
A gaggle of 7 Tactical Fighter Squadron ‘Bulldogs’ F-8H Crusaders in formation over the Philippines.

January 1979, collection Dick Lohuis

Antonio Bautista Air Base (RPVP) Palawan

RWY 09/27     POS 09°44'32"N 118°45'31"E     ELEV 71 ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
300 Air Intelligence & Security Wing Air Recoinnaissance Squadron
? - present ScanEagle
Basa Air Base (RPUF) Pampanga

RWY 03/21     POS 14°59'12"N 120°29'30"E     ELEV 151 ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
5 Fighter Group -
? - 22Sep51 L-5
renamed 5 Fighter Wing 6 Fighter Squadron
24Oct47 - 22Sep51 P-51D (1947->) 7 Fighter Squadron
24Oct47 - 22Sep51 P-51D (1947->) 8 Fighter Squadron
1Aug51 - 22Sep51 P-51D (1951->) 5 Fighter Wing

22 Sep51 - ? C-47 ? 6 (Tactical) Fighter Squadron 'Cobras'
22Sep51 - 2005 P-51D (->?)
F-86F (31Aug57-67)
F-5A/B (25Oct66-Sep05)
disbanded 7 (Tactical) Fighter Squadron 'Bulldogs'
22Sep51 - 2005 P-51D (->?)
F-86F (Oct58->?)
F-8H (79-7Apr88)
AS.211 (1994->?) relocated to Clark 8 Tactical Fighter Squadron 'Scorpion'
22Sep51 - 1960 ? P-51D (->?) redesignated 8 Fighter Interceptor Squadron 6 TFS / Blue Diamonds
Nov53 - Dec54 P-51D disbanded 105 Combat Crew Training Squadron 'Blackjack'
Aug55 - 2005 T-33A
RT-33A (70->?)
S.211 relocated to Clark 6 TFS / Blue Diamonds
1957 - 1967 F-86F disbanded 8 Fighter Interceptor Squadron 'Vampire'
1960 ? - 7Jan68 F-86D disbanded 9 Tactical Fighter Squadron 'Limbas'
1962 - 1988 F-86F (62->?)
T-34A (75?-88)
disbanded 6 TFS / Blue Diamonds
1968 -2005 F-5A/B disbanded 7 TFS / Red Aces
1971 - 1974 F-86F merged with Golden Sabres and called The Sabres 9 TFS / Golden Sabres
1972 - 1974 F-86F merged with Red Aces and called The Sabres The Sabres
1974 - 197 . ? F-86F disbanded 7 TFS / Red Aces
1996 - ? S.211
disbanded 5th Fighter Wing

105 Fighter Training Squadron 'Blackjack'
20July17 - 1Aug24 AS.211
wfu 7 Tactical Fighter Squadron 'Bulldogs'
12Oct18 - present FA-50PH

P-51D Mustang 44-73007 of the 5th Fighter Wing at Nichols, 14 December 1957.

Derek Wilson

5 Fighter Wing C-47 348076.


F-86F 24832/832 in the colors of the 7 TFS demo-team ‘Red Aces’.

collection Dick Lohuis

Weathered T-33A 0-29806 of the 105 CCTS.

Basa, June 1979, Chris Pocock

It can’t be called a real fighter this 9 TFS T-34A 086.

Basa, May 1980, Chris Pocock

6 TFS F-5A 69150 with fading markings of its demo-team ‘Blue Diamonds’ on the nose.

Basa, 16 December 1987, Robbie Shaw

Cauayan Air Base (RPUY)

RWY 12/30     POS 16°55'45"N 121°45'13"E     ELEV 200 ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
505 Search & Rescue Group

Advanced Post
? - present AUH-76
Clark Airfield (RPLC)

RWY 02L/20R, 02R/20L     POS 15°11'10"N 120°33'37"E     ELEV 478 ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
5 Tactical Fighter Group

7 Tactical Fighter Squadron 'Bulldogs'
2005 - 20July17 AS.211 (->15)
FA-50PH (15->)
renamed 5th Fighter Wing 105 Combat Crew Training Squadron 'Blackjack'
2005 - 2015 AS.211 renamed 105 Fighter Training Squadron Air Education & Training Command

101 Pilot Training Squadron
2011 - 23Aug16 T-41B
T-41D 5 Tactical Fighter Group

105 Fighter Training Squadron 'Blackjack'
2015 - 20July17 AS.211 relocated to Basa Air Education, Training & Doctrine Command

101 Pilot Training Squadron
23Aug16 - present T-41B
T-41D 5th Fighter Wing

7 Tactical Fighter Squadron 'Bulldogs'
20July17 - 12Oct18 FA-50PH relocated to Basa
Danielo Atienza Air Base (RPLS) Cavite

RWY 07/25     POS 14°29'43"N 120°54'14"E     ELEV 8 ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
240 Composite Wing

291 Special Air Mission Squadron
15May72 - 16Jan87 DHC-2 merged with 15 Strike Wing 601 Liaison Squadron
BN-2A (Mar76->) 15 Strike Wing

26Nov73 - 1974 T-28
split up into squadrons 16 Attack Squadron 'Eagles'
1Aug74 - present (A)T-28D (18Oct74-Nov91)
OV-10A (12Nov91-19)
OV-10C (Aug03-19)
A-29B (Sep20->)
17 Attack Squadron
1Oct74 - 1Aug85 T-34A (1Oct74-75)
SF-260W (Feb75-1Aug85)
disbanded 302 Special Operation Squadron
16Oct74 - ? T-28D (18Oct74->) disbanded 25 Attack Squadron 'Lobos'
29Mar76 - 1Oct83 (A)T-28D disbanded 27 Search, Rescue & Reconnaissance Squadron 'Albatros'
1May76 - ? HU-16B (->79?)
F-27-200MPA (16Jan87->)
disbanded 505 Air Rescue Squadron
1Apr84 - 16July87 AUH-76 transferred to 205 Helicopter Wing 601 Liaison Squadron
16Jan87 - 15July90 U-17A/B
disbanded 20 Air Commando Squadron
17Jan89 - 15Dec93 AUH-76
MD520MG (93->)
renamed 20 Assault Squadron 18 Tactical Air Support Squadron
2May90 - 15Dec93 MD520MG (1Oct90->) renamed 18 Assault Squadron 17 Attack Squadron 'Jaguars'
1992 - 1Apr97 (A)T-28D (->92)
disbanded 20 Assault Squadron
15Dec93 - 28Apr03 AUH-76 (->Apr96)
MD520MG (94->)
renamed 20 Attack Squadron 18 Assault Squadron
15Dec93 - 1996 MD520MG renamed 18 Attack Squadron 18 Attack Squadron 'Falcons'
1996 - present MD520MG (->15?)
AW109E (17Aug15->)
T129B (Mar22->)
17 Attack Squadron 'Jaguars'
16July01 - present SF260TP
OV-10A (19-Dec24)
OV-10C (19-Dec24) 20 Attack Squadron 'Firebirds'
28Apr03 - present MD520MG
AH-1S (18Nov21-Dec24) Danielo Atienza AB was fomally known as Sangley Point AB

15 Strike Wing badge adorns the tail of AT-28D-5 13782.

Sangley Point, January 1980, Chris Pocock

On 1 August 1985 when 17 Attack Squadron was de-activated its SF-260WPs were transferred to the 102 Pilot Student Squadron at Fernando

Sangley Point, January 1980, Chris Pocock

A large grasshopper is painted on the fuselage of 240 Composite Wing/601 Liaison Squadron U-17A 68532.

Chris Pocock

Moments for touch-down of 601 Liaison Squadron BN-2A 508.

collection Dick Lohuis

Gun-pods equipped AUH-76 of the 20 Air Commando Squadron.

23 March 1992, Peter Steineman

Davao/Francisco Bangoy (RPMD)

RWY 05/23     POS 07°07'32"N 125°38'45"E     ELEV 96 ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
505 Search & Rescue Group

5053 Search & Rescue Squadron
1996 ? - present Bell 205A-1
Bell 214B

8058 is one of two Bell 214B models used for the SAR tasking.

March 1992, Peter Steineman

Edwin Andrews Air Base (RPMZ) Zamboanga

RWY 09/27     POS 06°55'20"N 122°03'34"E     ELEV 29 ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
530 Air Base Group 270 Albatross Squadron
? - ? SA-16A
HU-16B/D/E amalgamated in to 505 ARS/205 CW 205 Tactical Operations Wing

206 Tactical Operations Squadron 'Hornets'
1July94 - 2Apr01 UH-1H renamed 205 Tactical Helicopter Wing 205 Tactical Helicopter Wing

206 Tactical Helicopter Squadron 'Hornets'
2Apr01 - present UH-1H (->21)
S-70i (Oct21->) 15 Strike Wing

25 Composite Attack Squadron 'Lobos'
7July04 - present OV-10(->-Dec24)
Fernando Air Base (RPUL) Lipa

RWY 03/21     POS 13°57'30"N 121°07'50"E     ELEV 1120 ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
100 Training Wing

101 Pilot Training Squadron 'Layangs'
22Sep52 - 1997 PT-13 (->59)
T-34A (59-68)
T-41D (68->)
re-located to Rajah Bauyan 102 Pilot Student Squadron 'Musang'
22Sep52 - 22Sep99 T-6 (55->?)
SF260MP (73->?)
SF260WP (85->)
SF260TP (July93->) renamed Air Education & Training Command Air Education & Training Command

102 Pilot Student Squadron 'Cougars'
22Sep99 - 23Aug16 SF260WP (->10)
SF260TP (->01)
SF260FH (4Nov10->)
renamed Air Education, Training & Doctrine Command Air Education, Training & Doctrine Command

102 Pilot Student Squadron 'Cougars'
23 Aug 2016 - present SF260FH

The 102 PTS have used different versions of the SIAI Marchetti SF-260. One of these is this WP model 636/15-36.

October 1980, Chris Pocock

Kamina-Base (FZSA)

RWY 10/28 (dirt)     POS 08°43'44"S 024°59'32"E     ELEV 3697 ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
United Nations Operation in the Congo 9 Tactical Fighter Squadron 'Limbas'
Feb63 - May63 F-86F ended

Four 'Limbas' Squadron F-86Fs on the flightline at Kamina.

Francis Karem Elazegui Neri

Laoag International Airport (RPLI) Laoag City

RWY 01/19     POS 18°10'41"N 120°31'53"E     ELEV 20 ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
205 Tactical Operations Wing

207 Tactical Operations Squadron 'Stinger'
1July94 - ? UH-1H relocated to Manila 505 Search & Rescue Group

5056 Search & Rescue Squadron
1996 ? - present Bell 205A-1
Mactan-Benito Ebuen Air Base (RPVM) Cebu

RWY 04/22     POS 10°18'36"N 123°58'54"E     ELEV 36ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
220 Heavy Airlift Wing 204 Air Transport Squadron
1June73 - 1July82 C-47 disbanded 206 Air Transport Squadron
1June73 - 1July82 F27-200 disbanded 221 Heavy Airlift Squadron
1June73 - 1July82 C-123B
renamed 221 Airlift Squadron 222 Heavy Airlift Squadron
10Oct73 - 1July82 C-130H (22Mar74->)
renamed 222 Airlift Squadron 223 Tactical Airlift Squadron
12May75 - 1July82 N-22B renamed 223 Airlift Squadron 220 Airlift Wing

221 Airlift Squadron 'Fokkers'
1July82 - present C-47
F27-500RF (05->)
C-295M (30Mar15->)
F-27-100 (Dec18->)
C295W (Feb23->) 222 Airlift Squadron 'Hercules'
1July82 - present C-130B
L-100-20 (->?)
C-130T (Apr16->)
C-130J-30 (o/o) 223 Airlift Squadron 'Nomads'
1July82 - present N-22B/C
BN-2A (11Feb92->?)
NC-212i (8June18->)
205 Tactical Operations Wing

208 Tactical Operations Squadron
1July94 - 2Apr01 UH-1H renamed 205 Tactical Helicopter Wing 210 Helicopter Training Squadron
UH-1H 205 Tactical Helicopter Wing

208 Tactical Helicopter Squadron 'Daggers'
2Apr01 - present UH-1H
W-3A (Feb12-16)
210 Tactical Training Squadron 'Breeders'

Before transferred to the Philippine Air Force C-47A 330717 was used by the USAF for covert operations in the early sixties in South East Asia.

Chris Pocock

C-123k Provider 54-632 of the 221 Heavy Airlift Squadron

Chris Pocock

L-100-20 RP-97 took up later the serial of 3946.

April 1975, Phil Gaylor

Manila/Ninoy Aquino Intl (RPLL) Col. Jesus A. Villamor AB, Pasay City

RWY 06/24, 13/31     POS 14°30'36"N 121°00'50"E     ELEV 75ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
xxxx 1 Troop Carrier Squadron
1Sep45 - 1Oct52 L-5
renamed 601 Liason Squadron 205 Composite Group 206 Troop Carrier Squadron
24Oct47 - 22Sep52 C-47 renamed 205 Composite Wing 205 Composite (Tactical) Wing

206 Troop Carrier Squadron
22Sep52 - 6June67 C-47 renamed 206 Air Transport Squadron 601 Liaison Squadron
1Oct52 - ? L-5 505 Air Rescue Squadron
12Dec56 - 1May76 H-19
joined 15 Strike Wing 206 Air Transport Squadron
6June67 - 1June73 C-47 over to 220 Heavy Airlift Wing 7001 Detachment
2Sep68 - 13Apr72 C-47
UH-1H (Aug69->)
renamed 7001 Presidential Airlift Squadron Composite Air Commando Squadron
1969 - ? UH-1H disbanded xxxx 7001 Presidential Airlift Squadron
13Apr72 - 10Dec74 F27-100
BAC 1-11
upgraded to 700 Special Mission Wing 240 Composite Wing

303 Air Reconnaissance Squadron
15May72 - 16Jan87 AC-47 amalgamated in to 15 Strike Wing 901 Weather squadron
1976 - 1980 C-47
Ce T210G
renamed Air Force Weather Service 205 Airlift Wing 203 Air Transport Squadron
1June73 - 10Oct73 C-47 redesignated 222 Heavy Airlift Squadron 204 Air Transport Squadron
1June73 - 1July82 F27-200 disbanded 206 Air Transport Squadron
1June73 - 1July82 C-47
disbanded 207 Air Transport Squadron
C-47 disbanded 208 Air Transport Squadron 'Stinger'
F27-200 disbanded 505 Air Rescue Squadron
Self-Reliance Development Group -
23May73 - 2Sep77 renamed Air Force Research and Development Center Reserve Airlift & Tactical Support Group -
1973 - 1May82 Ce180 redesignated Reserve Airlift Support Unit 700 Special Mission Wing

701 Special Airlift Squadron
10Dec74 - 10July86 F27-100
YS-11A-523 (26Sep76->)
B707-321 (24Apr77-82?)
UH-1H (-> - 1981)
SA330L (1979 - ->)
Falcon 20F (1980 - ->)
F28-3000 (1980 - ->)
Bell 205A-1 (1981 - ->)
S-70A-5 (1984 - ->)
renamed 250 Presidential Airlift Wing Air Force Research & Development Center

2Sep77 - present AJI T-160 Super Pinto
S-76A (84->?)
Air Force Weather Service -
1980 - 1Nov87 Ce T210G renamed Air Force Weather Group 205 Helicopter Wing

206 Helicopter Squadron
1July82 - 1July94 UH-1H renamed 205 Tactical Operations Wing & relocated to Mactan 207 Helicopter Squadron
UH-1H 208 Helicopter Squadron
UH-1H 15 Strike Wing

20 Air Commando Squadron
1Oct83 - 17Jan89 AUH-76 moved to Sangley Point 505 Air Rescue Squadron
16July87 - 15Feb96 Bell 214B
upgraded to 505 Search & Rescue Group 250 Presidential Airlift Wing

251 Special Airlift Squadron
16July86 - 24June98 AUH-76
Falcon 20F (->24Apr96)
YS-11A-523 (->June96)
SA330L (->97?)
Bell 205A-1
Bell 212
S-76A (->98)
Bell 412HP (June94->)
Bell 412EP (96->)
renamed 250 Special Airlift Wing Air Force Weather Group 901 Weather squadron
1Feb89 - 1June90 Ce T210G renamed 900 Weather Service Group 900 Weather Service Group 901 Weather squadron
16Oct91 - 1June95 Ce T210G
T-41D (Mar95?->)
renamed 900 Air Force Weather Group 300 Air Intelligence & Security Group

303 Air Reconnaissance Squadron
1993 ? - 2018 RC 690 (Nov93->)
Ce 208B ISR (27July17->)
renamed 300 Air Intelligence & Security Wing 900 Air Force Weather Group

901 Weather squadron
1June95 - present T-41D
Ce T210G
505 Search & Rescue Group

5051 Search & Rescue Squadron
15Feb96 - present Bell 205A-1
S-70A-5 (17->)
250 Special Airlift Wing 252 Presidential Airlift Squadron
24June98 - 15Sep98 F27-100
renamed 250 Presidential Airlift Wing 253 Presidential Airlift Squadron
Bell 412HP
Bell 412EP
250 Presidential Airlift Wing

251 Presidential Airlift Squadron
15Sep98 - present F27-100 (->Dec18)
C295M (Oct19->)
G280 (Sep20->)
Hawker 800XP (5May22->)
C295W (Oct22->) 252 Presidential Airlift Squadron
S-70A-5 (->17)
Bell 412HP
Bell 412EP
205 Tactical Helicopter Wing

207 Tactical Helicopter Squadron 'Stingers'
? - present UH-1H
UH-1D (13-Oct21)
Bell 412EP (15->)
S-70i (9Nov20->) 300 Air Intelligence & Security Wing 303 Air Reconnaissance Squadron
2018 - present RC 690
Ce 208B ISR
Manila/Ninoy Aquino was fomally known as Nichols/Jesus A. Villamor

HU-16B 10019 still wears the colors of its former employee, the US Coast Guard.

Chris Pocock

Cessna 180 31596 of the Reserve Airlift and Tactical Support Group (RATSG).

collection Dick Lohuis

For feasibility studies to produce a locally manufactured trainer the AFRDC obtained AJI T-160 Super Pinto 44233.

Manila, November 1978, Chris Pocock

Falcon 20F RP-C1980 was damaged beyond repair in a take-off accident at Davao on 24 April 1996.

Paris-Le Bourget, September 1980, Christian Boisselon

VC-47D 48301 is an ex US Navy VIP aircraft.

Manila, April 1981, Chris Pocock

This 164 is a locally licence-built Bo 105C by the Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation.

Manila, April 1981, Chris Pocock

F27-200 Friendship 10148 carries the badge of the 208 ATS above the crew-entry door and the one of the 205 AW on the tail.

Manila, May 1981, Chris Pocock

B 205A-1 RP-C-323 of the 251 Special Airlift Squadron.

Manila, May 1998, Bernard Zimmer

Rajah Buayan Air Base (RPMB) General Santos, South Cotabato

RWY 01/19     POS 06°06'20"N 125°14'02"E     ELEV 28ft

Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
100 Training Wing

101 Pilot Training Squadron 'Wildcats'
1997 - 22Sep99 T-41D renamed Air Education & Training Command Air Education & Training Command

101 Pilot Training Squadron 'Wildcats'
22Sep99 - 2011 T-41D
T-41B (4Mar09->)
re-located to Clark
Southern Luzon (--)
Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
205 Tactical Operations Wing

209 Tactial Operations Squadron 'Hawkeye'
1July94 - ? UH-1H disbanded 505 Search & Rescue Group

5053 Search & Rescue Squadron
1996 ? - present AUH-76
Tagbilaran (RPVT)
Wing Squadron Timeline Aircraft Type(s) Fate
205 Tactical Operations Wing

211 Attack Helicopter Squadron 'Totolan'
1July94 - ? UH-1H disbanded

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