle(1)          - Motherwell(1)               0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2aet (10 feb)
4th Round (15 february 1975):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Falkirk(2)                  2-0
Arbroath(1)                 - Albion Rovers(2)            2-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clydebank(2)                4-1
Dundee United(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1 (19 feb)
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Dumbarton(1)                0-1
Motherwell(1)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     4-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-2
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Quarterfinals (8 march 1975):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Motherwell(1)               0-1
Arbroath(1)                 - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-2
Dumbarton(1)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
Replays Quarterfinals (12 mar 1975):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Arbroath(1)                 3-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-2
Semifinals (2 april 1975):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Motherwell(1)               1-1 (5 apr)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
(both matches played at Hampden Park, Glasgow)
Replay Semifinals (9 april 1975):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Motherwell(1)               1-0 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 3 may 1975):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    3-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (13 december 1975):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     0-0
Brechin City(3)             - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-1
Elgin City(NL)              - Forres Mechanics(NL)        0-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Alloa Athletic(3)           0-5
Peterhead(NL)               - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   0-2
Stranraer(3)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     1-0
Bye: 10 clubs.
Replays 1st Round (20 dec 1975):
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Brechin City(3)             3-3aet
Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     - Albion Rovers(3)            0-3 (18 dec)
2nd Replay 1st Round:
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Brechin City(3)             0-1 (22 dec)
2nd Round (10 january 1976):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Glasgow University(NL)      1-1
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Selkirk(NL)                 2-0
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       2-1
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Alloa Athletic(3)           1-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   - Clydebank(3)                3-1
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Brechin City(3)             2-2
Stirling Albion(3)          - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 4-0
Stranraer(3)                - Keith(NL)                   2-3
Replays 2nd Round (14 jan 1976):
Brechin City(3)             - Stenhousemuir(3)            0-1
Glasgow University(NL)      - Albion Rovers(3)            0-1
The Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (24 january 1976):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Partick Thistle(2)          1-2
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Aberdeen(1)                 0-4
Ayr United(1)               - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    4-2
Cowdenbeath(3)              - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        3-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Keith(NL)                   2-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Falkirk(2)                  1-2
Dundee United(1)            - Hamilton Academical(2)      4-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     3-2
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           3-2
Morton Greenock(2)          - Montrose(2)                 1-3
Queen of the South(2)       - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       3-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   - Arbroath(2)                 1-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - East Fife Methil(2)         3-0
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Kilmarnock(2)               1-1
Stirling Albion(3)          - Forfar Athletic(3)          2-1
Replays 3rd Round (28 jan 1976):
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1
Kilmarnock(2)               - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-0
4th Round (14 february 1976):
Ayr United(1)               - Queen of the South(2)       2-2
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Motherwell(1)               0-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Stirling Albion(3)          3-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dundee United(1)            1-1
Kilmarnock(2)               - Falkirk(2)                  3-1
Montrose(2)                 - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   2-1
Partick Thistle(2)          - Dumbarton(2)                0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 4-1
Replays 4th Round (25 feb 1976):
Dumbarton(2)                - Partick Thistle(2)          1-0
Dundee United(1)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
Queen of the South(2)       - Ayr United(1)               5-4 (18 feb)
Quarterfinals (6 march 1976):
Dumbarton(2)                - Kilmarnock(2)               2-1
Montrose(2)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-2
Motherwell(1)               - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-2
Queen of the South(2)       - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-5
Replays Quarterfinals (9 march 1976):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Montrose(2)                 2-2aet
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Motherwell(1)               1-1aet (10 mar)
2nd Replays Quarterfinals (16 march 1976):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Montrose(2)                 2-1aet (Muirton Park)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Motherwell(1)               1-2 (15 mar)(Ibrox)
Semifinals (3 apr 1976):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dumbarton(2)                0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Motherwell(1)               3-2 (31 mar)
(both matches played at Hampden Park, Glasgow)
Replay Semifinals (14 apr 1976):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dumbarton(2)                3-0 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow.
Final (Hampden Park, 1 may 1976):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-League.
In round 1 en 2 eight Non-league clubs and 12 clubs from 2nd Division as
well as Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy and Clydebank (1st Division) take part.
1st Round (19 december 1976):
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Clydebank(2)                3-4 (22 dec)
Elgin City(NL)              - Vale of Leithen(NL)         4-0 (28 dec)
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Stenhousemuir(3)            3-2 (27 dec)
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Inverness Thistle(NL)       1-2
St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   - Brechin City(3)             0-1 (18 dec)
Stranraer(3)                - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-0 (18 dec)
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (8 january 1977):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-1
Brechin City(3)             - Inverness Thistle(NL)       0-0
Clydebank(2)                - Selkirk(NL)                 2-0
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Elgin City(NL)              0-2
Girvan Amateurs(NL)         - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     0-3
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Alloa Athletic(3)           1-1
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  1-2
Stranraer(3)                - Stirling Albion(3)          0-0
Replays 2nd Round (15 jan 1977):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    3-1 (16 jan)
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Brechin City(3)             1-3
Stirling Albion(3)          - Stranraer(3)                2-1 (24 jan)
All 10 clubs from Premier and the remaining 12 clubs from the
First Division as well as Dunfermline Athletic and Clyde Glasgow
(both from 2nd division) are added.
3rd Round (29 january 1977):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
Arbroath(2)                 - Brechin City(3)             1-0
Dunfermline Athletic(3)     - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Clyde Glasgow(3)            2-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Albion Rovers(3)            0-3
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Clydebank(2)                0-0 (2 feb)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dumbarton(2)                1-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          3-0 (6 feb)
Morton Greenock(2)          - Ayr United(1)               0-1
Motherwell(1)               - Kilmarnock(1)               3-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Montrose(2)                 3-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Alloa Athletic(3)           0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Falkirk(2)                  3-1
Stirling Albion(3)          - Elgin City(NL)              1-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Dundee FC(2)                1-1 (7 feb)
St.Mirren Paisley(2)        - Dundee United(1)            4-1
Replays 3rd Round (2 february 1977):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     1-0 (6 feb)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    5-0
Clydebank(2)                - Hamilton Academical(2)      3-0 (7 feb)
Dumbarton(2)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1aet
Dundee FC(2)                - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       4-2 (8 feb)
Elgin City(NL)              - Stirling Albion(3)          3-2
4th Round (26 february 1977):
Arbroath(2)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Ayr United(1)               1-1 (27 feb)
Dundee FC(2)                - Aberdeen(1)                 0-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - Albion Rovers(3)            2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clydebank(2)                1-0
Motherwell(1)               - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        2-1
Queen of the South(2)       - Alloa Athletic(3)           2-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Elgin City(NL)              3-0
Replays 4th Round (2 mar 1977):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(2)                1-2
Ayr United(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Arbroath(2)                 1-2
Quarterfinals (12 mar 1977):
Arbroath(2)                 - Dundee FC(2)                1-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen of the South(2)       5-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - East Fife Methil(2)         0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Motherwell(1)               2-0
Replay Quarterfinals (15 march 1977):
East Fife Methil(2)         - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-3
Semifinals (30 march 1977):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(2)                2-0 (6 apr) (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 7 may 1977):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (17 december 1977):
Brechin City(3)             - Falkirk(3)                  2-0
Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-4
Civil Service Strollers(NL) - Selkirk(NL)                 4-3
Dunfermline Athletic(3)     - Clyde Glasgow(3)            0-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Inverness(NL)               5-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-0
Replay 1st Round (21 decenber 1977):
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Dunfermline Athletic(3)     0-3
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (7 january 1978):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Buckie Thistle(NL)          1-0
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   6-0
Brechin City(3)             - Dunfermline Athletic(3)     1-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 4-0
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  2-1
Peterhead(NL)               - Cowdenbeath(3)              1-1
Stranraer(3)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     0-1
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Forfar Athletic(3)          4-1
Replay 2nd Round (14 jan 1978):
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Peterhead(NL)               5-0
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (28 january 1978):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Ayr United(1)               2-0 (6 feb)
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Heart of Midlothian(2)      2-3 (6 feb)
Albion Rovers(3)            - Morton Greenock(2)          0-1 (5 feb)
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Dumbarton(2)                2-2 (29 jan)
Arbroath(2)                 - Motherwell(1)               0-4
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-4
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(2)                7-1 (6 feb)
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Dundee United(1)            1-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - East Fife Methil(2)         4-0
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - Cowdenbeath(3)              1-1 (5 feb)
Queen of the South(2)       - Montrose(2)                 2-2
Stirling Albion(2)          - Clydebank(1)                3-0 (7 feb)
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Brechin City(3)             1-0 (7 feb)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Kilmarnock(2)               1-2 (6 feb)
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     0-1 (4 feb)
Replays 3rd Round (6 feb 1978):
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Partick Thistle(1)          0-1 (27 feb)
Dumbarton(2)                - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-1
Montrose(2)                 - Queen of the South(2)       1-3
4th Round (18 february 1978):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       3-0 (27 feb)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(2)               1-1 (27 feb)
Dundee United(1)            - Queen of the South(2)       3-0 (27 feb)
Dumbarton(2)                - Heart of Midlothian(2)      1-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          0-0 (4 mar)
Morton Greenock(2)          - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       3-0
Motherwell(1)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     1-3 (27 feb)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Stirling Albion(2)          1-0
Replays 4th Round (27 feb 1978):
Heart of Midlothian(2)      - Dumbarton(2)                0-1
Kilmarnock(2)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0 (6 mar)
Partick Thistle(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-1 (7 mar)
Quarterfinals (11 march 1978):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Morton Greenock(2)          2-2
Dundee United(1)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dumbarton(2)                2-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(2)               4-1
Replay Quarterfinals (15 march 1978):
Morton Greenock(2)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2
Semifinals (5 april 1978):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Partick Thistle(1)          4-2 (12 apr) (*)
Dundee United(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 6 may 1978):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (16 december 1978):
Dunfermline Athletic(3)     - Albion Rovers(3)            2-2
Falkirk(3)                  - Keith(NL)                   2-0
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Cowdenbeath(3)              1-3
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    1-1
Threave Rovers(NL)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  0-2
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Forfar Athletic(3)          1-4
Replays 1st Round (19 dec 1978):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Dunfermline Athletic(3)     2-3
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       0-3 (23 dec)
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (16 january 1979):
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Alloa Athletic(3) (17 jan)  0-0
East Fife Methil(3)         - Brechin City(3)             2-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Spartans(NL)                2-3 (21 jan)
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-2 (22 jan)
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Falkirk(3)                  0-4 (22 feb)
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Stenhousemuir(3)            2-1
Peterhead(NL)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     2-3 (17 jan)
Stranraer(3)                - Dunfermline Athletic(3)     1-1 (13 jan)
Replays 2nd Round (22 january 1979):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Cowdenbeath(3)              2-0 (21 jan)
Dunfermline Athletic(3)     - Stranraer(3)                1-0
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (27 january 1979):
Arbroath(2)                 - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    0-1
Ayr United(2)               - Queen of the South(2)       4-0 (12 feb)
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Kilmarnock(2)               1-5 (31 jan)
Clydebank(2)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     3-3 (31 jan)
Dumbarton(2)                - Alloa Athletic(3)           1-0 (19 feb)
Dundee FC(2)                - Falkirk(3)                  1-0 (25 feb)
Dundee United(1)            - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2 (26 feb)
Dunfermline Athletic(3)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1 (28 jan)
East Fife Methil(3)         - Berwick Rangers(3)          0-1
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Aberdeen(1)                 0-2
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Spartans(NL)                2-1 (31 jan)
Montrose(2)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-4 (31 jan)
Morton Greenock(1)          - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       1-1 (19 feb)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Motherwell(1)               3-1 (12 feb)
Stirling Albion(2)          - Partick Thistle(1)          0-2 (19 feb)
Replays 3rd Round (12 feb 1979):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dunfermline Athletic(3)     2-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Clydebank(2)                0-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Morton Greenock(1)          2-4 (26 feb)
4th Round (21 feb 1979):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Ayr United(2)               6-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Berwick Rangers(3)          3-0 (26 feb)
Dumbarton(2)                - Clydebank(2)                3-1 (24 feb)
Dundee FC(2)                - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-1 (3 mar)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          1-1 (3 mar)
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-6
Partick Thistle(1)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    3-0 (24 feb)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(2)               1-1
Replays 4th Round (5 mar 1979):
Kilmarnock(2)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1 (26 feb)
Morton Greenock(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1
Quarterfinals (10 march 1979):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
Dumbarton(2)                - Partick Thistle(1)          0-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(2)                6-3
Replay Quarterfinals:
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2 (14 mar)
Semifinals (4 april 1979):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1 (11 apr) (*)
Partick Thistle(1)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-0 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (16 apr 1979):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Partick Thistle(1)          1-0 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 12 may 1979):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 16 may 1979):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0aet
2nd Replay Final (Hampden Park, 28 may 1979):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-2aet
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (15 december 1979):
Annan Athletic(NL)          - Stranraer(3)                1-3
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Albion Rovers(3)            3-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Brechin City(3)             1-1
Queen of the South(3)       - Falkirk(3)                  1-1
Spartans(NL)                - Forfar Athletic(3)          1-2
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     4-2
Replays 1st Round (19 dec 1979):
Brechin City(3)             - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  1-1aet
Falkirk(3)                  - Queen of the South(3)       0-4 (26 dec)
2nd Replay 1st Round (26 dec 1979):
Brechin City(3)             - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  1-0 (Muirton Park)
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (5 january 1980):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - East Fife Methil(3)         1-0 (9 jan)
Brechin City(3)             - Montrose(3)                 1-1 (7 jan)
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Brora Rangers(NL)           0-0
Coldstream(NL)              - Queen of the South(3)       1-1 (12 jan)
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Forfar Athletic(3)          3-2
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Peterhead(NL)               0-0
Stranraer(3)                - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       1-1
Threave Rovers(NL)          - Keith(NL)                   2-3
Replays 2nd Round (12 jan 1980):
Brora Rangers(NL)           - Buckie Thistle(NL)          1-2aet
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Stranraer(3)                2-1
Montrose(3)                 - Brechin City(3)             3-4 (14 jan)
Peterhead(NL)               - Stenhousemuir(3)            2-0
Queen of the South(3)       - Coldstream(NL)              4-0 (14 jan)
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (26 jan 1980):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       3-1 (30 jan)
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Heart of Midlothian(2)      0-1 (30 jan)
Arbroath(2)                 - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Peterhead(NL)               3-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-1
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-2
Clydebank(2)                - Stirling Albion(2)          1-1
Dumbarton(2)                - Ayr United(2)               1-2
Dundee United(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                5-1 (30 jan)
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Buckie Thistle(NL)          2-0 (30 jan)
Kilmarnock(1)               - Partick Thistle(1)          0-1 (30 jan)
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Keith(NL)                   2-3
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Cowdenbeath(3)              1-0
Queen of the South(3)       - Motherwell(2)               2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Brechin City(3)             3-1
Replays 3rd Round (30 jan 1980):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Arbroath(2)                 5-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-0
Stirling Albion(2)          - Clydebank(2)                1-1aet
2nd Replay 3rd Round (11 feb 1980):
Clydebank(2)                - Stirling Albion(2)          0-1 (Brockville)
4th Round (16 february 1980):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    8-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1
Heart of Midlothian(2)      - Stirling Albion(2)          2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Ayr United(2)               2-0
Keith(NL)                   - Berwick Rangers(2)          1-2
Morton Greenock(1)          - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     5-0
Queen of the South(3)       - Partick Thistle(1)          1-3
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee United(1)            1-0
Replay 4th Round (20 feb 1980):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-3aet
Quarterfinals (8 march 1980):
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Morton Greenock(1)          2-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(2)      6-1
Replay Quarterfinals (12 mar 1980):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Berwick Rangers(2)          1-0
Semifinals (12 april 1980):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      5-0 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow  (#) Celtic Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 10 may 1980):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0aet
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (13 december 1980):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-1
Brechin City(3)             - Keith(NL)                   2-1
East Fife Methil(3)         - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 2-1
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Buckie Thistle(NL)          2-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Montrose(3)                 2-2
Whitehill Welfare(NL)       - Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     1-1
Replays 1st Round:
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       3-2
Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     - Whitehill Welfare(NL)       4-1
Montrose(3)                 - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     2-0
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Alloa Athletic(3)           3-2aet
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (3 january 1981):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Arbroath(3)                 1-1
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Brechin City(3)             0-2
Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     - Cowdenbeath(3)              2-2
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Montrose(3)                 2-0
Queen of the South(3)       - East Fife Methil(3)         1-2
Rothes(NL)                  - Clyde Glasgow(3)            1-5
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Spartans(NL)                0-0
Stranraer(3)                - Buckie Thistle(NL)          2-2
Replays 2nd Round:
Arbroath(3)                 - Albion Rovers(3)            1-0
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Stranraer(3)                3-2
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     3-0
Spartans(NL)                - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-2
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (24 january 1981):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-5
Arbroath(3)                 - Cowdenbeath(3)              1-1
Berwick Rangers(2)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-2
Brechin City(3)             - Dundee United(1)            1-2
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Stirling Albion(2)          1-3
East Fife Methil(3)         - Clydebank(2)                0-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Inverness Thistle(NL)       4-1
Falkirk(2)                  - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Hamilton Academical(2)      - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       0-3
Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     1-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Ayr United(2)               2-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Clyde Glasgow(3)            2-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Motherwell(2)               1-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dumbarton(2)                0-2
Replays 3rd Round:
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Partick Thistle(1)          2-4
Clydebank(2)                - East Fife Methil(3)         5-4aet
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Arbroath(3)                 4-0
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          1-3
Motherwell(2)               - Stenhousemuir(3)            2-1
4th Round (14 february 1981):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Stirling Albion(2)          3-0
Cowdenbeath(3)              - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  1-2
Dundee United(1)            - Partick Thistle(1)          1-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      - Falkirk(2)                  1-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Clydebank(2)                0-0
Morton Greenock(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0
Motherwell(2)               - Dumbarton(2)                2-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Rangers Glasgow(1)          3-3
Replays 4th Round:
Clydebank(2)                - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1aet
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       3-1
2nd Replay 4th Round:
Clydebank(2)                - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0 (Paisley)
Quarterfinals (7/8 march 1981):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  2-0
Dundee United(1)            - Motherwell(2)               6-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - Clydebank(2)                0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hibernian Edinburgh(2)      3-1
Replay Quarterfinals:
Clydebank(2)                - Morton Greenock(1)          0-6
Semifinals (11 april 1981):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee United(1)            0-0 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Morton Greenock(1)          2-1 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Parkhead, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals (15 april 1981):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee United(1)            2-3 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 9 may 1981):
Dundee United(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-0aet
Replay Final (Hampden Park, 12 may 1981):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee United(1)            4-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (12 december 1981):
Arbroath(3)                 - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       0-2
Civil Service Strollers(NL) - Cowdenbeath(3)              3-3 (21 jan)
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 1-1 (30 dec)
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-3 (21 jan) (*)
Stirling Albion(3)          - Clyde Glasgow(3)            1-2 (20 jan)
Stranraer(3)                - East Fife Methil(3)         1-1 (23 dec)
(*) other source: 2-5.
Replays 1st Round:
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 6-1
East Fife Methil(3)         - Stranraer(3)                4-1
Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) - Fraserburgh(NL)             2-1aet
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (january 1982):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Inverness Clachnacuddin(NL) 2-1
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     4-1
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Berwick Rangers(3)          0-0
Coldstream(NL)              - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       0-2
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Gala Fairydean(NL)          1-1
East Fife Methil(3)         - Forfar Athletic(3)          2-3
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Brechin City(3)             1-3
Montrose(3)                 - Elgin City(NL)              0-0
Replays 2nd Round:
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Clyde Glasgow(3)            1-3
Elgin City(NL)              - Montrose(3)                 0-0aet
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Cowdenbeath(3)              3-2
2nd Replay 2nd Round:
Montrose(3)                 - Elgin City(NL)              2-1aet (Peterhead)
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (23 january 1982):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     1-2
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Ayr United(2)               2-1
Brechin City(3)             - Dundee United(1)            2-4
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen of the South(2)       4-0
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       2-2
Clydebank(2)                - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     2-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(2)  - Heart of Midlothian(2)      1-4
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       1-3
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Forfar Athletic(3)          0-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Falkirk(2)                  2-0
Kilmarnock(2)               - Montrose(3)                 1-0
Motherwell(2)               - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
Partick Thistle(1)          - Dumbarton(2)                1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Albion Rovers(3)            6-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Morton Greenock(1)          2-1
Replays 3rd Round:
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Hamilton Academical(2)      3-2
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Clyde Glasgow(3)            4-2
4th Round (13 february 1982):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0
Clydebank(2)                - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       3-0
Dundee United(1)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-1
Heart of Midlothian(2)      - Forfar Athletic(3)          0-1
Kilmarnock(2)               - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       3-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Alloa Athletic(3)           2-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dumbarton(2)                4-0
Replay 4th Round:
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dundee United(1)            1-1aet
2nd Replay 4th Round:
Dundee United(1)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-0 (Edinburgh)
Quarterfinals (6 march 1982):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Kilmarnock(2)               4-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Forfar Athletic(3)          1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dundee United(1)            1-0
Semifinals (3 april 1982):
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1 (#)
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-0 (*)
(#) Celtic Park, Glasgow  (*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replays Semifinals:
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        3-2 (#)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Forfar Athletic(3)          3-1 (*)
(#) Celtic Park, Glasgow  (*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, 22 may 1982):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          4-1aet
Cupwinners: Aberdeen.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (11 december 1982):
Brechin City(3)             - Cowdenbeath(3)              2-0
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Elgin City(NL)              1-2
Peterhead(NL)               - Forfar Athletic(3)          0-5
Selkirk(NL)                 - Brora Rangers(NL)           0-2
Stirling Albion(3)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  1-0
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Stranraer(3)                0-0
Replay 1st Round:
Stranraer(3)                - Vale of Leithen(NL)         2-0
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (8 january 1983):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Stranraer(3)                1-0
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Stirling Albion(3)          2-0
Brora Rangers(NL)           - Montrose(3)                 0-0
East Fife Methil(3)         - Brechin City(3)             1-0
Elgin City(NL)              - Gala Fairydean(NL)          5-2
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    3-0
Queen of the South(3)       - Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     3-0
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Arbroath(3)                 1-0
Replay 2nd Round:
Montrose(3)                 - Brora Rangers(NL)           1-1aet
2nd Replay 2nd Round:
Montrose(3)                 - Brora Rangers(NL)           5-2aet
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (29 january 1983):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Morton Greenock(1)          1-2
Ayr United(2)               - Albion Rovers(3)            1-2
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Motherwell(1)               0-0
Clydebank(2)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
Dumbarton(2)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    0-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Brora Rangers(NL)           2-1
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Elgin City(NL)              5-0
East Fife Methil(3)         - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-0
Falkirk(2)                  - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Berwick Rangers(3)          2-1
Hamilton Academical(2)      - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       0-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-4
Partick Thistle(2)          - Kilmarnock(1)               1-1
Queen of the South(3)       - Heart of Midlothian(2)      1-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Stenhousemuir(3)            4-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dundee United(1)            1-0
Replays 3rd Round:
Heart of Midlothian(2)      - Queen of the South(3)       1-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Partick Thistle(2)          0-0aet
Motherwell(1)               - Clyde Glasgow(2)            3-4aet
2nd Replay 3rd Round:
Partick Thistle(2)          - Kilmarnock(1)               2-2aet
3rd Replay 3rd Round:
Partick Thistle(2)          - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0
4th Round (19 february 1983):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Albion Rovers(3)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    0-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     3-0
Heart of Midlothian(2)      - East Fife Methil(3)         2-1
Morton Greenock(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2
Partick Thistle(2)          - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       1-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Forfar Athletic(3)          2-1
Replay 4th Round:
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Partick Thistle(2)          1-1aet (*)
(*) lightfailure (103.minute).
2nd Replay 4th Round:
Partick Thistle(2)          - Clyde Glasgow(2)            6-0
Quarterfinals (12 march 1983):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(2)      4-1
Partick Thistle(2)          - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(2)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2
Semifinals (16 april 1983):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0 (*)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Parkhead, Glasgow
Replay Semifinals:
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-0aet
Final (Hampden Park, 21 may 1983):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0aet
Goal: 116.min Black 1-0
Cupwinners: Aberdeen.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (10 december 1983):
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Vale of Leithen(NL)         3-0
Dalbeattie Star(NL)         - Arbroath(3)                 1-5
Elgin City(NL)              - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     0-2
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-0
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Spartans(NL)                4-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Albion Rovers(3)            2-1
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (7 january 1984):
Arbroath(3)                 - Stirling Albion(3)          0-0
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Montrose(3)                 2-1
Dunfermline Athletic(3)     - Forfar Athletic(3)          1-0 (9 jan)
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Fraserburgh(NL)             3-1
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    0-2
Peterhead(NL)               - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-2
Queen of the South(3)       - East Fife Methil(3)         0-5
Stranraer(3)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     1-2
Replay 2nd Round:
Stirling Albion(3)          - Arbroath(3)                 0-0aet
2nd Replay 2nd Round:
Stirling Albion(3)          - Arbroath(3)                 2-1
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (28 january 1984):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Kilmarnock(2)               1-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       1-0
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-4
Clydebank(2)                - Brechin City(2)             0-0
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Dundee FC(1)                0-2
Dundee United(1)            - Ayr United(2)               1-0
Falkirk(2)                  - Clyde Glasgow(2)            1-2
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Alloa Athletic(2)           3-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Partick Thistle(2)          2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - East Fife Methil(3)         0-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Stirling Albion(3)          0-0
Meadowbank Thistle(2)       - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  2-0
Motherwell(1)               - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     3-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Dumbarton(2)                1-4
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dunfermline Athletic(3)     2-1
Replays 3rd Round:
Brechin City(2)             - Clydebank(2)                0-3
East Fife Methil(3)         - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-0
Kilmarnock(2)               - Aberdeen(1)                 1-3
Stirling Albion(3)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    1-2aet
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       2-2aet
2nd Replay 3rd Round:
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Meadowbank Thistle(2)       2-1
4th Round (18 february 1984):
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Aberdeen(1)                 0-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    2-1
Dundee United(1)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1
East Fife Methil(3)         - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-6
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-6
Morton Greenock(2)          - Dumbarton(2)                2-1
Motherwell(1)               - Clydebank(2)                3-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-1
Quarterfinals (10 march 1984):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            0-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-2
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-6
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Morton Greenock(2)          4-3
Replays Quarterfinals:
Dundee United(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                2-3
Semifinals (14 april 1984):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Final (Hampden Park, 19 may 1984):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-1aet
Cupwinners: Aberdeen.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (8 december 1984):
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Albion Rovers(3)            3-1
Dunfermline Athletic(3)     - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  1-3
Queen of the South(3)       - Arbroath(3)                 2-1
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Whitehill Welfare(NL)       2-1
Stirling Albion(3)          - Selkirk(NL)                20-0 !!
Stranraer(3)                - Gala Fairydean(NL)          2-2
Replay 1st Round (15 december 1984):
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Stranraer(3)                0-1
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (5 january 1985):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  2-1
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    1-1
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Stirling Albion(3)          2-1
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Spartans(NL)                1-1
Keith(NL)                   - Brora Rangers(NL)           2-0
Queen of the South(3)       - Montrose(3)                 3-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   0-0
Stranraer(3)                - Stenhousemuir(3)            0-0
Replays 2nd Round (12 jan t/m 4 feb 1985):
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Berwick Rangers(3)          3-3aet
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     1-0
Spartans(NL)                - Inverness Thistle(NL)       1-2
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Stranraer(3)                0-2
2nd Replay 2nd Round (21 january 1985):
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    0-3 (East Fife)
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (26 january 1985):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Alloa Athletic(3)           5-0 (30 jan)
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Falkirk(2)                  0-3 (4 feb)
Ayr United(2)               - Keith(NL)                   3-1
Brechin City(2)             - East Fife Methil(2)         1-1
Cowdenbeath(3)              - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-4 (4 feb)
Dundee United(1)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-0 (4 feb)
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Clydebank(2)                1-0 (4 feb)
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2 (30 jan)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    6-0 (30 jan)
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Kilmarnock(2)               3-0 (9 feb)
Meadowbank Thistle(2)       - Partick Thistle(2)          4-2 (30 jan)
Morton Greenock(1)          - Rangers Glasgow(1)          3-3
Motherwell(2)               - Dumbarton(1)                4-0 (30 jan)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-2
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Dundee FC(1)                1-1 (5 feb)
Stranraer(3)                - Queen of the South(3)       4-6 (9 feb)
Replays 3rd Round:
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   1-2 (4 feb)
Dundee FC(1)                - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       2-1 (6 feb)
East Fife Methil(2)         - Brechin City(2)             0-4 (29 jan)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Morton Greenock(1)          3-1 (30 jan)
4th Round (16 february 1985):
Ayr United(2)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-1
Brechin City(2)             - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Inverness Thistle(NL)       6-0
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Falkirk(2)                  2-1
Meadowbank Thistle(2)       - Motherwell(2)               0-2 (20 feb)
Queen of the South(3)       - Dundee United(1)            0-3
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   - Aberdeen(1)                 1-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee FC(1)                0-1
Replay 4th Round (20 february 1985):
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Brechin City(2)             1-0
Quarterfinals (9 march 1985):
Dundee FC(1)                - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Motherwell(1)               - Forfar Athletic(1)          4-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dundee United(1)            1-4
Replays Quarterfinals (13 march 1985):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee FC(1)                2-1
Semifinals (13 april 1985):
Dundee United(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 0-0 (#)
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-1 (*)
(#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh     (*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Replays Semifinals (17 april 1985):
Dundee United(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1 (#)
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3 (*)
(#) Tynecastle, Edinburgh     (*) Hampden Park, Glasgow
Final (Hampden Park, Glasgow, 18 may 1985):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee United(1)            2-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (7 december 1985):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Gala Fairydean(NL)          8-1
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Cowdenbeath(3)              0-0
Dunfermline Athletic(3)     - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   2-0
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  3-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Buckie Thistle(NL)          3-0
St.Johnstone Perth(3)       - Queen of the South(3)       1-0
Replay 1st Round (11 december 1985):
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Berwick Rangers(3)          0-2
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (4 january 1986):
Fort William(NL)            - Stirling Albion(3)          0-0
Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     - St.Johnstone Perth(3)       1-2 (11 jan)
Nairn County(NL)            - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       1-1 (11 jan)
Peterhead(NL)               - Arbroath(3)                 1-2 (11 jan)
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Albion Rovers(3)            2-1
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Whitehill Welfare(NL)       0-0
Stranraer(3)                - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-2
Threave Rovers(NL)          - Dunfermline Athletic(3)     0-5
Replays 2nd Round (11 january 1986):
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Nairn County(NL)            1-2 (13 jan)
Stirling Albion(3)          - Fort William(NL)            6-0
Whitehill Welfare(NL)       - Stenhousemuir(3)            2-3
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (25 january 1986):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Montrose(2)                 4-1 (5 feb)
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Partick Thistle(2)          0-0
Arbroath(3)                 - Clyde Glasgow(2)            0-0
Ayr United(2)               - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-0
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Alloa Athletic(2)           2-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Johnstone Perth(3)       2-0
Clydebank(1)                - Falkirk(2)                  0-0
Dundee United(1)            - Morton Greenock(2)          4-0
East Fife Methil(2)         - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-1
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Forfar Athletic(2)          2-1 (3 feb)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          3-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dunfermline Athletic(3)     2-0 (26 jan)
Kilmarnock(2)               - Stirling Albion(3)          1-0
Motherwell(1)               - Brechin City(2)             1-1
Nairn County(NL)            - Dundee FC(1)                0-7
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Dumbarton(2)                1-0
Replays 3rd Round (3/4 february 1986):
Brechin City(2)             - Motherwell(1)               1-1aet (11 feb)
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Arbroath(3)                 1-2
Falkirk(2)                  - Clydebank(1)                1-0
Partick Thistle(2)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    1-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - East Fife Methil(2)         3-1
2nd Replay 3rd Round (12 february 1986):
Motherwell(1)               - Brechin City(2)             2-0
4th Round (15/16 february 1986):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Motherwell(1)               1-2 (5 mar)
Arbroath(3)                 - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     2-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    2-0 (19 feb)
Dundee United(1)            - Kilmarnock(2)               1-1
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2 (3 mar)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Ayr United(2)               1-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Falkirk(2)                  1-1 (4 mar)
Replays 4th Round:
Falkirk(2)                  - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-3 (5 mar)
Kilmarnock(2)               - Dundee United(1)            0-1 (19 feb)
Quarterfinals (8/9 march 1986):
Dundee FC(1)                - Aberdeen(1)                 2-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        4-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           4-3
Motherwell(1)               - Dundee United(1)            0-1
Replay Quarterfinals (12 march 1986):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee FC(1)                2-1aet
Semifinals (5 april 1986):
Dundee United(1)            - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1 (*)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Aberdeen(1)                 0-3 (#)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow    (#) Dens Park, Dundee
Final (Hampden Park, Glasgow, 10 may 1985):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      3-0
Cupwinners: Aberdeen.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (6 december 1986):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Arbroath(3)                 2-1
Ayr United(3)               - Annan Athletic(NL)          3-1
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Berwick Rangers(3)          0-1 (13 dec)
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Alloa Athletic(3)           2-2
Peterhead(NL)               - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  1-0
Stirling Albion(3)          - Cowdenbeath(3)              3-0
Replay 1st Round (13 dec 1986):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    0-1
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (10 t/m 26 jan):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Whitehill Welfare(NL)       1-2 (4 feb)
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Spartans(NL)                5-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   - Vale of Leithen(NL)         4-0
Rothes(NL)                  - Peterhead(NL)               1-3
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Berwick Rangers(3)          0-0
Stirling Albion(3)          - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       0-1
St.Johnstone Perth(3)       - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     4-1
Stranraer(3)                - Ayr United(3)               1-1
Replays 2nd Round:
Ayr United(3)               - Stranraer(3)                2-0 (21 jan)
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Stenhousemuir(3)            2-0 (28 jan)
Clubs from Premier (12) and First Division (12) are added.
3rd Round (31 jan t/m 3 feb):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-2
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Morton Greenock(2)          0-2
Brechin City(2)             - Dumbarton(2)                2-2
Dundee FC(1)                - East Fife Methil(2)         2-2
Dundee United(1)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    1-1
Falkirk(1)                  - Clydebank(1)                0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Kilmarnock(2)               0-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     2-0
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Ayr United(3)               2-0
Montrose(2)                 - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-2
Motherwell(1)               - Partick Thistle(2)          3-1
Peterhead(NL)               - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Hamilton Academical(1)      0-1
St.Johnstone Perth(3)       - Whitehill Welfare(NL)       4-0 (7 feb)
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    3-0
Replays 3rd Round (4 t/m 9 feb):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Dundee United(1)            1-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Aberdeen(1)                 0-0
Clydebank(1)                - Falkirk(1)                  3-1
Dumbarton(2)                - Brechin City(2)             2-3
East Fife Methil(2)         - Dundee FC(1)                1-4
Kilmarnock(2)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1
2nd Replays 3rd Round:
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1
Kilmarnock(2)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-3
4th Round (21 feb 1987):
Brechin City(2)             - Dundee United(1)            0-1
Clydebank(1)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       1-1
Hamilton Academical(1)      - Motherwell(1)               1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-3
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   - Peterhead(NL)               2-2
St.Johnstone Perth(3)       - Forfar Athletic(2)          1-2
Replays 4th Round:
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
Peterhead(NL)               - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   3-3
2nd Replays 4th Round:
Dundee FC(1)                - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       2-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   - Peterhead(NL)               3-0
Quarterfinals (14 mar 1987):
Clydebank(1)                - Dundee FC(1)                0-4
Dundee United(1)            - Forfar Athletic(2)          2-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(3)   - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-2
Replays Quarterfinals:
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Dundee United(1)            0-2
Motherwell(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1
Semifinals (11 apr 1987):
Dundee FC(1)                - Dundee United(1)            2-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-2
Final (16 may 1987):
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Dundee United(1)            1-0aet
Cupwinners: St.Mirren Paisley.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-League.
1st Round (5 dec 1987):
Albion Rovers(3)            - St.Johnstone Perth(3)       1-1
Montrose(3)                 - Ayr United(3)               0-2
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  1-1
Stirling Albion(3)          - Cowdenbeath(3)              1-2
Threave Rovers(NL)          - Stranraer(3)                0-6
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Brechin City(3)             2-3
Replays 1st Round:
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-1 (21 dec)
St.Johnstone Perth(3)       - Albion Rovers(3)            2-0
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (9 january 1988):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Cowdenbeath(3)              0-1
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Brechin City(3)             0-1
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  2-3
Fraserburgh(NL)             - St.Johnstone Perth(3)       2-5
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 3-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Ayr United(3)               2-3
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Arbroath(3)                 1-1
Stranraer(3)                - Keith(NL)                   6-2
Replay 2nd Round (12 jan 1988):
Arbroath(3)                 - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-1aet
2nd Replay 2nd Round (18 jan 1988):
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Arbroath(3)                 0-1
Clubs from Premier (12) and First Division (12) are added.
3rd Round (30 january 1988):
Arbroath(3)                 - Dundee United(1)            0-7
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Stranraer(3)                1-0
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Cowdenbeath(3)              0-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Brechin City(3)             0-0
Dumbarton(2)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Ayr United(3)               1-1
East Fife Methil(2)         - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    1-2
Falkirk(1)                  - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-3
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Partick Thistle(2)          1-1 (3 feb)
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  3-5
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Meadowbank Thistle(2)       2-0
Motherwell(1)               - Kilmarnock(2)               0-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Morton Greenock(1)          1-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-0 (8 feb)
St.Johnstone Perth(3)       - Aberdeen(1)                 0-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Clydebank(2)                0-3
Replays 3rd Round (3 feb 1988):
Ayr United(3)               - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     0-2
Brechin City(3)             - Dundee FC(1)                0-3
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Clyde Glasgow(2)            0-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Dumbarton(2)                3-0 (2 feb)
Kilmarnock(2)               - Motherwell(1)               1-3
Partick Thistle(2)          - Forfar Athletic(2)          3-0 (10 feb)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   4-1 (10 feb)
4th Round (20-21 feb 1988):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Dundee United(1)            0-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
Clydebank(2)                - Partick Thistle(2)          2-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Motherwell(1)               2-0
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-3
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Aberdeen(1)                 0-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Morton Greenock(1)          2-0
Replay 4th Round (23/24 feb 1988):
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-1
Partick Thistle(2)          - Clydebank(2)                4-1
Quarterfinals (12 march 1988):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Clyde Glasgow(2)            5-0
Dundee FC(1)                - Dundee United(1)            0-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     3-0
Partick Thistle(2)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
Replay Quarterfinals (15 mar 1988):
Dundee United(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                2-2aet
2nd Replay Quarterfinals (28 mar 1988):
Dundee FC(1)                - Dundee United(1)            0-3
Semifinals (9 april 1988):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            0-0 (#)
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1 (*)
(*) Hampden Park, Glasgow   (#) Dens Park, Dundee
Replay Semifinals (13 apr 1988):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            1-1aet (#)
(#) Dens Park, Dundee
2nd Replay Semifinals (20 apr 1988):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            0-1
(#) Dens Park, Dundee
Final (Hampden Park, 14 may 1988):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee United(1)            2-1
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (3 dec 1988):
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Alloa Athletic(3)           1-1
East Fife Methil(3)         - Spartans(NL)                4-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Gala Fairydean(NL)          1-0
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Dumbarton(3)                0-0
Montrose(3)                 - Arbroath(3)                 2-0
Stranraer(3)                - Stirling Albion(3)          2-2
Replays 1st Round (10 dec 1988):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Berwick Rangers(3)          2-1 (7 dec)
Dumbarton(3)                - Inverness Thistle(NL)       2-1
Stirling Albion(3)          - Stranraer(3)                0-1
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (7 jan 1989):
Annan Athletic(NL)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     1-5
Coldstream(NL)              - Albion Rovers(3)            1-1
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Montrose(3)                 1-2
Elgin City(NL)              - Dumbarton(3)                2-2
Forres Mechanics(NL)        - Alloa Athletic(3)           1-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Brechin City(3)             1-1
Stranraer(3)                - East Fife Methil(3)         2-1
Replays 2nd Round (14 jan 1989):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Coldstream(NL)              1-0
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Forres Mechanics(NL)        2-0
Brechin City(3)             - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-1
Dumbarton(3)                - Elgin City(NL)              4-0
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Cowdenbeath(3)              3-2
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (28 jan 1989):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Albion Rovers(3)            3-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dumbarton(3)                2-0
Clydebank(2)                - Montrose(3)                 2-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Dundee United(1)            1-2
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Aberdeen(1)                 0-0
Falkirk(2)                  - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Clyde Glasgow(2)            1-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Ayr United(2)               4-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Brechin City(3)             1-0
Meadowbank Thistle(2)       - Hamilton Academical(1)      2-0 (29 jan)
Morton Greenock(2)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    0-0
Partick Thistle(2)          - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Queen of the South(2)       - Kilmarnock(2)               2-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Stranraer(3)                0-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Stenhousemuir(3)            2-0
Replays 3rd Round (1 feb 1989):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     3-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Morton Greenock(2)          0-1
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Forfar Athletic(2)          0-1 (31 jan)
Kilmarnock(2)               - Queen of the South(2)       0-1
Motherwell(1)               - Falkirk(2)                  2-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   3-0
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Partick Thistle(2)          1-3 (31 jan)
Stranraer(3)                - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     1-0
4th Round (18 feb 1989):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            1-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clydebank(2)                4-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Partick Thistle(2)          2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Motherwell(1)               2-1
Meadowbank Thistle(1)       - Morton Greenock(2)          0-1
Queen of the South(2)       - Alloa Athletic(3)           0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Stranraer(3)                8-0
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Forfar Athletic(2)          2-1
Replays 4th Round (22 feb 1989):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Queen of the South(2)       4-2
Dundee United(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1aet
2nd Replay 4th Round (27 feb 1989):
Dundee United(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 1-0
Quarterfinals (18-22 march 1989):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Alloa Athletic(3)           1-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       2-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dundee United(1)            2-2
Replay Quarterfinals (27 mar 1989):
Dundee United(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Morton Greenock(2)          3-2
Semifinals (15/16 apr 1989):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-1 (#)
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       0-0 (*)
(*) Celtic Park, Glasgow  (#) Hampden Park, Glasgow.
Replay Semifinals (18 apr 1989):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       4-0 (*)
(*) Celtic Park, Glasgow.
Final (Hampden Park, Glasgow, 20 may 1989):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (9 december 1989):
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-1
Brechin City(3)             - Montrose(3)                 3-1
Elgin City(NL)              - Arbroath(3)                 2-1
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Dumbarton(3)                1-2
Queen of the South(3)       - Cove Rangers(NL)            2-1
Stirling Albion(3)          - Coldstream(NL)              4-0
Replay 1st Round (12 dec 1989):
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-0
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (30 dec 1989):
Dumbarton(3)                - Cowdenbeath(3)              0-2
Elgin City(NL)              - Brechin City(3)             2-2
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-2
Ross County(NL)             - East Fife Methil(3)         1-4 (7 jan)
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Queen of the South(3)       0-1
Stirling Albion(3)          - Whitehill Welfare(NL)       3-0
Stranraer(3)                - Kilmarnock(3)               1-1
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  1-3
Replay 2nd Round (6 jan 1990):
Brechin City(3)             - Elgin City(NL)              8-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Gala Fairydean(NL)          4-1
Kilmarnock(3)               - Stranraer(3)                0-0aet (2-4 pen)
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round (20 jan 1990):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    2-2
Albion Rovers(2)            - Clydebank(2)                0-2
Ayr United(2)               - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        0-0
Brechin City(3)             - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Stranraer(3)                3-1
Dundee FC(1)                - Dundee United(1)            0-0
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-0
East Fife Methil(3)         - Meadowbank Thistle(2)       3-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Stirling Albion(3)          0-1 (30 jan)
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Falkirk(2)                  2-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   2-2
Motherwell(1)               - Clyde Glasgow(2)            7-0
Partick Thistle(2)          - Aberdeen(1)                 2-6
Queen of the South(3)       - Alloa Athletic(2)           0-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       3-0
Replays 3rd Round (23-31 jan 1990):
Alloa Athletic(2)           - Queen of the South(3)       2-3aet
Dundee United(1)            - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     0-1
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    1-1aet (5-4 pen)
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Morton Greenock(2)          1-3
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Ayr United(2)               2-1
4th Round (24-28 feb 1990):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Morton Greenock(2)          2-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     1-2 (Kirkcaldy)
Dundee United(1)            - Queen of the South(3)       2-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Motherwell(1)               4-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - East Fife Methil(3)         5-1
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Clydebank(2)                1-1
Stirling Albion(3)          - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    6-2
Replay 4th Round (11 mar 1990):
Clydebank(2)                - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        2-1
Quarterfinals (17 march 1990):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      4-1
Clydebank(2)                - Stirling Albion(3)          1-1
Dundee United(1)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
Replays Quarterfinals (21 mar 1990):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     3-0
Stirling Albion(3)          - Clydebank(2)                0-1 (Falkirk)
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            4-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clydebank(2)                2-0
Final (Hampden Park, 12 may 1990):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0aet (9-8 pen)
Cupwinners: Aberdeen.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round:
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Queen of the South(3)       1-3
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Vale of Leithen(NL)         3-1
Montrose(3)                 - Dumbarton(3)                0-0
Ross County(NL)             - Alloa Athletic(3)           1-1
Threave Rovers(NL)          - Spartans(NL)                1-2
Whitehill Welfare(NL)       - East Fife Methil(3)         0-4
Replays 1st Round:
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Ross County(NL)             1-3
Dumbarton(3)                - Montrose(3)                 1-4
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round:
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Albion Rovers(3)            1-0
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Cove Rangers(NL)            1-4
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - East Fife Methil(3)         1-1
Montrose(3)                 - Arbroath(3)                 0-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Stranraer(3)                1-2
Ross County(NL)             - Queen of the South(3)       2-2
Spartans(NL)                - Cowdenbeath(3)              0-0
Stirling Albion(3)          - Stenhousemuir(3)            2-0
Replays 2nd Round:
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Spartans(NL)                2-0
East Fife Methil(3)         - Inverness Thistle(NL)       1-0
Queen of the South(3)       - Ross County(NL)             2-6
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (14) are added.
3rd Round:
Aberdeen(1)                 - Motherwell(1)               0-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1
Clydebank(2)                - Ayr United(2)               0-1
Clyde Glasgow(2)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
Cove Rangers(NL)            - Cowdenbeath(3)              1-2
Dundee FC(2)                - Brechin City(2)             1-0
East Fife Methil(3)         - Dundee United(1)            1-1
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-2
Kilmarnock(2)               - Arbroath(3)                 3-2
Partick Thistle(2)          - Falkirk(2)                  0-0
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     2-0
Ross County(NL)             - Meadowbank Thistle(2)       1-6
Stirling Albion(3)          - Morton Greenock(2)          0-1
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Berwick Rangers(3)          0-0
Stranraer(3)                - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        1-5
Replays 3rd Round:
Berwick Rangers(3)          - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       3-4
Dundee United(1)            - East Fife Methil(3)         2-1
Falkirk(2)                  - Partick Thistle(2)          4-3
4th Round:
Ayr United(2)               - Hamilton Academical(2)      0-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        3-0
Dundee FC(2)                - Kilmarnock(2)               2-0
Dundee United(1)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    2-0
Morton Greenock(2)          - Meadowbank Thistle(2)       3-0
Motherwell(1)               - Falkirk(2)                  4-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Cowdenbeath(3)              5-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      2-1
Replays 4th Round:
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Ayr United(2)               2-3
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          2-0
Dundee United(1)            - Dundee FC(2)                3-1
Motherwell(1)               - Morton Greenock(2)          0-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Ayr United(2)               5-2
Replay Quarterfinals:
Morton Greenock(2)          - Motherwell(1)               1-1aet (4-5 pen)
Dundee United(1)            - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-1
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
Replay Semifinals:
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Motherwell(1)               2-4
Final (Hampden Park, 18 may 1991):
Motherwell(1)               - Dundee United(1)            4-3aet
Cupwinners: Motherwell.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round:
Albion Rovers(3)            - Arbroath(3)                 0-2
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Hawick Royal Albert(NL)     7-1
East Fife Methil(3)         - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     6-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Dumbarton(3)                0-2
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Ross County(NL)             2-2
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - Stranraer(3)                1-2
Replay 1st Round:
Ross County(NL)             - Gala Fairydean(NL)          3-0
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round:
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Dumbarton(3)                0-2
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Ross County(NL)             7-4
Brechin City(3)             - East Fife Methil(3)         0-0
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Arbroath(3)                 2-0
Huntly(NL)                  - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 4-2
Peterhead(NL)               - Cowdenbeath(3)              1-1
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    1-4
Stranraer(3)                - Queen of the South(3)       4-1
Replays 2nd Round:
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Peterhead(NL)               6-1
East Fife Methil(3)         - Brechin City(3)             3-1
Clubs from Premier (12) and First Division (12) are added.
3rd Round:
Aberdeen(1)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Stranraer(3)                2-1
Ayr United(2)               - Motherwell(1)               1-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Montrose(2)                 6-0
Clydebank(2)                - Cowdenbeath(3)              3-1
Dumbarton(3)                - Huntly(NL)                  0-2
Dundee FC(2)                - Stirling Albion(2)          1-1
Dundee United(1)            - Berwick Rangers(3)          6-0
Forfar Athletic(2)          - Dunfermline Athletic(1)     0-0
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Falkirk(1)                  0-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Partick Thistle(2)          2-0
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - Clyde Glasgow(3)            3-1
Meadowbank Thistle(2)       - Kilmarnock(2)               1-1
Morton Greenock(2)          - East Fife Methil(3)         4-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       0-2
St.Mirren Paisley(1)        - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0
Replays 3rd Round:
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Forfar Athletic(2)          3-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(1)        3-0
Kilmarnock(2)               - Meadowbank Thistle(2)       1-1aet (3-4 pen)
Motherwell(1)               - Ayr United(2)               4-1
Stirling Albion(2)          - Dundee FC(2)                0-1
4th Round:
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee United(1)            2-1
Clydebank(2)                - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-5
Dunfermline Athletic(1)     - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Falkirk(1)                  - Dundee FC(2)                0-0
Huntly(NL)                  - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    1-3
Inverness Caledonian(NL)    - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-2
Morton Greenock(2)          - Meadowbank Thistle(2)       2-2
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Motherwell(1)               2-1
Replays 4th Round:
Dundee FC(2)                - Falkirk(1)                  0-1
Meadowbank Thistle(2)       - Morton Greenock(2)          2-3
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Inverness Caledonian(NL)    3-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Morton Greenock(2)          3-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Falkirk(1)                  3-1
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    0-2
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-1
Replay Semifinals:
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1aet (4-2 pen)
Final (Hampden Park, 9 may 1992):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (5 tm 8 dec 1992):
Cove Rangers(NL)            - Peterhead(NL)               2-0
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Albion Rovers(3)            5-0
Huntly(NL)                  - Stranraer(3)                4-2
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Civil Service Strollers(NL) 3-1
Queen of the South(3)       - Spartans(NL)                3-0
Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     - Clyde Glasgow(3)            0-1
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (19 t/m 28 dec):
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Brechin City(3)             3-1
Cove Rangers(NL)            - Montrose(3)                 2-0
East Fife Methil(3)         - Alloa Athletic(3)           1-1
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - Arbroath(3)                 1-1
Huntly(NL)                  - Queen of the South(3)       2-1 (4 jan)
Inverness Thistle(NL)       - Berwick Rangers(3)          0-1
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Forfar Athletic(3)          2-3
Vale of Leithen(NL)         - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  2-2
Replays 2nd Round:
Alloa Athletic(3)           - East Fife Methil(3)         1-1aet (5-6 pen)
Arbroath(3)                 - Gala Fairydean(NL)          2-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Vale of Leithen(NL)         3-2
Clubs from Premier (12) and First Division (12) are added.
3rd Round (9 jan 1993):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hamilton Academical(2)      4-1
Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    - Clydebank(2)                0-0
Arbroath(3)                 - Morton Greenock(2)          3-0
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0
Cove Rangers(NL)            - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  2-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Dumbarton(2)                2-0 (10 jan)
Dundee United(1)            - Meadowbank Thistle(2)       3-1
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Ayr United(2)               1-2
Falkirk(1)                  - Berwick Rangers(3)          5-2 (27 jan)
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Huntly(NL)                  6-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        5-2
Kilmarnock(2)               - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   5-0
Motherwell(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
Partick Thistle(1)          - Cowdenbeath(2)              0-1
Stirling Albion(2)          - East Fife Methil(3)         1-2
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Forfar Athletic(3)          6-0
Replays 3rd Round:
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Clyde Glasgow(3)            1-0
Clydebank(2)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(1)    2-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Cove Rangers(NL)            2-1
4th Round (6/7 feb):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            2-0
Arbroath(3)                 - East Fife Methil(3)         0-0
Ayr United(2)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-2
Cowdenbeath(2)              - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Clydebank(2)                1-2
Falkirk(1)                  - Celtic Glasgow(1)           2-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee FC(1)                2-0
Kilmarnock(2)               - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       0-0
Replays 4th Round:
East Fife Methil(3)         - Arbroath(3)                 1-4
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Cowdenbeath(2)              1-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Kilmarnock(2)               1-0aet
Aberdeen(1)                 - Clydebank(2)                1-1
Arbroath(3)                 - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Falkirk(1)                  2-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-0
Replay Quarterfinals:
Clydebank(2)                - Aberdeen(1)                 3-4
Semifinals (3 april):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      1-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-1
Final (29 may 1993):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Aberdeen(1)                 2-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
NL = non-league.
1st Round (11 dec 1993):
Albion Rovers(3)            - Huntly(NL)                  0-0
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Queen's Park Glasgow(3)     1-1 (?)
East Fife Methil(3)         - Rothes(NL)                  5-0
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Queen of the South(3)       8-3
Ross County(NL)             - St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)  11-0 !
Stranraer(3)                - Whitehill Welfare(NL)       3-3
Replays 1st Round:
Huntly(NL)                  - Albion Rovers(3)            5-3
Whitehill Welfare(NL)       - Stranraer(3)                0-4
Bye: 10 clubs.
2nd Round (8-22 jan 1994):
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Gala Fairydean(NL)          4-0
Berwick Rangers(3)          - East Fife Methil(3)         1-0
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Cove Rangers(NL)            4-1
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Ross County(NL)             0-4
Huntly(NL)                  - Stranraer(3)                1-2
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Montrose(3)                 1-2
Selkirk(NL)                 - Arbroath(3)                 0-3
Clubs from Premier (12) and First Division (12) are added.
3rd Round (29 jan 1994):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     1-1
Alloa Athletic(3)           - Ross County(NL)             2-0 (8 feb)
Arbroath(3)                 - Dundee United(1)            2-3
Clydebank(2)                - Dundee FC(1)                1-1
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(3)  - Aberdeen(1)                 1-3 (8 feb)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Clyde Glasgow(2)            2-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Ayr United(2)               2-1
Morton Greenock(2)          - Cowdenbeath(3)              2-2
Motherwell(1)               - Celtic Glasgow(1)           1-0
Partick Thistle(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      0-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Brechin City(2)             2-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Dumbarton(2)                4-1
Stirling Albion(2)          - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Hamilton Academical(2)      2-0
St.Mirren Paisley(2)        - Montrose(3)                 2-0
Stranraer(3)                - Falkirk(2)                  2-1
Replays 3rd Round:
Cowdenbeath(3)              - Morton Greenock(2)          1-2
Dundee FC(1)                - Clydebank(2)                2-1
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    1-3
4th Round (19 t/m 28 feb):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   1-0
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Stranraer(3)                1-0
Dundee FC(1)                - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        3-1
Dundee United(1)            - Motherwell(1)               2-2
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Morton Greenock(2)          - Kilmarnock(1)               0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Alloa Athletic(3)           6-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Stirling Albion(2)          3-3
Replays 4th Round:
Motherwell(1)               - Dundee United(1)            0-1
Stirling Albion(2)          - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       0-2
Quarterfinals (12 mar 1994):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Dundee United(1)            0-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Dundee FC(1)                1-0
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      2-0
St.Johnstone Perth(1)       - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Replays Quarterfinals:
Aberdeen(1)                 - St.Johnstone Perth(1)       2-0
Dundee United(1)            - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    2-0
Semifinals (9/10 april):
Dundee United(1)            - Aberdeen(1)                 1-1
Kilmarnock(1)               - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-0
Replays Semifinals:
Aberdeen(1)                 - Dundee United(1)            0-1
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Kilmarnock(1)               2-1
Final (21 may 1994):
Dundee United(1)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-0
Cupwinners: Dundee United.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = First Division.
3  = Second Division.
4  = Third Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (17 dec 1994):
Albion Rovers(4)            - Montrose(4)                 2-5 (26 dec)
Dumbarton(3)                - Stirling Albion(3)          3-3
Inverness Cal.Thistle(4)    - Queen of the South(3)       1-2
Stenhousemuir(3)            - E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(4)  3-0
Replay 1st Round:
Stirling Albion(3)          - Dumbarton(3)                3-0
Bye: 20 clubs.
2nd Round (7 jan 1995):
Alloa Athletic(4)           - Ross County(4)              2-3
Brechin City(3)             - Stirling Albion(3)          2-3
Buckie Thistle(NL)          - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-4
Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    - St.Cuthbert Wanderers(NL)   6-2
Cove Rangers(NL)            - Cowdenbeath(4)              2-1
Forfar Athletic(4)          - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       0-1
Gala Fairydean(NL)          - East Fife Methil(3)         2-6
Keith(NL)                   - Huntly(NL)                  2-2
Queen of the South(3)       - Clyde Glasgow(3)            0-2
Queen's Park Glasgow(4)     - Morton Greenock(3)          2-2 (9 jan)
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Arbroath(4)                 4-0
Whitehill Welfare(NL)       - Montrose(4)                 0-0
Replays 2nd Round:
Huntly(NL)                  - Keith(NL)                   3-1
Montrose(4)                 - Whitehill Welfare(NL)       5-2
Morton Greenock(3)          - Queen's Park Glasgow(4)     2-1
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (10) are added.
3rd Round (28 jan 1995):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Stranraer(2)                1-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        2-0
Clydebank(2)                - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-1 (1 feb)
Cove Rangers(NL)            - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     0-4
Dundee FC(2)                - Partick Thistle(1)          2-1 (29 jan)
Dundee United(1)            - Clyde Glasgow(3)            0-0
East Fife Methil(3)         - Ross County(4)              1-0 (1 feb)
Falkirk(1)                  - Motherwell(1)               0-0aband (31 jan)
Hamilton Academical(2)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-3 (6 feb)
Huntly(NL)                  - Burntisland Shipyard(NL)    7-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Morton Greenock(3)          0-0
Meadowbank Thistle(3)       - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-1 (6 feb)
Montrose(4)                 - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Ayr United(2)               1-0
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Stenhousemuir(3)            1-1 (31 jan)
Stirling Albion(3)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    1-2 (1 feb)
Repeat 3rd Round:
Falkirk(1)                  - Motherwell(1)               0-2 (6 feb)
Replays 3rd Round (7 feb 1995):
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       3-3aet (6-7 pen)
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Dundee United(1)            1-5
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Clydebank(2)                2-1
Morton Greenock(3)          - Kilmarnock(1)               1-2 (31 jan)
Stenhousemuir(3)            - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       4-0
4th Round (18 feb 1995):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     2-0
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Meadowbank Thistle(3)       3-0
Dundee FC(2)                - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   1-2
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Rangers Glasgow(1)          4-2 (20 feb)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Motherwell(1)               2-0
Huntly(NL)                  - Dundee United(1)            1-3
Kilmarnock(1)               - East Fife Methil(3)         4-0
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Aberdeen(1)                 2-0
Quarterfinals (10-12 mrt):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Kilmarnock(1)               1-0
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Dundee United(1)            2-1
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(2)   - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    1-4
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      0-4
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-0 (8 apr)(*)
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-0 (7 apr)(#)
(#) Ibrox, Glasgow     (*) Hampden Park, Glasgow.
Replay Semifinals:
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      3-1
Final (27 may 1995):
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    1-0
Goal : Van Hooijdonk 1-0.
Cupwinners: Celtic Glasgow.


1  = Premier Division.
2  = 1st Division.
3  = 2nd Division.
4  = 3rd Division.
NL = Non-league.
1st Round (dec 1995):
Albion Rovers(4)            - Deveronvale(NL)             0-2
Glasgow University(NL)      - Spartans(NL)                0-1
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Arbroath(4)                 2-2
Stranraer(3)                - Livingston(4)               0-3
Replay 1st Round:
Arbroath(4)                 - Stenhousemuir(3)            0-1
Bye: 20 clubs.
2nd Round (6 jan 1996):
Ayr United(3)               - Ross County(4)              0-2
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Annan Athletic(NL)          3-3
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Brechin City(4)             2-2
Deveronvale(NL)             - Keith(NL)                   0-0
E.Stirlingshire Falkirk(4)  - Stenhousemuir(3)            0-1 (7 jan)
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Lossiemouth(NL)             3-1
Inverness Cal.Thistle(4)    - Livingston(4)               3-2
Montrose(3)                 - Cowdenbeath(4)              2-1
Queen of the South(3)       - Queen's Park Glasgow(4)     2-4
Spartans(NL)                - East Fife Methil(3)         0-0
Stirling Albion(3)          - Alloa Athletic(4)           3-1
Whitehill Welfare(NL)       - Fraserburgh(NL)             2-2
Replays 2nd Round (13 jan):
Annan Athletic(NL)          - Berwick Rangers(3)          1-2
Brechin City(4)             - Clyde Glasgow(3)            1-3 (15 jan)
East Fife Methil(3)         - Spartans(NL)                2-1
Fraserburgh(NL)             - Whitehill Welfare(NL)       1-2
Keith(NL)                   - Deveronvale(NL)             2-0
Clubs from Premier (10) and First Division (10) are added.
3rd Round (27 tm 31 jan):
Berwick Rangers(3)          - Dundee United(2)            1-2
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Dundee FC(2)                3-1
Clydebank(2)                - Stirling Albion(3)          0-1
Dumbarton(2)                - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    1-3
Dunfermline Athletic(2)     - St.Mirren Paisley(2)        3-0
Falkirk(1)                  - Stenhousemuir(3)            0-2
Hamilton Academical(2)      - St.Johnstone Perth(2)       0-1
Heart of Midlothian(1)      - Partick Thistle(1)          1-0
Hibernian Edinburgh(1)      - Kilmarnock(1)               0-2
Inverness Cal.Thistle(4)    - East Fife Methil(3)         1-1
Keith(NL)                   - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-10 !
Morton Greenock(2)          - Montrose(3)                 1-1
Motherwell(1)               - Aberdeen(1)                 0-2
Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   - Queen's Park Glasgow(4)     3-0
Ross County(4)              - Forfar Athletic(3)          0-3
Whitehill Welfare(NL)       - Celtic Glasgow(1)           0-3
Replays 3rd Round:
East Fife Methil(3)         - Inverness Cal.Thistle(4)    1-1aet (Cal.vns)
Montrose(3)                 - Morton Greenock(2)          3-2
4th Round (february 1996):
Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    - Forfar Athletic(3)          2-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Raith Rovers Kirkcaldy(1)   2-0
Clyde Glasgow(3)            - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-4
Dundee United(2)            - Dunfermline Athletic(2)     1-0
Kilmarnock(1)               - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Stenhousemuir(3)            - Inverness Cal.Thistle(4)    0-1
Stirling Albion(3)          - Aberdeen(1)                 0-2
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Montrose(3)                 3-0
Replay 4th Round:
Forfar Athletic(3)          - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    0-0 (2-4 pen)
Quarterfinals (7 tm 10 mar):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Airdrieonians Airdrie(2)    2-1
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Dundee United(2)            2-1
Inverness Cal.Thistle(4)    - Rangers Glasgow(1)          0-3
St.Johnstone Perth(2)       - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Semifinals (april 1996):
Aberdeen(1)                 - Heart of Midlothian(1)      1-2
Celtic Glasgow(1)           - Rangers Glasgow(1)          1-2
Final (18 may 1996):
Rangers Glasgow(1)          - Heart of Midlothian(1)      5-1
Cupwinners: Rangers Glasgow.

List of Finals

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Dinant Abbink for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Dinant Abbink (
Last updated: 2 May 2007

(C) Copyright Dinant Abbink and RSSSF 2005/07
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.