Furious 7 Movie Script

They say if you

want to glimpse the future,

just look behind you.

I used to think

that was bollocks.

But now I realize

you can't outrun the past.

When we were kids,

you'd start fights with the

toughest bastards in the yard.

But I was the one who had

to step in and finish them.

Rest now, little brother,

while I settle

your one last score.

You take care of my brother.

Anything happens to him,

I'll come by looking for you.

Here. Hold this.


Come on, Dom. So where

are you taking me?

They say an open road

helps you think

about where you've been,

where you're going.

So you don't remember

any of this yet?

That's not fair.

You know I don't.

So what is it exactly that

you're trying to show me?


Race Wars.

We used to come here?

"Come here"?

We invented it.

Keep it under 9,000 RPMs.

Kid's gonna fry his pistons

after the first 200.

You know that's not my style.

I gotta ride or die, right'?

How about you just ride

on this one?

Are you ready?

I know you're ready!


Hey, nice job.


That's the girl

I heard so much about.

Where you been at,

ghost girl?

Ghost gm.

Letty, what the hell?


Damn, dawg! Girl's still

got that swing, homie.

You never could

take a punch.

Right, right.

Hey, man.

I'm glad you're back, man.

It's good to see you!

Good to see you, Hector.

All right.

We made it, Jack.

Yeah, we made it!

Yeah, we made it.

Now I just gotta find

that door button.

Buddy, where's the door

button at? Do you know?



Yeah, of course. I'm new to this.

Yeah, you don't seem

like the minivan type.

No, not exactly.

Hey, buddy, you gonna

give me a high five?

Wait, wait, wait!

Wait, high five!

All right. Yeah, buddy.

Appreciate it. Thank you.

Don't worry. You'll get

used to this in no time.

Yeah, that's what

I'm afraid of.

First time I saw this,


it was kind of funny.

I guess now

the joke's on me.

What are you doing?

What I should've done

a long time ago.

LETTY; Stop it!

Look at it.

It's the truth.

That's the date

that I lost my memory.

That's the date

that Letty died

and I was born.


You never died.

Do you know how hard it is

for me when you look at me

and you see me through

15 years of memories?

Every beautiful moment

we've ever had.

I see it in your eyes.

I can't give that to you.

I got nothing.

You got me.

And you've got

only a piece of me.

I have to find myself.

For me.

Goodbye, Dom.

You're disappointed,

aren't you?

What are you talking about?

The last arrest.

He was too easy.

Target didn't even run.

Ah, it's okay.

Gives me a chance

to hit the iron.

Also lets me work on

my stamping skills.

You're a terrible liar.

See you tomorrow, boss.

I'll see you then.

Don't stay too late.

I'll stay as long

as I want, woman.

I knew you would say that.


What's this?

It's the letter of

recommendation you asked for.

Just know I meant

every word in there.

Thanks, Hobbs.

Thanks for everything.

Come on, way too sentimental right now.

Get home. Good night.

Okay. Good night.

Just one sec.

You sure as hell

ain't the IT guy.

So you better start talking

before I break that finger

six different ways

and stick it right where

the sun doesn't shine.

Agent Hobbs, right?

That's right.

I'm also the last

man on Earth

whose computer you want

to be hacking into.

You just earned yourself

a dance with the devil, boy.

You're under arrest.

Like I said, I'm here for the

team that crippled my brother.

There ain't no goddamn team.

It was just one man, and he's

standing right in front of you.

The lady was right.

You are a terrible liar.

Goddamn IT guys.


On me!




All right, buddy. We gotta go.

We're gonna be late.

Come on.

Okay, what do you think?

Parking brake slide

right up to the school?

Where's Mommy?

I don't know. She's up there.

She's coming.


Here we go.

Watch your head.

Dom, you have

a package out here!

It's from Tokyo.


What? ls Han trying to convert

rne over to a turbocharger?

All right, you ready?

There we go.

JACK; Yeah! BRIAN: Hey, buddy.

Cars don't fly.

Hey, cars don't fly.

This one did, huh?

Brian in a minivan.

Things have changed.

He's struggling, Dom.

He doesn't

want me to see it,

but the white picket fence is like

an anchnr on him. I can tell.

I tried to talk to him the other night.

You know what he said?

He doesn't miss the girls,

he doesn't miss the cars.

He misses the bullets.

Let him settle in.

Give him time.

How does nine months sound?

I'm having another baby.

And you didn't tell him,

did you?

You gotta tell him.

I don't want him to be

disappointed with his life.

With me.

He will never be

disappointed with you.

You're the best thing

that's ever happened to him.

Thank you.


Dominic Toretto.

You don't know me.

You're about to.

Get down!



Shattered his collarbone,

fractured his leg

in two places.

He only regained

consciousness this morning.

The first thing he said was,

"Get me Dom."

He's in there.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

He's waiting. Let's go.

Got something for you.

Your files.

Thank you.

You risk life and limb

to save the free world

and what do they give you'?

Jell-O and a bad

'70s TV show.

You know, it's got its perks.

- Sponge baths ain't that bad.

- Dad!

I'm sorry, baby.


Honey, I want to introduce you

to somebody. He's a, uh...

He's an old friend.

Go on and say hello.

Dominic Toretto, right?

My dad said he

kicked your ass once.

Young lady,

watch your mouth.

Your dad's on

heavy pain meds.

I can understand if his

history is a little hazy.

I doubt it. All right,

honey, that's enough.

I want you to go get

something to eat with Elena

while me and Toretio

have a talk. You hear me?

Come on, lady.

Let's get some cookies.

Watch that mouth.

Who did this?

You remember Owen Shaw?

The one we tore half of

London down trying to get.

Well, this is his

big bad brother.

Take a look at this.

Deckard Shaw.

British Special

Forces assassin.

The kind of unique asset

that no government would

ever admit to employing.

Black Ops boys.


They created a monster.

They felt Shaw

was a necessary evil

until eventually

they decided

he was unnecessary.

The powers that be

felt that he knew

just a little bit too much.

The asset became a liability.

So they sent in 20 elite

operatives to retire him.

And they missed.

That was six years ago,

and Shaw's been

a ghost ever since.

Until now.

HOW do I find him?

The official answer

is, you don't.

He killed Han.

Almost killed my family.

He also tried to put me

in a body bag, too.

Which is why when I get out, I'm

gonna put a hurt on him so bad

he's gonna wish his mama

had kept her legs closed.

But until then,

my official answer to you

is stand down.

Now, you know

I can't do that.

I do know you, Dom.

Which is why now I give you

the brother-to-brother answer.

You do whatever

it is you gotta do.