State of Idaho Controller's Office


​​​​​​​As your State Controller, I am committed to conducting the business of government in an open and transparent manner.

State Controller Brandon D Woolf Photo BRANDON D WOOLF,


Sign In to access LUMA, IPRO - Powered by Luma, SCO Enterprise Dashboard, the LUMA Training Environment and the SCO Legacy Apps Menu.  Former Employees should use the SCO Enterprise Dashboard to ​access stubs and tax forms.

new_releases W-2 INFORMATION

  • Date: Employee W-2 tax forms will be available and postmarked by January 31, 2025.

  • Current State Employees: To view your W-2, sign into Luma, and select 'Employee Docs: Paystubs/W-2/1095-C' from the 'Employee Resources' widget on the Statewide homepage.

  • Former State Employees: Access Guide to W-2 Tax forms and Pay Stubs.pdf​​

Transparent Idaho Logo

Offers a highly accurate look at the State's budget, revenues, and spending, and how they have changed over the last 3-5 years.

    × You are seeing the Idaho Luma Main Logo Illuminating Idaho's Business Operations

    Picture of a Lightbulb signifying illumination

    A Statewide Modernization Effort

    Luma is a statewide effort to acquire, implement, and sustain a statewide enterprise system that modernizes and transforms the way the State of Idaho does business, improves transparency, and provides a core foundation for the future

    Picture of a Newsletter

    Luma Newsletter

    Subscribe to the Luma newsletter to stay up to date on what is happening with Luma. Get involved. Be an early adopter. Be the champion that brings these solutions to your department.


    Local Government Registry/Audit

    Transparent Idaho's Annual Local Government Registry Portal is the gateway for all local governmental entities to register and submit their financial information as required by Idaho Code.


    Register for your StateID

    The SCO Enterprise Dashboard and Service Desk Portal are now available for use.

    All State of Idaho employees may now register for their StateID on the SCO Enterprise Dashboard and begin to utilize the SCO Service Portal for an enhanced customer service experience!


    phone_in_talk (208) 334-3100
