T. Barnes | Semantic Scholar

Athanasius and Constantius: Theology and Politics in the Constantinian Empire

Edward Gibbon described Athanasius as a man "whose character and abilities would have qualified him, far more than the degenerate sons of Constantine, for the government of a great monarchy". During

Constantine and Eusebius

PART ONE: Constantine 1. Diocletian and Maximiam 2. Galerius and the Christians 3. The Rise of Constantine 4. The Christian Emperor of the West 5. Constantine and Licinius PART TWO: Eusebius 6.

Constantine and the Christians of Persia

The twenty-three Demonstrations of Aphrahat are not likely to be familiar to most students of Roman history or of Constantine. Aphrahat was head of the monastery of Mar Mattai, near modern Mosul,

Some Persons in the Historia Augusta

A UTHORS OF WORKS OF REFERENCE often receive less gratitude than they deserve. When isolated mistakes or omissions are observed, it becomes all too easy to forget the vast amount of information

Legislation against the Christians

The modern bibliography on the subject of the juridical basis of the persecutions of the Christians in the Roman Empire before 250 is vast, contentious—and in large part worthless. For no-one has yet