M. Scherge | Semantic Scholar

Adhesion measured on the attachment pads of Tettigonia viridissima (Orthoptera, insecta).

It is shown that the secretion alone is necessary, but not sufficient, for adhesion in the tarsi of the cricket Tettigonia viridissima, and that adhesive became saturated when a pad was deformed such that contact area was maximal.

Biological Micro- and Nanotribology: Nature’s Solutions

This paper presents a case study investigating the relationship between Frictional Devices of Insects and Adhesion, and the Properties of Material Properties in Response to Frictional Forces.

Ultrastructural architecture and mechanical properties of attachment pads in Tettigonia viridissima (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae)

Low stiffness of material studied here aids in surface replication and increase of area of real contact between the pad and the underlying substrate in natural releasable attachment systems of insect legs.

High-Speed Measurements of Steel–Ice Friction: Experiment vs. Calculation

An ultra-thin water film plays the decisive role in steel–ice friction in bobsleighing. The water film has a thickness on the order of nanometers and results from the superposition of an existing
