
Congo used to operate quite some MiG-21bis. But as far as we know they are now all wfu like this one.

Philippe Colin

Brazzaville/Maya Maya (FCBB)

RWY 05/23     POS 04°15'02"S 015°15'05"E     ELEV 1052 ft

Base Aérienne Escadrille Aircraft Type(s) Name
Base Aérienne 01/20 Brazzaville Escadrille d'Hélicoptères Mi-8T
Mi-24/Mi-35P Escadrille de Chasse currently without aircraft Escadrille de Transport An-32
CN235M-100 (std) Gouvernement AW139
Falcon 7X

The latest addition to the transport squadron is this former Botswana CN235M-100, TN-228.

Morné Booij-Liewes, February 2013

Makoua (FCOM)

RWY 08/26 (dirt)     POS 00°01'09"S 015°34'55"E     ELEV 1286 ft

Base Aérienne Escadrille Aircraft Type(s) Name
Base Aérienne 03/20 Makoua no permanent aircraft
Pointe Noire/Antonio A. Neto (FCPP)

RWY 17/35     POS 04°48'53"S 011°53'11"E     ELEV 56 ft

Base Aérienne Escadrille Aircraft Type(s) Name
Base Aérienne 02/20 Pointe-Noire Escadrille de Chasse MiG-21bis (wfu)
It is unclear if the Mirages are based here (or even operational still).

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