Bigender Pride Flag - #SexualDiversity

  • ️Sexual Diversity
  • ️Tue Nov 22 2022

Author: Sexual Diversity
Author Contact: Sexual Diversity (
Published: 22nd Nov 2022
Peer-Reviewed Publication: N/A
Additional References: LGBTQ+ Pride Flags Publications

Summary: The Bigender Pride Flag features seven colored stripes pink, purple, blue with a white stripe in the middle to represent bigender people.

Main Document

What is Bi-gender?

Bi-gender is a gender identity in which a person has or experiences two genders. The genders may be any combination of two genders, and those genders can be binary (man or woman) or non-binary. They may be experienced simultaneously or alternate, and they may not be experienced equally or in the same way. Some, but not all, bi-gender people experience gender dysphoria, especially if the two genders have markedly different gender expressions.

Bi-gender Pride Flag

There are over twenty variations of the bi-gender flag. We have listed the two most popular versions below.

Version 1 - Seven Stripe Bi-gender Pride Flag

(Article continues below image.)

Image of the seven striped Bi-gender Pride Flag for people who identify as male and female and may go between the two genders or combine them.Image of the seven striped Bi-gender Pride Flag for people who identify as male and female and may go between the two genders or combine them.


Version 2 - Alternative Five Stripe Bi-gender Pride Flag

(Article continues below image.)

Image of the alternative five striped Bi-gender Pride Flag showing the addition of a yellow colored stripe.Image of the alternative five striped Bi-gender Pride Flag showing the addition of a yellow colored stripe.


What the Bi-gender Pride Flag Colors Mean

Though the flag's creator did not add meanings to the colors, it is assumed that pink represents femininity and womanhood, and blue represents masculinity and manhood. The varying shades that meet white in the middle are most likely representative of the nonbinary nature of the bi-gender identity. It has also been stated that this pink, purple, white, and blue Bi-gender Pride flag represents different gender identities, with the white stripe in the middle inspired by the Transgender Pride Flag. We have presented two universally accepted versions of the flag's color meanings below:

Version 1

  • The top purple is for all kinds of good relationships.
  • Pink / blue stripes are for presentation and the feeling of your identities.
  • The white is for your unique bi-gender experience, how it feels and what it's like. It's also for understanding each other in this community.
  • The bottom purple is about self-respect, pride, and being true to yourself.

Version 2

  • Pink Stripes = Femininity
  • Purple Stripes = A combination of male and female genders
  • White Stripe = Non-binary genders
  • Blue Stripes = Masculinity
The Bi-gender Pride Flag Color Codes
Pink HEX = #C479A2 RGB = 196, 121, 162 CMYK = 0, 38, 17, 23
Light Pink HEX = #EDA5CD RGB = 237, 165, 205 CMYK = 0, 30, 14, 7
Purple HEX = #D6C7E8 RGB = 214, 199, 232 CMYK = 8, 14, 0, 9
White HEX = #FFFFFF RGB = 255, 255, 255 CMYK = 0, 0, 0, 0
Light Blue HEX = #9AC7E8 RGB = 154, 199, 232 CMYK = 34, 14, 0, 9
Blue HEX = #6D82D1 RGB = 109, 130, 209 CMYK = 48, 38, 0, 18

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